Study on Pseudo-Equilibration of FCC Catalyst Rei Hamada, Katsuhide Teshima Catalysts Research Center, JGC Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd. 13-2 Kitaminato-machi, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, 808-0027 Japan Abstract When properties of FCC catalysts are evaluated in the laboratory, the aspect most focused on is pseudo-equilibration of the catalyst. The objective of pseudo-equilibration is to obtain activity and selectivity close to the equilibrium catalyst in an actual unit. Pseudo-equilibration can be classified into the following main methods: 1. Mitchell method impregnating with metals (usually Ni and V) and high temperature steamtreating (simplified method). 2. CPS (Cyclic Propylene Steaming) method repeating oxidation and reduction of impregnated metals. 3. CMD (Cyclic Metal Deposition) method depositing metals by repeating cracking reaction and regeneration. The Mitchell method is the simplest method for sample preparation however replication of equilibrium catalyst is poor. It is thought that CMD is the method which most simulates the equilibrium situation of an actual unit. However, the procedure is complicated and sample preparation requires a long time. As speedy evaluation is necessary in catalyst research and development in addition to improved test accuracy, in many cases, these pseudo-equilibration methods are chosen according to objectives. This report describes several topics related to the pseudo-equilibration method, which is one of the important points to check FCC catalyst performance and to investigate the metals effects of actual equilibrium catalyst. 1. Introduction The properties of equilibrium catalysts differ according to catalyst type, FCC process, feed oil and operation conditions. The main factors affecting FCC catalyst deactivation are as follows. 1) Regeneration conditions such as temperature and steam affected by zeolite collapse. 2) Deactivation due to poisonous metals deposition. 3) Deactivation due to carbon deposition from the residual carbon (CCR) in the feedstock or carbon generated in the cracking reaction. 4) Deactivation due to basic nitrogen in the feedstock. In general, the important factors for FCC catalyst's deactivation to make pseudo-equilibrated catalysts in the laboratory are 1) and 2). As feedstock and operating conditions are different at each refinery, the properties and activity characteristics vary according to the amount of metals on catalyst, retention time in the system and regeneration conditions etc. Accordingly, pseudo-equilibration of catalyst in the laboratory is very diverse depending on the operation conditions and other factors for each refinery's FCCU. In this report, we will introduce a more simplified method named "Effective Metal Control (EMC)" method as an additional pseudo-equilibration method to CPS and CMD methods. Pseudo-equilibrium catalyst obtained by the EMC method possesses more similar performance with equilibrium catalyst than that of the Mitchell method. 2. Characteristics of Metals on Equilibrium Catalyst 2.1 Regenerator atmosphere and morphology of vanadium As is well known, vanadium has a large effect on FCC catalyst activity. Vanadium reacts with framework alumina of Y-type zeolite and ion-exchanged rare earth and collapses the zeolite structure. The regenerator conditions in FCC unit are greatly related to the loss in catalyst activity. The oxygen concentration within the flue gas differs according to the mode of operation but is controlled to about 0~4%. In addition, the higher the oxygen concentration in the regenerator, the more carbon is burned off. However, excess oxygen promotes the oxidation of vanadium on the catalyst (V3+⇒V5+) and an increase in regenerator temperature. A low melting point vanadium compound such as V2O5 accelerates the destruction of the zeolite crystal. A diagram of the vanadium deposition mechanism is shown in Figure 1. in Reactor in Regenerator O2 V in Oil Catalyst V3+, V4+ H2O V4+, V5+ Mobilization of V2O5 and H3VO4 Fig. 1 Schematic Illustration of Vanadium Deposition on Catalyst Figure 2 shows the relationship between the amount of Carbon on Regenerated Catalyst (CRC) obtained from one