Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Channel Quartz Crystal Microbalance (*) F. Lu, (*)(**)H.P. Lee and (*)S.P. Lim (*) Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (**) Institute of High Performance Computation Singapore Abstract: Multi-channel Quartz Crystal Microbalance (MQCM) devices have many promising potential applications as sensors in biological engineering. In this work, a finite element modeling of the Multi-channel QCM is constructed using ANSYS. The coupling interference between two adjacent QCMs will affect a MQCM in measuring the surface loading quantitatively. For reduction of the interference, grooves are created between the QCMs. The thickness shearing mode vibration is found to be trapped by the grooves. The effects of the groove on the frequency interference are studied. equivalent circuit based on the Mason model has been used to predict the performance of the QCM with surface loading (mass, liquid et al.). However, the equivalent circuit mode neglects some mechanical important features, such as the modes coupling, energy trapping of the electrode and frequency interference of the elements of the arrays of the MQCMs. The finite element method is a numerical technique that can be used to model the mechanical characteristics of the complex structure accurately, as well as to optimize the design parameters. Keywords: Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Energy Trapping, Frequency interference, 1. Introduction AT-cut quartz crystal microbalance has been applied to as mass sensitivity device to monitor the mass changes on the surface of quartz crystal over the past decades [1]. Recently, multi-channel quartz crystal microbalance has been reported and attracts the interest of researcher because of its several potential applications [2-4]. Multi-channel quartz crystal microbalance is a sensor array of QCMs fabricated in one quartz chip. With different coating recognition materials on each channel, MQCM can be used to identify various types of absorptions in the environment. Frequency interference between the adjacent resonators is one of the key problems for MQCM. The surface mass absorbed on one channel results in frequency decreases of not only its own but also other channels. For purpose of the miniaturization and reduction of cost, it is desired to fabricate QCMs with narrow spaced, in which the vibration overlap between two adjacent resonators appears more severe. The energy trapping effect of normal electrode design cannot avoid this cross talk to an accepted range. This frequency interference between the adjacent resonators disables the MQCM in measuring surface loading quantitatively. Electrical Figure 1 Schematic for MQCM on one quartz chip In this study, the finite element model of MQCM is constructed with commercial software ANSYS. The vibration shape of the thickness-shearing mode shown that there is overlap between the two adjacent QCMs, especially when the QCMs are spaced with narrow distance. The self-mass sensitivity and mutual mass sensitivity are defined to investigate the frequency interference of MQCM. The effects of groove designed between the QCMs for reduction of the interference are investigated. 2. Mass Sensitivity of Single Quartz Crystal Microbalance As schematic illustrated in figure 2, a QCM consists of a thin disk of the AT-cut quartz crystal wafer, with electrode patterned on the both sides. The application of the period electrical voltage between the electrodes on a certain frequency induces the thickness shearing vibration of the crystal. The mass absorbed on the quartz surface induces the resonance frequency shift, which is proportional to the mass absorbed. left with f 22.62 KHz. The amount of mass absorption is proportional to the frequency shift, which is given by the equation [1] f electrode Network analyzer AT-cut Quartz 0.4mm 70% Figure 2, diagram of single QCM Single QCM structure, with AT-cut quartz thickness hq 0.4 mm, length L 12 mm, and sliver electrode layer thickness he 20 m, is modeled using ANSYS. The piezoelectric coupled element plane-13 is used for finite element modeling. Imposing a periodic electrical on the electrode, the fundamental thickness shearing mode is excited within the quartz. Due to the finite size of the electrode layer on the quartz wafer, the thickness shearing vibration is trapped at the central portion. 2 f 02 f m ( q q )1 / 2 (1) where f is the resonance frequency shift, f 0 is the unperturbed resonance frequency of thickness shearing mode, q and q are density and thickness shearing modulus of the quartz, m m h is the surface mass density absorbed on the quartz surface. The mass sensitivity is proportion to square of the resonance frequency. Equation (2) is derived for the infinite of the quartz plate without consideration of the energy trapping effect of the electrode. 