Master Studies in Software Engineering

Lines of Study in Mathematical Information
The Department of Mathematical Information Technology offers four lines of study for specializing:
Mobile Systems (MOB), which focuses on responding to the challenge set by the modern,
location-independent data processing environment.
Software Engineering (OT), which gives a solid base for planning and implementing software
development projects.
Teacher Education for Information Technology (OPE), which trains future teachers and trainers
in the field, emphasizing modern learning concepts and environments.
Simulation and Optimization (SIMO), which gives tools for representing a (physical)
phenomenon as a mathematical model in a form easily processed by a computer.
Further information about the lines of study can be found in the study guide. You should start
considering the choice of your line of study already at the beginning of your studies because certain
line-specific prerequisites are required for Master studies. You should have chosen your line of study at
the latest when your Bachelor studies are nearly completed. If you have trouble deciding, consider
study counselling.
Mobile Systems (MOB)
Professor in charge: Timo Hämäläinen
Mobile systems can be found in a variety of objects ranging from modern trucks to palmtop computers.
These information systems often require a different approach compared to "traditional" operating
environments. New requirements are set mainly by the scarcity of the available resources, but novel
hardware types and system architectures add flavour to the problem as well.
Studying mobile terminals is, however, only one half of the mobile field, for mobile systems require
support from fixed systems nearly without exception. This is why the teaching and research fields of
mobile systems include also both wired and wireless backbone networks.
The students of mobile systems will encounter a wide range of different operational environments from
very limited embedded environments to a more versatile world of portable computers and fast
telecommunication networks. All students of mobile systems will take courses about network systems,
decentralising of applications, specific operating systems and computational methods needed for the
designing of systems. Besides the compulsory courses, the students can choose optional courses in one
or several of the above-mentioned fields, according to their own personal interests.
As most university studies, studying mobile systems is based on studying the theory of the field. The
theoretical bases of both different technologies and operating situations are looked through. However,
another important part of the studies is the practical aspect in the form of laboratory assignments.
The most important areas of research are guaranteeing the quality of service of data networks in
different environments and finding and transmitting information in both fixed and mobile peer-to-peer
Staff for Mobile Systems
Bachelor Studies in Mobile Systems
In the mobile systems line of study the Bachelor's Degree is composed of the following study entities:
(Hyperlinks to the study guide)
General studies
Language and communication studies
Compulsory minor subjects
Major subject studies
Major subject studies common to the whole faculty (45-50 cr)
Major subject studies specific to the field (35-40 cr), including the following studies of the
line of study:
10 cr
6 cr
25 cr
85 cr
TIEA241 Automats and Formal Languages, 5 cr
TIEA322 Communication Protocols, 3 cr
TIEA324 Local Area Networks, 3 cr
Optional studies
54 cr
180 cr
Minor subject requirements
Master Studies in Mobile Systems
The objective of this line of study is to familiarize the students with the opportunities and challenges
that mobility brings about. A central issue in teaching is utilizing personal, mobile data processing
devices. Some of the courses are given in English.
A prerequisite to Master studies is mastering the contents required for the Bachelor's degree of one of
the following lines of study: mobile computing, embedded systems, telecommunications or software
For Master studies in Mobile systems, the Bachelor studies should contain at least the following topics:
object-oriented programming
algorithms and data structures
information networks
basics of operating systems
system development
databases and data management
Compulsory Studies in the line of study (20 cr):
TIES324 Signal Processing, 4 cr
TIES325 Stochastic Methods of Data Communication, 3 cr
TIES422 Wireless Systems, 3 cr
TIES426 Real-Time Systems, 3 cr
TIES427 Distributed Systems, 4 cr
TIES526 Networking Workshop, minimum 3 cr
Optional Advanced Studies in the Line of Study (15 cr):
Suitable advanced studies are courses with the code TIES and some courses in electronics, to be agreed
upon with the staff.
