Bricks Bytes and Continuous Renovations Law School Web sites January 1, 2010 By Brittany Kolonay Brittany Kolonay, research assistant to Professor Penny A. Hazelton, formerly Chair of the ABA Law School Facilities Committee, has prepared this list of 102 law schools who recently or are currently engaged in new construction or renovation projects. These law schools were identified by searching all law school websites for information on law school facilities that might be of interest to others law schools. Ms. Kolonay builds on the work of Jocelyn Kennedy, currently a librarian at the University of Michigan School of Law Library. The list is arranged alphabetically (excluding the word University). A brief description of the contents of each website is included. Law schools with no current construction projects but who have created impressive virtual tours of their facilities are included. Schools in Puerto Rico were not included as the Web sites are in Spanish. Please send corrections or suggestions to Professor Penny A. Hazelton, University of Washington School of Law, University of Akron The University of Akron’s virtual tour contains floor maps as well as descriptions of all the rooms included in the tour. University of Alabama The University of Alabama completed construction of a two story addition and renovation of the existing law school in 2006. This website features descriptions of the project, updates of building progress, and photographs of construction. American University American University has completed several construction projects including renovating the former law journal offices into the new career services suite and renovating the moot court room and lobby. Additionally, the University has a virtual tour of the school and several of its spaces - including the remodeled lobby. University of Arizona 1 In 2008, the University of Arizona extensively renovated their main law building, including classrooms, student spaces and the library. This website provides links to the design and construction progress of the project. The University also created a video showcasing the improvements made and maintains a virtual tour of the law library. University of Arkansas Fayetteville The University of Arkansas opened two new wings of its law school building in 2008. The project added classroom space and other student spaces, a new court room, an espresso bar and expanded the law library. The link provided is to a keynote address which only briefly describes the improvements. University of Arkansas Little Rock Over the summer of 2006, the University of Arkansas - Little Rock renovated several areas of the law school. This website describes the types of rooms being renovated and provides pictures of the progress and final product. Ave Maria The Ave Maria School of Law relocated to Naples Florida in 2009. The school planned several renovations to the Naples campus which are briefly described in this overview. University of Baltimore In 2005, the University of Baltimore completed the renovation of classrooms and their moot court room. 2 years later, the school also added 5 faculty offices to the law library. Furthermore, in 2008, the University announced that it planned to starting construction on a new law school building in 2010 and finishing in 2012. This website provides information about the architect, design, and news stories related to the building. Baylor University Although construction was completed in 2001, Baylor University's website continues to maintain a virtual 2 tour of their updated facilities. This website includes interactive floor plans, historical information, and a visual and textual "virtual" tour of the Baylor Law School facilities. Includes information on costs, funding, architects, and start of the art technologies used at the school. University of California Berkeley The University of California Berkeley has been in the process several renovations and a large construction project for several years now. The classrooms, student center and moot court are now complete. However, they are continuing work on the west terrace and the new addition which will house the law library. This website includes design images, timetables, and a construction blog. University of California Davis UC-Davis is in the process of adding 19,500 square feet to the existing law school. This webpage features a detailed project that includes floor plans, budgets, and space allocation. University of California Hastings The University of California Hastings renovated its law library from 2005-2007. This website describes some of the renovations and links to the architects’ website which details expense as well as some additional details. Campbell University School of Law Campbell University School of Law remodeled the law library in 2007. The school has also planned a move to Raleigh that should have been completed in the summer of 2009. This website describes the planned move to and the renovation of the new facility. The website also links to information about the architects. However, there are not yet any pictures. Capital University In 2005, Capital University renovated a building purchased the year before to add classrooms, a computer lab, a conference room and other needed space to the law school. Additional information about the project was not provided 3 Case Western Reserve University The law library was completely renovated in 2006; however, while the website lists the improvements that Case Western Reserve made, there are no other project details. Chapman University %2Fnews_archive.asp Chapman University School of Law renovated the Old Towne Orange House in order to house the Elder Law Clinic. The school has also provided an extensive virtual tour of the law library. Charlotte The Charlotte School of Law moved into a new building in 2008. This website describes the new facilities; however, it does not provide any other project details. In addition, the law school has provided a slide show virtual tour. University of Chicago The University of Chicago Law School completed