20 15 Ux 10 5 0 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 Figure 4 mass sensitivity and resonance frequency as function of the electrode covering area -5 Figure 3 TS displacement profile of QCM The vibration decays exponentially at the edge of the electrode region. The amplitude of the thickness shearing displacement is not unformed distributed on the electrode area as shown in figure 3. This non-uniform vibration amplitude will do effect on the QCM measuring results], especially when the mass is partially attached on the QCM surface. In this study, the mass absorption is assumed to be uniformly and rigid attached on the surface. With 70% electrode covering on the quartz plate, the fundamental thickness–shear mode frequency is 4.24866MHz. With the absorption mass volume 0.6% of the quartz substrate absorbed on the electrode surface, the spectrum is shifted to the In practical, the frequency of TS mode can be modified with etching different size of electrode on the surface. Figure 4 gives the mass sensitivity of the QCM with different electrode size covering on the quartz surface computed by FEM for a finite size quartz substrate. It is shown that, the mass sensitivity is almost same for different electrode covering are, even the TS resonance frequency is decreases with larger electrode area. 3. Analysis of the Frequency Interference of MQCM The MQCM consists of quartz crystal wafer of 0.4mm thickness and 21mm length. Silver electrodes of thickness 20 m are etched on both surfaces. The linear approximation of the relationship between elastic absorption and TS-1 resonance frequency is about has to be found to hold for mass fraction up to about 2% of the resonator. This study only considers the phenomena within the linear range. Based on Mindlin’s studies, when the electrode size reduced below Bechmann’s number [5], the inharmonic overtones of the thickness-shearing mode are vanished. Say, for AT-cut quartz crystal plate with f TS 1 / fˆ 1.02 , yields a / h 23 . For vanished the overtones within the linear range, the electrode size is set to be less than 20 times of the thickness quartz plate. As shown in figure 5, two resonators with electrodes covered are separated with a nonelectrode region. Two adjacent QCMs are modeled by finite element method using ANSYS QCM-A QCM-B interference is studied by calculating the perturbation in frequency shift of QCM-A. The mass sensitivity is defined as i j f i , f i m j i, j A, B where m is mass added on surface and f is the frequency shift of TS mode, f i is the resonance frequency of the thickness shear mode. Defining the coupling factor of QCM-B to QCMA as the ratio A A B A A (3) On the Simulation, voltage is applied on one QCM; another QCM is an open circuit. I. Symmetrical Designed Interval Distance 2mm d Figure 5 Analysis model for frequency interference of MQCM indicated as QCM-A and QCM-B. (2) Channels with Fabricating QCMs with a fixed size quartz wafer, the coupling strength between QCMs is changed with distance between adjacent QCMs. It is intuition that the interference between the channels can be varnished with enlargement of the interval distance between the channels. fraction of mass absorption 0.0% 0.3% 0.6% 0.9% 1.2% 1.5% 1.8% 2.1% 4.36 TF31 frequrncy (MHz) 4.32 TS2-B TS2-A 4.28 SF y = -2E-06x + 4.2555 TS1-B 4.24 TF31 4.2 y = -0.0025x + 4.2554 TS1-A 4.16 0 Figure 6 Finite element model for adjacent QCMs with different interval design The mass absorption on the one channel do effect on itself, but also induces the frequency shift on the adjacent channels. The frequency interference coupling of the dual QCMs with changes of the distance for fixed size of the wafer. By adding mass on the surface of QCM-B, the frequency 5 10 15 20 mass absorption (kg/m2) 25 30 Figure 7 Frequency spectrum with mass absorbed on channel A with 2mm interval distance for symmetrical design Figure 7 gives the frequency spectrum of the MQCM with symmetrical design (QCM-A and QCM-B have the same electrode size). The distance between the two adjacent resonators are Table 1 Interference factor for different resonator pairs with interval d=2mm Electrode length(mm) 5 6 7 A A (KHz/kgm-2) 2.5 2.5 2.5 A B ( KHz/kgm-2) 0.09 0.002 0.05 A 3.6% 0.08% 2% The frequency interference between two QCMs is every weak if the resonators operating with purely thickness shear vibration because the thickness shear displacement decays exponentially at the edge of the electrode due to the energy trapping effect. The disperse distance is less than 0.4mm as shown in figure 3 for resonator with 4.2mm electrode length. The frequency coupling is mainly from other spurious mode vibration, for example, thickness flexure, longitude compression vibrations. For MQCM with interval distance is larger than the TS displacement decay length, the reduction of the frequency interference can be achieved by reduce the displacement coupling between the thickness shear and other spurious modes, or cut the cross talk of those spurious modes. II Non-symmetrical interval distance channels with Two QCMs with different