EAST ©Kirsty Martin 2013 Intro: All (from unison into harmony) Ta ka dhin a dhin - dhina dhin x 3 then Ta ka ta ka jurna ta ka ta ka jurna VERSE 1: B / T / A: Oy-ya x 8 SOP: In a strange blue heaven - I thought I heard your voice Cast in the ink of an eye - and borne upon the wing Wrapped within a restless floating breeze You – were the song – of the sky - and I was tongue-tied… CHORUS: B / T / A: KONNAKOL - harmonic drone - not same as intro! S: I look to the South / West / North / East VERSE 2: B / T / A: Oi-ya x 8 (different pattern to V.1) SOP: And so I took a half step - and I looked to the East Then a quarter turn - and I caught your song in my mouth I was full – with the sound of air borne laughter And of the beginning – of the world - the wo-o-o-orld…. Back to intro but with split soprano harmony continuning with Chorus ‘I look to the…’ 2 HANDCLAPS! I look to the South / West / North / East As a unison round: ALL: I look to the… ALTO - go to harmony (others stay on SOP) TENOR - go to harmony (BASS and SOP stay on SOP) BASS - go to harmony = 4 part harmony. SOUT H BASS: ALTO/SOP: ©Kirsty Martin 2013 Dng – dng – doo bwa da dng dng – boo dwa da....! Ba – badada – ba – badada... ! VERSE 1 - TENOR: Bringing you fireside stories Where many a passion was born Where babies were birthed and our elders kept warm Where dreaming and legend took form BRIDGE - ALL: Camp fire - candle light hearth flame - keep ‘em burning bright…… VERSE 2 - TENOR: We’re singing you fireside stories where many a meal was prepared where visitors welcomed and family met and everything we had was shared…… AND THERE WAS CHORUS: NO burning effigy (no no) (And there was) NO forest set alight (no no-o-o-o) (And there was) NO witch hunt for the woman (no) (And) NO bomb strapped to your back (no no-o-o-o) (And there was) NO sati for the widow (no) (And) NO candle left unwatched (no no-o-o-o) (And there were) NO crosses blazing hatred (no) (And) NO burning of a book …….. Modulate here!! B, A and S back to ‘default’ VERSE 1 & 2 - TENOR: Bringing you fireside stories Where many a passion was born Where babies were birthed and our elders kept warm Where dreaming and legend took form We’re singing you fireside stories where many a meal was prepared where visitors welcomed and family met and everything we had was shared…..AND THERE WAS ALL: REPEAT CHORUS CODA: B / T / A: Camp fire - Candle light Hearth flame - Keep ‘em burning bright S: repeat chorus over the bridge to end. WEST (repeat) ©Kirsty Martin 2013 INTRO: ALL: - - - x x (two claps in 5:4) SECTION A: (first time B and T sing BASS part, A and S sing SOPRANO part. Second time, into 4 part harmony) ALL: CALM x x QUENCH x x SOAK x x HEAL x x DIG x x BUILD x x CHANGE x x BRING x x SECTION B: (first time, T and A stay on Section 1, second time everyone one Section B words in harmony x 2) Calming the fever and quenching the thirst x x Soaking the body and healing the wound x x Digging the channel and building the well x x Changing the weather and bringing the storm x x SECTION C: B / T / S: (quietly, with clicks instead of claps) Ba dye – ba dye – ba da – ba dye – ba dye x x ALTO: You told me that it’s not so deep - standing there like a figurehead Arms open wide you called to me (you said) come with me – dive in – it’s easy (but) I-I was always so nervous - dipping my toes in at the edge (but) I-I took a breath and listened (and) I heard the water calling me SECTION D: NB - The timing now goes from 5:4 into 6:4! THREE CLAPS in between the words instead of TWO B / T / S: (quietly) CALM x x x QUENCH x x x SOAK x x x HEAL x x x DIG x x x BUILD x x x CHANGE x x x BRING x x x ALTO: (first time in unison, second in harmony) Now I feel… I can follow - the river - home Now I feel… I can wallow - and surf the storm… in the darkening sky There’s no stone - around my leg anymore – - and I - don’t fear for breath anymore I don’t need - to stay in the shallows - I can set sail – on my… own Back to SECTION B: (NB - time goes back to 5:4 here!) ALL: Calming the fever and quenching the thirst x x Soaking the body and healing the wound x x Digging the channel and building the well x x Changing the weather and bringing the storm x x SECTION A: ALL: CALM x x QUENCH x x SOAK x x HEAL x x DIG x x BUILD x x CHANGE x x BRING x x ] ©Kirsty Martin 2013 NORTH INTRO: ALL: Wahoum - ba dm dm dm, ba dm dm dm , ba dm dm dm - be dmba… BASS and TENOR stay on this pattern, while ALTO and SOPRANO go to ‘default’: Diggin’ and dreamin’ VERSE 1: ALTO and BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: CHORUS: BASS: T/A/S: VERSE 2: BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: BASS: T/A/S: (TENOR sings the bass pattern (Tenor ‘default’) while BASS sings the word SOPRANO continue with ‘default’ diggin’ and dreamin) Well – way back when at the planet’s birth Dig deep down – deep down to the bedrock We pushed our hands way deep down into the earth Dig deep down – deep down * to the roots * Well you know that good intention is all a soul needs Dig deep down – deep down to the bedrock So we planted the future like little seeds Dig deep down – deep down to the roots We’re gonna dig - deep - down We’re keepin’ our feet on the ground - and our heads in the clouds Feeling gravity pull – travellin’ full circle Then we zip up our boots – goin’ back to our roots We’re gonna lay the foundation FOR THE NEXT GENERATION (TENOR, ALTO and SOP as before) And when we’re long gone under the ground Dig deep down – deep down to the bedrock And the seasons they just keep on rolling around Dig deep down – deep down to the roots When the forest is green and the frost is gone Dig deep down – deep down to the bedrock We’ll be breaking on through with our ancestor’s song Dig deep down – deep down to the roots CHORUS: as before REFRAIN: (B, T and A in default) BASS: We’re We’re We’re We’re diggin’ diggin’ diggin’ diggin’ for for for for today - we’re digging for tomorrow now our dreams - we’re digging for the lost and found the past - we’re digging for the here and now the moon - we’re digging for the shape of things to come CODA: We’re digging for the shape of things to come (IN A ROUND but TENOR stay on default then ALL: We’re diggin’ for times to come!