renovations to its law library in 2008. The link above provides brief descriptions of these renovations. The school also offers a visual tour video that may be downloaded. City University of New York 4 CUNY plans to construct a new building prior to fall of 2011. This website describes the building’s location, green features, and provides information about the builders. Cleveland State Starting on page 5 of this .pdf, the dean’s office describes the extensive renovations the College of Law completed in June of 2008. The report also includes pictures of the renovated space. The second link provides further descriptions of the types of renovations made to the law school. University of Colorado The University of Colorado began planning for a new building in 1997, broke ground in 2005, and completed construction in September 2006. The Law School maintains a website that features links to a QuickTime movie with construction updates, a list of contacts that includes the architects, fundraising campaign information, funding chronology, documents and building plans as well as a web cam and photos. This is perhaps the most extensive and useful of all of the websites reviewed. University of Connecticut In 2009, the law library concluded all construction on the interior of the University of Connecticut’s law library. This report outlines the improvements made to the library in addition to providing some pictures. Cornell University In 2009, the law school renovated their moot court room. This article provides a brief description of the construction and provides the architect’s rendering. University of Dayton The University of Dayton built its new building in 1997 and has developed a virtual tour that has small pictures of the individual spaces, but provides a detailed description of the building. 5 University of Denver The University of Denver moved into a new building in 2004 that is LEED certified Gold. The website provides details and a video of the building and the green building process. Drake University Drake University has provided a virtual tour that allows you to walk through both law buildings. There is also a link on the website to tour the legal clinic. Drexel University Drexel University opened its new law building in 2007. This website includes limited photos of the new building, links to stories about the law building, and a description of the facilities. Duke University Duke University has been the process of renovating its law school since at least 2005, adding a commons and renovating the law library. This website describes the buildings and links to photo galleries, video, and webcam classics. Elon University In 2006, Elon University completed renovations to the building the school would come to occupy. While the description of the renovation is limited, the website provides photos of almost of all of the spaces in the law school. University of Florida 6 The University of Florida completed an expansion project in 2005 which allowed them to have greater space for classrooms, conference space and the law library in 2005. This website details that project and provides a virtual tour, construction plans, timeline and photo gallery of the improvements. Florida A&M University In 2006, Florida A&M moved into its new facilities which are described by the website above. Furthermore, from the school’s FAQ page you can also access a YouTube video of the new school. Florida Costal Florida Costal School of Law provides an interesting visual and information tour of school with this 360 degree tour. Florida International University Florida International provides what it calls a “quick building tour” via a large photo gallery of the interior of the law school. There is a similar site for the exterior of the building as well. Florida State University Florida State University appears to have planned to renovate a vacated 1st District Court of Appeals building in order to expand their facilities. The above website provides the plans by the architect with some description of the planned renovation Fordham University The University has plans to build a new law school at the completion of a capital campaign. This website includes information about the design of the new building and renderings of new spaces inside the building. There is also a video of plans for the exterior of the building. 7 Franklin Pierce Law Center This website provides a brief overview of the renovation of Franklin Pierce Law’s new courtroom, which was completed in 2008. George Mason University This website provides a video which contains a brief visual introduction to the interior and exterior of the law building but also provides a walking tour with plans of each level of the law school. Georgetown University Georgetown Law Center completed construction of the Hotung International Building in fall 2004. Visit the website to see construction notes, take an architectural tour, view a construction movie, and visit the project architects. The law school also provides a virtual tour of the law school campus with descriptions of each of the buildings. University of Georgia The University of Georgia provides a virtual tour via use of slideshows, videos, and 360 degree views of the law school. Georgia State University In addition to renovating its law library in 2003, Georgia State University appears to be in the planning stages for a new law building. On this website, the school outlines its design considerations for the new building. Harvard University 8 In 2008 Harvard completed renovation of several spaces in Griswold Hall that received a LEED Certification - Platinum. This website provides a description and pictures of the improvements. . University of Idaho The University of Idaho completed renovation of its courtroom in 2008, which this website describes. However, the website does not provide any pictures. Indiana University Indianapolis While this is perhaps not a true virtual tour, the site does provide excellent pictures of the interior of its building and description of the facilities University of Iowa The University