Hydrological indicators of water stress Dr Nick Marsh Yorb Pty Ltd July 2010 This report was prepared for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to: Report on the review of level three indicators for the National Water Commission’s ‘National Inventory of Water Stressed Catchments and Aquifers project’ This report was compiled with input from several sources; particular acknowledgment is given to Dr Mark Kennard, Dr Rory Nathan, Dr Nick Bond and Dr Lisa Lowe for their considered input. Citation: Marsh, N, 2010, Hydrological indicators of water stress, report prepared for the Bureau of Meteorology for the National Water Commission, Canberra Your Orb Your Choice www.yorb.com.au National Water Commission Cover Note This report is one of several reports prepared for the ‘Assessing Water Stress in Australian Catchments and Aquifers’ project (formerly titled the National Inventory of Water Stressed Catchments and Aquifers) which provides an assessment of the extent to which surface and groundwater systems have been hydrologically altered because of water extraction, regulation or flow alteration. Reports include: Overarching report NWC, 2012, Assessing water stress in Australian catchments and aquifers, National Water Commission, Canberra. Supporting reports Marsh, N 2010, Hydrological indicators of water stress, report prepared for the Bureau of Meteorology for the National Water Commission. O’Keefe, V and Hamstead, M 2010, Understanding jurisdictional and Murray Darling Basin Authority approaches to identifying water stress, report prepared for the National Water Commission. Robinson, W 2010, Investigating ecological indicators of stress from water scarcity, discussion paper prepared for the National Water Commission. Sinclair Knight Merz, 2012, Assessing water stress in Australian catchments and aquifers, technical report prepared for the National Water Commission. Note - supporting reports do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Commission. 1 Executive Summary One of the requirements of the National Inventory of Water Stressed Catchments and Aquifers project is to analyse flow regimes to highlight areas of potential ecological water stress. This report describes the approach, sample analysis and recommendations for flow regime analysis. The approach recommended is to use a multi-metric approach based on the (SKM, 2005) Flow Stressed Ranking (FSR) approach for flow analysis. The FSR approach was specifically designed for comparative flow analysis as is required in this project and has already been applied in some form in most of Australia’s water management jurisdictions. Therefore there is already a broad understanding of the benefits and limitations of the approach. Having selected a multi-metric approach, this report is focused on testing the underlying flow metrics for their suitability for application across the whole of Australia and to test additional metrics. The approach for this project task was to; 1) consult with individuals who had expertise in applying hydrological metrics for analysing flow regimes, with the specific purpose to a. check on the suitability of applying the metrics across a broad spatial scale (Tasmania to Northern Australia). b. identify other more suitable metrics. c. learn from their experience on the limitations of the approach. 2) Calculate flow metrics for representative sites for subsequent consideration. 3) Use the results from the metrics calculated at representative sites as a basis for discussion and recommendation on the selection reporting of metrics for this project. 1.1 Metrics considered The Flow Stressed Ranking (SKM 2005) and Sustainable Rivers Audit (Davies et. Al. 2008) metrics considered here were: 1. High Flow 2. High Flow Ranking (slight variation on High flow to account for computation nuances of Spreadsheet packages) 3. Low flow 4. Zero Flow 5. Monthly Variation 4 6. Seasonal Period 7. Mean Annual Discharge 8. Median Annual Discharge Four additional metrics were developed in the course of this project, they are described in the body of the report, the additional metrics were applied to sample data sets and the recommendations following the expert discussions were to modify and retain the Seasonal Dry Period (SDP) metric and use it to replace the existing SRA Seasonal Period index. Table 1: additional metrics considered. Metric Description High Flood Flow Changes in the frequency of 1 in 4 flood (HFF) High Flood Period Changes in the longest inter-flood dry Between (HFPB) period Low Flow Duration (LFD) Seasonal Dry Period (SDP) Changes in the duration of low flow conditions Changes in the proportion of the total flow which occurs in the predevelopment driest six Recommendation Rejected – highly correlated with existing high flow index Partially accepted–apply the metric to all sites, and make an assessment on its relative value before publishing. Rejected – highly correlated with existing low flow index Modify to range standardise the results and use to replace the existing Seasonal period metric. (the metric presented is the refined range standardised version) 1.2 Recommended metrics The recommended metrics are all range standardised at the given site, which implies that the scores can be used for comparison between sites. 