RFCC unit and MAT conversion. MAT conversion was measured after calcination at 600oC, that is, carbon free condition of equilibrium catalysts. The higher the CRC, the higher the MAT conversion that was obtained for carbon free catalysts. In this data, the metals level (as V+Ni/4, ppm) of equilibrium catalyst does not change very much. 10000 75 8000 V+Ni/4 70 6000 65 4000 Conversion 60 55 0.00 0.10 0.20 V+Ni/4 (ppm) MAT Conversion (%) 80 2000 0.30 0.40 0 0.50 CRC (%) Fig. 2 Correlation between CRC and MAT Conversion Treatment : 600oC-2hr Calcined MAT Conditions : DSVGO, 482oC, 3.0C/O Accordingly, the higher the CRC, the greater the lack of oxygen in the regenerator and the oxidation reaction of the vanadium to V5+ decreases. It is presumed that catalyst activity loss from vanadium is inhibited. Equilibrium catalyst in an actual unit is a mixture of catalysts that have had differing retention times in FCCU. The migration of vanadium is also relatively easy and it moves between the particles. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the metals concentration of equilibrium catalyst obtained from an actual unit and divided into four by magnetic separation. The y-axis in the graph shows the fraction with the weakest magnetism (LL) through to the strongest (HH). Data show the proportion of metals concentration for each with the metal concentration of the weakest fraction (LL) being the standard. In this graph, the stronger the magnetism (HH), the longer the catalyst has remained in FCCU. Difference in nickel concentration between LL and HH is larger than that of vanadium because of the weak diffusivity of nickel. 2.5 2 V Metal Ratio Ni 1.5 1 0.5 0 LL L Low Fig. 3 H HH Magnetism High Metal Distribution of Eq-Catalyst 2.2 Behaviour of Nickel in Equilibrium Catalysts Nickel has a high ability for dehydrogenation and it brings about a drop in gasoline yield by increasing H2 and coke. Nickel is different to vanadium in that in the equilibrium catalyst. As is well known, nickel mainly deposits on the outer layer of the catalyst particles. This is due to the weak diffusivity of nickel. A diagram of nickel deposition and agglomeration mechanism is shown in Figure 4. Ni Particle Ni in Oil Catalyst in Reactor Ni Deposition on External Surface in Regenerator Ni Agglomeration Ni Compound Fig. 4 Schematic Illustration of Nickel Agglomeration Agglomeration of nickel weakens the dehydrogenation activity and has less effect on gasoline yield and coke formation than highly dispersed nickel. Figure 5 shows the change in H2 formation in MAT versus the amount of metal deposited on equilibrium catalyst (Ni+V/4). The amount of metal on equilibrium catalyst (Ni+V/4) in an actual unit rose from 2,700ppm to 5,500ppm (equilibrium catalyst of Ni-increase) and then dropped to 3,000ppm (equilibrium catalyst of Ni-decrease). From this graph, we can see that when the amount of metal (Ni+V/4) built up on catalyst rose from 2700~4500ppm, the nickel particles were highly dispersed and the H2 yield in MAT was high compared with Ni-decrease case. In addition, once the amount of metal was in the vicinity of 4,500ppm, the H2 formation rate drops. In this refinery, the amount of antimony injected as nickel passivator was kept constant at Sb / Ni≒0.27. Furthermore, the change in vanadium during this period was only 350 ppm (as V/4) and it is thought that it has a relatively small effect on H2 formation. During the period of Ni-decrease, it is thought that relatively low H2 yield originates from nickel aggregation and/or the formation of nickel compounds such as NiAl2O4. 