May 2004 Causal modeling (with eternals) Jaime Glaría Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Casilla 110-V, Valparaiso, Chile ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. FREEDOM Assume a variable x (you, yourself, perhaps?) with two numbered alternatives: either 1 or 2 (choosing left or right?) Assume another variable y (a hummingbird, perhaps?) with two alternatives: either 3 or 4 (choosing up or down?) Put both variables in a set: x and y (you and the hummingbird, fooling around?) Roughly, the set would have four alternatives: either 1 and 3; or 1 and 4; or 2 and 3; or 2 and 4. That is, if the variables were free from each other; i.e., if x could choose 1 or 2 when y chose 3, and also when y chose 4, and if y could choose 3 or 4 when x chose 1, and also when x chose 2. In fact, this conceptually defines freedom (within the alternatives that are available for the available variables). Now assume a third variable z with two alternatives: either 5 or 6. Put all three variables in a set: x, y and z. If the three variables were free from each other, this set would have eight alternatives: either 1, 3 and 5; or 1, 3 and 6; or 1, 4 and 5; or 1, 4 and 6; or 2, 3 and 5; or 2, 3 and 6; or 2, 4 and 5; or 2, 4 and 6. And this defines freedom again. “Freedom”, “Freiheit”, “liberté”, “libertad”: the concept is widespread. 2. CORRELATION When some alternatives are denied to a set of variables, freedom is turned off (and rebellion might be turned on). Correlation appears between the variables. It can be nasty; e.g., when only these two alternatives are left for the set of variables x, y and z: either 1, 4 and 5; or 2, 3 and 6. A fundamental question is “how many correlations do you see?”; e.g,: one such that the alternatives for x, y and z are either 1, 4 and 5, or 2, 3 and 6?; or one such that the alternatives for x and y are either 1 and 4, or 2 and 3; and one such that those for y and z are either 4 and 5, or 3 and 6?; or one such that the alternatives for y and z are either 4 and 5, or 3 and 6, and one such that those for z and x are either 5 and 1, or 6 and 2?; or one such that the alternatives for z and x are either 5 and 1, or 6 and 2; and one such that those for x and y are either 1 and 4, or 2 and 3?; or one such that the alternatives for x and y are either 1 and 4, or 2 and 3; and one such that those for x, y and z are either 1, 3 and 5, or 1, 3 and 6, or 1, 4 and 5, or 2, 3 and 6?; …? ? ? ? ? …? Mathematical tables, formulas and graphs deal with correlations. As seen from these five constructs, mathematical tables, formulas and graphs involve arbitrariness; not necessarily in small amounts. To reduce arbitrariness, use Occam’s razor and “shave off” unnecessary complexity 1; e.g., discard the fifth construct unless you have a good excuse to keep it. Then think on the first four constructs and answer this: which one is less complex? It is not obvious. Mathematically, the first construct is the best candidate… to be shaved off: it is simpler because it involves a single relation instead of two, but it is more awkward because it includes no subset with two variables free from each other. Arbitrariness (freedom?) is hard to die and you still have three constructs left. In Nature and various human circumstances, the denial of alternatives is not explicitly declared and correlation is a conjecture imagined because of some repetitive observations. Assume that you are in a silent cage, a bell rings outside and food is offered to you closely after; the next day the bell rings and food is offered to you again; and so on day after day, without exception, until statistics appeal to something like your scientific imagination and you begin predicting food offering as soon as the bell rings. Later on, probably at the edge of insanity, you could name the condition of the bell as x, the ringing of the bell as 1, the lack of ringing as 2, the condition of the food as y, the offering of the food as 4 and the lack of offering as 8, and you could mathematically state y=4x. This lack of freedom between x and y would probably be nice to you (and there would be no rebellion from the bell and the food). 1 William of Occam (1300?-1349) 3. DEPENDENCE The conjecture may go a little further, until it incorporates the perception of your own will and the dream of participating in some stages of the sequences, on purpose; e.g., the dream of ringing the bell for bringing food. Assume that one day the cage happens to be unlocked and you grab the bell abandoning your scientific observations to move into the engineering of food bringing. Then the imagined relations can: languish with the contradiction of your predictions, which blesses you with the loss of innocence (i.e., if you ring the bell and food, alas, is not offered; you loose faith and, by the way, you realize that there is no point in trying to get food in order to hear the bell ringing before); or blossom with the fulfillment of your predictions, which blesses you with rosy technical promises: since you can ring the bell at will and food offering depends on the ringing of the