Master's Thesis (35 cr):
TIES502 Master's Thesis, 30 cr
TIES501 Master's Thesis Seminar, 5 cr
Project studies (15 cr):
TIES405 Software Project, 15 cr or
TIES505 Research Project, 15 cr
Minor subject studies (25-35 cr)
Other Studies:
Language and communication studies 0 cr
Maturity test 0 cr
Optional studies 0-10 cr
Minor Subjects for Mobile Systems Students
In Bachelor studies, the required minor subject is basic studies in mathematics (e.g. Basic studies in
mathematics approved by the University of Jyväskylä, 25 cr), including at least the following fields:
proof techniques
discrete mathematics
sequences and series
functions and continuity
probability calculation
linear algebra and geometry
In Master Studies are required any optional basic studies (25 cr) or subject studies in mathematics (35
The Old Requirements for Master Studies in
Mobile Computing, Telecommunication and
Embedded Systems
In the new degree system, the studies of mobile computing, telecommunication and embedded systems
are regrouped to form the line of study of mobile systems. The old requirements apply for students who
have chosen to finish their studies according to the old degree system, and the old credit units, ov, are
used. The old course codes are used for these requirements. The new codes can be found under the
current requirements as well as on the list in the end of the study guide.
Mobile Computing:
As a prerequisite is required mastering the contents of either mobile computing, embedded systems,
telecommunication or software engineering included in the Bachelor's degree in science.
Compulsory Studies in this Line of Study, 6 ov:
TLI380 Mobile Information Devices, 2 ov
TLI381 Programming for Mobile Terminals, 2 ov
TLI348 Wireless Systems, 2 ov
In Addition, at least 4 ov among the Following:
TLI382 Production of Mobile Services, 2 ov
TLI343 Application Protocols, 2 ov
TLI363 Agent Technologies in Mobile Environment, 3 ov
TLI362 Ubiquitous Systems, 2 ov
TLI364 Semantic Web and Web Services, 3 ov
TLI346 System Programming for Mobile Terminals, 4 ov
TIE375 Hardware-sensitive Programming, 3 ov
The course TLI344 Modern Mobile Phones, which was part of the old requirements, is no longer given
but it can be replaced with the course TLI348 Wireless Systems.
Advanced-level courses of telecommunication, software engineering or embedded systems are
accepted as optional advanced-level studies for a Master's degree in science (FM), in the line of study
of mobile computing. Studies of computer graphics are also suitable for students oriented towards
software engineering.
As a prerequisite is required mastering the contents of the lines of study of either mobile computing,
embedded systems or telecommunication included in the Bachelor's degree, as well as the course
TLI345 Stochastic Methods of Data Communication (2 ov).
Compulsory Studies in this Line of Study 8 ov:
TLI350 Communication Theory, 2 ov
TLI307 Telecommunications Laboratory Course, minimum 4 ov
Advanced course in telecommunication, 2 ov
(In the academic year 2004-2005 the Advanced course in telecommunication is the course TLI373
Signal Processing and Telecommunications.)
In Addition, either the Following:
TLI342 Communication Protocols 2, 2 ov
TLI343 Application Protocols, 2 ov
or the Following:
TLI314 Advanced Methods in Digital Signal Processing, 2 ov
TLI348 Wireless Systems, 2 ov
The course TLI341 Signal Processing for Telecommunication, which was part of the old requirements,
is no longer given but it can be replaced with the course TLI314 Advanced Methods in Digital Signal
Processing. The course TLI344 Modern Mobile Phones, which was part of the old requirements, is no
longer given but it can be replaced with the course TLI348 Wireless Systems. The course TLI386
Networking Workshop is combined with the course TLI307 Telecommunications Laboratory Course,
which is included in the compulsory studies and the workload must be worth at least 4 ov.
Advanced-level courses of telecommunication, mobile computing, software engineering or embedded
systems are accepted as optional advanced-level studies for a Master's degree (FM) in the line of study
of telecommunication.
Embedded Systems:
As a prerequisite is required mastering the contents of the lines of study of either mobile computing,
embedded systems, telecommunication or software engineering included in the Bachelor's degree, in
addition to which the courses ITKC20 Signal Processing (3 ov) and ITKC15 Local Area Networks (2
ov) are recommended.
Compulsory Studies in this Line of Study, 8 ov:
TIE342 Real-Time Systems, 2 ov
ITKC11 Mobile Application Platforms, 2 ov
TLI370 Distributed Systems, 2 ov
TIE348 Embedded System Laboratory Course, minimum 2 ov
The course TIE345 Embedded Systems Architectures, which was part of the old requirements, is no
longer given but it can be replaced with the course ITKC11 Mobile Application Platforms
Advanced-level courses of telecommunication, mobile computing or software engineering are accepted
as optional advanced-level studies for a Master's degree (FM) in the line of study of embedded systems.
