Pregnancy Profile Packet - Cherry Creek School District


Pregnancy Profile Simulation

Scorecard and Directions Packet

Picture credit:

Student Name____________________________________________ Class Period_________

Simulation Start and End Dates___________________________________________________

Be thorough and detail oriented in all documentation and reflections.


1. Preliminary process (5 points possible) :

Permission forms

Get on schedule

Complete check out paperwork

Pregnancy Simulation and Documentation

Diary/journal entries of simulation (20 points possible) :

Dates and times worn,

Progression of “pregnancy,”

Thoughts, feelings, emotional and physical reactions,

Sense of how “being pregnant” affected others

If and when applicable: any events of temporarily discontinuing simulation with explanation



Pregnancy Profile Four sets of Practice Tasks with documentation and reflection questions (20 points possible)

Return all equipment in good shape

Complete return/check-in paperwork

(5 points possible)

Post-simulation questions and essay (50 points possible)

Respond to all questions in directions. Write a formal 300-word essay following the directions in the packet summarizing and debriefing your experience. Essay will be both point scored and rubric scored using the ACT Readiness Writing Rubrics. Self score using ACT Readiness Writing Rubrics.

Total points possible = 100

Pregnancy Profile

Instructions for Use

1. Check contents of the case to ensure that you have everything.

_____a. Vest

_____b. Bladder pressure weight bag (sand bag)

_____c. Rib constrictor belt containing two plastic


_____d. One water bladder with cap. (**Warning:

Handle is fragile and can tear easily. Use only to guide water bladder into vest.

DO NOT carry by handle.)

_____e. Extra large “maternity” tee shirt


_____f. Carrying case

_____g. Inventory list in zip-top plastic bag

Place the rib constrictor belt around student’s abdomen directly around the rib cage.

Have student exhale and then pull the belt tightly. Secure with Velcro hook and loop fasteners.

3. Unzip the belly pouch on vest. Inside of the large pouch is another zippered pocket (near bottom). Open that small inner pocket, insert the bladder pressure weight bag , and zip closed.



Warning: Handle is fragile and can tear easily. a. Grip the empty water bladder’s handle and place into large belly pouch of vest . Fold handle down and zip pouch closed. b. About an hour or more later, unscrew the cap and fill the water bladder 1/3 full with hot tap water. Screw cap on and push fill valve into recessed position. Grip the water bladder’s handle and place into large belly pouch of vest. Fold handle down and zip pouch closed.

c. About an hour or more later, unscrew the cap and fill the water bladder 2/3 full with hot tap water. Screw cap on and push fill valve into recessed position. Grip the water bladder’s handle and place into large belly pouch of vest. Fold handle down and zip pouch closed. d. About an hour or more later, unscrew the cap and fill the water bladder to the bottom of the fill tube with hot tap water. Screw cap on and push fill valve into recessed position. Grip the water bladder’s handle and place into large belly pouch of vest. Fold handle down and zip pouch closed.



Adjust and connect the shoulder straps with the Velcro hook and loop fasteners and place the vest on the student. Once on, readjust the straps if needed to position vest properly.

6. Snap the three horizontal belt buckles together and pull on the extra belt length until snug. Secure extra belt length in belt clips.

7. Place “maternity” tee shirt over vest.



8. Complete practice tasks and journal four or more entries for your experience completing the simulation. Note the progression of filling the water bladder from empty to 1/3 full to

2/3 full to full.

After the simulation, complete the packet and write a paper answering the prompts reflecting on your experience.

Diary/Journal Format for

Pregnancy Profile Empathy Belly Pregnancy Simulation


Date Simulation Started:

Date/Day of

Week/Times of day

Belly Worn and how long each time

Progression of


Date Simulation Ended:

Your thoughts, feelings, emotional and physical reactions

Your sense of how wearing the


“pregnant” affected others

If/When applicable: any events of temporarily discontinuing pregnancy simulation with explanation of why stopped and/or comments

Diary/Journal for

Pregnancy Profile Empathy Belly Pregnancy Simulation

Date/Day of

Week/Times of day

Belly Worn and how long each time

Progression of


Your thoughts, feelings, emotional and physical reactions

Your sense of how wearing the


“pregnant” affected others

If/When applicable: any events of temporarily discontinuing pregnancy simulation with explanation of why stopped and/or comments

Pregnancy Profile Practice Tasks

1. Bend over to pick up something small like a pencil or pen from the floor.

2. Walk up and down stairs.

3. Tie your own shoes.

4. Sit down and stand up several times.

5. Lie down to experience side

–lying position.

