Translational and Clinical Research (TCR) Flagship Programme Application--Requirements and Guidelines Applicants are required to submit a 2-page summary of the TCR programme proposal. Application form(s) for the flagship TCR programme. 2 page summary of the TCR programme proposal The 2-page summary of the TCR programme proposal should include details on how the entire TCR programme will be structured and how the host institution will partner with the recommended institutions to carry out the TCR programme. Guidelines for Completing TCR Programme Application Form . Complete 1 application form for the flagship TCR programme. Follow the instructions closely in every section. Complete all sections in the application. Indicate “NA” where a particular section is not applicable. Use Arial font size 10 for all text. Softcopy to be submitted as 1 file including all the pictures, tables, charts and various attachments either in Word DOC or PDF format (to be recorded in CDR). Adhere to the number of characters/space provided in each field and the number of pages where specified. Reformat softcopy such that all blank or irrelevant pages are removed. There should be one lead PI for the entire TCR flagship programme proposal who will be the responsible for overseeing and coordinating the implementation of the entire proposal. The lead PI shall be the contact person for NMRC, with the stated Department and Institution as the contact institution. Applicants with multiple appointments at different institutions are to select only one contact institution for the application. There is no limit to the number of CoPIs or collaborators. The period of support should not be more than 5 years. Provide a breakdown for all categories with justifications. Tally and provide both a subtotal amount for each category and the total amount budgeted. Please refer to Annex 2 for the budgeting requirements and expenditures supported by the TCR grant. The information can also be found in the NMRC Admin Guidelines (available on the NMRC website). Include a 2-page CV for each of the PI, Co-PI(s) and all collaborator(s) with the email addresses and contact information clearly stated. PI’s original signature photostated/faxed copies. is required. The Co-PIs/Collaborators’ signatures can be Where to submit your application Submit 1 soft copy (in CDR) and 1 hardcopy (with original signatures) through your institution’s research coordinator. For applicants from institution without research coordinator, please submit to : National Medical Research Council 11 Biopolis Way #09-10/11 Helios, Singapore 138667 NO late submission or revision to the submitted application will be entertained after the closing date. 1 APPLICATION FOR TRANSLATIONAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH (TCR) PROGRAMME STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL All information is treated with confidence. The information is furnished to National Medical Research Council with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes . Please complete the form using Arial, Font 10 and submit 1 original hardcopy duly signed to: National Medical Research Council 11 Biopolis Way #09-10/11 Helios Singapore 138667 Closing Date: 30 November 2007 1 Title of research (a) Host Institution: ________________ Applicant Role Position Department Institution Lead PI Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab Collab 2 (Attach additional sheet if required) (b) Total amount of funds applied for SGD (c) Proposed start and end dates Start date End date (mm/yy) (mm/yy) 2 Area of Research (Please tick): a) Neurosciences b) Eye disease 3 Key words (Please provide maximum 6 key words) 4 Ethical considerations and containment Fund disbursement is subjected to ethics approval if the project involves any of the below. Please declare the participating institutions where study requiring ethics approval is conducted: Please tick accordingly if project involves any of the following: a) Human Subject Yes No b) Use of Human Tissues or Cells Yes No c) Animal Experimentation Yes No d) Requirement for Containment Yes No e) Multi-centre project(s) or trial(s) Yes No (If yes, please state all participating institutions/centres : ) 3 5 Abstract Scientific abstract In no more than 300 words, concisely describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research module including its importance and significance to the whole TCR programme. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research module. 4 6 Research proposal In no more than 20 pages, organize the details of the research module under the following headings: 6.1 Specific aims, 6.2 Clinical significance and contribution to the TCR programme, 6.3 Potential Application/ Exploitation, 6.4Preliminary studies/Findings, 6.5 Methods and 6.6 References. 6.1 Specific Aims State concisely and realistically what the module intends to accomplish and/or what hypotheses are to be tested. 6.2 Clinical Significance, especially with respect to the ways the module can contribute to the selected TCR programme Briefly sketch the background of the research proposed, critically evaluate existing knowledge and specifically identify the gaps which the project is intended to fill. State concisely the importance of the research described by relating the specific aims to possible longer term objectives. State the significance of the research to clinical application and tangible improvements in healthcare that may result from the study. Relevant references should be appended. 6.3 Potential Application/Exploitation of the project In no more than 100 words, please state the potential application and/or exploitation of the project. 6.4 Preliminary Studies/Findings (if any) State the preliminary studies and/or findings that have been made by the applicants and how the proposed module can add on to the existing knowledge. 6.5 Methods Discuss in detail the experimental design and the procedure to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the module. Describe the protocols to be used and the tentative sequence of the investigation. Include statistical justification and the means by which data will be analysed and interpreted. Describe any new methodology and its advantage over existing methodologies. Discuss the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the aims. Point out any procedures, situations or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and the precautions to be exercised. Make every attempt to be succinct. 6.6 References Please list in chronological order the titles and complete references to recent representative publications pertinent to this research proposal (especially TCR-related publications) and the applicants’ publications and patents held related to this research proposal. Highlight Scientific Award(s), if any, of the applicant(s). 5 7 Biographical Sketch In not more than 2 pages per applicant, please use the format below to provide the required information on the Principal Investigator (PI), co-PI(s) and all Collaborator(s) involved in the proposed research module. Name NRIC/Passport No. Office Mailing Address Email Contact No Fax No Current Position (Please provide full details, e.g. joint appointments) Academic qualifications (Indicate institution’s name and year degree awarded) Selected publications (not more than 6 relevant publications) Research interests Recent awards 6 8 Budget You are advised to prepare the budget carefully under each category and provide the justifications for all categories in Item 8.5. 