In addition, the students can agree with the professors whether certain advanced-level courses of
electronics or scientific computing can be accepted as optional studies.
Additional Information
Additional information is available in the study guide and from study counsellors.
Courses offered in Mobile Systems
The following courses are offered in Mobile Systems. The Hyperlinks link to Korppi, where part of the
courses have their own web page.
Bachelor-level Courses
ITKP104 Data networks
TIEA222 Network Security
TIEA322 Communication Protocols
TIEA323 Application Platforms for Mobile Devices
TIEA324 Local Area Networks
Master-level Courses
TIES322 Communication Protocols 2
TIES323 Application protocols
TIES324 Signal Processing
TIES325 Stochastic Methods of Data Communication
TIES422 Wireless Systems
TIES423 Agent Technologies in Mobile Environment
TIES424 Mobile Information Devices
TIES425 Programming for Mobile Terminals
TIES426 Real-Time Systems
TIES427 Distributed Systems
TIES428 Ubiquitous Computing Systems
TIES429 Semantic Web and Web Services
TIES430 Production of Mobile Services
TIES431 Advanced Computer Communications
TIES523 Hardware-sensitive Programming
TIES524 System Programming for Mobile Terminals
TIES525 Radio Frequency Communication
TIES527 Advanced Methods in Digital Signal Processing
TIES528 Communication Theory
TIES529 Mobile Systems' Laboratory Works
Software Engineering (OT)
Professor in charge: Tommi Kärkkäinen
Software engineering is a line of study organized in cooperation by the two departments of the Faculty
of Information Technology. Its focus is the production processes of software, the methods and tools
used in these processes and the theoretical grounds of the methods. The students will develop the
necessary skills for both designing, implementing and maintaining the life cycle of information systems
and producing independent pieces of software.
The research in software engineering done at the department of mathematical information technology
consists of developing methods and applications related to, e.g., signal and image processing, data
mining and neurocomputing, understanding and reusing programs, and programming languages.
Current research projects are related to, e.g. the processing of industrial measuring signals and
biosignals, and to data mining and its applications.
What Will I Do When I Grow Up?
The line of software engineering prepares students for posts in the designing, implementing and
maintaining of information systems. The graduates can also produce independent pieces of software.
Staff for Software Engineering
Bachelor Studies in Software Engineering
In the software engineering line of study the Bachelor's Degree is composed of the following study
entities: (Hyperlinks to the study guide)
General studies
Language and communication studies
Compulsory minor subjects
Major subject studies
Major subject studies common to the whole faculty (45-50 cr)
Major subject studies specific to the field (35-40 cr), including the following studies of the
line of study:
10 cr
6 cr
25 cr
85 cr
TIEA241 Automats and Formal Languages, 5 cr
TJTA330 Software Production, 5 cr (Since 2006, this course is worth 5 cr, and
not 7 cr, as it was before)
Optional studies
54 cr
180 cr
Minor subject requirements
Master Studies in Software Engineering
As a prerequisite to Master studies is required a bachelor's degree in an applicable field, where the
basic and subject studies of information technology are the major or a minor subject. The studies
should cover at least the following:
object-oriented programming
algorithms and data structures
information networks
basics of operating systems
system development
databases and data management
Compulsory Advanced Studies for this Line of Study 10+10 cr:
Courses compulsory to all, 10 cr:
Testing and Quality Assurance, 5 cr
TIES441 Software Architectures, 5 cr
Choose 10 cr among the following courses:
Software Maintenance, 5 cr
TIES342 Algorithms 3, 5 cr
Object Oriented Programming, 5 cr
TIES442 Artificial Intelligence, 5 cr
Optional Advanced Studies for this Line of Study 15 cr:
Database Application Development
TIES541 Data Mining, 5 cr (will be given for the first time in 2006-2007)
TIES542 Principles of Programming Languages, 5 cr
Other suitable advanced courses
Master's Thesis 35 cr:
TIES502 Master's thesis, 30 cr
TIES501 Master's thesis seminar, 5 cr
Project Studies 15 cr:
TIES405 Software Project, 15 cr
Minor subject studies 25-35 cr
Language and communication studies 0 cr
Maturity test 0 cr
Optional studies 0-10 cr
Minor subjects for Software Engineering
In Bachelor studies in software engineering, the required minor subject is basic studies in mathematics
(e.g. Basic studies in mathematics approved by the University of Jyväskylä, 25 cr), including at least
the following fields:
proof techniques
discrete mathematics
sequences and series
functions and continuity
probability calculation
linear algebra and geometry
In Master studies in software engineering, the required minor subject is basic studies in the subject of
your choice (25 cr) or subject studies in mathematics (35 cr).
