1 Estimation of a Respiratory Signal from Single Channel Electrocardiogram Signal Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Kunal Kamble1, Vishal Lohikpure 2, Sushil Sirsat3 and Narendra Jadhav3 1 Electronics and Tele Communication Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere, Tal.- Mangaon, Dist.- Raigad, pin-402103. kunal24178@gmail.com 2 Electronics and Tele Communication Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere, Tal.- Mangaon, Dist.- Raigad, pin-402103. vishmax20@gmail.com 3 Electronics and Tele Communication Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere, Tal.- Mangaon, Dist.- Raigad, pin-402103. sush.sushil1007@gmail.com 3 Electronics and Tele Communication Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University , Lonere, Tal.- Mangaon, Dist.- Raigad, pin-402103. nsjadhav13@yahoo.com Abstract Respiratory signal is widely used biomedical signal for extracting physiological or pathological information about patient. An electrocardiogram is a transthoracic interpretation of the fills the lungs is a poor conductor compared to the different types of tissue that make up the thorax.[12] It is therefore feasible, that the inspiration of air increases the electrical impedance across the thorax. The respiratory induced changes in thoracic impedance could lead one to electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. Respiration modulates heart rate such that it increases during breathing in and decreases during breathing out & is referred as respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Mechanical action of respiration results in the same kind of frequency content in the electrocardiogram spectrum. Here we are estimating the respiratory signal by decomposing single channel electrocardiogram signal into different intrinsic mode functions. This is especially important in which the electrocardiogram, but not the respiration is routinely monitored. Keywords: Electrocardiogram, Respiratory signal, Intrinsic mode functions, Decomposition, Residual, Vector-cardiogram. 1. Introduction When the aim is to derive or estimate a surrogate respiratory signal from the information contained in the ECG signal, one have to observe the respiratory mechanisms that induce modulations of the ECG. It has been shown experimentally, that the filling and emptying of the lungs during the respiratory cycle causes short term changes in thoracic impedance distribution. The air that conclude that inspiration would always decrease ECG amplitude and expiration would increase ECG amplitude. This is however not always the case. ECGs recorded from the surface of the chest are also influenced by the relative motion of the electrodes with respect to heart [12]. The expansion and contraction of the chest, which accompanies respiration, induces an apparent modulation in the direction of the mean cardiac electrical axis which affects beat morphology. It has been experimentally shown that respiratory induced modulation of the electrical axis is caused mainly by the motion of the electrodes relative to the heart, while the thoracic impedance changes contribute to the electrical rotation as a second order effect. These physical influences of respiration result in amplitude modulations of the observed ECG [9]. The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) was proposed as the fundamental part of the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT)[12]. The Hilbert Huang transform is carried out, so to speak, in 2 stages. First, using the EMD algorithm, we obtain intrinsic mode functions (IMF). Then, at the second stage, the instantaneous frequency spectrum of the initial sequence is obtained by applying the Hilbert transform to the results of the above step. The HHT allows to obtain the 2 instantaneous frequency spectrum of nonlinear and nonstationary sequences. These sequences can consequently also be dealt with using the empirical mode decomposition. However, this project is not going to cover the plotting of the instantaneous frequency spectrum using the Hilbert transform. We will focus only on the EMD algorithm. The EMD decomposes any given data into intrinsic mode functions (IMF) that are not set analytically and are instead determined by an analyzed sequence alone. The basis functions are in this case derived adaptively directly from input data. The respiratory signal estimation is based on the identification of the intrinsic mode functions related to the respiratory activity [12]. 1. The number of IMF extrema (the sum of the maxima and minima) and the number of zero-crossings must either be equal or differ at most by one. 2. At any point of an IMF the mean value of the envelope defined by the local maxima and the envelope defined by the local minima shall be zero. The algorithm as proposed by Huang is based on producing smooth envelopes defined by local maxima and minima of a sequence and subsequent subtraction of the mean of these envelopes from the initial sequence. This requires the identification of all local extrema that are further connected by cubic spline lines to produce the upper and the lower envelopes. The procedure of plotting the envelopes is shown in Figure [10]. 2. Empirical Mode Decomposition Decomposition results in a family of frequency ordered IMF components. Each successive IMF contains lower frequency oscillations than the preceding one. And although the term "frequency" is not quite correct when used in relation to IMFs, it is probably best suited to define their nature.[10] The thing is that even though an IMF is of oscillatory nature, it can have variable amplitude and frequency along the time axis. 2.1 Steps involved in EMD 1. Identify the extrema (maxima and minima) of the signal x (t). 2. Find the upper envelope of the x (t) by passing a natural cubic spine through the maxima. 3. Find the lower envelope of the minima. 4. Compute mean of the upper and lower envelopes and designate as m(t). 5. Get an IMF candidate using the formula hn (t) = x(t) – m(t). 6. Check whether the hn(t) is an IMF, and is not repeat, the process from step 1 if hn(t) is an IMF then set r(t) = x(t) - hn(t). 2.1 Intrinsic mode function EMD decomposes a signal x (t) into its components called intrinsic mode functions (lMFs) hn(t), n =1, 2, ...,N and the residual r(t) N x(t ) hn (t ) r (t ) n 1 An IMF resulting from the EMD shall satisfy only the following requirements: Fig. 1 Plotting the envelopes and their mean Figure 1 gives the analyzed sequence in the thin blue line. The maxima and minima of the sequence are shown in red and blue, respectively. The envelopes are given in green. The mean is calculated based on the two envelopes and is shown in Figure 1 as the dashed line. The mean value so calculated is further subtracted from the initial sequence. The above steps result in the extraction of the required empirical function in the first approximation. To obtain the final IMF, new maxima and minima shall again be identified and all the above steps repeated [12]. 3 Fig. 2 Respiratory induced modulation of ECG signal 4. Simulation Results 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Fig. 2 Block diagram 0.2 0 This repeated process is called sifting. The sifting process is repeated until a certain given stoppage criterion is met. Selection of sifting stoppage criteria is one of the key points affecting the decomposition result as a whole. We will get back to the discussion of this issue a bit later. If the sifting process is successfully completed, we will get the first IMF. The next IMF can be obtained by subtracting the previously extracted IMF from the original signal and repeating the above described procedure once again. This continues until all IMFs are extracted. The sifting process usually stops when the residue, for example, contains no more than two extrema. -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 Fig. 2 Modulated Single channel ECG signal intrinsic mode functions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 3. Respiratory Signal estimation If the ECG signal is decomposed till the Nth level of decomposition, and the detail signal of 9th decomposition is reconstructed, we get the RS. The value of N depends upon the sampling rate. This is because the maximum frequency that can be represented is taken equal to fs/2, where fs is the sampling frequency. Because of the fact that the range frequency of RS is 0.2 Hz – 0.4 Hz, it is necessary to compute the decomposition, level corresponding to this range [10]. In our case the data taken is sampled at 200 Hz and the decomposition level selected is the 9th level.[12] 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 5 10 15 Fig. 3 First intrinsic mode function 4 References intrinsic mode functions 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 4 Fifth intrinsic mode function intrinsic mode functions 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 5 Required respiratory signal Power Spectral Density 70 Power/frequency (dB/rad/sample) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Normalized Frequency ( rad/sample) 0.9 1 Fig. 6 Power spectral density 4. Conclusion and Future Work In this work empirical mode decomposition method is utilized to estimate the respiratory signal from single channel ECG signal. Wavelet decomposition is also used to extract respiratory signal from single channel ECG signal but it has been shown that empirical mode decomposition leads to better results. 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