0.3 Hydrogen Make (%) Ni increase Ni decrease 0.25 Sb/Ni≒0.27 constant 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Ni + V/4 on Catalyst (ppm) Fig. 5 Deposited Metal Impact on Eq-Cat for Hydrogen Make, by MAT Reaction Treatment : 600℃-2hr Calcined MAT Conditions : DSVGO, Rx. Temp=482℃, 3.0C/O 3. Inter-particle Metal Migration As described previously, vanadium on equilibrium catalyst diffuses and migrates between catalyst particles depending on conditions such as temperature, steam and oxygen in the regenerator. Tests were conducted such as those in Figure 6 to verify this migration between catalyst particles. Eq-Cat or V & Ni Impregnated-Cat +75μm +75μm Steaming or CPS Treatment Mixture Fresh-Cat Separation of Particle -45μm -45μm Fig. 6 Test Scheme of Vanadium and Nickel Migration Catalyst samples were divided into two parts, one was over 75 micron particles and another was minus 45 micron particles by sieving. Then, metal impregnated catalyst or equilibrium catalyst (+75μm) was mixed with fresh catalyst (-45μm) and steam or CPS treatment was performed. In order to check the effect of catalyst particle size, we also investigated the case where equilibrium catalyst was minus 45 microns and fresh catalyst was over 75 microns. Table 1 Test Donor Migration rate of Vanadium and Nickel Acceptor Donor Particle Size(μ) Particle Size(μ) Treatment V/Ni(ppm) V Migration Ni Migration Rate (%) Rate (%) 1 +75μm E-1 -45μm F-1 7820/2790 100% Steaming 30 5 2 -45μm E-2 +75μm F-2 8990/5720 100% Steaming 29 4 3 -45μm E-2 +75μm F-2 8990/5720 CPS O2 = 1% 20 11 4 +75μm I-1 -45μm F-1 5020/4960 CPS O2 =21% 33 4 5 +75μm I-1 -45μm F-1 5020/4960 CPS O2 = 7% 31 8 6 +75μm I-1 -45μm F-1 5020/4960 CPS O2 = 1% 29 11 7 +75μm I-2 -45μm F-1 Ni=4980 CPS O2 =21% ― 5 8 +75μm I-2 -45μm F-1 Ni=4980 CPS O2= 1% ― 11 9 +75μm I-1 -45μm F-1 5020/4960 4 3 E-1, -2 : Eq-Cat. I-1, -2 : Impregnation Cat. Steaming : 790℃-13hr 100%Steam *CPS O2= 7% F-1, -2 : Fresh Cat. CPS : 790℃-30cycle (20hr) 67%Steam * : no Steaming The catalyst was sieved again after treatment and the concentration of each metal was analyzed. Migration rate between catalyst particles was calculated from metal concentrations of fresh catalyst. The effect of oxygen concentration in CPS treatment was also investigated. Results are shown in Table 1. In the Table, "Donor" refers to an initially metal deposited catalyst and " Acceptor" refers to fresh catalyst which is metal free. 1) When steam treatment (790oC) was performed on equilibrium catalysts, approximately 30% of vanadium migrated to the fresh catalyst independent of catalyst particle size (+75μm⇒-45μm & -45μm⇒+75μm). 2) In the case of metal impregnated catalyst I-1, we changed the oxygen concentration in regeneration. Test results show that the migration rate depends on oxygen concentration. When the oxygen concentration decreased, the vanadium migration rate dropped however, the nickel migration rate increased as shown in Figure 7. It is thought that the change of vanadium migration rate comes from V5+ concentration change. The reason for change in nickel migration rate is not clear. 40 Migration rate (%) 35 30 25 Vanadium 20 Nickel 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 % Oxygen at CPS Treatment Fig. 7 Oxygen Inpact for V/Ni Migration between Catalyst Particle 3) In order to eliminate the effect of co-existing vanadium on nickel migration, only nickel was impregnated in Test 7 and Test 8. The result was that the nickel migration rate was almost the same as that of the case of vanadium co-existing. Although the migration rate of nickel is low compared with vanadium, inter-particle migration of nickel is promoted under the low oxygen atmosphere. 4) In addition, in order to check the effect of steam on metals migration, we tested heat treatment under the same conditions as CPS except with steam injection. In Test 9, steam injection was stopped. The result was that both nickel and vanadium had a metal migration rate of approximately 3%. This shows that the effect of steam on inter-particle migration of metals is quite large. 4. Investigation into Pseudo-Equilibration of FCC Catalyst 4.1 Mitchell method and Effective Metal Control (EMC) method Figure 8 shows the change of MAT H2 formation as metals (Ni+1/4V) function for 2 cases, one is the lab. metal impregnated catalyst by Mitchell method and another is equilibrium catalyst obtained from actual unit. In both cases, increase of H2 becomes slow in the high metal region. MAT H2 Make Mitchell Method Metals High Fig. 8 Metals vs. MAT H2 Make It is well known that Mitchell method produces more hydrogen than equilibrium catalyst. In our newly proposed EMC method, metal free and metal impregnated sample are steam- deactivated and then mixed with each other and metals level is adjusted to those of equilibrium