Code of Conduct

The participation of a student in any extracurricular activity or any athletic team is a privilege and not a
right. It is earned by each individual student by being a conscientious student and respectful as well as
responsible person. The following rules are to ensure that a student involved in extracurricular activities or
athletics stays healthy, safe, and remains an acceptable, responsible representative of Sacopee and our
Mission statements:
To provide a safe and mutually respectful environment where students learn
To communicate effectively and develop the skills to become a lifelong learner
As well as productive and involved citizens.
The extracurricular contract addresses the following issues:
Use of tobacco and/or alcohol products
Possession, use, or distribution of any narcotics or unauthorized drugs
Injurious hazing*
Student-athlete behavior
Each team and/or club is required to review the contract and submit a team signature sheet to the
administration. Everyone participating must sign in agreement with the developed policy. Any student
refusing to sign will not be allowed to participate in the designated activity.
Any infractions of a contract will be investigated by the administration and the coach/advisor. The
administration will determine if there is evidence that the infraction occurred and will determine the
consequences, per the team/club contract. This shall only take place after the student has had all rights
outlined under due process. All applicable school rules and district policies will be enforced for violations
which occur ON school property.
The decision of the administration may be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools. The decision of the
Superintendent is final.
*Injurious hazing means any action or situation, including harassing behavior on or off school property,
that recklessly or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health of any school personnel or a student
enrolled in a public high school.
Maine State Law 20-A MRSA 6553.1A
Approved and Adopted: March 28, 2001
This policy only pertains to extra-curricular activities and will be in addition to other language in
district policies such as (Hazing/Harassment/Substance Abuse).
The participation of a student in any extracurricular activity or any athletic team is a privilege and not a
right. It is earned by each individual student by being a conscientious student and respectful as well as
responsible person. The following rules are to ensure that a student involved in extracurricular activities or
athletics stays healthy, safe, and remains an acceptable representative of Sacopee and our mission
To provide a safe and mutually respectful environment where students learn to
communicate effectively and develop the skills to become a lifelong learner as well as
productive, involved citizens.
The use of alcohol products is prohibited by all students at all times. The use of tobacco products in transit
to and on school grounds or at school sponsored events for students over the age of 18 is prohibited. The
use of tobacco is prohibited in all cases for all students under the age of 18. Any student participating in
any extracurricular activities who violates these standards will be suspended from athletic or extracurricular
participation as follows:
First Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for a five
day period with a mandatory meeting with at least the coach and/or
advisor, one administrator, and the student present. A parent or legal
guardian must be invited to attend also.
Second Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the season or 30 calendar days, whichever is longer OR a
two week suspension with agreement to participate in a counseling
Third/Repeat Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the season or 90 calendar days, whichever is longer AND
participation in a counseling program, loss of awards and the privilege
of attending the awards ceremony.
An athlete or student participating in any extracurricular activities who is reported in possession of, using,
or distributing narcotics and other drugs (as defined in 17-A M.S.R.A. 1101) on or off school grounds by a
verified source as determined by the administration will be suspended from participation as follows:
First Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the season or 30 calendar days, whichever is longer OR a
two week suspension with agreement to participate in a counseling
program with a mandatory meeting with at least the coach and/or
advisor, one administrator, and the student present. A parent or legal
guardian must be invited to attend also.
Second Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the year, OR suspension for the remainder of the season
or 90 calendar days, whichever is longer with agreement to participate
in a counseling program.
Third Offense:
Suspension from all athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the year, loss of awards and the privilege of attending the
awards ceremony.
Maine State Law 20-A MRSA 6553 prohibits any harassing behavior which recklessly or intentionally
endangers the mental or physical health of any individual either on or off school property. An athlete or
student who participates in extracurricular activities who has been determined by the administration to have
violated this law will be suspended from participation as follows:
First Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for a two
week period with a mandatory meeting with at least the coach and/or
advisor, one administrator, and the student present. A parent or
legal guardian must be invited to attend also.
Second Offense:
Suspension from athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the season, or a two week suspension with agreement
to participate in a counseling program.
Third Offense:
Suspension from all athletic or extracurricular participation for the
remainder of the year, loss of awards and the privilege of attending the
awards ceremony.
It is a privilege to participate in interscholastic athletics. A student’s behavior, before, during or after
school, at practices, games or events, within the community, or at an opponents school may affect their
participation. Therefore, it is the expectation that all student-athletes will conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner at all times. Each case of misconduct, including instances where the law, or school
board policies are broken, will be reviewed separately by the administration, including the coach, athletic
director, assistant principal and principal. Parents will be notified of the disciplinary review and will be
invited to meet with the athletic director and principal. The consequence of the misconduct will be decided
on by the administration and will reflect the severity of the misconduct. Examples of consequences may
include the following:
A written warning,
Practice or game suspension of a determined number of days/games,
Removal from a team
If a student earns a detention, this will affect game, practice, or meeting time because detentions will not be
scheduled around extracurricular schedules. If a student is late or dismissed because of an illness, they
will not be able to participate on that day. Students suspended from school (in or out) for any reason will
not be allowed to participate on those days.
While there are valid reasons as outlined in school attendance policy for a student being absent from
practice, club meeting, or school as specified in the preceding paragraph, the student may be required to
present a written excuse for their coach or advisor from his/her parent or doctor stating the specific reason
for the absence or tardiness. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the coach or advisor to ensure that all
of his/her players and/or club members clearly understand and conform to the attendance policy stated in
the preceding paragraphs.
Excused absences-Tardiness-Early dismissals
Sickness in the family
Death in the family
Driver’s Exam
Appearance in court
Job or college interview
Doctor or dental appointment
Other arrangements with prior approval of the administration
When a student is to be late for practice or meeting or is to miss a game or club event due to detention,
he/she must notify the coach or advisor prior to the close of the school day.
Many times a student will miss a class because of travel to an athletic contest or other extracurricular
activities. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the class assignment(s) prior to the class
missed. If a quiz or test is scheduled, the teacher will have the options of administering the test before the
trip or at a time convenient to the teacher after the trip. If the student does not discuss options with the
teacher, the student may be required to attend class and not go on the trip or be given a failing grade for the
homework or test missed.
Please save a copy of this for your own records.