8.1 Manpower Please budget for all the manpower required for the project including part-time personnel and those to be shared with other projects. State whether they are existing personnel in your institution or new staff to be recruited. Please use salary scales provided by the Bursar’s Office, Hospital Administration or the Ministry of Health as a reference. The cost should include annual increments, National Service increment, staff welfare, medical and other related benefits as per the Human Resource policies of your institution. Staff Category Existing/New Visiting professor New Postdoctoral Fellow New Research fellow New Research Associate New Research Officer New Research Assistant New Technologist New Others: (please specify) New No Remarks Total cost $0.00 Total 8.2 Equipment Please budget for all scientific equipment you need to purchase to carry out the project. Indicate sharing of equipment with other projects, if any. Qty Equipment Unit Cost Sub- Total Total $0.00 7 8.3 Materials & Supplies Please budget for all materials and supplies required specifically for the project such as experimental animals and consumables. Item Description Cost Animals Consumables Others: (please specify) Total 8.4 $0.00 Miscellaneous This category covers other expenses directly related to the project such as the purchase of laboratory manuals, literature search, and maintenance of equipment. Conference travel will be funded only if a presentation or if an article is presented. The presentation or article must be directly related to the project. Item Description Total Cost $0.00 Grand Total: SGD$0.00 8 8.5 Details and Justifications of Financial Assistance Requested Please provide breakdown for all categories if this is not indicated in the tables. 8.5.1 Manpower Justifications 8.5.2 Equipment Justifications 8.5.3 Materials & Supplies Justifications 8.5.4 Miscellaneous Justifications 9 9 Cash flow Projection Please project the cash flow in accordance with your proposed start and end dates Category FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 (1 Apr 200731 Mar 2008) (1 Apr 200831 Mar 2009) (1 Apr 200931 Mar 2010) (1 Apr 2010- (1 Apr 201131 Mar 2011) 31 Mar 2012) FY2011 Total Manpower 0 Equipment 0 Materials & Supplies 0 Miscellaneous 0 Total costs by year 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Milestones Please propose Milestones for assessment of the progress of the study. The progress of the project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds. Milestones Targeted Duration/Date of Fulfillment 10 11 Performance Indicators Please indicate the key outputs and parameters that can be used to assess the success of the proposed programme. 12 Suggested names of Reviewers (optional) S/N Title Names of Reviewers Details (tel, fax number and e-mail add) Relationship to Principal Investigator 1 2 3 Proposals should not be sent to (optional) (a) (b) (c) 11 13 Institutional Support (if any) Provide details on how the host institution will support the proposed project, ie. through co-funding 14 Institutional support In signing the Grant Application, the Institution UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to: Ensure that the proposed research could be conducted in the host institution Provide appropriate support during the grant period Ensure that the funds provided are used for the stated purposes in the proposal Ensure that the research complies with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to national and the institution's research operating procedures and guidelines Adhere to NRF's general guidelines on competitive funding Research Director/ Department Head: _____________________ ___ Date: __________________ Name, Designation & Signature If the Research Director or Head of Department is involved in this proposal, please seek support from immediate supervisor: Comments: 12 15 Signatories In signing the Grant Application, the Principal Investigator and all Co-Investigator(s) UNDERTAKE, on any Grant Award, to: Declare that all information is accurate and true. Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding. For Biomedical Science proposal, submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells respectively. For Biomedical Science proposal, be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Ensure that National Research Foundation’s (NRF) funding is acknowledged in all publications. Ensure that all publications arising from research wholly or partly funded by NRF will be forwarded to NRF. Ensure that the requested equipment/resources are not funded by another agency or research proposal. Ensure that there was a reasonable effort in accessing available equipment/resources within the host institution or elsewhere within Singapore. Adhere to NRF's general guidelines on competitive funding _______________ Principal Investigator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: ______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: ______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: _______________ Collaborator Name: Date: ______________ Collaborator Name: Date: 13 Annex 1 ---Funding source Please provide the following details for the grants currently held or being applied for by the Principal Investigator, Co-PIs and Collaborators. Attach additional pages if necessary. (a) Grants currently held Please provide information for all the grants that the Principal Investigator, Co-PIs and Collaborators are currently holding. Title of Research Funding Agency Amount of Fund Approved/ Received ($) Balance Available ($) Support Period (Year) Expiry Date of the grant (b) Grants applying for Please provide the application ID for all the grant applications which are being currently applied for. Title of Research Funding Agency Amount of fund applied for ($) Support Period (Year) (c) Support not related to specific research projects Provide below details of ALL other support which are not derived from funds provided for specific research projects, such as departmental technicians, grants from private foundations, start-up funds, donations from charitable organizations and collaborations with industry. You may also attach correspondences showing commitments by other parties in support of your work. Types of resources Funding Organisations Duration of support Expiry date, if any 14 (d) Potential overlap of support/ funding Please explain how any potential overlap of funding will be dealt with. 15 Annex 2— Categories of expenditure supported by TCR research grants Only expenses directly related to the proposed project are allowed. All funding will be net of what is already supported via existing research grants or institutional funding to ensure that there is no double dipping of funds. Supportable items Item Manpower Equipment Consumables and materials Conferences and joint workshops Overheads (to be factored in by PI when budgeting) Budget Allocation Guidelines - % Programme budget 50 10 15 5 20 Non-supportable items 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Audit cost Entertainment & refreshment expenses General office equipment International students’ fees or other stipends or awards to students Legal cost Patenting costs Student attachment Others 16