1) High Flow 2) High Flow Period Between (new) may be excluded after consideration of a larger data set 3) Low flow 4) Zero flow 5) Monthly variation 6) Seasonal Dry Period (new) The inclusion of ratio scores of mean annual discharge and median annual discharge as reported in the Sustainable Rivers Audit (2008) are not recommended as multi-metric indices because these metrics are highly correlated with the high flow metric, and the ratio and non-range standardised nature of the metrics does not allow a similar comparison between sites. However, the mean annual and median annual discharge ratio metrics could be presented as an additional information layer as these metrics have ecological significance. 5 1.3 Integration, aggregation and reporting 1.3.1 At a site integration Several alternative at-a-site integration techniques were considered. A common issue across all integration methods was difficulty in interpreting the resulting score. The recommendation is to not integration the flow metrics into a single site based score, but to limit the number of flow metrics (to about five) and present all flow metric scores for a site. Where a single summary is required, for the purpose of this project where the intention is to firstly identify any areas of potential water stress, it is recommended that the single lowest score be presented. 1.3.2 For a region aggregation In order to produce the final NWC reporting product it is recommended that a group with expertise in the area of multi-metric aggregation techniques be presented with a range of alternative reporting representations and they help to finalise the reporting approach. The primary concern here is that a spatial aggregation technique may both over or under-represent the degree of hydrological alteration. Recommended alternative spatial considerations are to: 1) Represent a region by the single lowest score of any individual metric across the whole region. 2) Weight the combined minimum scores for sites across a region by the stream length that each represents. 3) Create a spatial layer for each of the five metric scores and apply both the lowest score for the whole region and create a weighted score by stream length. 1.4 Extending the reporting to areas without comparative data sets The Flow Stressed Ranking approach is designed for comparing two concurrent flow scenarios. In Locations where these are not available the Flow Stressed Ranking approach cannot be used. More generally, the concept of reporting potential ecological water stress due to flow regulation cannot be conducted in the absence of a ‘pre-development’ case with which to compare. For the purpose of filling in the gaps for this reporting cycle, one alternative could be to correlate spatial metrics (e.g. percentage of available surface water allocated for use) with the five recommended flow metrics, where they are spatially concurrent. Then use the spatial metrics to predict what the flow metrics may be in these unmodelled regions. This of course assumes a similar method of water resource management (e.g. flood harvesting versus storage and release), and the comparative assessments should be applied with this in mind. 6 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Metrics considered ................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Recommended metrics ........................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Integration, aggregation and reporting .................................................................................. 6 1.4 Extending the reporting to areas without comparative data sets .......................................... 6 Background .......................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 National Water Commission Inventory................................................................................... 9 2.2 Hydrological indicators mapping project ................................................................................ 9 Considerations for hydrological alteration metrics ............................................................... 10 Hydrologic Metrics.............................................................................................................. 12 4.1 High-Flow Metric (HF) ........................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Proportion of Zero Flow Metric (PZ) ..................................................................................... 14 4.3 Low-Flow Metric (LF) ............................................................................................................ 14 4.4 Monthly Variation Metric (CV) .............................................................................................. 15 4.5 Seasonal Period Metric (SP) .................................................................................................. 16 4.6 Mean Annual Discharge Metric (MNAQ) .............................................................................. 16 4.7 Median Annual Discharge Metric (MDAQ) ........................................................................... 17 Additional Metrics .............................................................................................................. 18 5.1 The high flow metric is not high enough .............................................................................. 