*Rate difficulty of each task from 1-5

Complete each task four times:

1. With empty water bladder

2. With 1/3 full water bladder with

1 very easy,

3 not hard/not easy,

5 very difficult

3. With 2/3 full water bladder

4. With 3/3 full water bladder

Task Date, time and duration of task

How full was water bladder?

How difficult was each to

How did you feel completing each

Bend over to pick up something small like a pencil

Empty water bladder complete*? task? or pen from the floor.

Walk up and down stairs.

Tie your own shoes.

Empty water bladder

Empty water bladder

Empty water bladder

Sit down and stand up several times.

Lie down to experience side – lying position.

Empty water bladder


Bend over to pick up something small like a pencil or pen from the floor.

Walk up and down stairs.

Tie your own shoes.

Sit down and stand up several times.

Lie down to experience side – lying position.

Date, time and duration of task

How full was water bladder?

1/3 full bladder

1/3 full bladder

1/3 full bladder

1/3 full bladder

1/3 full bladder

How difficult was each to complete*?

How did you feel completing each task?


Bend over to pick up something small like a pencil or pen from the floor.

Walk up and down stairs.

Tie your own shoes.

Sit down and stand up several times.

Lie down to experience side – lying position.

Date, time and duration of task

How full was water bladder?

2/3 full bladder

2/3 full bladder

2/3 full bladder

2/3 full bladder

2/3 full bladder

How difficult was each to complete*?

How did you feel completing each task?


Bend over to pick up something small like a pencil or pen from the floor.

Walk up and down stairs.

Tie your own shoes.

Sit down and stand up several times.

Lie down to experience side – lying position.

Date, time and duration of task

How full was water bladder?

3/3 or completely full water bladder

How difficult was each to complete*?

How did you feel completing each task?

3/3 or completely full water bladder

3/3 or completely full water bladder

3/3 or completely full water bladder

3/3 or completely full water bladder


1. What physical stresses or limitations did you notice while wearing the Pregnancy Profile vest?



What was a new or different sensation for you as you wore the vest?

How would this affect your ability to function throughout the school day, weekend, or month to month?



What lifestyle changes would have to be made to accommodate a “pregnant body?’

What reactions did you receive while you were wearing the Pregnancy Profile vest from family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers? How did you feel about their reactions and how they treated you? What was your sense of how wearing the Pregnancy Profile vest affected others?

Write a 300 or more word formal essay with a cover sheet reflecting on the following (self score using the rubrics on the next two pages):

Summarize and debrief your experience integrating the information from the reflection questions.

Add relevant information not addressed in the reflection questions. Share information such as:

What are your goals and dreams for your life, and how would they change if you became a teen parent? What do you value? How would becoming a teen parent align with your values? Are you mature enough to have and raise a baby? For girls, is your body physically ready to support a pregnancy and raise a baby? How much does it cost to have a baby? How expensive is its? How would you pay for the medical bills and other costs related to being pregnant? How would you pay for the baby’s expenses once you have the baby? Feel free to add additional information not listed in the directions.

It is important that you are college and career ready. As you write your essay, please meet the criteria for the ACT Readiness Writing Rubrics on the next two pages. Self score your essay using these rubrics and submit this entire packet with your essay.

