UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE) /GAELP/3/1/Add.1
Original: English
Date: 4 September 2014
United Nations
Third Meeting of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint
New Delhi, 24 September 2014
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Item 1. Opening of the meeting
The third meeting of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, to be held on 24 September 2014 at the WHO
Regional Office for South-East Asia, will be opened at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday 24 September 2014.
Invited opening statements will be made.
Item 2. Election of officers
The meeting will be Chaired by the Chair of the Interim Advisory Group of Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint,
the U.S. Environment Protection Agency.
The chair of the meeting will then invite meeting participants to elect a rapporteur.
Item 3. Organizational matters
(a) Adoption of the agenda
Meeting participants may wish to adopt the agenda for the session on the basis of the provisional agenda set out in
document UNEP/WHO/GAELP/3/1/Rev.2.
(b) Organization of work
The purpose of the current meeting is as follows:
To review progress of actions to eliminate lead paint; and
To catalyse new activities to implement the Business Plan priorities of the Global Alliance.
Among some of the expected outputs for the current meeting are as follows:
An appreciation of the progress in implementing the Business Plan of the Global Alliance;
Advice on collaborative work for the period 2014-2016, to implement the priority actions set out in the Business
Plan of the Global Alliance;
Expressions of intent to join or further enhance contributions to the work of the Global Alliance from meeting
participants; and
For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to
meetings and not to request additional copies.
Enhanced communication about the work of the Global Alliance to the second session of the Open Ended
Working Group which will make preparations for the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals
Meeting participants may wish to meet from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., subject to adjustments as
A report of the meeting will be prepared by the rapporteur with support from the Secretariat. Meeting participants
will receive the final report of the meeting by email. The report will also be made available on the website of the
Global Alliance at: www.unep.org/noleadinpaint
10. The meeting will be held in English only.
Item 4. Review of progress in implementing the Business Plan of the Global Alliance
11. Prior to this meeting, the secretariat made a request, with its letter dated July 2014, to SAICM National Focal Points
to provide information about the progress of elimination of lead paint. The secretariat requested information as to
whether their Government has adopted legally binding laws, regulations, standards and/or procedures to control the
production, import, sale and use of lead paints with special attention to the elimination of lead decorative paints and
lead paints for other applications.
12. In a similar manner, the secretariat also invited, with its letter dated July 2014, GAELP contributors to provide
information about the progress in relation to GAELP Business Plan priority actions and targets included in the
roadmap for the Global Alliance.
13. The deadline for receiving information for both requests was 5 August 2014.
14. Information has been compiled by the secretariat of the Global Alliance and has been published on the website of the
Global Alliance (www.unep.org/noleadinpaint ). The secretariat has also made this information available by
including it in information documents UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/1 and UNEP(DTIE
Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/2 and UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/2/Add.1.
15. The secretariat will give a short presentation on the review of progress in implementing the Business Plan of the
Global Alliance.
16. The chair of the meeting will give the floor to meeting participants to express their views in relation to the review of
progress in implementing the Business Plan of the Global Alliance.
Item 5. Plan of activities for 2014-2016 in support of the Business Plan of the Global Alliance
(a) Overview of remaining priority actions for 2012-2013 and additional actions for 2014-2020
17. The Business Plan of the Global Alliance established priority actions for 2012-2013 and additional actions for 20142020, which are reproduced in meeting document UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/5. The
secretariat will briefly present the Global Alliance actions for 2014-2020
18. In the discussion of the subsequent Agenda Item 5 sub items, meeting participants will be invited to propose specific
activities for the period 2014-2016 in support of the Business Plan. In particular, these activities should provide
further opportunities for actions by governments, industry and other Global Alliance contributors to implement the
Business Plan, and in particular, encourage and support countries to establish and implement legal limits on lead in
new residential and decorative paint.
19. The Chair will provide an overview of the Interim Advisory Group’s proposed 2014-2016 strategy and
(b) Opportunities for future Government and industry outreach and support
Workshop follow-up regarding national legal limits on lead in paint – opportunities for actions by
governments, industry and other Global Alliance contributors
20. The secretariat will provide a short summary of the key outcomes from the workshop on establishing legal limits on
lead in paint which would have taken place on 22 and 23 September 2014. The meeting will be invited to discuss
possible activities in support of establishing legal limits arising in support of the Business Plan of the Global
Possibility of regional workshops for on legal limits on lead in paint
21. Meeting participants will be invited to consider the added value of regional workshops for governments on legal
limits on lead in paint and the further contribution these workshops could represent for the progress of the Global
Alliance and further commitment of contributors.
iii. Possibility of technical assistance for small/medium paint manufacturers to convert to non-lead additives in
22. A brief presentation on the subject of technical assistance for small/medium paint manufactures to convert to nonlead additives in paint.
23. Meeting participants will be invited to consider and comment on proposals made.
iv. Opportunities for further engagement of Global Alliance contributors
24. Meeting participants will be invited to consider opportunities in relation to further engagement of Global Alliance
(c) Awareness-raising about the risks of lead paint
i. Second International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action, October 2014
25. The secretariat will give a short presentation on preparations for the second international lead poisoning prevention
week of action to be held in October 2014. This information is being available in information documents
UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/3 and UNEP(DTIE Chemicals) /WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/INF/4
26. Meeting participants might wish to consider further ideas in relation to the preparations for the second international
lead poisoning prevention week of action.
(d) Global Alliance’s contribution towards significant upcoming events: OEWG2 and ICCM4
27. The secretariat will inform meeting participants about the formal opportunities for review of the work of the Global
Alliance by the International Conference on Chemicals Management. As a further reference, an extract of Resolution
III/2: Emerging Policy Issues: Lead in Paint taken at the Third session of the International Conference on Chemicals
Management (ICCM3) is reproduced in information document UNEP(DTIE Chemicals)/WHO(PHE)/GAELP/3/
28. The meeting will be invited to discuss opportunities presented by OEWG2 and ICCM4 for associated events to
further the work of the Alliance.
(e) Other activities
29. Meeting participants will be invited to discuss further ideas that contribute to enhancing the work of the Global
Alliance in line with its Business Plan.
Item 6. Resource mobilization for the Global Alliance
30. Meeting participants will be invited to suggest means to secure the necessary financial and in-kind resources to
implement the Business Plan of the Global Alliance.
Item 7. Next steps
31. Meeting participants may wish to raise any other matters relating to the work of the Global Alliance to Eliminate
Lead Paint.
32. Next steps will be outlined by the secretariat, including the process for appointing members of the Advisory Group
for the next phase of work.
Item 8. Closure of the meeting
33. It is expected that the meeting will conclude its work at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 24 September 2014.