catalyst. Details are as follows. Vanadium and Nickel were impregnated according to the Mitchell method and several types of impregnated catalyst were prepared and subjected to steam treatment as shown in Table 2. These steam-deactivated samples were then mixed with each other and the metals level was adjusted to that of equilibrium catalyst, that is Ni/V=2,010ppm/3,960ppm. Mitchell-1 is the pseudo-equilibrium catalyst prepared by the Mitchell method. EMC-1 is the pseudo-equilibrium catalyst prepared by mixing five types of catalyst sample with differing metal amounts. EMC-2~4 are the pseudo-equilibrium catalysts prepared by mixing two types of steam deactivated catalyst sample with differing metal amounts. In addition, pseudo-equilibrium catalyst named Mitchell-2 was prepared by steam treating after mixing 50% of metal free catalyst and 50% of metal impregnated catalyst. Table 2 Test Scheme of Mitchell and EMC Method Mitchell-1 EMC-1 EMC-2 EMC-3 EMC-4 Mitchell-2 V (ppm) Ni (ppm) Blend Ratio (%) 0 0 0 20 33 50 67 50 2000 1000 0 20 0 0 0 0 4000 2000 100 20 0 0 0 0 6000 3000 0 20 67 0 0 0 8000 4000 0 20 0 50 0 50 12000 6000 0 0 0 0 33 0 Table 3 shows the test results of activity, surface area and the amount of nickel and vanadium on catalyst samples. Table 3 Evalution Results of Mitchell and EMC Method ACE-R+ Conditions : 50%DSAR+50%DSVGO, Rx.Temp=520℃, 5.0C/O Eq-Cat. Mitchell-1 EMC-1 EMC-2 EMC-3 EMC-4 Mitchell-2 V (ppm) 3960 3990 3910 3960 3880 3890 3880 Ni (ppm) 2010 1900 1870 1900 1890 1890 1890 SA(m2/g) 156 127 126 120 125 141 117 Conv.(%) 78.4 72.6 74.7 74.5 76.9 78.2 72.5 H2 (%) 0.40 0.63 0.50 0.46 0.37 0.25 0.62 Coke (%) 6.5 7.0 6.4 6.3 6.1 5.5 7.3 (1) Mitchell-1 has a lower activity (Conv.) and lower surface area than equilibrium catalyst, but the H2, coke yield is high. In the Mitchell method, hydrogen and coke selectivity becomes high because of the homogeneous distribution of metals. (2) In the case of the newly proposed EMC method, EMC-3 shows the most similar hydrogen and coke formation to those of equilibrium catalyst, that is, a blend of 50% of metal impregnated catalyst and 50% of metal free catalyst. (3) Both Mitchell and EMC methods show lower surface area than equilibrium catalyst. (4) In Mitchell-2 where two catalysts of metal impregnated with different metals level were pre-mixed and steamed. H2 and coke selectivity, surface area and activity of Mitchell-2 did not simulate those of equilibrium catalyst. We could see that metal dispersion shows strongly in the case of the Mitchell method. 4.2 Cyclic Propylene Steaming (CPS) Method CPS-1 is a method where metals are impregnated by the Mitchell method and the actual unit’s reaction/regeneration is imitated by repeating reduction and oxidation. In this procedure, reduction used 5% propylene, oxidation used air and the reduction/oxidation was performed for 30 cycles (780degC for 20 hours). Catalysts in CPS-2 were steamed at 780degC in advance and then impregnated with metals. In Table 4, activity test results for CPS-treated samples were compared with equilibrium catalyst. (1) Surface area of CPS-treated sample was relatively close to that of equilibrium catalyst. (2) H2 and coke yield of CPS-treated sample were lower than that of equilibrium catalyst and it is thought that the metal activity is suppressed by the reduction treatment. (3) In addition, the steam pretreatment of CPS-2 accelerates the drop in activity and coke. (4) It is necessary to control the number of cycles and reduce the CPS treatment temperature in order to approximate further the activity etc of equilibrium catalyst using CPS treatment. Table 4 Evalution Results of CPS Method ACE-R+ Conditions : 50%DSAR+50%DSVGO, Rx.Temp=520℃, 5.0C/O Eq-Cat. CPS-1 CPS-2 Pretreatment ― None 780℃-13hr Steam V (ppm) 3960 3950 3950 Ni (ppm) 2010 1890 1920 SA(m2/g) 156 165 160 Conv.