bell, food depends on you now and maybe the whole world will some day! Such is the essence of causality: the ambition to vary reality predictably by knowing what parts obey one’s will locally, what others depend on them, which else are driven by these and so on up to the parts one wants to vary, and then by acting on those mentioned first to rule those mentioned last. The word “dependence” involves the conjecture, beyond pure correlation, that some variables locally depend on others that dominate them; i.e., it involves a conjecture on orientation: in the story, the condition of the food, y, seems to depend on that of the bell, x; not the other way around: in spite that somewhere else, in revenge at some other untold part of the story, x might depend on y Since the essence of the conjecture is technical rather than scientific, the eventual orientation of a dependence is definitely elucidated, not by only observing, but by enforcing alternatives on the hypothetically dominant variables and then observing the supposedly dependent ones; if these vary as thought, one can decide that the hypothetically dominant variables are truly so; otherwise, one can decide that they are not. However, this is a callous job rising a number of questions. To enforce alternatives on any hypothetically dominant variable one must act dominantly on it; specifically, if one wants to enforce an alternative on x in the last construct, expecting to vary y indirectly, one must act in the role of z in the following construct: Can one really act that way? Technically, the question looks rather philosophical (i.e., irrelevant) because one has to trust that one can vary reality: you can ring a bell, can’t you?. But the case is far from trivial, and one must accept that many hypothetically dominant variables are very hard to reach. Besides, isn’t one compelled to believe that one can also be varied by reality; e.g., when observing? The gracious answer is that the dependences through which one dominates reality appear separate from those by which one depends on reality: (some of) the dependences mentioned first are supplied by the muscles, and (some of) those mentioned last are provided by the senses. Terrifyingly, though, illness and death menace both (from reality) either separately or jointly. On the other side, the hand menaces reality: if one enforces alternatives, doesn’t one vary dependences and degrade knowledge? (Observe the prospect of dependences being variable). The main hope along with the conjecture on orientation is that variables depend and dominate through separate dependences and enforcing alternatives on variables varies the dependences through which those variables depend, but not necessarily those by which they dominate. Thus, the variables depending on one self allow a predictable access to wider reality if they dominate others through other local dependences, since one can assume that these dependences persist when one enforces alternatives on the reachable variables, and the corresponding knowledge remains valid for predicting. Now, if one can act as said, the contradiction of predictions in the case of the bell and the food means that someone in the untold part of the story might have put up a farce for you by acting both on the bell and on the food in the next role of z: as a puppeteer: Another question emerges immediately with the loss of innocence: does reality ever behave as you thought before, or is there a Great Puppeteer juggling everything, including the food, the bell, the puppeteer and yourself? This question is devastating. It shakes the technician’s faith on his or her capability to vary reality. It troubles the sense of will and ethical liability. And it disrupts sentences such as this present one: if the answer is positive, except for the Great Puppeteer nothing disrupts, but is juggled into a disruption; nobody rings a bell, but is juggled into a bell ringing; nobody speaks, but is juggled into a speech. In the question posed last, orientation is still present. What if dependences are not oriented at all; i.e., if they are mere correlations? This new question is very difficult to answer, too. It also bothers sentences (is correlated with the bothering), unsettles will and liability (is correlated with the unsettlement), and challenges the technician’s strive (is correlated with the challenge). Should one ignore the issue on sentences claiming that it is grammatical and, hence, only of human nonsense? Should one disregard the issue on will and liability alleging a similar reason? Should one put the technician’s strive aside too? Should one also cast away the idea that variables can depend and dominate through separate dependences as anthropomorphic? Should one stick to dehumanized observation and description of variations for the sake of Science? How? One cannot do the above ignoring, disregarding, putting aside, casting away and sticking if dependences are disoriented: one can only be correlated with those acts. And “should” is a disregarded word if one is involved in the disregarding of ethical liability. Let us bet on standard sentences (such as this one) and on oriented dependences (back and forth separately, if necessary). There is an anthropomorphic side here, no doubt. And one is allowed to get nervous because anthropomorphism is dubious for understanding the world (which on the whole does not seem to rebel as easily as one self against lack of freedom, for instance). But anthropocentrism is much worse, and one is permitted to get more nervous with the arrogant idea that the world puts up a domination-and-dependence farce precisely for us, and behaves differently for the rest. At the end, we must perceive our selves and act upon our selves as we perceive the rest of the world and act upon it, and vice versa. 