of Iowa provides a detailed virtual tour of its law library. University of Kentucky This website describes, and provides some renderings of, a new law school that the University of Kentucky plans to inhabit by 2012. Liberty University In 2009, Liberty University completed Phase III of construction on a new section of the law school. This website describes the improvements and provides photos of the new space. University of Louisville 9 In 2007, the University of Louisville completed renovation of two of its classrooms. The website here shows pictures and a description of the completed rooms. Loyola University New Orleans Loyola University New Orleans has completed two expansions of the law school – one in 2007 and the other in 2008. The above news stories describe the completed construction of a new wing on the law school and the planned renovation of a newly purchased building that will house office space and a law clinic. Marquette University Marquette Material for Bricks & Bytes Book.pdf Marquette broke ground for a new building a new law school in 2008. This website links viewers to blueprints of the building, photos of the construction, a webcam, and time lapse video and provides a brief description of some of its special features. University of Maryland The University of Maryland Law Library renovated a computer lab in 2008-2009. The article describes a general plan, but it does not provide any pictures. McGeorge University of the Pacific .pdf This .pdf provides a map of the law library at McGeorge University and provides a timeline and some description of planned renovation. The law school also provides a virtual tour. 10 University of Memphis The University of Memphis is planning to move its law school to a downtown location. As part of this process they purchased and have begun renovating a new building. This website describes the move, the building, and contains construction photo updates and plans for each of the floors of the new law school. University of Michigan The University of Michigan has just begun construction on a new law building. This website details the progress, including a construction timeline, updates, and multimedia. The law school also maintains a virtual tour of its current space. University of Mississippi The University of Mississippi will occupy its new law school in the fall of 2010. You will find descriptions of the plans and the fundraising campaign at this webpage along with a link to a live webcam so you can watch the construction. Mississippi College Mississippi College of Law’s moved into a new downtown building in 2005. The above website provides a slideshow virtual tour of the building include descriptions of exterior and interior spaces. University of Missouri Columbia The University of Missouri provides a slide show virtual tour of their campus on their website. University of Missouri Kansas City 11 The University of Missouri released a news article describing the completion of their courtroom renovation in 2006. University of Montana The University of Montana began construction of a new addition to the law school in early 2008 and completed the in 2009. This website provides photos of the completed addition, construction photos, a description of the space and floor plans. University of Nebraska This document describes the planned (and now nearly completed) renovation and expansion of the law school and also provides at least one photo of the construction in progress. New York Law School New York Law School broke ground on a new building for its TriBeCa campus in 2006 and completed the construction in 2009. This website also notes that the school will begin renovation of the law’s school’s other three schools “ North Carolina Central University This North Carolina Central website indicates the law school built an addition and renovated much of its building; however, there is little additional information describing the project here. University of North Dakota 12 In 2006, the University of North Dakota renovated one of its classrooms. This website describes the improvements and has photographs detailing the construction. The law library also has a photo archive of renovations it completed in 2003. Northeastern University The school of law recently completed a massive renovation of one of its buildings and is beginning renovations of another. This website contains current and construction photos of the new building. Northwestern University Northwestern has provided a virtual tour of their buildings. Notre Dame Notre Dame moved into a new law building in 2009. This website provides a video, virtual tour, and other information about the new building. University of Oklahoma The University of Oklahoma’s virtual tour includes 360 degree views and slide shows of the facilities. Oklahoma City University The law school renovated part of the law library in 2005. This pdf, on page one, provides a brief description and a couple of pictures. Pace University 13 This article describes the renovation of the law library that was completed in 2007. It also provides a couple of photographs. . University of Pennsylvania The University of Pennsylvania is planning on constructing a new law school. This website contains renderings of the new building, cost and other facts related to the building’s construction and a timeline. The school also has a virtual tour of the current building. Pennsylvania State University In 2009, the law school celebrated the opening of a new building. This website includes architectural drawings and a brief explanation of the design. Pepperdine University Pepperdine University provides a virtual tour of its law building. Regent Law Regent Law renovated its law library in 2008. This website shows the construction photos and video but does not describe much detail about the project. Rutgers University Camden Rutgers-Camden opened a new building in 2009. This website contains pictures of the exterior and interior spaces and provides a brief description of the new space and links to the dedication of the new building. 