Knights of Columbus Newsletter Gerhard Bentler Council 13702

Knights of Columbus
Gerhard Bentler Council 13702
Weyauwega WI, 54983
May 8, 2012
Volume 6, Issue 5
Bishops from every diocese
in the U.S. have spoken out
against the unprecedented
new mandate issued by the
U.S. Dept. of Health and
Human Services that will
force employers to facilitate
and fund health insurance
plans that cover
contraception, sterilization
and abortion inducing drugs
even if doing so violates their
firmly held religious beliefs.
In response to the
situation, the bishops called
for the special observance of
a “Fortnight for Freedom”
from June 21 to July 4,
calling on their fellow
bishops and other religious
institutions and leaders to
arrange local events to
emphasize the importance of
religious liberty.
The Iola Car Show, a
nice place to earn money for
Council projects, is set for
July 12-15. See Grand
Knight Don Planz for
openings in the work
May13, 2012, 9:00AM
The K of C insurance field
agent serving this area is
Sean R. Rutner, 1834 W.
Pershing St. #15, Appleton,
WI 54914, tele. 920-4190860.
Brother Gary Arciszewski
has found winter coats for
kids priced at $4.99 each.
Our council purchased
$150.00 worth and Gary
added $20.00. Thank you
Grand Knight’s Report
Arrangements for a Tootsie
Roll drive for Intellectually
Disabled local citizens have
been made at Sam’s Club,
Woodman’s and Shopko in
Appleton. Knights are
needed for a 1-8PM
schedule on a Sunday to be
chosen during the remainder
of May.
Thanks to the Knights
who worked the Tootsie
Roll Drive last weekend and
thanks to the generous
people who shop the local
IGA Store.
The St. Ann’s Society and
Council 13702 will hold a
potluck Sunday May 20 after
the 11AM Mass, to honor
Father Bryan who is
leaving. Thanks Father for
you efforts for the three
parishes. Donations are
needed for a gift for Father.
Brother Victor Alvarez
donated an autographed
picture of WI born golfer
Steve Stricker to the Squires
for their fund raising
auction. Thanks Victor.
The June Agenda
Meeting is set for Thursday
June 7, 6PM, at the rectory.
Parish meals which have
been sponsored by Council
13702 will not be held
during the Months of May,
June, July and August.
Chaplain’s Notes
Dear Brother Knights and
families -What is the Mass?
The Mass is NOT a symbol
or sign of Jesus dying and
rising that we commemorate
like the 4th of July or any
other event. These are only
reminders of what happened
years ago.
The Mass is the actual
dying and rising of Jesus
each time it is celebrated. In
the Mass, Jesus dies in an
unbloody manner.
This is the Paschal
Mystery, Jesus dying and
rising. It is the basic
foundation mystery of our
Catholic Christian Faith.
Without it there would be no
hope for any human. After
we die there would be no
heaven for us forever.
What great love God has
for us by sending His Son,
Jesus, to this earth to
become human as we are so
that He could show that love
by forgiving us and opening
heaven for us by His dying
on the cross and rising from
the dead. Jesus became a
true Servant fulfilling His
Father’s will to redeem us.
If we truly believe this,
how could we excuse
ourselves from celebrating
Mass without a legitimate
We should participate in
the Liturgy of the Mass in
thanksgiving to Jesus for His
love for us.
As I reflect on this great
Mystery, I say we should be
the most joyful people in the
world even with our physical
and emotional hurts as well
as our frustrations and
disappointments. As we
celebrate the great Mystery,
we should offer these hurts
along with Jesus who
promises to help us carry our
Don’t go to Mass on
Sundays because it is a law,
but be part of it out of
gratitude to God for His love
and forgiveness.
We ought not just attend
Mass, but we ought to be
part of the celebration by
listening to the Word of God,
by praying together with
other participants, by dying
and rising with Jesus. As we
leave the celebration let us
live what we celebrated with
the people we meet along
the way by loving and
forgiving others.
If we would live the Mass
we become instruments of
joy and peace for people we
meet along the way.
We need to prepare
ourselves for proper
celebration by spending
some quiet time before Mass
reflecting on what we are
about to experience. We
might even read the
scriptures before Mass so
that we will listen to the Word
of God when it is proclaimed.
Bring our sorrows and sins to
the celebration so Jesus can
heal them. What is the Mass
for me?
Father Paul Vanden Hogan,
An Essential Liberty
By Carl A. Anderson
There is now a new and
unprecedented government
intolerance of religion. And
when church leaders speak
out on moral issues, they are
criticized for breaching the
separation between church
and state by government
officials who use their power
to refashion church identity
according to their own
We are now witnessing
the repeated effort by
government to subordinate
religious institutions to its
own policy interests. Yet it is
precisely this political use of
religion at the service of the
state that the First
Amendment seeks to
prevent. Religious liberty is
valued not only because it
protects personal autonomy,
but also because of the good
that religion brings into the
life of the individual believer
and into the life of our nation
Today, more than ever,
we need to keep the words
of the Declaration of
Independence, and those of
Washington, Adams,
Kennedy, and King very
much in mind. As many
commentators have noted,
what God has given us, the
government has no right to
take away. But what the
government gives, it certainly
can rescind. (Excerpts from
the article)
Richard Larsen, editor