4. BECAUSE The callous job of reducing arbitrariness in correlations and orienting them, moreover, can be helped with some further conjectures and bets. It seems that the dependent variables are only those that do not vary before the others, in time. This can save some strenuous enforcement tryouts. However, the cases in the last two figures seem the same if in the next-to-the-last one y obeys x after some time delay and x obeys z after a similar postponement, while in the last one x obeys z after a resembling delay but y obeys it after a double wait. Moreover, both cases seem the same as the one in the prior figure if z is not perceived. Confusion is complete when variations are either cyclic or suspended, in equilibrium, since “after” and “before” cannot be discerned. Therefore, a clue that helps the job of orienting dependences is the conjecture that a variable convincingly varying after some others does not dominate them. This helps shaving off but is, obviously, often insufficient. Other clues come from the physicists, who observe that the speed of light constraints all physical speeds: one can also say that a variable varying before some others does not dominate them physically if it is too far (considering how long before it varied). Moreover, if one observes that circumstance but receives a message from a fast-moving observer saying that the variable mentioned first varies after some of the others, one should not be astonished and can also say that such variable does not dominate those others physically even if it is not too far (under the prior consideration). Mathematicians mess around with domination, precedence in time and sequencing in reading and in writing, because they have to pull all the strings, as puppeteers: one can vary a letter such as x by erasing it from a mathematical paper and writing another symbol like 1 instead; but it would be mind-blowing if another letter on the paper, such as y, varied without one doing anything else. In fact, Mathematics includes some narrow and very slippery slots to mimic causal orientation, just in case: by convention, in any single-entry table involving a truly dependent variable, the right column (the last one according to Western writing) should be devoted to that dependent variable; in any multiple-entry table involving a truly dependent variable, the inner space should be devoted to that dependent variable; in any equation involving a truly dependent variable, the left member (the last one according to Middle Eastern writing) should be devoted to that dependent variable; and in any graph involving a truly dependent variable, the vertical axis should be devoted to that dependent variable. This brings us to reading from tables, formulas and graphs; i.e., to verbalizing them, out loud. And also to writing them for others that should read. There is a big barrier there; and not just for unintelligent people. Algebra started in the 9th-century Middle East with alKhwarizmi’s equivalence between “z=x+y” and “x=z-y” 2. That equivalence bluntly ignored causality, maybe because of the callousness of orienting dependences. A funny thing is that, almost at the same time and very near, the Banu Musa brothers devised a feedback-loop mechanism for automatically regulating the water level in horse ponds, and feedback consists on back-and-forth dependences rather than a mere correlation 3. Another funny thing is that, later on but very near again, alHazen decided that the hand is sent out but the eye is not, which was a novelty, means that the dependences through which one dominates reality are different from those by which one depends on reality, and allows one to be part of doubly-oriented feedback loops within reality, beyond disoriented correlations 4. Be it. Take Newton’s law II for a body with given mass (say, 2), “a=f/2”, recall the prior conventions and read: “the acceleration (a) of the body varies because of the force impressed upon it (f); the acceleration grows if the force grows” 5. Then take the archetypical equation “f=2a”, which is mathematically equivalent, and read “the force impressed upon the body varies because of the acceleration; the force grows if the acceleration grows”. Obviously, this sounds awkward. One says “the force varies” because the acceleration varies and because the acceleration varies because of the force. Entangled? Consider that the force varies because