Benefice News

December 2010---------------BENEFICE
Rev. Philip Greenhalgh, Stapleton Rectory, Telephone 016977 48660
Services for December
of Advent
3rd Sunday
of Advent
4th Sunday
of Advent
12th Dec
Christmas Eve
24th Dec
Christmas Day
1st Sunday
of Christmas
2nd Sunday
of Christmas
25th Dec
5th Dec
19th Dec
26th Dec
2nd Jan
10.30 am HC
With Baptism
10.00 am HC
3.00 pm
10.30 am
Carol Service
5.00 pm
Crib Service
10.00 am HC
11.30 pm HC
10.00 HC by
10.00 am
Carol Service
Cancelled due to
bad weather
10.00 am HC
2.15 pm
Carol Service
9.00 pm HC
7.00 pm HC
10.00 am HC
10.30 am United Service of Holy Communion at Kirklinton
10.30 am HC
By Extension
No service
10.00 am HC
Rev. Philip Greenhalgh - PG; Dick Davidson - DD; Tony Bashford – TB, Rev. Rob Brown – RB, Rt. Rev. John Richardson JR
Other Services
Morning Prayers 8.00 am daily (Monday – Saturday) at St Mary’s Church, Stapleton and at St Cuthbert’s, Kirklinton at 8 am each
Knowe United Reform Church 2.15 pm, Sunday 5th December: Joint Advent Service with Bewcastle at the Knowe Church
Russelgate service every Sunday at 7 pm.
If there is anyone who cannot get to church and would like to receive Holy Communion at home please contact Rev. Greenhalgh.
Dear friends,
We are almost at the end of another year, it seems to have flown by. For me this has been a year of pilgrimage:
parish walks along the Maiden Way from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, our benefice walk on Palm Sunday, and a “golden
oldies” stroll from Roadhead. A few of us walked the Pilgrim’s Way across the sands of Lindisfarne before heading for
Durham Cathedral in celebration of Cuthbert, our Patron Saint, a true pilgrimage in company with hundreds of fellow
I had a fortnight with good friends clearing the ancient footpaths and mule-trails of Mount Athos. Joining the
monks in church and sharing meals made this working trip another pilgrimage. In June I sailed in the parish yacht to St
Kilda. I’d always wanted to see the world’s largest gannetry and the history of that archipelago has long fascinated me.
Our crew of just three: skipper, first mate and chaplain got along famously, my two companions were very kind to their nonsailing clergyman.
Valerie and I shared a pilgrimage to Moscow and the Volga. We travelled with a relatively large group of
friends on an elderly but comfortable river cruiser. Visits to churches, monasteries and communities, interspersed with
leisurely travel on the river, good conversation and some excellent lectures made this a superb trip. The highlight for me
was a day at the Tretriakov gallery in Moscow and the opportunity to gaze and gaze at Rublev’s “Trinity” icon. There was
some good story-telling too and I even got to sing a set of “peace” songs in a bar in the middle of the city.
My final pilgrimage of the year was with my brother Malcolm. We visited some family sites in Bolton,
including our “family” church and grandmother’s grave.
I sometimes hear people blithely say how easy it is to travel these days. I’m not so sure. Ash from an Icelandic
volcano, the threat of strikes, smog in Moscow, a train derailment near Oban, the difficulty of obtaining a Russian visa, and
the mutability of the tides in the north Atlantic all played their part in the year’s adventure.
2010 has been a year of pilgrimage for all of us, however far from home we ventured. For some friends and
parishioners 2010 saw the ending of their earthly pilgrimage and we still miss them even as we celebrate their time with us.
The end of this year’s pilgrimage sees the beginning of the new. And in the depths of midwinter where better to begin than
at the Crib of Him who came to share our human journey and who now walks with us as Immanuel, God with us.
Happy Christmas
Philip. Your priest
Church events this month
There is no Children’s Club in December but all children are very welcome to attend the Crib Service at Hethersgill on 24th
Benefice singing group – New, old and young members very welcome. Any queries please contact Ann on 01228 675684
From the Registers Wedding: 25th October Peter Urwin and Siegrun Andrea Drexel at Kirklinton
9th October Margaret Elizabeth Park at Bewcastle
December 2010 ---------------- AROUND THE PARISHES ----------------
December 2010
Bewcastle Scout Group every Tuesday during term time. Bewcastle School 6 – 7.30 pm. Open to boys & girls aged 6 – 14 years. Details from Geoff 01228-792723,
Simon 01228-675717, Veronica 01228 675265.
Lyners Explorer Scout Unit for 14-18 year olds meets usually the first Wednesday and third Monday of every month at 7 pm in Stapleton Hall. Check the
programme details with Geoff 01228-792723.
Bewcastle Parent & Toddler Group Wednesday 1.15 – 3.15 pm term time Bewcastle School. 016977 48061/ 577398
Roadhead Dance Class every Tuesday during term time at Roadhead hall. For boys and girls age: 8-11 yrs 4.30-5.15 pm and for 3-7 yrs 5.30-6.15 pm. For further
information please contact Anna 016977 48758 or Marie 01228 577327.