(%) 78.4 77.4 75.0 H2 (%) 0.40 0.30 0.27 Coke (%) 6.5 5.4 4.5 4.3 Cyclic Metal Deposition (CMD) Method The CMD method simulates actual unit conditions more than all pseudo-equilibrations reported in this paper. In the experiment on CMD, fresh catalyst was steam deactivated at 790degC for 13hrs. In CMD treatment, we tested the effect of oxygen concentration of regenerated gas to control the metal activity. In addition we added a CMD-3 where pseudo-equilibrated catalyst was replaced to fresh catalyst two (2) times in the cycle process (20% of total amount). This addition of fresh catalyst was conducted at 15 and 45 cycles during total 46 cycles. Table 5 shows the results of the CMD method compared with equilibrium catalyst. Table 5 Evalution Results of CMD Method ACE-R+ Conditions : 50%DSAR+50%DSVGO, Rx.Temp=520℃, 5.0C/O Eq-Cat. CMD-1 CMD-2 CMD-3 Fresh Cat. Addition Yes No No Yes O2 Conc. (%) * ― 21 7 7 V (ppm) 3960 3980 3970 3940 Ni (ppm) 2010 2020 1840 1880 SA(m2/g) 156 160 171 170 Conv.(%) 78.4 75.2 78.8 78.4 H2 (%) 0.40 0.55 0.33 0.29 Coke (%) 6.5 6.4 6.0 5.5 * : Oxygen for Regeneration (1) Compared with equilibrium catalyst, CMD-1 shows a slightly low conversion but a slightly high H2 yield. (2) CMD-2 shows high activity and low H2 and coke yields compared with CMD-1. Carbon level of spent catalyst and regenerated catalyst in CMD-2 was approximately 1.2% and 0.6%, respectively. Oxygen within the flue gas was approximately 0.3%. Accordingly, it is thought that CMD-1 had a higher proportion of V2O5 due to the excess oxygen and activity becoming lower and H2 yield was higher due to vanadium being diffused. This result backs up the CRC effect mentioned in Figure 2. (3) CMD-3 has even lower H2, coke yield than CMD-2. Regarding H2 and coke, CMD-3 does not resemble the equilibrium catalyst but we think this is one way to make pseudo-equilibrium catalyst. 4.4 Comparison of activity and yields of pseudo-equilibrated catalyst In the equilibration methods tested in this experiment, we compared the performance of pseudo-equilibrium catalyst with properties relatively close to those of equilibrium catalyst in Table 6. In addition, Table 7 shows the comparison between the EMC method and an equilibrium catalyst with a different metals level. Table 6 Comparison of Pseudo-Equilibrated Catalyst ACE-R+ Conditions : 50%DSAR+50%DSVGO, Rx.Temp=520℃, 3.75~6.0C/O (same conversion at 75%) Eq-Cat Mitchell-1 EMC-3 CPS-1 CMD-2 V (ppm) 3960 3990 3880 3990 3970 Ni (ppm) 2010 1900 1890 1900 1840 Cat/Oil Base 2.8 0.7 0.2 -0.3 H2 Base 0.23 -0.03 -0.10 -0.07 C1+C2 Base 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 LPG Base -0.9 -0.4 -0.1 0.1 Gasoline Base -2.3 0.5 1.0 0.9 LCO Base -1.3 -0.2 0.1 -0.2 HCO Base 1.3 0.2 -0.1 0.2 Coke Base 2.6 0.0 -0.7 -0.7 Table 7 Comparison of Eq-Cat and EMC Method ACE-R+ Conditions : 50%DSAR+50%DSVGO, Rx.Temp=520℃, 3.75~6.0C/O (same conversion at 74%) (same conversion at 73%) Eq-Cat EMC Eq-Cat EMC V (ppm) 5210 5200 6920 7000 Ni (ppm) 2590 2600 4340 4300 Cat/Oil Base 0.4 Base -0.4 H2 Base -0.02 Base -0.02 C1+C2 Base -0.2 Base -0.1 LPG Base -0.3 Base 0.5 Gasoline Base 0.3 Base -0.8 LCO Base 0.2 Base 0.1 HCO Base -0.2 Base -0.1 Coke Base 0.2 Base 0.4 (1) In the preparation of a pseudo-equilibrium catalyst sample, the EMC method is as simple as the Mitchell method compared with CPS and CMD and the performance of EMC sample is close to that of equilibrium catalyst. (2) Catalyst samples prepared by CPS and CMD methods also show similar performance to an actual unit’s equilibrium catalyst. However it is necessary to study the conditions further in order to come close to equilibrium catalyst for each FCC unit. 5. Conclusion (1) Steam largely accelerates the inter-particle migration of vanadium. The nickel migration ability is small but the effect of steam is still the same for nickel. (2) With pseudo-equilibration of catalyst, the oxygen concentration of steam atmosphere has an effect on the diffusivity of metal. In particular, inter-particle migration of nickel is promoted in a low oxygen atmosphere. (3) The proposed EMC method is one of the simplest methods for preparing pseudo-equilibrium catalyst in laboratory. (4) In this report, we described the effect of several factors on metals deactivation for pseudo-equilibrium catalyst preparation. As the one of the simplest methods, the EMC method simulates the performance of equilibrium catalyst. Hereafter, we will examine the correlation of laboratory screening tests using the EMC method and actual unit’s performance in case of FCC fresh catalyst change.