
Basil Herbal Tea
It is quite easy to make basil herbal tea, and it is a great after dinner tea as it aids in digestion.
2 teaspoons basil, crushed
1 cup boiled water
It can be sweetened with honey if you wish. Steep the basil leaves for 2-5 minutes.
Basil Benefits
Basil has many great beneficial properties, which is what makes it an excellent herbal tea and it
is used as a herbal remedy to treat the following:
Painful Menstruation
Antioxidant Properties
Anti Viral Properties
Anti Bacterial Properties
Gastro Intestinal Disorders
Nervous System Fatigue
Renal Infections
Ginger Tea Benefits
Ginger is used in many culinary dishes and deserts and beverages.
Ginger cookies, sugared ginger and ginger drinks are commonly used during pregnancy
to help ease the symptoms of morning sickness and stabilize the blood sugars while
Ginger has also shown to be effective in treating nausea associated with chemotherapy
and sea sickness.
Ginger added to tea or made into a tea itself has been used to treat colds through out
 Ginger Cautions
Ginger should be used with caution by those suffering from gall stones as Ginger
promotes bile release from the gallbladder.
Ginger is considered a safe herb
Oregano Tea Benefits
Oregano tea was traditionally used to treat colds and fever as well as menstrual pain.
Oregano is commonly used today to treat indigestion, bloating and flatulence.
Oregano has been used to treat coughs and bronchial irritations and can be gargled to
help ease a scratchy dry throat.
Oregano is thought to promote menstruation using Oregano tea, a poultice of Oregano
can be used topically to treat menstrual cramps and rheumatism.
Oil of Oregano can be used to treat other ailments too. I have used it many times and it
is great!
Oregano Cautions
The medicinal use of Oregano is discouraged during pregnancy.
Oregano oils or used topically can cause irritation to the skin.
Lemon Grass
Lemongrass is a great herb for reducing a fever or relieving stomach cramps. It also aids in
digestion, especially in children, and helps ease the pain of arthritis.