d. presentations - Georgia Institute of Technology

Kyoko Masuda
School of Modern Languages
Georgia Institute of Technology
613 Cherry Street, Atlanta GA 30332-0375
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics
University of Arizona
M.A. in Applied Linguistics
Sophia University (Japan)
B.A. in Japanese Linguistics
Sophia University (Japan)
A.S. in English
Associate Professor of Japanese and Linguistics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor of Japanese and Linguistics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Associate Professor of Japanese
Instructor of ESL
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Sophia Junior College (Japan)
 Japanese 1002: 1st year Japanese
 Japanese 2001: 2nd year Japanese
 Japanese 2002: 2nd year Japanese
 Japanese 3691: Technical & Scientific Japanese
 Japanese 3693: Japan Today
 Japanese 4750: Japanese Discourse & Grammar
 Japanese/Linguistics 4813: Applied Japanese Linguistics
Kyushu University (Japan)
Pima College
University of Arizona
Kyoko Masuda
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Instructor. Intensive 6 week Japanese course, International Christian University, Tokyo, advanced course (C7) 2010
summer, elementary course (C2) 2008 summer, intermediate course (C4) 2002 summer
Georgia Tech Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, “Thank a Teacher” program, recognized for as
an excellent teacher in Fall 2006 and Spring 2008.
"Style shifting in Japanese in student-teacher conversation" New Directions in Applied Linguistics
6 Ed. by Masahiko Minami Tokyo: Kurosio, 2010. 191-212.
"Lexical development of Korean learners of Japanese: a case study of Japanese consonant
quantity." (with Rachel Hays-Harb) Applying Theory and Research to Learning Japanese as a
Foreign Language Ed. Masahiko Minami. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007. 40-56.
"Eigobogowasha ni yoru sokuon shuutoku no sutorategii: shinrigengogakuteki jikken to onkyoo
bunseki o tooshite." [English speakers’ strategies of acquiring Japanese geminates: a view from
psycholinguistics and acoustical analysis] (with Rachel Hayes-Harb) New Directions in Applied
Linguistics 4 Ed. Masahiko Minami. Tokyo: Kurosio, 2005. 259-270.
"Nihongo gakushuusha no bashokaku ni to de no goyoo: taimenhatsuwa choosa, eigo intabyuu,
joshianaumetesuto kara wakatta koto.” [JSL learner’s error of locative postpositions: preliminary
analysis of conversational data, English interviews, and cloze test] New Directions in Applied
Linguistics 3, Eds. Masahiko Minami and Makiko Asano. Tokyo: Kurosio, 2004. 127-142.
"Morphological congruency and the acquistion of L2 morphemes" (with Nan Jiang, Eugenia
Novokshanova, and Xin Wang) Language Learning (forthcoming)
 "Acquiring interactional competence in a study-abroad context: Japanese language learners’ use of
the interactional particle ne." Modern Language Journal (forthcoming)
 "Acquisition of English /r/ and /l/: A longitudinal study of Japanese learners of English. " Sophia
Linguistica 57 (2010) 271-297 (With Mizuki Miyashita)
 "Learners’ use of Japanese interactional particles in student-teacher conversations." Japanese
Language and Literature 43 (2009) 335-362.
 "Morphophonological variability and form-function regularity: a usage-based approach to the
Japanese modal adverb, yahari/yappari/yappa." Language Sciences 31 (2009) 813-836. (With
Rumiko Shinzato)
 "Influence of L1 on the acquisition of Japanese mora timing by native speakers of English and
Korean." Nihongo Kyooiku 141 (2009) 3-13.
 "Development of the ability to lexically encode novel L2 phonemic contrasts." Second Language
Research 26.1 (2008) 5-33. (With Rachel Hayes-Harb)
 "The discourse function of the so-called Japanese dative subject construction." Southwest Journal
of Linguistics 26.2 (2007) 39-66.
 "Applied cognitive linguistics: the state of the arts and new directions." English Linguistics
23.2 (2006) 535-554.
