Research Ethics Committee Terms of Reference



(a sub-committee of the Research Committee)

Terms of reference

1. To consider all ethical issues arising in relation to the conduct of research in the University, and/or by members of the University, including:


(ii) research on people or human admixed embryos, referred to it by researchers or officers, and to make recommendations; guidelines about the use of and access to information of a personal or confidential nature gained as a result of research activity and to monitor their implementation;

(iii) issues of privacy, confidentiality and ethical behaviour between researchers and human participants, and to make recommendations;

(iv) guidance on payments and incentives with particular reference to the Bribery Act;

(v) guidance compiled by regional, national and international bodies (e.g. European Parliament

Committee on Research; the hospital trusts in the

North West); and the University’s guidance to researchers in the context of this body of external information;

(vi) where necessary, the suitability of funding sources, and to offer guidance;

(vii) the implications of research which inadvertently provides information about illegal activities or where the contractor offering the research wishes to impose unreasonable constraints, that are manifestly unworkable or ethically objectionable, and to offer guidance;

(viii) issues related to the ethical responsibilities of the

University’s researchers, both staff and students, including regulatory and non-regulatory aspects likely to arise from their research, and to draw up guidelines and disseminate them.

2. To assess projects requiring review, including preliminary review of projects where it is requested that the University

3. To receive reports on work in progress where appropriate. acts as sponsor under the terms of the Research Governance

Framework for Health and Social Care.




4. To receive reports from faculties where appropriate.

5. On behalf of the Senate, to confirm that projects meet the

University’s ethical standards and requirements as set out in the Code of Practice on Research Ethics and Research



(ex officio)

Vice-Chancellor (ex officio)

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (in the Chair)

Associate Dean for Research, Arts and Social Sciences

Associate Dean for Research, Health and Medicine

Associate Dean for Research, Management School

Associate Dean for Research, Science and Technology

Associate Dean for Postgraduate Teaching/Studies (all faculties)

(by rotation)

University Secretary

(chairs of local committees)

Psychology Department Ethics Committee

(co-opted) one representative from the Law School one additional co-opted member

(appointed) three representatives from Arts and Social Sciences three representatives from Health and Medicine three representatives from Management School three representatives from Science and Technology one research student, selected after internal advertisement and discussion with the current chairperson four lay members, selected after advertisement, but including at least one person directly connected with the NHS

(in attendance)

DClinPsy Research Director

Research Ethics Officer


The committee elects its chairperson annually from the faculty representatives.

The agenda for each meeting contains an open item where urgent items of current institutional ethical practice may be raised, recognising that a full debate may require the collection of further information.
