Caribou - Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History

Fun Facts about
Reindeer are
actually caribou –
they are called
reindeer in some
parts of the world.
In some places,
reindeer have been
domesticated and
are used to pull
Image: By Pearson Scott Foresman (Public domain), via Wikimedia Commons
Biology and Migration
The caribou (Latin name: Rangifer tarandus) is a type of deer – they have hooves for
feet and they grow a rack of antlers every year. With the deer you might have seen
in Connecticut, only the male deer grow antlers, but with caribou both the males and
females grow antlers. Their antlers grow each year and then are shed (fall off) in the
fall or winter. Caribou eat
only plants, especially a
kind of lichen known as
reindeer moss, but also
grass and leaves from
certain trees. They live in
the Arctic tundra and the
taiga (boreal forest),
where they are welladapted to the cold
climate. This map shows
the caribou range – where
they live – in North
America. The different
shades are for different
subspecies. Caribou also
live in northern Russia,
Norway, Sweden and
Map by Cephas (Own work)
[GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via
Wikimedia Commons
Caribou win the
prize for the
migration of any
mammal, with some
herds traveling
3,100 miles each
Caribou are fast –
even a day-old
caribou could outrun
Usain Bolt, one of
the fastest Olympic
The largest male
caribou can weigh up
to 700 pounds!
Although not all caribou populations migrate, most herds in North America spend the summer in the northern parts
of their range, and then move to a different place for winter where the snow and cold temperatures are not so
harsh. They migrate mostly for food – in the summer, there is plenty of lichen and other food for the herd in the
north, but it becomes covered with snow in the winter. Some caribou herds are so large that they actually have to
keep moving all the time so that they don’t run out of food to eat!
Environmental Science – Global Changes
Caribou are facing a number of threats, mostly related to human-caused global changes. Climate change has
probably affected them the most, with the following important effects on their well-being:
The snow melts earlier in their summer range, and the young plants begin to grow earlier as well. Plants are
easiest to eat and digest when they are very young. Even though the caribou herds are arriving at the same
time of year as they always have, the plants are now harder to eat and digest.
Caribou don’t have a lot of natural defenses against biting and blood-sucking insects like blackflies and
mosquitoes. Warmer summers have led to more biting insects, which disturbs their feeding and in some
cases causes the loss of a lot of blood.
Because winters are not as cold as they used to be, caribou often have to deal with freezing rain instead of
snow. It is fairly easy to push snow aside to get to the lichen and plants underneath, but almost impossible
to break through the icy layers left by freezing rain.
One of the other major threats to caribou, particularly in the boreal forest, is human and industrial development.
Caribou often can’t or do not want to cross major roads or other barriers that humans have created. For an animal
that migrates, this can make it very difficult to get where you are trying to go!
Conservation – How to Help
Most conservation efforts have to do with providing a safe way for them to cross human-made barriers. In some
places, people have constructed bridges over highways specifically built for wildlife to use to get across. In other
cases, oil pipelines have been constructed far enough off the ground for caribou and other wildlife to pass safely
More generally, we can help the caribou by doing our best to limit global warming. There are lots of ways you can
help – see Polar Bear Discovery File for some specific ways.
Sources: (this page includes a
30-second video at the bottom that shows an example of a conservation campaign strategy) (reading level is higher than grade 4, but
there are a lot of good photos and information here)