Kamp KVH Boarding

revised 12/27/2013
Owner's Name___________________Date of Admission: ________Time_______
Address: ________________________Discharge Date: __________ Time_______
Cell Phone: _____________________Articles Left: ________________________________
Pet's #1_________________
Pet #2____________________
Pet #3____________________
Special Command Words your pet uses or other special instructions?_______________________________________________
For your pet’s protection, all vaccines must be current. Each vaccine MUST be administered by a licensed
veterinarian. Bordetella, a specific kennel cough vaccine, is required to be administered every 6 months. It is best
if administered at least 2 days prior to boarding by signing you also understand that even with vaccinations it is
still possible your pet could contract kennel cough while boarding. Vaccines required are listed below.
Canine Vaccines
Date due
Feline Vaccines Date Due
Rabies—annual or 3 year
Rabies—annual or 3 year
Dhpp—annual or 3 year
FVRCP-annual or 3 year
Bordetella—every 6 months
□ Copies of vaccination records_____________
(All vaccines must be given by a veterinarian-no private vaccines allowed)
Your pet must be free of internal and external parasites. If not, treatment will be performed at your expense. Your Pet will
be given a boarding exam at no charge by our staff, if fleas are seen your pet will be treated with flea medications at your
expense. The cost of these treatments varies with size of dog but typically is between $16.00 and $20.00. Our kennel is not
responsible for any personal belongings left with your pet.
In case of Emergency
Notify: 1st_______________________________________Phone Number____________
Notify 2nd______________________________________Phone Number_____________
Regular Veterinarian if not us: ______________________ Phone number_____________
If, in our judgment, your pet requires immediate medical care due to illness or injury and we are unable to reach you
or your emergency contacts, the Veterinarian on Staff at the time will initiate treatment based on your wishes listed.
_______(initials) Please perform whatever services the doctor deems necessary for the best care of my pet until I or
my authorized agent (contact) can be reached. I authorize up to the following amounts:
$300_________ $500________ $1000__________ Unlimited___________
_____ (initials) DO NOT administer any medical treatment until specific authorization is given by me (owner) or
authorized agent (emergency contact).
_____ (initials)Due to advanced age in my pet DO NOT PERFORM heroic measures to resuscitate my pet in the
event of a medical crisis (DNR)
_____ (initials)If my pet has an illness/requires surgery and needs intensive overnight supervision, I give permission
for my pet to be transferred to the Denton County Animal ER by a KVH employee. I understand those charges will
be separate from KVH.
revised 12/27/2013
Accommodations include lodging in our facility suited to the size of your pet; daily feeding with
Purina or Science Diet (or, if you prefer, owner-provided food). Fresh water will be available at
all times. Your pet’s quarters are cleaned and sanitized each day. Exercise will be provided
twice daily.
Kamp KVH Daily Rates
Extra Small
under 10 lbs
under 15 lbs
15 to 30 lbs
30 to 40 lbs
Extra Large in cage 40- 60 lbs
Dog Runs
21.00 night
22.00 night
25.00 night
27.00 per
$ 29.00 night
$ 32.00 night
$ 35.00 night
Add a special service for your pet!!
You may request that special services be provided while your pet is in our care. Please inquire with the receptionist at the time you bring
your pet to visit with us. A few of the additional services we provide are:
□ Extra walks/walk….……….……..………....…......$2.00 per Walk
□ Buddy Time for playing or brushing..………..........$4.00 per 15 minutes
□ Pet and Purr cats only…………………………......$4.00 per 15 minutes
□ CET chew………………………………………….$2.00 per treat
□ Boredom Buster (frozen Kong with food)………...$3.00 per day
□ Bath (boarders staying 2 nights can have a bath at ½ our normal price. Price varies on weight of pet.
There will be a surcharge for:
□ Administering Medication……………………….…….………………..$ 4.00 per day
□ Special handling of aggressive or difficult pets………………………...$ 6.00 per day
KVH Witness Signature:_______________________
KVH-Pick up Information:
KVH Boarding will only release your pets to the following Person (s):
I understand that the people listed above may be required to show identification and also will be
financially responsible for any outstanding balance on my account.
revised 12/27/2013
Please read & initial each section:
_____ Female dogs that are in estrus (heat) are not allowed to board at Kamp KVH. If we find that your female dog
does enter estrus while in our care, your dog will be moved to our Isolation Ward. Isolation does cost $6.00 more per
day. Under no circumstances will Kamp KVH be responsible or liable if your female becomes pregnant while boarded.
_____ Kamp KVH reserves the right to immediately change your pet's type of boarding if we believe it is necessary to
protect the health and well-being of your pet, other dogs or our staff.
_____ All animals must be healthy, current on all vaccinations, fecal exams and flea/tick control. You will be required to
leave a copy of your animal’s vaccine history before your pet begins boarding. This ensures the safety of your pet & our
other KVH boarders.
_____ Check out time for each pet is 2:00pm M-F. After these times your pet will be charged and additional fees
boarding if still in our kennel. We do have pickup on Sunday’s between 5-6 pm however your pet will be charged ½ day’s
boarding and prior arrangements and prepayment is required for pets to be released on Sundays between 5PM and 6PM.
_____ You release, indemnify, and agree to hold KVH harmless from any and all manner of damages, claims, loss,
liabilities, costs or expense, causes of actions or suits, whatsoever in law or equity, (including, without limitation, attorney's
fees and related costs) arising out of or related to the services provided by KVH, including transportation services, except
which may arise from the sole gross negligence or intentional and willful misconduct of KVH, including, without limitation,
(I) any inaccuracy in any statement made by yourself or information provided by you to KVH, (II) your pet, including by not
limited to destruction of property, dog bites, injury, and transmission of disease, and (III) any action by yourself which is in
breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
______ Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, or as the result of any claim
or controversy involving the alleged negligence by any party to this contract, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by an arbitrator may be
entered in any Court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall, as part of his award, determine an award to the
prevailing party of the costs of such arbitration and reasonable attorney's fee of the prevailing party.
______ Although KVH diligently walks all pets on a slip leash, on all walks, I am aware that given the sometimes
unpredictable nature of dogs, an interaction could take place between animals and unforeseen events could occur while on
scheduled walks. If such an event resulted in injury to my dog, to other dogs, or to other people; I alone assume responsibility
for such an injury.
______ I understand that if I leave my pet at KVH for a period of 7 days beyond the time period for which I contracted
services for, my pet will be considered abandoned and necessary steps will be taken to turn the animal over to the proper
OWNERS SIGNATURE:________________________DATE:______________
KVH EMPLOYEE CHECKING IN PATIENT:__________________________