MKT2261 11W Tentative Student Workload Schedule (As of Jan. 5, 2011) Week Dates Co-op Project Phase 1 Jan. 1014 Introduction to Fieldwork Course - Mandatory Fieldwork Lab: Course & Major Project Overview - Prepare for 1st Client Meeting (held on campus) - Discuss meeting logistics and expected student attire - Begin planning client communication approach 2 Jan. 1721 Client Introduction Meetings & Primary Research Planning Phase 3 Jan. 2428 Primary Research Planning Phase 4 Jan 31Feb 4 Client Meetings - Client Meeting (see schedule – held during MKT2260 class hours) - Mandatory Fieldwork Lab: Begin preparing Client’s Research Proposal, review account management practices, and designing meeting agendas - Finalize client communication approach for semester - Finalize draft slide deck for Week 4 Client Meeting and submit in advance of class check-ins - Attend Mandatory Team Check-ins for review of Week 4 meeting slide deck (held during MKT2261 class hours) - Attend and present in Client Meeting (see schedule) 5 Feb 7-11 Primary Research Phase begins - Forward draft of primary research tool(s) to instructor for review prior to class check-ins - Mandatory Team Check-ins (Review instructor comments on primary research tools, final instructor signoff required) (held during MKT2261 class hours) 6 Feb 1418 Study Break - Commence Primary Research Field Work 7 Feb 2125 Primary Data Collection - Meet with client (off campus) and seek feedback and approval on final draft of team’s research tool - Finalize research tool and commence Primary Research data collection phase - On-line Check-in (See Bb for Details) - No MKT2261 Class: Continue primary data collection 8 Feb 28Mar 4 Mar. 711 Mar. 1418 Mar. 2125 Mar 28– Apr 1 Completion of Primary Research Phase Client Meetings - No MKT2261 Class: Complete Research Findings report for submission - Attend and present final Research Report to Client (see schedule) - Mandatory Fieldwork Lab: Finalize next steps after the final research findings are presented - No MKT2261 Class: Fieldwork for supporting deliverables - Marketing Research Report Due (Fri., March 4, 2 pm) Client Management and Presentations - Mandatory Fieldwork Lab: Client Presentation Preparation - Prepare for Final Client Meeting 13 Apr. 4-8 Apr. 1115 - Mandatory Fieldwork Lab: Client Presentation Preparation Final Client Meetings - see posted schedule under major project folder (held April 15, 18 and 19) - Prepare for Final Client Meeting 14 Client Management and Presentations Client Presentations 9 10 11 12 Research Follow Up and Client Management In-Class Activities Fieldwork Activity and Deliverables - Submit Team Contracts due beginning of class: Friday, Jan. 14. - Prepare for Client Meeting: Conduct secondary research, prepare team questions for client to address at meeting - Prepare and send Introductory Email to Client with Team Intro, Bios, and Photo - Continue Secondary Research - Begin draft of research proposal slides - Arrange off-campus client meeting as follow up to be held during Week 3. - Draft Primary Research Proposal Slide Deck which should also include Target Audience and Marketing Objectives (Due Wed., Jan. 26 at 10 am) - Present Target Audience, Marketing Objectives and Research Proposal to client and seek approval to proceed - Arrange meeting with client to present final instructor-approved research tools - Due in advance of check-in: Draft of Research tool(s) (Due by Wed., Feb.9 at 10 am) - Begin to implement primary research logistics - Complete Primary Research field work - Present Marketing Plan MKT2261 11W Tentative Student Workload Schedule (As of Jan. 5, 2011) 15 Apr. 1822 Client Presentations and Project PostMortem 16 Apr 2330 Final Exam Period - Final Client Meetings - see posted schedule under major project folder - See Project Folder for Wrap-up Meeting Schedule (held Fri., April 22 in MKT2261 class) - Present Marketing Plan NO FINAL EXAM IN THIS COURSE! Please Note: 1. This is a hybrid course which means we will utilize online tools significantly throughout the semester. Students should consult this course’s Blackboard site daily and check their Algonquin College emails for regular updates, announcements, follow up requests and other important information related to the co-op project. 2. Students must be in the same course sections for MKT2260, MKT2261, MKT2221 and MKT2292 due to the logistical requirements of the common Marketing Plan Co-Op Project Assignment primed through MKT2260 and MKT2261 courses. 3. Mandatory Classes and Labs: Any student, who misses a mandatory class or lab (as per the work schedule) without a valid explanation prior to the class, will lose 10% off the upcoming deliverable grade. 4. Illness: If a student is ill and does not advise prior to class via email, they have up until 24 hours after the class to inform their professor. Otherwise, they will lose 10% of the upcoming deliverable grade.