Shankhill C of E School. Nursery education for children, free for children aged 3 plus. Mon-Fr i 9-12 noon, with option of lunchtime club until 1pm. Now taking
applications for January 2011 and April 2011 intakes. Contact Emma Brocklebank, Headteacher, 01228 577264
Shankhill C of E School has 2 Computers for the Community to use which have internet access, Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Available during school
hours. Contact 01228 577264
Shankhill 100 Club has 3 monthly prizes of £14, £10 and £5.. Some numbers still available, £9 for rest of year. Please send cheque (payable to Shankhill 100 Club) to
the School with your details. 01228 577264 for info.
Shankhill PTA collect used stamps, old mobile and landline phones and printer cartridges to go to the Air Ambulance Appeal. Hand in to School or contact 01228
577225/ 577039.
Thanks to all those who donated to Fir Ends School/ Air Ambulance collection. You helped to collect 2.8 tonnes of clothing etc raising £994 for the Air
Ambulance and £560 for the school. Next collection will be April 2011. Thanks again
Kirklinton with Hethersgill P.C.C. 100 Club Winners for September, 1st G. Thompson, 2nd C. Edwards, 3rd Ivor Armstrong; October: 1st L Storey,
2nd Irene Armstrong, 3rd K Clubbs; November: 1st D Urwin, 2nd K Spedding, 3rd M Murray
Happy Tots toddler group is being re-launched on Thursday 4th November 2010 and will continue every week thereafter during term time. 1.15pm- 3pm in
the new room at Hethersgill Hall. Come along and enjoy a drink and chat whilst children play ,do craft, sing etc. Details from Sarah Millar ( 01228 675011).
Everyone welcome.
Bewcastle Pre-school Nursery education for children aged 2 to 5 years. Monday to Friday 9 -12 noon at Bewcastle School. Free for children over 3 years of age.
Contact: Anne Armstrong 016977 48662.
Bewcastle Cancer Research Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the whist drive on 15th October. The drawing, whist and donations
raised the grand sum of £2554.84. All the money goes to cancer research UK who spent £4 million on research in Newcastle last year, so all donations are
greatly appreciated.
Hethersgill social committee hosted a Halloween party on 30/10/10. A wonderfully decorated Hethersgill Hall was packed with mini witches, skeletons, Ghosts
etc.all the children took part in many games & competitions and enjoyed a spooky themed tea. The committee also hosted the over 60's supper & social. They
enjoyed a 3 course supper, followed by funny stories & singing by Brampton Choir. Thanks to all who helped & supported the events.
Stapleton PCC would like to say a very BIG THANK YOU to all those who helped, donated to, and who gave so generously to our Auction of Promises in
October. Particular thanks to Margaret, Catherine, Vicki, Gordon, David, Herbert and David. (Gordon, you are a natural auctioneer!) It was a wonderful
evening and we raised £4,000. The PCC was overwhelmed by the support of our community. Many, many thanks.
Saturday 27th November 2 pm Stapleton Church Christmas
Fair at Stapleton Public Hall. Usual stalls –
cakes/produce/Christmas and home made teas.
Saturday 4th December 9 am Long walk (6m moderate)
Watendlath. Meet Auction Car Park. 01228 675910
Saturday 4th December 2 pm Kirklinton with Hethersgill PCC
Christmas Fair at Hethersgill Hall with Father Christmas making
a visit. Admission FREE. Stalls include cakes and produce,
Christmas Stall (all new goods only), Tombola, Books &
Videos. Raffles. Home made teas available. The afternoon will
finish with carol singing. Donations and gifts appreciated.
Details 01228 675378/675534
Saturday 4th December 8 pm Stapleton Public Hall Dance
with Bon Accords. Details 016977 48301/48337
Tuesday 7th December 2.30 pm Christmas Tea in the Rectory
Barn with trifle, mince pies and chocolate cake! Children from
Shankhill School will join us for carol singing during the
afternoon. This will be our last tea until we start again next
May. Thank you to all those who have supported us during the
year. Happy Christmas.
Wednesday 8th December Scaleby Flower Club with
D Ryland
Saturday 11th December 9.30 am Short walk followed by
Christmas lunch. Meet Hethersgill Hall. 01228 675534/675910
Saturday 11th December 10 – 12 noon. Bewcastle Church
Coffee Morning with Bishop John and Felicity Anne at the Old
Rectory. Stalls and Raffle. New and As New Gifts, cakes etc for
stalls very welcome.
Saturday 18th December 9 am Long walk (6m easy) Church
Brough, Gt Musgrave. Meet Auction Car Park. 01228 675910
Saturday 18th December Hethersgill Parish Hall Dance with
Brian Griffin
Tuesday 21st December 7.30 pm Bewcastle Heritage Society
“The Carlisle Canal” – illustrated talk by Dave Ramshaw.
Mince pies and mulled wine at Roadhead Hall.
Monday 27th December Charity Dance at Hethersgill Parish
Hall with Roe Valley Band
Friday 7th January Stapleton Public Hall Dance with Roe Valley
Wednesday 12th January Edith Knapton will hold fortnightly Beading Classes in Hethersgill Hall. Details 01228 67465
Kirklinton WI
Stapleton WI
14th Dec
8th Dec
Annual General Meeting
Christmas Dinner
Comp: 3 Mince Pies
Deadline for the January 2011 issue is 1pm on Saturday 11th December to Tricia Coombe at Damhead,
Lyneholmeford, Roweltown, CA6 6LQ. Telephone 016977 48833 or