1988 Major addresses (pre


1988 Major addresses (pre-Distinguished Lecture)

Carlo Ginsburg, "The Inquisitor as Anthropologist"

Laurence Stone, "Money, Sex, and Murder in Eighteenth Century England: A

Story and Its Meaning"

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, "Ethnic Minorities in the French Nation"


1989 Inaugural Distinguished Lecture

Ernest Gellner, "The European Roots of British Anthropology"


Natalie Zemon Davis "Unsettling the Colonial Encounter: European Women in

Seventeenth Century Quebec and Surinam."


Marilyn Strathern, "The Pursuit of Certainty"


Joao de Pina-Cabral, "Mater Semper Certa: The Conditions for the Access to



Caroline Humphrey, "New Myths and the Dispossessed in Russia"


Anthony P. Cohen, "Personal Nationalism: A Preliminary View of Some Rites,

Rights and Wrongs"


 Orvar Löfgren, "The Nation as Home or Motel? On the Ethnography of

Belonging and the Technologies of Intimacy"


 Tamàs Hofer, "Globalized Natives and Ethnicized Researchers: Observations of a Marginal European"


Judith Okely, "Anthropology's Practice Brings Subject and Theory"


(*note: in some cases, individual roundtables have been cancelled due to either low enrollment or a last-minute inability of the table head to attend. The following is a list only of scheduled roundtables and does not reflect such cancellations)

1986 (Breakfast) James Taggart

Stanley Brandes -- Religion, Folklore and Ideology

John W. Cole -- Class, Culture and Political Economy

Ernestine Friedl -- Sex and Gender

Jane Schneider -- Historiography and Anthropology

Katherine M. Verdery -- Ethnicity and Regionalism

1987 (Breakfast) James Taggart

Ruth Behar -- The Family in Europe

Linda Bennett -- Challenges and Opportunities in Easter Europe

James Fernandez -- The Search for Identity: National, Regional, and Local

George Saunders -- Teaching the Anthropology of Europe

Nancy Scheper-Hughes -- Fieldwork Ethics in Europe\

Bernard Wailes -- The Archaeology of Europe

1988 (Breakfast) William Douglass

David Gilmore -- Class Relations

Hans Buechler and Judith Buechler -- Migration in Europe

Ernestine Friedl --Women in Southern European Society

William A. Douglass -- Social Anthropology in Europe

James Taggart -- The European Folk Tale

Carole Counihan -- Food and Culture in Europe

Jeremy Boissevain -- Increase of Public Rituals in Europe

1989 (Breakfast) Frank Dubinskas

Stanley Brandes -- The Cultural Construction of Social Identity

Jane Collier -- Perspectives on "Modernization" in the Mediterranean

St. Clair Drake -- Race, Ethnicity, and Class in Europe

Eugene Hammel -- The Articulation of History and Ethnography in Europe

Michael Herzfeld -- Nationalism and Bureaucracy in Europe

Gail Kligman -- The Politics of Identity

Jane Schneider -- New Social Movements

1990 (Breakfast) Lawrence Taylor

Joan Vincent -- Local Culture and State Formation

David Kertzer -- The Crisis of Representation in European Communist Parties

Caroline Brettell -- Migration in Europe

Jill Dubisch -- Changing Cultural Constructions of Gender and Women's Work

Tanya Luhrmann -- New Age Movements in Europe

Carole Crumley -- Region, Nation, History and the Meaning of Monuments

Katherine Verdery -- National and Ethnic Issues in the Eastern European

"Transition to Democracy"

1991 (Breakfast) David Kideckel

William Lockwood -- European Gypsies

Peter Allen -- European Ethnographic Film

Ernestine Friedl -- The Mediterranean and Changing Europe

Donald Pitkin -- European Field Experience: Informant, Friend, Colleague,

Alter Ego

Ed Handen -- I have the "Hots": Higher Order Technical Skills and the New

European Order

Andrew Lass - Cultural Malaise in Eastern Europe

1992 (Breakfast) David Kideckel

Ellen Badone -- European Religion

Linda Bennett -- Potential Uses of Anthropology in Reconstructing Eastern


Susan Gal -- Gender in Eastern Europe

Paul Rabinow -- European Modernities

Robert Rotenberg -- European Urban Landscapes

Alan Feldman -- The Post-Textual Body: Encountering the Victim in Northern


1993 (Breakfast) Thomas Wilson

Caroline Brettell -- Anthropology and History in European Ethnography

Alexandra Jaffe -- Language and Identity in Europe

Gary McDonough and Cindy Wong -- Screening Europe: Feature Films in

Research and Class

G. James Patterson -- Images of Europe in the Minds of Immigrants

Oriol Pi-Sunyer -- Southern Europe and the New Immigration

M. Estellie Smith -- Urban Entities in the New Europe

Marc Abeles -- The Anthropology of National and International Political


1994 (Breakfast) Misty Jaffe

David Kideckel -- Capitalism and Culture in Eastern Europe

Laszlo Kurti -- European Popular Culture

Susan Carol Rogers -- Public Policy in Europe as Ethnographic Data

Jill Dubisch -- Religious Identity and the New Nationalism in Europe

Sharon Stephens -- Gender, Ethnicity and Political Activism in Contemporary


Douglas Holmes -- European Right

1995 (Luncheon) Jane Nadel-Klein

Lawrence Taylor -- The Political Uses of Death

Gary McDonogh and Cindy Wong -- Images of Europe in Feature Films

Gerald Creed -- Mainstreaming (East) European Anthropology

Robert Rotenberg --Landscape and Power

M. Estellie Smith -- The European Union: Is the State Passé?"

1996 (Luncheon) Deborah Reed-Danahay

Karen Armstrong -- Bringing Scandinavia into the Picture

Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt -- Cutural Production of the "Educated Person"

Anthony Galt -- H-SAE: Resources and Future Directions

Peter Allen -- Archaeological Film in/on Europe

Joao de Pina Cabral -- Popular Religion in Europe

Carrie Douglass -- Teaching Anthropology in Foreign Language Departments

1997 (Luncheon) Jeffrey Cole

Ellen Badone -- Pilgrimage in Europe

George Saunders -- Doing Anthropological Research in Italy: Practical and

Scholarly Considerations

Uli Linke -- Racism and Racial Politics in Europe

Diane Orourke -- Life Course, Culture and Political Economy

Thomas Wilson -- Nationalism and European Integration

Jane Schneider and Peter Schneider -- Theorizing the Role of Clandestine

Social Formations in European Political Economy: Mafias, "Secret" Fraternal

Organizations, Covert State Activities

1999 (Luncheon) Eva Darvas

Debbie Reed-Danahay--Time, Tempo, Tactics: Everyday Forms of Social

Manipulation in Europe

Sharon Roseman--The Anthropology of Authoritarian Regimes in Europe

Bob Rotenberg--Trends in the Commodification of European Identity

Katherine Verdery--New Issues in Post-Socialist Ethnography

Marko Zivkovic--European Feature Film as Ethnographic Resource

SAE Program Chairs

1986-1987 James Taggart

1988 William Douglass

1989 Linda Bennett

1990 Ellen Badone

1991 Robert Ulin -

1992 David Kideckel

1993 Uli Linke

1994 Thomas Wilson

1995 Alexandra Jaffee

1996 Jane Nadel-Klein

1997 Deborah Reed-Danahay

1998 Jeffrey Cole

1999 Winnie Lem

 2000 Èva Huseby-Darvas

Last updated: February 10, 2000

Forrás: http://www.h-net.org/~sae/sae/saeprogr.html


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