 "The effect of linguistic experience: perception and production skills of /r/ and /l/ by Japanese
learners of English." Sophia Linguistica 46/47 (2000) 127-141. (With Linda Norrix and Kerry P.
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"A usage-based account of the Japanese adverb yahari and yappa(ri) in spoken discourse."
Japanese/Korean Linguistics 17, 2009. 439-454.
"Iwayuru yokaku shugo jyutsugo no ninchigengogaku teki koosatsu: yoohoo kiban apuroochi kara
no bunseki." [A usage-based approach to Japanese ‘dative subject’ predicates] Proceedings of the
Eight Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 2008. 127-136.
"Japanese postpositions ‘ni’ and ‘de’: cognitive linguistic approach." Chicago Linguistic Society
39, 2007. 14-25.
"On German and Japanese dative construction." The Proceedings of Fifth Annual Meeting of the
High Desert Conference in Linguistics, 2004. 43-54. (With Carlee Arnett).
"The pedagogical implications of cognitive linguistics: the case of Japanese locative particles."
Proceedings of the 5th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Workshop, 1997. 55-63.
"Nihongo kyooiku ni okeru shukuyakukei to kakuchookei." Nihongo Kyooiku 135, 2007. 130.
"Development of speech and production skills of /r/ and /l/ in Japanese learners of English."
Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, 2001. 56-68. (With
Linda Norrix and Kerry P. Green).
"Daini gengo to shite no nihongo gakushuusha no bashokaku ni kansuru sutorategii no shiyoo no
henka." Nihongo Kyooiku 111, 2001. 112.
"The occurrence and non-occurrence of Japanese locative postpositions ni and de in conversation."
The Proceedings of Third Annual Meeting of the High Desert Conference in Linguistics, 2000. 8392.
"Semantic-discourse account for dative-subject construction in Japanese." Proceedings of Second
Annual Meeting of the High Desert Student Conference in Linguistics, 1998. 111-122.
"An analysis of native English-speaking students' errors in Japanese locative ni and de: from the
perspective of variation model." Proceedings of Eleventh Sophia Linguistics Conference, 1996.
"Effects of collaborative 'languaging' and patterns of pair interaction between JSL learners." (With
Noriko Iwasaki) East Asian Studies Colloquium, University of Arizona, AZ, February 28, 2011
"A longitudinal case study of Japanese learners of English liquid sounds." (With Mizuki
Miyashita), Graduate Linguistic Seminar, University of Montana, Missoula MN, October 26, 2007.
"Dynamics of pair work in JFL classroom: effect of collaborative ‘languaging’ " (with Noriko
Iwasaki) 7th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese. San Francisco State
University, CA. March 2011.
"Collaborative Learning in a second-year Japanese foreign language classroom ." (with Noriko
Iwasaki) Annual Meeting of the Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning Research
Workshop. Colombia University, New York, NY. October 2010.
"Applying cognitive linguistics to grammar teaching: The case of the Japanese case particles ni
and de." 26th Annual Meeting of American Association of Applied Linguistics. Atlanta, GA.
March 2010.
"Imeeji o mochiita kakujoshi shidoo no kokoromi." Nihongo Kyooiku Gakkai. Meikai University,
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Chiba, Japan. May 2009.
"Acquisition of Japanese consonant length in second language learners." Annual Meeting of
Association of Teachers of Japanese. Chicago, IL. March 2009.
"Interactional competence: Japanese style shifting in student-teacher conversation." 8th Second
Language Acquisition and Teaching Roundtable. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. March 2009.
"Alignment and interactional competence in JSL peer talk in study abroad." Second Language
Research Forum Conference. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. October 2008.
"The timing control of geminate and singleton consonant in Japanese: a challenge for Korean
native speakers." 23rd Sophia Linguistics Conference. Tokyo, Japan. July 2008.
"Progress of quality and accuracy of /r/ and /l/ production." (With Carl Spruill) 7th Second
Language Acquisition and Teaching Roundtable. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. March 2008.