ACT Readiness Writing Rubric for

Expressing Judgments Focusing on the Topic Developing a Position

Just getting started

3 –4

Show a little understanding of the persuasive purpose of the task but neglect to take or to maintain a position on the issue in the prompt

Show limited recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt

Maintain a focus on the general topic in the prompt through most of the essay

Offer a little development, with one or two ideas; if examples are given, they are general and may not be clearly relevant; resort often to merely repeating ideas

Show little or no movement between general and specific ideas and examples


5 –6 Partially

Show a basic understanding of the persuasive purpose of the task by taking a position on the issue in the prompt but may not maintain that position


7 –8

Show understanding of the persuasive purpose of the task by taking a position on the issue in the prompt

Show a little recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt by acknowledging, but only briefly describing, a counterargument to the writer’s position

Maintain a focus on the general topic in the prompt throughout the essay

Offer limited development of ideas using a few general examples; resort sometimes to merely repeating ideas

Show little movement between general and specific ideas and examples

Show some recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt by

• acknowledging counterarguments to the writer’s position

• providing some response to counterarguments to the writer’s position

Maintain a focus on the general topic in the prompt throughout the essay and attempt a focus on the specific issue in the prompt

Develop ideas by using some specific reasons, details, and examples

Show some movement between general and specific ideas and examples


0 9 –10 Advanced

11 –12

Show clear understanding of the persuasive purpose of the task by taking a position on the specific issue in the prompt and offering a broad context for discussion

Show recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt by

• partially evaluating implications and/or complications of the issue, and/or

• posing and partially responding to counterarguments to the writer’s position

Maintain a focus on discussion of the specific topic and issue in the prompt throughout the essay

Develop most ideas fully, using some specific and relevant reasons, details, and examples

Show clear movement between general and specific ideas and examples

Show clear understanding of the persuasive purpose of the task by taking a position on the specific issue in the prompt and offering a critical context for discussion

Show understanding of the complexity of the issue in the prompt by

• examining different perspectives, and/or

• evaluating implications or complications of the issue, and/or

• posing and fully discussing counterarguments to the writer’s position

Maintain a clear focus on discussion of the specific topic and issue in the prompt throughout the essay


Develop several ideas fully, using specific and relevant reasons, details, and examples

Show effective movement between general and specific ideas and examples

ACT Readiness Writing Rubric for

Organizing Ideas Using Language

Just getting started

3 –4

Provide a discernible organization with some logical grouping of ideas in parts of the essay

Use a few simple and obvious transitions

Present a discernible, though minimally developed, introduction and conclusion

Show limited control of language by

• correctly employing some of the conventions of standard

English grammar, usage, and mechanics, but with distracting errors that sometimes significantly impede understanding

• using simple vocabulary

• using simple sentence structure


5 –6 Partially

Provide a simple organization with logical grouping of ideas in parts of the essay


7 –8

Provide an adequate but simple organization with logical grouping of ideas in parts of the essay but with little evidence of logical progression of ideas

Use some simple and obvious transitional words, though they may at times be inappropriate or misleading

Present a discernible, though underdeveloped, introduction and conclusion

Show a basic control of language by

• correctly employing some of the conventions of standard

English grammar, usage, and mechanics, but with distracting errors that sometimes impede understanding

• using simple but appropriate vocabulary

• using a little sentence variety, though most sentences are simple in structure

Use some simple and obvious, but appropriate, transitional words and phrases

Present a discernible introduction and conclusion with a little development

Show adequate use of language to communicate by

• correctly employing many of the conventions of standard

English grammar, usage, and mechanics, but with some distracting errors that may occasionally impede understanding

• using appropriate vocabulary

• using some varied kinds of sentence structures to vary pace


Provide unity and coherence throughout the essay, sometimes with a logical progression of ideas

Use relevant, though at times simple and obvious, transitional words and phrases to convey logical relationships between ideas

Present a somewhat developed introduction and conclusion

Show competent use of language to communicate ideas by

• correctly employing most conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics, with a few distracting errors but none that impede understanding

• using some precise and varied vocabulary

• using several kinds of sentence structures to vary pace and to support meaning

College Readiness Standards — ACT Assessment Writing Test

0 9 –10 Advanced

11 –12

Provide unity and coherence throughout the essay, often with a logical progression of ideas

Use relevant transitional words, phrases, and sentences to convey logical relationships between ideas

Present a welldeveloped introduction and conclusion

Show effective use of language to clearly communicate ideas by

• correctly employing most conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics, with just a few, if any, errors

• using precise and varied vocabulary

• using a variety of kinds of sentence structures to vary pace and to support meaning