14 St. John’s University Facademics%2Fgraduate%2Flaw%2Fpr_law_080624.xml This website describes St. John’s University’s improvement to several classrooms and construction of a new writing center in 2008. The law school also has a virtual tour. St. Mary’s University In 2006, St. Mary’s University completed its renovation of the moot courtroom. This brochure provides renderings of the proposed renovation and a description of the project. University of St. Thomas Minnesota The University of St.Thomas moved into a new building in 2003. Though this article is from before the building was complete, this article describes the project better and shows pictures of the construction. Santa Clara University In 2008, the law school renovated the 3rd floor of another building to add classroom and faculty space. This website briefly describes the construction. Seattle University The University of Seattle is currently in the process of building a new annex to the law school that is scheduled for completion in 2010. This website describes the project and provides updates on the construction progress, a rendering of the final product and photos of the construction. The law school also provides a virtual tour of Sullivan Hall. 15 University of South Carolina The University of South Carolina is planning to build a new law school. This website provides renderings and a “3D fly through” of the proposed building. Southern University In 2008, Southern University broke ground on a new expansion to the law school. This article briefly describes their plans and provides a rendering of the new space. This project may now be completed. University of Southern California This is one of the better law library virtual tours and it indicates that the law library was renovated “this summer.” Southern Illinois University Southern Illinois University began renovation of the law library in 2006. This website provides details of the renovation, a 3D rendering of the new exterior and 1st Floor, and links to the architect’s website. It appears that this project should be completed as of December 2009. Southwestern University Southwestern is notable for its renovation of a pre-existing post-war department store into a law school. Although the website simply offers a look at the campus as completed, SW demonstrates that there are alternatives to new construction. Stanford University Stanford University is planning to build a new law school building. This website provides details of the plan, a photo slide show, floor plans and fundraising information. 16 Suffolk University Suffolk University offers a video tour of their school in either QuickTime or Real Player. University of Texas In 2006, the University of Texas renovated their dining court. A brief description is provided here. Texas Wesleyan University x This article briefly describes renovations and an expansion to space at Texas Wesleyan University that were completed in 2005. In this case, the University added classroom space, a conference center, and a Lecture hall. Thomas Jefferson School of Law Thomas Jefferson School of Law expects to move into a new building in early 2011. This website details construction progress through updates, a webcam, and a rendering of the soon-to-be completed building. Thomas M. Cooley In 2006, Thomas M. Cooley law school completed construction on its Lansing facilities. Furthermore, in 2009 the law school celebrated its expansion and renovation at its Auburn Hills location. Touro 17 In 2007, Touro law moved into a new building. This website includes photos of the completed building and construction updates. Valparaiso University This website provides limited information about the renovation of a law school building. Villanova University In 2009, Villanova opened a new law building. This website only briefly describes the new building. However, the law school also provides a video virtual tour of their campus and buildings. University of Virginia The University of Virginia completed construction that added faculty offices in 2008. The university also provides a video tour of the law school. Washburn University School of Law In 2004 Washburn University remodeled several classrooms and other spaces within its pre-existing building. The site contains a description of the project and photographs of the remodel. University of Washington In 2003, the UW School of Law moved into a newly built facility on the University of Washington main campus, William H. Gates Hall. The website features descriptions of the building and its technology and photographs of the construction process. Washington and Lee University Washington and Lee University completed renovation of their Moot Court Room in 2006. On this website there are periodic photo updates of the construction as well as floor plans and the architect’s renderings. 18 Washington University This article outlines a renovation of one of the law school’s buildings and the completion of another in 2008. However, no detail project descriptions are provided. Western New England College Though there is no other information provided about the scope of the project, the law school was renovated and expanded its facilities in 2008. Widener Law In 2008, the Widener-Harrisburg campus completed renovation of the student lounge. This website provides a description of the renovation and a video slide show of the construction in progress. College of William and Mary The College of William and Mary recently completed renovation of its courtroom in 2009. This article discusses the room, the technology, and a few pictures of the construction and the final product. William Mitchell In 2003, the law school started a 15 million dollar construction and renovation project. This web page briefly discusses the scope of the project. University of Wisconsin 19 The law school maintains a virtual tour of the law school’s facilities. University of Wyoming The University of Wyoming broke ground on a new addition to the law school in 2008. This website provides renderings of the new addition and information about the architect. 20 21 22 23