Français II Course Syllabus – Fall 2010 Madame Hammer 310-457-6801 X74-205 Textbook : C’est à toi ! Levels one and two Students will take a quiz at the end of each lesson, a unit test at the end of each unit, a midterm exam and a final exam. These will be announced. Homework quizzes may be unannounced. Unit 1.7: On fait les magasins Communicative Objectives Expressing intentions Expressing need Inviting Expressing likes and dislikes Inquiring about and comparing prices Agreeing and disagreeing Choosing and purchasing items Asking someone to repeat Asking for information Giving information Grammar Points : aller + infinitive à + definite article irregular adjectives present tense of the verbs acheter and préfèrer present tense of verbs ending in –ir Unit 1.8: On fait les courses Communicative Points: Asking for and giving information Agreeing and disagreeing Identifying objects Asking for permission Agreeing and disagreeing Expressing likes and dislikes Insisting Giving information Asking for a price Stating prices Making a complaint Inquiring about and comparing prices Negotiating Choosing and purchasing an item Grammar Points: Present tense of the irregular verbs vouloir and pouvoir Demonstrative adjectives The partitive article in positive and in negative sentences Expressions of quantity Comparison of adjectives Unit 1. 9: A la maison Communicative Points: Invite Accept and refuse an initiation greet someone greet guests introduce someone else offer and accept a gift identify objects describe daily routines tell location express intentions agree and disagree offer food and beverages excuse yourself Grammar Points De + plural adjectives Present tense of irregular verb prendre The imperative Present tense of the irregular verb mettre Unit 1.10: La Santé Communicative Objectives: Express astonishment and disbelief Express emotions Point out something Make a complaint Explain a problem Congratulate and commiserate Express concern Express need and necessity Give advice Express reassurance Make a prediction Make an appointment State exact and approximate time Give information Grammar Points Present tense of the irregular verb falloir Verbs + infinitives Negative expressions Present tense of the irregular verb devoir Unit 1.11: En vacances Communicative Objectives Write postcards Describe past events Sequence events Ask for information Inquire about details Tell location Give directions Give addresses Identify objects Express likes and dislikes State a preference Grammar Points Passé composé with être Ordinal numbers Prepositions before cities, countries and continents Present tense of the irregular verb voir Unit 1.12: A Paris Communicative Objectives Unit 2.1: Les fêtes Unit 2.2: Paris Write journal entries Describe past events Sequence events Express need and necessity Ask for information Give opinions Compare things Grammar Points Passé composé with avoir Irregular past participles Superlative of adjectives Review Communicative Objectives : Writing invitations Giving addresses Writing postcards Expressing emotions Describing character Answering a telephone call Asking to speak to someone Responding to a request to speak to someone Asking for information Giving information Grammar Points: Present tense of –er, -ir, -re verbs Possessive adjectives Telling time Dates Present tense of irregular verbs: aller, être de and à + definite articles Agreement and position of adjectives aller + infinitive Communicative Objectives: Identifying professions Describing physical traits Describing character Expressing Emotions Describing past events Sequencing events Comparing people and things Giving opinions Giving orders Making suggestions Grammar Points: Present tense of irregular verbs: venire, venire de + infinitive Passé composé with avoir Present tense, irregular verbs: mettre, prendre, voir Irregular past participles Demonstrative adjectives Comparative form of adjectives The imperative Superlative form of adjectives Unit 2.3 : En France Unit 2.4 La vie quotidienne Unit 2.5 Sports et Loisirs Communicative Objectives: Describing past events Sequencing events Describing character Expressing concern Expressing astonishment or disbelief Making suggestions Pointing something out Choosing and purchasing items Ordering food and beverages Grammar Points: Present tense, irregular verbs: partir, sortir Passé composé with être Prepositions before cities, countries and continents Present tense of irregular verbs: dormer, lire Ordinal numbers Irregular plural forms of nouns and adjectives Present tense of irregular verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, falloir Communicative Objectives : Descriibing daily routines Making suggestions Giving opinions Giving orders Asking someone to hurry Expressing likes and dislikes Stating a preference Expressions emotions Describing past events Grammar Points : Reflexive verbs Present tense of irregular verb s’asseoir Imperative of reflexive verbs Passé composé of reflexive verbs Communicative Objectives : Congratulating and commiserating Describing talents and abilities Describing character Asking if someone ifs free Accepting and refusing an invitation Expressing appreciation Asking what something is Expressing likes and dislikes Pointing out exceptions Making a prediction Describing past events Describing daily routines Grammar Points: Present tense of irregular verb offrir Present tense of irregular verb courir Direct object pronouns Direct object pronouns in the passé composé Course Policy General Rules : Students are expected to follow all directions, instructions, school and class rules School policy will be followed for tardies and absences. Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to class daily: French notebook, handouts, paper, pencils and pens (blue or black and one red pen). Students are to complete homework assignments before the start of class. Students are expected to always do their own work on tests, quizzes, class work and homework, unless otherwise instructed. Collected Assignments: Write your first name, last name, the date and the period in the upper right hand corner of each collected assignment. Write in blue or black ink on standard loose-leaf paper. To be given credit, work must be legible. Work that is soiled, wrinkled, torn, careless or ‘doodled’ upon will not be accepted. Unexcused late work receives no credit. Make-up Policy: Excused Absences: All missed assignments (homework, class work, projects) tests, quizzes and oral evaluations may be made up for credit if the absence is excused. Students are responsible for obtaining missed class notes and assignments from a classmate, and are allowed one day for each day absent to receive credit for missed homework assignments. Make-up tests, quizzes and oral evaluations must be completed within one week of the return to school. Students need to make arrangements with the teacher for make-ups. If a student is absent on the day of a quiz or test that was announced and/or posted prior to the absence, (s)he will be expected to take the quiz or test on the day (s)he returns. It is the student’s responsibility to speak to me about arrangements for making up missed work. Tutoring: Unexcused Absences: No credit will be given for missed homework, class work or projects. No make-up opportunities are available for quizzes, tests, or oral evaluations. Help with work can be obtained during lunch. I will be in room 205. Grading Policy: Tests/quizzes Homework Participation Final Exam/Final Project 30% 30% 20% 20% Tests: will be given at the end of each unit of study. They may be written, oral, a combination of written/oral or in the form of an assigned project. Quizzes: will be given at the end of each lesson and will be announced. They may be either written or oral. Homework: will be assigned for each unit of study. Homework will be available on the school website. There will usually not be homework on Friday. Homework checks will be done at the beginning of class. If you have difficulty with an assignment, see me for help before class. Participation: Active, earnest participation in ALL aspects of this course is essential to success. Participation means that students will come to class regularly with necessary materials including assigned homework, listen attentively, respond appropriately and complete all assignments. Evaluation of participation will be based on the quality of work in completing written and oral practices, taking part in pair and group work, and following school rules and class directions. Final Exam/Final Project – At the end of each semester a summary exam will be given, or a final project will be assigned. Either one will be designed to assess oral, aural, reading and writing skills in French. The exam/project will be worth 20% of the semester grade. Note: As stated in the California State Board of Education’s May 9, 2001 Pre-print Foreign Language Framework, K-12, “Successful instruction is measured not simply by the amount of time spent in the classroom, but also by the level of students’ abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. To that end, this Framework relies upon the model of the Language Learning Continuum.” This course is designed with the continuum n mind. To learn more about the Language Learning Continuum, please, go to The French II course is also aligned with the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning which are based on the organizing principle of 5 interconnected Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparison, and Communities.