The Old Requirements for Master Studies in
Software Engineering
The old requirements apply for students who have chosen to finish their studies according to the old
degree system, and the old credit units, ov, are used. The old course codes are used for these
requirements. The new codes can be found under the current requirements as well as on the list in the
end of the study guide
As a prerequisite is required mastering the contents of the
following courses:
TIE330 Software Production, 4 ov
TIE120 Programming 2, 4 ov
ITK240 Algorithms 2, 2 ov
In addition, mastering some of the following courses is required
for certain courses in software engineering:
TIE264 Automats and Formal Languages, 3 ov
ITKC10 Communication Protocols 1, 2 ov
It is recommended for the students of Computer Science and Information Systems to include these
courses in the optional studies of their Bachelor's degree.
Compulsory Studies for this Line of Study, 6 ov:
Testing and Quality Assurance, 3 ov
TIE355 Software Architectures, 3 ov
Compulsory Optional Studies for this Line of Study, minimum 6
ov of the Following:
TIE310 Algorithms 3, 3 ov
ITKS63 Software Maintenance, 3 ov
ITKS33 Object Oriented Programming, 3 ov
Advanced Course in Data Management, 3 ov
The students of Computer Science and Information Systems can
also include one of the following courses in their compulsory
optional studies:
TIE343 Application Design: Methods and Tools, 2 ov
TJTL53 Database Application Development, 4 ov
ITKB51 Requirements Management and Systems Engineering, 4 ov
The course selection of software engineering is changing gradually, as it is being adjusted to the new
degree system. Therefore the students can also include some of the following courses in the optional
studies of their advanced studies if the professor in charge of the department agrees.
Optional studies
It is recommended to choose optional advanced courses within the following themes. All the courses
are not necessarily given every year.
Methods and Principles of Software Engineering:
TIE343 Application Design: Methods and Tools, 2 ov
TIE328 Functional Programming, 3 ov
TIE329 Automated Reasoning, 2 ov
TIE356 Principles of Programming Languages, 3 ov
TIE303 Formal Methods, 3 ov
Adaptive and Intelligent Data Processing:
TIE320 Elements of Statistical Pattern Recognition, 2 ov
TIE321 Computationally Intelligent Systems, 3 ov
TIE340 Artificial Intelligence, 3 ov
Data Management:
TJTL60 Mobile Computing, 3 ov
Transaction Management, 3 ov
Distributed Databases, 4 ov
Multimedia Databases, 4 ov
However, the students of Computer Science and Information Systems can choose the rest of their
advanced courses freely (within the limits mentioned in the general instructions). The students of
Mathematical Information Technology can also expand their skills by choosing advanced courses
among the courses given in the Faculty of Information Technology.
At least the following courses are accepted as optional advanced courses:
ITKE54 Design Methods and Tools in Commerce, 4 ov
ITKB51 Requirements Management and Systems Engineering, 4 ov
ITKK55 Developing Usable User-Interface, 3-4 ov
ITKD60 Structured Documents, 4 ov
ITKT51 Methods Use and Customisation, 4 ov
TJTL53 Database Application Development, 4 ov
ITKT57 Enterprise Application Integration, 4 ov
All advanced-level courses of mobile computing and embedded systems given by the
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
Advanced-level courses of scientific computing connected to computer graphics, given by the
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
Additional Information
Additional information in available in the study guide and from study counsellors.
Courses offered in Software Engineering
The following courses are offered in the line of software engineering. The Hyperlinks are linked to
Korppi, where there is more information about the courses.
Bachelor-level Courses
TIEA241 Automats and Formal Languages, 5 cr
TJTA330 Software Production, 5 cr (Since 2006 this course is worth 5 cr, and not 7 cr, as it was
Master-level Courses
TJTSS50 Software Testing and Quality Assurance, 5 cr
TIES441 Software Architectures, 5 cr
TJTSS63 Software Maintenance, 6 cr
TIES342 Algorithms 3, 5 cr
TJTSS33 Object Oriented Programming, 5 cr
TIES442 Artificial Intelligence, 5 cr