18 5.2 Time between wetland or floodplain inundation is critical .................................................. 19 5.3 The duration of low flow events is critical for instream biota .............................................. 19 5.4 Seasonality of flow is a strong predictor of fish in the Tropics ............................................. 20 Integration and Aggregation techniques .............................................................................. 21 6.1 SRA Approach........................................................................................................................ 21 6.2 FSR at a site Integration ........................................................................................................ 23 6.3 Recommended at a site integration ..................................................................................... 24 Example applications .......................................................................................................... 25 7.1 Condamine downstream from St George(Murray Darling) .................................................. 26 7.2 Lower Murrumbidgee NSW (Maude Weir - Lowbidgee area) (Murray Darling) ................. 27 7.3 Lower Goulburn River (VIC) (Murray Darling) ....................................................................... 28 7.4 Gwydir River @ yarraman (NSW) (Murray Darling) .............................................................. 29 7.5 Murray River @ SA border – Chowilla area (NSW) (Murray Darling) ................................... 30 7.6 Warrego River @ charleville (Qld) (Murray Darling)............................................................. 31 7.7 Daly river at Beeboom (Northern Australia) ......................................................................... 32 7.8 Daly at Dorisvale (Northern Australia) .................................................................................. 33 7.9 Katherine River @Galloping Jacks (Northern Australia) ....................................................... 34 7.10 Katherine River @ Knotts Crossing (Northern Australia) ...................................................... 35 7.11 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 533.................................................................................. 36 7.12 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 547.................................................................................. 37 7.13 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 530.................................................................................. 38 7.14 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 73.................................................................................... 39 7.15 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 80.................................................................................... 40 7.16 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 82.................................................................................... 41 7.17 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 83.................................................................................... 42 7 7.18 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 84..................................................................................... 43 8 Results and discussion ........................................................................................................ 44 8.1 High flow ............................................................................................................................... 44 8.2 Low Flow ............................................................................................................................... 44 8.3 Coefficient of Variation ......................................................................................................... 45 8.4 Seasonality ............................................................................................................................ 45 8.5 Mean and Median ................................................................................................................. 45 9 Summary plots for comparison ........................................................................................... 47 10 References ......................................................................................................................... 57 8 2 Background 2.1 National Water Commission Inventory One of the key aims of improved water planning and management under the National Water Initiative (NWI) is to avoid over allocation and overuse of surface and groundwater systems, and to return already over allocated and/or overused systems to sustainable levels of extraction. The National Water Commission’s (NWC) 2009 and 2007 Biennial Assessments on progress of water reform have, however, identified shortcomings in how water plans implement the concept of environmental sustainability and in the recovery of water from over allocated and overused systems. Consequently, the NWC has identified addressing over allocation and overuse in water systems as a high priority. A major difficulty in addressing over allocation and overuse issues is the absence of a nationally agreed method for determining the sustainable levels of extraction within a water system. As a