Spring 2003- Bio 2424: Human Physiology

Bio 2424: Human Physiology – Spring 2007
Lab Review Guide: Human Cardiovascular Functions and Human Electrocardiography
Blood Typing & Basic Hematology Applications
Be prepared to answer questions, especially definitions, and solve problems similar to those done in this activity. These sheets are your content
review guides for the lab exam. (Check with your lab instructor should you have questions pertaining to each of these)
Reading Assignments / Pertinent References:
Read the following assignments before coming to lab in order to be well prepared for each of the planned activities, assignments, and
Pre-lab quiz. Also be sure to bring a Scan-Tron answer sheet and #2 pencil to lab for the Pre-Lab quiz:
1) Interactive Physiology (IP): Cardiovascular System: Cardiac Action Potential (1-19), Anatomy Review:
Blood Vessel Structure and Function (1-29), Measuring Blood Pressure (1-14), Factors That Affect Blood
Pressure (1-16), Blood Pressure Regulation (1-15, 29-32), Autoregulation and Capillary Dynamics (1-17)
2) Tharp Lab Manual: Human Cardovascular Function pp. 145-158,
Auscultation of Heart Sounds, Blood Pressure Measurement (Auscultatory), Postural Effects on Blood Pressure, Arterial
Pulse Wave, Valves in Veins, Electrocardiography (Electrocardiogram interpretation)
3) Silverthorn Textbook Reference: Read / Review Pages – Ch. 14 Cardiovascular Physiology pp. 457-464,
(Cardiovascular Dynamics)(Review also readings for last week’s lab) , 478-498, 501-531, Blood Typing & Basic
Hematology Applications pp. 535-556.
The above assignments: Text (Silverthorn), Lab Manual (Tharp), and especially the IP Web tutorials will
be reviewed in formulating the questions on the pre-lab quiz for next week.
(Check with your lab instructor should you have questions pertaining to each of these)
Review and Content Applications:
Activities which may be completed during lab sessions “in-class” or utilized between scheduled lab sessions. Material covered in
these assignments / activities may be reviewed by your instructor in formulating lab exam questions.
PhysioEx 6.0 Exercise #5: Cardiovascular Dynamics  pp. 45-54; 147-149, Act. 1-7 (If time permits Activity 8)Using
the PhysioEx website (www.physioex.com), complete the activities included under PhysioEx Exercise #5. Questions
based upon this activity will be included on the first laboratory exam. Complete the Exercise #5 review sheets (located
online) as a way to check your understanding. See your instructor if you need assistance.
PhysioEx 6.0 Exercise #11: Blood Analysis  pp.98-109 ,167-170.Using the PhysioEx website (www.physioex.com),
complete the activities included under PhysioEx Exercise #11. Questions based upon this activity will be included on the
first laboratory exam. Complete the Exercise #11 review sheets (located online) as a way to check your understanding.
See your instructor if you need assistance.
Key Words / Technical Terms:
You will be expected to have familiarity with the meaning and use of each of the following terms. REVIEW ALL
TERMS FROM THE LAST LRG – they are applicable to this lab.
electrocardiogram (ECG)
End diastolic volume
P wave, QRS complex, T wave
Electrical Conduction System (see last week’s checklist)
Isovolumetric contraction
Ventricular ejection
ECG Leads: I, II, III
Starling’s law of the Heart
cardiac cycle
Stroke volume = EDV - ESV
resting heart rate
Factors Affecting Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
CO = HR x SV
End systolic volume
Pulse Pressure
End diastolic volume
Systolic Pressure
Venous return factors
Diastolic Pressure
Flow (rate) = pressure gradient/resistance
MAP=diastolic + 1/3(systolic-diastolic)
Blood Vessel Radius
Mean Arterial Pressure
Blood Vessel Length
Blood Viscosity
Resistance vessels
Peripheral resistance
1) Answer lab report questions:
a) on pp. 45-54 in the PhysioEx 6.0 manual, using your PhysioEx 6.0 results:
Answer the accompanying questions in the PhysioEx 6.0 lab manual – including the end of exercise review
questions on pages 147-149.
b) Tharp LM pp. 156 (omit #5); 157 including both valves in the veins questions
2.) Be able to describe the effects of each of the following “factors on
a) heart rate (beats per minute)
b) force of contraction / muscle tone
Describe the physiological mechanisms causing these changes. (listed below)
-Supine, regular breathing
-Supine, deep breathing, inhalation
-Supine, deep breathing, exhalation
- Sitting, regular breathing
- After exercise – start of recording
- After exercise – end of recording
3) Be able to diagram the appearance of a cardiac cycle as represented by electrocardiography THEN identify each of
the components such as P wave, QRS wave, T wave. AND be able to precisely describe the activities or events
within the heart represented by each of these.
4) Be able to describe / explain the meaning of each of the sounds heard (through auscultation) in a stethoscope and
their physiological meaning and/or significance:
Heart Sounds: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Blood Pressure / Sphygmomanometry: Korotkoff Sounds
Be able to define and explain the meaning of each of the following terms associated with blood pressure: systolic
pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, mean arterial blood pressure. Know how to determine or
calculate each of these. Know the normal values expected for each of these and the effect of each of the following
on each of them: age, gender, weight, vessel condition.
How does the postural position of the body, i.e. sitting, standing, lying down, exercise, etc. effect blood pressure.
What is meant by the term Cardiac Output? What factors are involved in cardiac output? Be able to list and explain
the factors involved in venous return.
Be able to describe and explain the results obtained in the Cold Pressor test, including the analysis of the subject’s
blood pressure to interpret the person’s diagnosis as normal or hypertensive. What physiological mechanisms are
operating in this baroreceptor reflex.
Review the summary of factors that influence mean arterial pressure found on text p. 453.
Regulation of blood pressure and the baroreceptor reflex in responses to increased blood pressure and in orthostatic
hypotension outlined on text pp. 463-466.
10) Complete review and study ALL pages in the PhysioEx 6.0 lab manual that cover today’s lab material including the
review pages for each exercise. You can expect to see questions derived from these pages on your next lab exam.