HEARTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE EASC 122 INTRODUCTION TO EARTH SCIENCE LAB COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2006 GENERAL INFORMATION COURSE NUMBER/TITLE/CREDITS: EASC 122 Introduction to Earth Science Lab, 1 Semester Credit Hour INTRODUCTION: This lab class is designed to exercise your analytical and problem solving skills using scientific reasoning skills. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A beginning college-level laboratory science course that will present basic applications with problem-solving challenges and discovery methods in the physical sciences. LAB MANUAL: Lab manual is available on-line at the Heartland Community College website. Web address is http://www.hcc.cc.il.us/divisions/ms/easc/easc122labmanual/index.html. Each student should download a copy of scheduled lab materials prior to class. PREREQUISITE FOR THIS COURSE: EASC 111 or 121 or concurrent enrollment. STUDENTS FOR WHOM THIS COURSE IS INTENDED: Non-science majors who have had little or no exposure to science in high school. INSTRUCTOR: Name: Steve Travers Office: ICB 2402 Phone: (309) 310-9454 Email: stravers@heartland.edu Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 6:00 to 7:00 PM (Also be available by appointment) COURSE PURPOSE GENERAL COURSE GOALS: 1. Understanding of the scientific method by observing, gathering and evaluating information. 2. Increasing analytical and reasoning skills. 3. Understanding basic physical science terms and concepts. 4. Aiding students in their ability to assess and make informed environmental decisions. RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE TO STUDENT ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT: EASC 122 provides a basic scientific laboratory foundation necessary for further collegelevel courses. RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE TO GENERAL EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: This class will fulfill lab science credit in the A.A. and A.S. degree requirements. EDUCATIONAL BELIEFS BELIEFS ABOUT STUDENT LEARNING: Students must take an active role in the learning process for it to take place. Desire, effort and persistence are the key ingredients to your success. BELIEFS ABOUT TEACHERS ROLE: The teacher is responsible for creating an atmosphere conducive to the learning process. Feel free to ask questions. I am very approachable; do not hesitate to do so. Ask questions during the lab session, during my office hours or by appointment. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES AND RATIONALE: Discussions, laboratory work and written assignments. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and contribute throughout. DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING FORMAT: Students will achieve success by: 1. Attending lab sessions regularly 2. Participating and contributing to class discussions and group work 3. Ask questions when you do not understand or need something clarified 4. Doing careful, thoughtful and thorough work 5. Not giving up on themselves FEEDBACK AND GRADING GRADING SYSTEM/METHOD OF EVALUATION: Scale: A 90%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F 60%. Three lab practical exams are planned. The majority of your grade will be from your assigned work on labs. You will be able to drop your one lowest lab score. No makeup labs or tests will be given. If you miss a lab, that will be the one dropped from your score. You must take all lab practical exams during their scheduled times. POLICIES ON ASSIGNMENTS/TESTS/MAKEUPS: No makeup for labs, tests or quizzes. One lowest lab score will be dropped. If you miss a lab that will be the score that is dropped. Labs are due the following lab period. POLICIES ON ATTENDENCE: Regular class attendance is an important part of educational success and is expected of all students. If you do not attend you will not be able to complete lab assignments. No make up labs will be given. You are responsible for the information presented in each lab for the practical exams. Exams may contain information presented during the lab sessions that is not included in the laboratory assignments. POLICIES OF CHEATING /PLAGIARISM: Any student caught cheating on an exam will receive a score of “0” for that exam and a final grade of “F” in the course. Any student plagiarizing any work in the completion of an assignment, no matter what length of that assignment, will automatically receive an “F” for the course and be referred to the Dean of Student Services for disciplinary action which may include expulsion from the college. SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARY POLICIES: Heartland Library The library, located within the Academic Support Center (ASC) on the Normal campus, provides Heartland students with a variety of on-campus resources that support both class work and personal inquiry. Students may use the library here at Heartland and will be informed by the instructor of the services available to them. For more information on the Heartland Library services please call 268-8200. Milner Library Milner Library at Illinois State University is a public institution so you may use their collection on site. If you want to request to check out materials, ask for a free Community Borrowers card application at the Milner Library circulation desk. It is important to have specific titles to request for check out when you apply for the card. The card will give you access to their circulating collection for three months, with a four week check out period. To qualify for this service you must live within 50 miles of Milner Library, have a current state ID (driver’s license) with current address on ID, and be over the age of 18. LEARNING ASSISTANCE POLICIES: If additional assistance is necessary outside of class, please contact me as soon as possible. Tutoring can be arranged through Student Services. CIRRCULAR AND TRANSFER STATUS DEGREE/CERTIFICATE: This course counts towards completion of the A.A. Degree or the A.S. Degree. TRANSFERABILITY: Check with an advisor to get specific transfer information related to the school you wish to attend. STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS AND PURPOSE RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE GOALS TO ASSIGNMENTS: Each assignment provides background needed to achieve course goals. RATIONALE FOR COURSE CONTENT: Course content covers science fundamentals and basic laboratory techniques necessary for more advanced science courses. Topics in the class will increase earth-environment awareness. WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO BRING TO EACH LAB MEETING: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pencil and pen Calculator Hammond Atlas Weekly Lab Assignment CALENDER AND LAB ASSIGNMENTS: LAB ASSIGNMENTS Metrics 1,2 & 3 Reaction Time Study Soil & Water Differential Heating Case of Contamination Density Oceanography Practical Exam #1 Geography Worksheet Topo Maps Contours/Take a Hike Earthquakes Practical Exam #2 Minerals Rocks Mineral and Rock Review Practical Exam #3 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16