electrodes covering area (QCM-A with 3.5mm and QCM-B with 4mm) are fabricated in one quartz wafer. By changing the interval distance between e QCMs, the mutual mass sensitivity of the nonsymmetrical QCM-A and QCM-B are studied using finite element method. Figure 8 gives coupling factor A B as function of the interval distance between the QCM-A and QCM-B. It is shown that the coupling mass sensitivity is reduced with increased the interval distance. And after the interval distance exceed the 1mm, the coupling due to the thickness shearing vibration is decreased, but the coupling due to the thickness flexure vibration is more significant, as shown in figure 9, which gives the vibration profile of the MQCM in QCM-A’s operation frequency for different interval distances. coupling factor (no unit) Keep the wafer size constant; same computations are done for the symmetrical resonators with different size of electrodes. The corresponding interference factors are listed in table 1. It is shown that the resonator with electrode size 6mm gives the minimum interference. modes only by design electrode length/thickness ratio. The modification of the structure between channels can be employed to reduce the frequency interference between channels. 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 8 Coupling factor value A with different interval distance for QCMs with 4.289MHz and 4.279MHz 40 36 32 28 24 2.0mm 20 16 small For reduction of cost and miniaturization of the MQCM structure, it is desired to reduce the interval distance to fabricate more channels on one quartz wafer. With different frequencies resonators on one quartz wafer, it is not easy to design all channels well away from spurious 1 interval distance between channels (mm) U_X 2mm, electrode length is 6mm, which is 15 times of the quartz thickness. With mass absorption added on the channel-A, channel-A exhibits the same mass sensitivity as the single QCM, i.e. 2.5KHz/(kg/m2). And there is tiny effect on the resonance frequency of the thickness shear mode of channel-B, i.e. 2Hz/(kg/m2). The frequency interference between two channels is very small even channel A and channel be designed with same size of the electrodes. The coupling factor A is only 0.08%. 12 1.0mm 8 4 0 0.4mm -4 QCM-A-8 -0.01 -0.005 QCM-B 0 0.005 0.01 postion on qaurtz wafer Figure 9, displacement profile for different interval distance A groove mesa between the QCMs is designed to decrease the vibration coupling due to the thickness shearing vibration for case with 0.4mm interval distance as shown in figure 6. The groove enhances the energy trapping effect of thickness vibration. The displacement coupled between two channels is reduces as shown in figure 10. The depth of the groove is set to be 40 m , which is 10% of the thickness of quartz wafer. The vibration amplitude in non-operation channels is reduced, so as to reduce the mutual frequency interference of adjacent channels. Do mass sensitivity computation with mass deposited on the each QCM, the resonance frequencies of QCM-A and QCM-B is changed to 4.29440MHz and 4.28305MHz respectively. And the coupling factor A is reduced from 4.74% to 2.4%. Reference [1] D. S Ballantine Jr. R. M. White, S. J. Martin, A.J. Ricco, G. C. Frye, E. T. Zellers and H. Wohltjen Acoustic Wave Sensors: Theory, Design and Physico-Chemical Application ACADEMIC PRESS 1997 [2] Takashi Abe and Masayoshi Esashi One-Chip Multichannel Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Fabricated by Deep RIE Sensors and Actuators Vol.82 pp:139-143 2000 [3] Steffen Berg and Diethelm Johannsmann Laterally Coupled Quartz Resonators Anal. Chem. Vol.73 No.6 pp:1140-1145 2001 [4] K H Lee, F. Shen et al. Frequency Interference between two Quartz Crystal Microbalance. IEEE Sensor 2002 pp:1148—1153. [5] R. D Mindlin and P. C. Y. Lee Thickness-Shear 30 for normal design for groove design 25 20 amplitude of U_X 15 10 5 QCM-A QCM-B 0 -5 -0.01 -0.006 -10 -0.002 0.002 0.006 0.01 position alone the quartz Figure 10 vibration profile of normal interval design and that of grooves interval Conclusion With the FEM modeling, it is applicable to optimal design complex structures of MQCM to achieve the minimal coupling interference between adjacent QCMs. For MQCM structure with sufficient interval distance, the adjacent coupling is mainly due to the flexure wave, which can propagate along the length direction of the MQCM without decay. With convex wall designed between adjacent channels, this interference can be reduced. For cases with size consideration, can the interval distance is, the non-symmetrical design is require. The mutual mass-frequency interference is mainly due to the thickness shearing vibration. The dented grooves structure can be used to increase the energy trapping effect of the QCM, so as to reduce the interference between channels. and Flexural Vibrations of Partially Plated, Crystal Plates International Journal of Solids Structure Vol. 2 pp:125-139 1966