of other variables elsewhere (e.g., because of proximity to another body) and you get the picture: “f=2a” deserves to be shaved off with Occam’s razor unless you have a good excuse. Now, take the microeconomic approximation for a hypothetic merchandise in a given case “qd=3/P”, read “the demanded quantity (qd) varies because of the price (P); the quantity shrinks if the price grows”, consider the equivalent equation “P=3/qd”, and read “the price varies because of the demanded quantity; the price shrinks if the quantity grows”. Of course, something is awkward in the last sentence. While you prepare the razor, take Boyle’s law for a hypothetic gas in a given case “p=4/V”, read “the pressure (p) varies because of the volume (V); the pressure shrinks if the volume grows”, consider the equivalent equation “V=4/p”, read “the volume varies because of the pressure; the volume shrinks if the pressure grows” 6. Here, awkwardness is less evident until the question “which pressure?” arises. There is a pressure from the outside and a pressure from the inside. They should coincide at equilibrium. Okay. But, how? Equilibrium is a bad revealer of dependences. How does the gas depicted by Boyle’s law adjust the pressure from the inside? Use Occam’s razor and shave off “P=3/qd”, “Pqd=3”, “V=4/p”, “pV=4” and the like. The pressure from the inside (p) varies because of the volume (V). The volume varies because of the difference between the pressure from the inside and that of the outside; but that is an untold part of the story. Next, take the thermodynamic equation for a hypothetic gas “u=90+8T-5p” and read “the internal specific energy of the gas (u) varies because of its temperature (T) and its pressure (p); the specific energy grows if the temperature grows and the pressure stands, and shrinks if the temperature stands and the pressure grows”. The internal energy shrinks if the pressure (from the inside) grows? Add the ideal gas law “pv=0.01T”. Happy? Would you like Occam’s razor? 2 Abu Ja-far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (780?-850?) Ja-far Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (800?-873), Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Shakir (805-873?) and al-Hasan ibn Musa ibn Shakir (810?-after 873) 3 4 Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (965?-1038) Isaac Newton (1643-1727) 6 Robert Boyle (1627-1691) 5 ? ? Looking at thermodynamic tables, which devote their borders to the temperature (T) and the pressure (from the inside, p) and their inner space (not that of the gas!) to both the specific volume (v) and the specific energy (u), one could think that the original version of the ideal gas law deserves the razor: it should be “v=0.01T/p”. But the original flaw involving u is pending. And the last version of the ideal gas law is not confirmed by the way van der Waals and later investigators chose 7: the ideal gas law should rather be “p=0.01T/v”. And this is confirmed by some thermodynamic graphs, which are three dimensional and show p in their vertical axis. What is it then: can one choose any two variables to dominate the others? What about the razor? There is a pending flaw regarding the internal energy. Read “the pressure (from the inside) varies because of the temperature and the specific volume; the pressure grows if the temperature grows and the specific volume stands, and shrinks if the temperature stands and the specific volume grows”. Is anything wrong with that? Write “T=100vp” and read “the temperature varies because of the specific volume and the pressure (from the inside); the temperature grows if the specific volume grows and the pressure stands, and grows if the specific volume stands and the pressure grows”. The temperature grows if the specific volume grows? Okay: bring the razor. And bring Mathematics along with it. A gas is trapped in a cylinder; you squeeze the piston pushing it; the piston moves in the direction of the push, confining the gas more tightly; the gas sees its vital space menaced in spite of its own pushing from the inside, receives mechanical power that way, becomes courageous because of both circumstances and fights back, pushing harder; however, you squeeze harder too and the gas surrenders: cowardly, it turns into a liquid; it has less volume and energy now, but it is more slim and desperate and really able to put up a fight. Are you going to beat it once more? Wait. If the gas pushed while withdrawing, it always received power. Where did accumulated energy go? Did it go as mechanical power (i.e., “work” flow)? In this case, the gas should have pulled the piston at some stage, in the direction of the shrinkage; i.e., it should have manifested some negative pressure. Is there such a pressure? How can the gas grab the piston to pull it? Probably it cannot and got rid of energy during its flee by means of the temperature: it was the temperature that 7 Johannes van der Waals (1837-1923) shoved power out, abandoning tranquility because of the energetic and volumetric circumstances; energy went away as thermal power (i.e., “heat” flow). What will