EXHIBIT A FCOI CLIENT REPORT Date Agreement/Contracting Officer Agency Name Address City, State Subject: Financial Conflict of Interest Notice Dear : As per 42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F, Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) [for PHS Grants/Cooperative Agreements] 45 CFR Part 94, Responsible Prospective Contractors [for PHS Contracts], RTI International (RTI) hereby notifies you about a manageable FCOI for one of its investigators on the following PHS Grant [Cooperative Agreement, or Contract]. o o o o o o o Agreement number and title Name of Project Manager Name of investigator with the FCOI Name of the entity with which the investigator has an FCOI Nature of the SFI Approximate Value of the SFI (ranges: $5K - $9,999; $10K - $14,999, etc.) Description of how the significant financial interest (SFI) relates to the PHS funded research and the basis for RTI’s determination that the SFI constitutes an FCOI; description of the key elements of RTI’s FCOI management plan, including role and principal duties of the investigator with the FCOI; conditions of the FCOI management plan; how the FCOI management plan is designed to safeguard objectivity in the research project; confirmation that investigator agrees with the FCOI management plan; and how the FCOI management plan will be monitored. As indicated above, RTI believes it has adequately demonstrated that the described FCOI is manageable, and with the management plan described, RTI is confident that there is no impact on the investigator’s objectivity with regard to the indicated PHS Grant [Cooperative Agreement, or Contract]. RTI has also prepared a public version of this report, available upon written request. If you have any questions, please feel to call me at (919) and attention. Sincerely, Title RTI Project Number , or via email at . Thank you for your time