Long Beach School District TST-2B Behavior Referral for Interventions Student: ___________________________ Teacher:____________________________ Tier___ Sped___ School: QES RES HMES LBMS LBHS LBAS Grade: ____ Date Submitted:_________________ Instructions: Only mark items the student exhibits on a consistent, daily basis. You must prioritize and identify up to two (2) target behaviors only. Additional referrals may need to be completed if multiple behaviors are targeted for intervention. STUDENT IS DISRUPTIVE IN CLASS: ___fidgets ___is overly active ___will not remain in seat ___talks out of turn ___disturbs others when they are working ___constantly seeks attention: ____from peers ____from teacher ___overly aggressive with others: Anyone particular?___________________________ ___belligerent toward teachers and others in authority ___defiant or stubborn ___impulsive ___can’t wait his/her turn ___acts without thinking of the consequences STUDENT IS WITHDRAWN/ANXIOUS: ___shy, timid ___has difficulty making friends ___sits alone in cafeteria ___does not join in group activities ___overly conforms to rules ___daydreams/out of touch ___has difficulty expressing feelings ___appears depressed ___rarely smiles ___appears to be tense ___appears frightened or worried ___cries easily ___reports fears or phobias STUDENT HAS: ___been on runaway status ___been caught stealing at school ___left class without permission ___cursed school personnel ___threatened to harm school personnel ___been suspended for fighting ___attempted suicide ___had tobacco violations at school ___had drug/alcohol violations at school OTHER SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL BEHAVIORS: ___lacks self-confidence ___says “can’t do” even before attempting ___reacts poorly to disappointment ___overly dependent on students/adults ___pretends to be sick ___has poor grooming or personal hygiene CLASSROOM INTEREST: What are the student’s academic strengths/interests? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ When is the student most successful (e.g. behaviorally, socially)? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ MOTIVATION: ___tends to give up easily ___completes only partial assignments ___rarely completes homework ___has difficulty getting started on assignments STRATEGIES ATTEMPTED: (Attach documentation) ___phone calls ___parent conferences ___student conferences 1 PBIS: ___Bearcat/Pride bucks ___Earning of privileges ___Contracts ___Peer support ___PBIS classwide incentive plan (attach) ___Planner/agenda signed ___Retaught expected behavior ___4:1 positive verbal feedback ___Role played/practiced expected behavior ___Pre-correction and redirection ___Other____________________________________________ NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES: ___Change in classroom seating ___Time out ___Denial of privileges ___Verbal warnings ___Change in student schedule ___Office referral ___In-school suspension ___Out-of-school suspension OUTCOME OF STRATEGIES: ___Slight improvement in behavior ___Improvement followed by a decline in behavior ___Negative behavior increased ___No change in behavior What is the primary target behavior that, if replaced with a more positive behavior, the student would be successful in your class (Behavior 1)? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Answer the above question with the secondary target behavior, if applicable. (Behavior 2)_________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ POSSIBLE FUNCTION: Limit to 1 or 2 functions per behavior. Keep in mind that there may be more than one function if there is more than one behavior. Please put B1 or B2 beside the function if identifying two target behaviors. The student GAINS: ___Teacher/adult attention ___Peer attention/acceptance ___Desired items ___Preferred activities/privileges ___Control over others or situations ___Sensory stimulation The student AVOIDS or ESCAPES: ___Teacher/adult attention ___Peer attention/acceptance ___Non-preferred activity ___Instructional task ___A transition ___Sensory stimulation The student’s failure to perform the appropriate behavior(s) is primarily due to a: ___Skill Deficit (The student does not know how to perform the appropriate behavior/skill.) ___Performance Deficit (The student is capable of performing the appropriate behavior/skill but chooses not to do so. Please provide any additional information which would help in choosing the appropriate intervention for the student. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ August, 2015 2 3