PROGRAM USE ONLY: Department of Psychology MA | PhD Graduate Program Code: PS __________________ Enrolled Terms: ____________ WSIB Letter on file: _________ Version: August 10, 2015 Clinical Psychology Practicum Agreement Form Director of Clinical Training: Stephanie Cassin, Ph.D., C.Psych. ( Graduate Program Administrator: Tel: 416-979-5000, ext. 2178; E-mail: Student Name: Practicum Course Code: Supervisor Name: Date of Agreement: Practicum Guidelines: Practicum Duration: Practica must include a minimum of 350 hours each. Typically, practica will not last more than 500 hours. Practica lasting more than 500 hours require approval from the Director of Clinical Training. Summer practica typically occur over 4 days per week for 16 weeks (480 hours). Typical practica during the school year typically occur over 2 days per week, September through April (480 hours). Students are strongly discouraged from working more than 2 days per week during the school year. Supervision: The practicum supervisor must be a registered psychologist. Non-psychologists may also be involved in the student’s training, but the official supervisor must be a registered psychologist. Evaluation forms should be completed by the supervisor, with input from others involved in the student’s training. Students are required to have at least hour-long weekly meetings with their supervisor. Activities: Practicum activities should be relevant to the student’s clinical training. Typical activities include observing assessment and treatment, providing assessment and treatment services under supervision, report writing, supervision, reading, watching videos, and participating in rounds, presentations, and team meetings. If time permits, students are encouraged to become involved in clinical research opportunities. Yes | Declaration: By checking this box, I understand that I have WSIB coverage while on unpaid work placements outside of Ryerson University. WSIB costs are covered by the MTCU, not the placement. My Student Declaration of Understanding Form is on file in the Psychology Graduate Program Office. Not Applicable | Does not apply to any placements at Ryerson including St. Michael’s Hospital Psychology Training Clinic or Ryerson Centre for Student Development and Counselling. Practicum Hours Proposed Start Date: Proposed End Date: Number of Hours per Week: Total Number of Hours: Page 1 Practicum Duties and Responsibilities Opportunities for Direct Clinical Service (e.g., individual therapy, group therapy, couple/family therapy, psychological testing, structured diagnostic interviewing, risk assessments, community consultation, report writing) Supervision (please specify frequency and duration of supervision with the primary supervisor and with any others involved in the student’s training. Please describe specific supervision activities – for example, individual supervision, group supervision, clinical case review, listening to audiotaped or videotaped sessions) Other Opportunities for Clinical Training (e.g., observing assessments, observing treatment sessions, conducting co-therapy, case presentations, watching training videos, clinical role plays, learning about ethics and jurisprudence, opportunities to attend rounds, presentations, and team meetings, clinical readings) Please indicate the primary populations seen at this placement (e.g., ages, diagnostic groups, etc.) What are the preferred theoretical orientations and models on this placement? Please indicate the number of different clients the student will likely see during the placement: Please indicate the anticipated number of direct clinical contact hours during the placement: Will this practicum placement include opportunities for collaborative research? No: _____ Yes: _____ Page 2 Supervisor Contact Details Full Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Supervisor Abbreviated CV Supervisor: Please complete the abbreviated CV section on the last page of this form. This version is required for CPA accreditation. Signatures Date: Student’s Signature Date: Supervisor’s Signature Date: Director of Clinical Training’s Signature Copies of this Form Supervisors and students are encouraged to keep copies of this completed form. This original signed form with WSIB form should be sent to: MAILING ADDRESS: IN PERSON DELIVERY: Graduate Program Administrator Department of Psychology Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street Toronto ON M5B 2K3 Graduate Program Office, JOR-941 Department of Psychology Ryerson University 380 Victoria Street, Jorgenson Hall Toronto ON M5B 2K3 Page 3 Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae for Practicum Supervisors Name: Highest Degree Earned: Ph.D. _____ Psy.D. _____ Ed.D. _____ Other _____ Date of Degree: University Awarding Degree: CPA/APA Accredited: No: _____ Yes: _____ Specialty (e.g., Clinical, Counselling, Clinical Neuropsychology): Internship Completed: No: _____ Date of Internship: Yes: _____ (if yes, complete the rest of this section below) Setting: CPA/APA Accredited: No: _____ Yes: _____ Specialty (e.g., Clinical, Counselling, Clinical Neuropsychology): Registration/Licensure: No: _____ Yes: _____ Province(s): Primary Appointment: Position: Setting: Academic Position, Rank, Tenure-Status (if applicable): Professional Service Delivery (list activities, responsibilities and/or positions): Professional Honours and Recognition (e.g., Fellow of Professional or Scientific Society; Diplomate): Member of Professional Societies/Associations (please specify which ones): PLEASE LIST: Publications (in last 5 years): Presentations to Professional or Scientific Groups (in last 5 years): Funded Research Grants or Training Contracts (in last 5 years; include funding source, duration of funding, total direct costs): Other Professional Activities (in last 5 years): Page 4