"Learners’ usage of Japanese interactional particles and style shifts." 6th International Conference
on Practical Linguistics of Japanese. San Francisco State University, CA. March 2008.
"A usage-based account of the Japanese adverb yahari in spoken discourse." 17th
Japanese/Korean Linguistics conference. UCLA, CA. November 2007.
"A usage-based approach to Japanese dative subject predicates." Nihon Ninchi Gengo Gakkai.
Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan. September 2007.
"Nihongo kyooiku ni okeru shukuyakukei to kakuchookei: hanashite no jyooi to yahari." Nihongo
Kyooiku Gakkai. Oobirin University, Tokyo, Japan. May 2007.
"Learners’ usage of interactional Japanese sentence final particles in peer talk." International
Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. March
"JSL learners’ lexical development: a case study of Japanese consonant quantity by Korean
speakers." (With Rachel Hayes-Harb) 5th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of
Japanese. San Francisco State University, CA. March 2006.
"Japanese final particles in student-teacher conversation." 5th Second Language Acquisition and
Teaching Roundtable. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. February 2006.
"Learners’ conceptualization of semantically complex particles in Japanese: a cognitive approach
to Japanese locative postpositions." 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea. July 2005.
"Lexical representation of novel L2 contrasts." (With Rachel Hayes-Harb) 149th Journal of
Acoustical Society of America. Poster presentation. Vancouver, Canada. May 2005.
"Japanese dative subject constructions in written discourse." 9th Conceptual Structure Discourse
and Language Conference. University of Alberta, Canada. October 2004.
"Phonetic dissimilarity and context effect: how do native speakers of Japanese develop perception
and production skills in American liquids." 19th Sophia Linguistics Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
July 2004.
"Word learning and novel second language sounds: how do native speakers of English encode and
decode Japanese consonant quantity lexically?" (With Rachel Hayes-Harb) 4th International
Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese. San Francisco State University, CA. April 2004.
"Bashokaku ni to de no ninchiteki koosatsu: hanashi kotoba to kakikotoba no deetaa kara wakatta
koto." 11th Fukuoka Ninchigengo Gakkai. Fukuoka, Japan. March 2004.
"Japanese learners’ usage of final particles ‘ne’ and ‘yo’." Annual Meeting of Association of
Teachers of Japanese. San Diego, CA. March 2004.
"L2 performance of American liquids: phonological explanation via phonetics." (With Mizuki
Miyashita) 26th Second Language Research Forum. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. October
"On German and Japanese dative constructions." (With Carlee Arnett) 8th International Cognitive
Linguistics Conference. poster presentation. University of Logroño, La Rioja, Spain. July 2003.
"Cognitive analysis of Japanese locative postpositions." 39th Chicago Linguistics Society. April
"Word learning and novel second language sounds: how do native speakers of English encode
Japanese consonant quantity in memory?" (With Rachel Hayes-Harb) 2nd Second Language
Kyoko Masuda
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Acquisition and Teaching Roundtable. Poster presentation. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
February-March 2003.
"On German and Japanese dative constructions." (With Carlee Arnett) 5th annual meeting of High
Desert Linguistic Society. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. November 2002.
"How authentic are authentic materials?" (With Senta Görtler, Bonnie Fonseca-Greber, and Linda
Waugh) 1st Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Roundtable. University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ. April 2002.
"Developmental changes in JSL learners' strategies for the use of Japanese locative postpositions:
what we can learn from learners' conversation." Annual Meeting of Association of Teachers of
Japanese. Boston, MA. April 2002.
"Nihongogakushuush no bashokaku ni kansuru chuukangengo kenksyuu: taimen hatsuwa choosa to
eigo intabyuu kara wakattakoto." 3rd International Conference on Practical Linguistics of
Japanese. San Francisco State University, CA. March 2002.
"Context effects in the perception and production of English liquids by Japanese adults." Annual
meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Poster presentation. San Francisco, CA. January 2002.
"The evidence from conversation for cognitive network model of Japanese locative postpositions,
ni and de." 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Poster presentation. UC Santa
Barbara, CA. July 2001.
