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2013/2014 Academic Session
Alpha Semester
College of Development Studies
School of Human Resource Development
Department of Psychology
Course Code: PSY 414
Course Title: Practicum in Psychotherapy
Course Lecturer: Prof. AlaoA.A./ Dr. Adekeye, O.A. / Dr. Evbuoma E.K.
E-mail: jide.adekeye@covenantuniversity.edu.ng, jikeye@yahoo.com
Course Description
Practicum in Psychotherapy attempts to study the interpersonal, relational intervention used by
trained psychotherapists to aid clients in problems of living. This usually includes increasing
individual sense of well-being and reducing subjective discomforting experience.
Psychology and its practice go together. Students are trained to understand and be able to put
their knowledge to use in this course. The course will enable students to see the
interconnections between theory and practice.
Course Objectives/ Goals
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
Appreciate the enormous responsibilities of a clinical psychologist.
Demonstrate knowledge in the art of psychotherapy.
Play the role of therapist and perform at such level during the NYSC programme.
Methods of Course Delivery
The teaching and learning activities of this course is largely experiential and activity oriented.
A variety of activities shall be employed to enhance students’ understanding of this course.
Activities such as case studies, role-play, video demonstration, mutual feedback and group
discussion will feature prominently in the teaching/learning process. Multimedia will also be
used during teachings and demonstrations.
Ground Rules, Regulations and Expectations
Boundaries shall be set at the first interactive class, and it shall be an ongoing process. You are
encouraged to be an active participant in class. Please feel free to raise questions at any point
during lectures, including matters of clarification, theoretical points, or topics to address in class
discussion. You should also keep in touch by e-mail or by visiting my office if you have any
questions about course expectations or the material covered in class. No student will be allowed
into class after fifteen (15) minutes of lectures. You are also expected to maintain proper
classroom etiquette. This includes respecting the opinions of others even if you disagree, not
talking out of turn. You are expected to simply raise a finger to take permission to contribute to
class discussions or to be excused from class. Eating and/or drinking are not permitted in class.
Assignments and term papers are expected to be submitted at the appropriate time. Plagiarism
and other academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If you are not familiar with the rules of
citing sources in written work or what constitutes plagiarism, you should contact me; all papers
are expected to be original work. Students MUST have a 75% class attendance to qualify for
Evaluation Plan
The grading process shall consist of:
Continuous Assessment = 30%
Semester Examination = 70%
The continuous assessment shall be based on a combination of class tests, quizzes, assignments,
term papers and the Mid-semester examinations. Students are expected to have at least 75%
class attendance to qualify for examinations
Module 1: Psychological Intervention – a general overview
Week 1: What is Psychotherapy? Basic concept of psychotherapy
Week 2: General Conditions of Psychotherapy
Module 2: Differences among therapeutic approaches
Week 3: Differences among therapeutic approaches
Module 3: The general model of the process of psychotherapy
Week 4: One model of psychotherapy
Week 5: Essential process in Psychotherapy
Module 4: Approaches of Psychotherapy
Week 6: Psychoanalysis
Week 7: Behaviour Therapy
Week 8: Cognitive Therapy
Week 9: Group Therapies and Biomedical Therapies
Week 10: Stress-inoculation Therapy
Week 11: Revision
Term Papers/Assignment/Students Activities
Discuss the impact of mental disorders on family members and care-givers
Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals
This course is richer and deeper in content than hitherto is the case. The approach is to prepare
students to achieve excellence and develop the needed confidence and interpersonal skills in the
practice of psychology. All of these require capacity building, sacrifice, integrity, responsibility,
positive mentality and diligence.
Industry Relevance
Highly relevant in any mental health organization and hospitals
Required Texts
Gaylin, W. (2001). How Psychotherapy really works. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Recommended Reading Texts
Weissman, M. M., Markowitz, J. C., & Klerman, G. L. (2000). Comprehensive guide to
interpersonal psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books.
Course Lecturer/Co-ordinator ---------------------------------------- Signature/Date ---------------HOD ------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature/Date --------------Deputy Dean ---------------------------------------------------------- Signature/Date --------------Dean ------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature/Date --------------Authorized for the web -----------------------Vice Chancellor ----------------------------------------