the liquid do now that you are about to beat it again? Can it pull the piston if you force it to retreat to its last defense: turning into a solid? Solids do pull. They have to grab, though, with sticky fingers. Spooky, huh? What we have at the core of this tale is that energy and volume dominate pressure and temperature. Give Mathematics an opportunity to redeem itself. Take “u=90+8T-5p” and “pv=0.01T”, shake them algebraically and turn them into “p=((u-90)/5)(0.00625/(v-0.00625))” and “T=((u-90)/8)(v/(v-0.00625))”. Then read “the pressure from the inside varies because of the internal energy and the specific volume; the pressure grows if the energy grows and the volume stands, and shrinks if the energy stands and the volume grows” and “the temperature varies because of the internal energy and the specific volume; the temperature grows if the energy grows and the volume stands, and shrinks if the energy stands and the volume grows”. That’s it. Use Occam’s razor to shave off “u=90+8T-5p” and “pv=0.01T”, “v=0.01T/p”, “p=0.01T/v”, “T=100vp” and the like. Energy and volume are free from each other here; pressure and temperature depend on them. Energy and volume depend on powers and forces elsewhere; forces and powers depend on temperature and pressure somewhere else still. The whole includes feedback and reaches equilibrium, but with the aid of untold parts. 5. ETERNALS One can think on other constructs, instead of the last one in the previous section; e.g., to rescue van der Waal’s approach, which did not seem to have anything wrong, some additional algebraic shaking can yield “T=((u-90)/8)(v/(v-0.00625))” and “p=0.01T/v”. ? The question, though, is “how comes that the pressure depends on the temperature?” The answer is difficult if one thinks that temperature is an intra-molecular phenomenon, and pressure an extra-molecular one. There is a reason explaining how the pressure depends on the energy and the volume; it was suggested by Boltzmann and his group 8: the pressure from the inside of the gas is the manifestation of the bouncing of gas molecules on the surface surrounding the gas and, therefore, of the change of their momentums, which lets forces (momentum flows) emerge; the bigger the internal extra-molecular energy of the gas, the bigger 8 Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) the momentums, the changes of momentums, the forces and the pressure; the smaller the volume, the more frequent the bounces and the bigger the pressure. Maybe there is a subtler phenomenon explaining that the pressure depends on the temperature, or vice versa, and Mathematics (the villain and the hero) will help tuning a proper construct. For the moment, since arbitrariness is hard to die and the last construct in the previous section seems to be the less complex, let us stick to it. Let us also claim that arbitrariness is much less than at the starting “u=90+8T-5p”. The specific internal energy (u) depends on the internal energy and the mass: u=U/m. Energy is an eternal. “Next” energy inside any region depends on the present energy, on the incoming and outgoing powers (energy flows) and on the difference from the present to the “next” time: Un=U+witwot. Mass is an eternal (at low speed compared with that of light). “Next” mass inside any region depends on the present mass, on the incoming and outgoing mass flows and on the difference from the present to the “next” time: mn=m+qitqot. All this is an untold part of the story and prevents u from being dependent in the told part. Eternals (energy, mass, momentum, electric charge,…) have a privilege that is valid no matter if it is told or untold: inside any region, they depend on themselves and on their incoming and outgoing flows, and that leaves all other constructs that treat them as dependent aside. They set a causal bias that helps reducing the callous job of orienting correlations to see dependences. 6. CONCLUSIONS When some alternatives are denied to a set of variables, freedom is turned off and correlation appears locally between the variables. Correlation is often a conjecture that involves arbitrariness: several constructs are possible. The conjecture can go a little further, until it includes an orientation meaning that some variables locally depend on others that dominate them. The orientation is definitely elucidated, not by only observing, but by enforcing alternatives on the hypothetically dominant variables and then observing the supposedly dependent ones. This is a callous job that can be helped with some clues: without strenuous enforcement tryouts, variables that vary before others can be shaved off as candidates to depend on those others; on the other hand, variables that vary too soon before others (considering the distances and the speed of light) can be shaved off as candidates to dominate those others. Eternals set a causal bias that helps reducing the job of orienting correlations to see dependences: inside any region, they depend on themselves and on their incoming and outgoing flows, and that leaves all other constructs that treat them as dependent aside.