"Daini gengo to shite no nihongo gakushuusha no bashokaku ni kansuru sutorategii no shiyoo no
henka." Nihongo Kyooiku Gakkai. Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Tokyo, Japan. May
"The effect of linguistic experience: perception and production skills of /r/ and /l/ by Japanese
learners of English." (With Linda Norrix and Kerry P. Green) 15th Sophia Linguistics Conference.
Tokyo, Japan, June. 2000.
"The evidence from conversation for a usage-based model: the occurrence and non-occurrence of
Japanese locative postpositions." 5th Conceptual Structural, Discourse and Linguistics. University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. May 2000.
"Basho o arawasu kakujoshi ni to de ni tsuite." Daini gengo to shite no nihongo no shuutoku
kenkyuu kai. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto, Japan, December, 1999.
"Japanese postpositions ni and de: Cognitive linguistics approach." 6th International Cognitive
Linguistics Conference. Poster presentation. Stockholm University, Stockholm. July, 1999.
"Semantic-discourse account for the dative-subject construction in Japanese." 2nd Annual Meeting
of High Desert Linguistic Society. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. March 1999.
"Variation model: An analysis of learners’ usage of Japanese locative particles." 14th Annual
Meeting of American Association of Applied Linguistics. Seattle, WA. March 1998.
"The pedagogical implications of cognitive linguistics: the case of Japanese locative particles.” the
5th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Workshop. Princeton University, NJ. May 1997.
"An analysis of native English-speaking students’ errors in Japanese locative ni and de: from the
perspective of variation model." 11th Sophia Linguistics Conference. Tokyo, Japan. June 1996.
Discussion Leader of Japanese Language Group at Cognitive Linguistics and Language Pedagogy
Workshop at UC Davis, June 27-July 1, 2008
Supervisor of Advanced Placement Comparability Study in Japanese, March 2007
Co-organizer of the 20th Annual Conference of South Eastern Association of Teachers of
Japanese, March 19-20, 2005
 Promotion Coordinator for Language for Business and Technology (LBAT), Japan Georgia Tech,
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Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony Announcer, Georgia Tech, 2008
Co-director of Languages for Business and Technology (LBAT), Japan, Georgia Tech, 2005-2006
Working group member for a distance-learning project, Kyushu University, 2004
Coordinator of Japanese Language and Culture Program, Kyushu University, 2004
Webmaster for Introduction to Linguistics, University of Arizona, Spring 2002
Colloquium Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition &
Teaching, University of Arizona, 1999-2000
Interviewer for applicants for the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) program sponsored by the
Ministry of Education, in Japan, February, 2010.
 Japanese-Language Teaching Materials Donation Program Grant, Japan Foundation, 2009
 Japanese-Language Teaching Materials Donation Program Grant, Japan Foundation, 2005
 Japanese-Language Teaching Mini-Grant, Japan Foundation, 2004 ($1,000)
 Center for International Business and Research Grant, 2010 for development of a hybrid and upper
level course of on-line and classroom teaching in Japanese ($3,000)
 Georgia Tech Foundation Travel Grant, 2009 ($2,263)
 Center for International Business and Research Grant, 2008 for development of LING/JAPN 4813
Applied Japanese Linguistics ($3,000)
 Georgia Tech Foundation Travel Grant, 2007 ($1,877)
 ISERF Grant, 2007 for writing NSF grant proposal ($2,500)
 ISERF Grant, 2006 with Rumiko Shinzato for writing NSF grant proposal ($3,000)
 Center for International Business and Research Grant, 2006, a partial course release for developing
JAPN 4813 Discourse and Grammar ($2,000)
 ISERF Grant, 2005 for purchasing recording equipment ($2,000)
 Center for International Business and Research Grant, 2005, a course release for material
development for Technical and Scientific Japanese (LBAT)
 Georgia Tech Foundation Travel Grant, 2005 ($1,836)
 Georgia Tech Foundation Travel Grant, 2004 ($1,020)