consequence the extent of over allocation is unknown at a national level. However in the absence of an agreed procedure, the Commission believes it is possible to provide defensible evidence of the extent to which water scarcity is causing significant water stress to water systems. This scarcity can arise from climatic changes and other causes as well as from water extraction and use. The National Inventory of Water Stressed Catchments and Aquifers project proposes to develop an Australia wide picture of water stress using a systematic and transparent approach that distinguishes where possible between different causes of water stress, and is informed as much as possible by existing processes and indicators. The Inventory is being developed through the following stages: o Understanding existing approaches to identifying water stressed catchments and aquifers, e.g. those used by jurisdictions and the MDBA o Producing a series of maps, and an associated report, of the hydrological pressures present in each catchment/aquifer (undertaken by the Bureau of Meteorology) o Clarifying the feasibility of using ecological indicators that are sensitive to water-scarcity to help determine levels of water stress via a discussion paper and workshop. If feasible, an ecological indicators project will be implemented o Commissioning discussion papers related to other dimensions of water stress and, if feasible and supported by the Steering Committee, developing indicators o Integrating and packaging the above to produce a national inventory of water stressed 2.2 Hydrological indicators mapping project The second stage in the above the NWC Inventory list is the work being undertaken by the Bureau of Meteorology and is the focus of this project. The Bureau is contributing to this Inventory Project of the NWC by mapping readily available indicators of hydrological pressure and alteration in catchments and aquifers across Australia. This is to serve as evidence of the extent to which anthropogenic-induced water scarcity is potentially compromising ecological health. 9 3 Considerations for hydrological alteration metrics Within the National Inventory of Water Stressed Catchments and Aquifers project whole of Australia spatial layers are being used to compare a range of measures of potential water stress such as surface water availability, extractive licences by region, and groundwater availability versus use. These comparisons are very informative for showing spatial patterns in gross changes to volume, but they do not well describe the components of the flow regime which are affected by water management which may in turn have ecological consequences. For example it is difficult to interpret the ecological consequences of a 10% reduction in the mean annual discharge without first quantifying the relative changes to the ecologically important components of the flow regime. This report summarises the results of reviewing the methods of analysing flow regimes to quantify flow alteration. There are several approaches to quantifying the ecological components of the flow regime potentially suitable for this project (summarised in Table 1), and for this project we wish to either use one of these methods directly or with refinement. The purpose of this report is to inform the selection of the appropriate method. The specific constraints of this project which will impact on the appropriate methods are: 1) Be amenable to Sustainable Yields data sets The sustainable yields projects (Murray Darling, Tasmania, south west Western Australia, Northern Australia) have long duration scenarios which compare current allocation of water resources across alternative climate regimes. An additional ‘without’ water resource development scenario is available for the Murray Darling and Tasmania studies. These two scenarios allow the relative comparison of the long term (regime) implications of the current water management practices to be assessed. Similar modelled data sets are held by the state jurisdictions in eastern Australia and could also be included if the modelled scenarios are made available. 2) Be nationally applicable. The approach should be suitable for coverage of the entire country, but at least the CSIRO Sustainable Yield regions. The key issue in considering national applicability of the approach is to ensure that flow metrics are appropriate for application across different climatic regions and regions with different water management approaches. 3) Work with monthly time series data While some regions have daily data available, the northern Australia sustainable yields data is only available on a monthly timestep (check), hence the method must be applicable to monthly data 4) Be sensitive to ecological water stress The purpose of the hydrological analysis is to indicate systems which may have water stressed ecosystems, hence the metrics should have an ecological basis for use and be sensitive to common extractive practices. For example a 20year ARI flood has considerable geomorphic and related 10 ecological function, however it is unlikely to be greatly affected by regulation, so inclusion of this type of metric would dilute the result if metrics are integrated. The list in table 1 is not of five independent flow analysis approaches, but rather variations of multimetric flow alteration quantifications. The general order of development was that the approach commenced with the development of hydrologic sub-score in the Victorian Index of Stream Condition, followed by subsequent review and refinement for different applications. This pedigree of adoption and improvement of the same general approach of considering several key elements of the hydrograph provides a strong position for the NWC to also apply a similar approach. 