RAeS Centennial Scholarship Fund

RAeS Centennial Scholarship Fund
2007 Winners
Our congratulations go to the following teams and individuals for
their achievement.
Individual awards 2007
Dimuthu Adikari
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Air Transport Management.
Michael Erickson Bandaru University of Hertfordshire
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Bjorn Buanga
University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Aung Chan Htike
International Space University, Strasbourg
Tuition fee support for Master of Space Management.
Ankur Chandak
Kingston University
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Engineering.
Joseph Dickinson
University of Liverpool
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies.
Graham Doig
University of New South Wales, Australia
Funding towards a research placement at the US Naval Academy in Maryland, USA
as part of PhD in Transonic and Supersonic Ground Effect Aerodyanmics.
James Edwards
University of Glamorgan
Tuition fee support for final year BSc Aircraft Maintenance.
Jehan Eliyas
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Aerospace Dynamics at Cranfield University.
Syed Nabeel Jamali
Kingston University.
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Engineering.
Johnathan James
Imperial College, London
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Pierre-Daniel Jameson
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support towards MSc Aerospace Dynamics.
Julia Leeson
University of New South Wales, Australia
Tuition fee support for final year combined honours Bachelor of Engineering
(Aerospace) and Science (Astrophysics).
Stuart Mackrell
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Safety and Accident Investigation (Air Transport).
Lealem Mulugeta
International Space University, Strasbourg.
Tuition fee support for Master's degree in Space Studies.
Franklin Olando
University of Glamorgan
Tuition fee support for final year BSc Aircraft Maintenance.
Neel Patel
Bristol University
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Joachim Pätzold
University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Sumer Sethi
City University
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Raayin Rahman
Brunel University
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Engineering.
Ketul Shah
University of Sheffield
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Engineering.
Vipra Sharma
City University
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Charles Sudborough
University of Bristol
Tuition fee support for final year of BEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Hamad Suliman Jumaa
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for final year PhD Human Errors in Helicopter Maintenance.
Jochen Stemberg
University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Clara Juanes Vallejo
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support to study MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering.
Matthias Wies
University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Michael Williams
RMIT University, Australia
Tuition fee support for final year combined honours BEng Aerospace Engineering
and BA Business Management.
Christopher Wolkensinger University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Youngjun Yang
University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for final year BEng Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering.
Team awards 2007
Air League
Continued support for a RAeS Centennial-funded 15-hour flying scholarship.
Arkwright Scholarships Trust
Continued support towards scheme to support a young individual with an interest in
aerospace engineering studies. (Scheme is to encourage high-ability 16 year-olds to
take up engineering or design technology careers)
CU Spaceflight
CU Spaceflight is a student-run society of Cambridge University aiming to lower the
cost of carrying experiments to high altitude and into space. The Centennial award
provides funding for rocket components and insurance of their student-designed
'Martlet' rocket system to be launched at 32KM altitude to encourage other
students/young people to take interest in aerospace via this experimental flight.
Royal Aero Club Trust
Continuation of RAeS-sponsored bursaries of £250 to four young people from their
Flight Sim/PC group, and/or towards a flying bursary scheme for those with a basic
qualification in air sport, based on financial need.
Queen Mary, University of London, Space Summer School Project
Continued funding to support extending the 2007 Queen Mary University Space
Summer School Project to more schools in the Tower Hamlets borough, London,
continuing to develop learning materials relating to spacecraft design focusing on
planetary exploration and space engineering, such as the Cassini mission etc.
QUT Search & Rescue UAV Team, Queensland University of Technology,
The team is made up of a group of students led by Shane Degen whose BEng final
year group project is to develop a "Search & Rescue UAV" capable of locating a lost
bushwalker and delivering medical care to said bushwalker until rescue team arrives.
The award is to provide funding for system components.
Continuation of Centennial sponsorship of Headstart project for 2007, to support
students opting for Headstart’s aeronautical engineering summer school courses.
Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators
A GAPAN-administered "RAeS Centennial Flying Scholarship" along the lines of
other Guild scholarships to the value of £5000 for a sponsored PPL.
Yorkshire Air Museum
Funding for printing and distribution costs of a new Key Stage 2 Aviation educational
booklet called ‘Reach for the Sky’, featuring aviation history, puzzles, quizzes etc.
based on a previous booklet produced for the three counties of Yorkshire. The new
booklet will be revised with national content and distributed nationally to primary
schools throughout the UK.