11 Table 1: Alternative approaches for quantifying the ecological components of the flow regime Hydrologic index system and component indicators Site application to-date Multijurisdictional application Data used for hydrologic analysis Key Reference SRA Hydrology Index (SRA-HI) and its 5 component indicators (Norris et al, 2008) Evaluated for 469 sites across MD Basin Involvement by Vic, NSW, ACT, QLD and MDBC Monthly data Davies et al 2008 Tasmanian River Condition Index: Hydrology component of consisting of 12 indicators Trials conducted at trial sites on various Tasmanian rivers Tasmania only Daily data Flow Stressed Ranking, Vic Evaluated at 551 Vic sites Victoria only ISC Hydrology Sub-index, Vic Approx 1000 Vic sites Victoria only Derived from 5 indicators Reports published for 1999 and 2004 Hydrological Disturbance Index, Australian Assessment of River Condition Not clear as to number of sites where Hydrological Disturbance Index calculated Intended to be repeated at 3 year intervals Modelled reference condition sequence NRM South (2009) Modelled reference condition sequence Monthly data SKM 2005 Modelled/transposed reference condition sequence derived from 6 indicators Monthly data Modelled/transposed reference condition sequence National Monthly data Ladson and White (1999) and DSE (2006) Norris et. al. (2001) Modelled reference condition sequence 4 Hydrologic Metrics. As the Sustainable River Audit (Davies et al 2008) index is the most recent incarnation of the flow stressed ranking style multi-metric approach and because it was considered to be the most appropriate for application in the Murray Darling Basin which in turn is likely to contain many of the most water stressed catchments in Australia, the metrics used in the SRA forms the starting position 12 for which metrics should be included in the multi metric index. The following sections describe firstly the flow metrics included in the SRA (Davies et al. 2008). followed by additional metrics which have been considered for inclusion in this analysis. 4.1 High-Flow Metric (HF) The High Flow Metric (HF) considers the two highest two flow months of each year and compares these between the two scenarios. 4.1.1 Ecological significance The high flow metric indicates changes in the magnitude of high flows. Flood flows determine maximum depths, velocities and shear stresses. They drive fluvial geomorphic processes, transporting and depositing sediment and changing channel shape, and may act as a ‘disturbance’, removing vegetation and other organic matter and re-setting the processes of succession. Reduced flood flows can mean fewer over-bank flows, limiting connectivity between the channel and floodplain. Populations of many native species of flora and fauna recruit on a large scale during highflow periods. 4.1.2 High Flow calculation method HF is the mean of the highest and second highest monthly flows (top 12th and second top 12th flows, or 8.3rd and 16.7th percentiles), thus: HF= (HF8.3 + HF16.7) /2 where HF8.3 is the range-standardized high-flow index based on the 8.3% exceedance flow, similarly HF16.7 is the range-standardized high-flow index based on the 16.7% exceedance flow HF8.3 = 1 – 2 × | Pile(Q8.3r) – Pile(Q8.3c) | HF16.7 = 1 – 2 × | Pile(Q16.7r) – Pile(Q16.7c) | Where: Q8.3c = Current 8.3% exceedance flow (ML) Q8.3r = Reference 8.3% exceedance flow (ML) Pile(Q8.3c) = Proportion of years that the 8.3rd percentile current flow is exceeded by the annual 8.3rd percentile Reference flow Pile(Q8.3r) = Proportion of years that the 8.3rd percentile Reference flow is exceeded by the annual 8.3rd percentile Reference flow Q16.7c = Current 16.7% exceedance flow (ML) Q16.7r = Reference 16.7% exceedance flow (ML) 13 Pile(Q16.7c) = Proportion of years that the 16.7rd percentile current flow is exceeded by the annual 16.7rd percentile Reference flow Pile(Q16.7r) = Proportion of years that the 16.7rd percentile Reference flow is exceeded by the annual 16.7rd percentile Reference flow A word of warning when using Microsoft Excel in calculating this metric. The basis of this metric is the selection of the highest and second highest monthly flows for the year, however the percentiles function in Excel will not allow you to select precisely this value (due to an n-1 value in the percentiles formula). The resulting metric calculated using excel is very closely correlated to the one intended as demonstrated in the example analysis where both are calculated to allow comparison. 4.2 Proportion of Zero Flow Metric (PZ) The proportion of Zero flows metric compares the proportion of months with zero flow under the two scenarios. 4.2.1 Ecological Significance The zero flow months are extreme low-flow periods when habitats are restricted and water quality is prone to deteriorate. They are a natural feature of ephemeral and episodic streams, but may harm perennial communities needing continuous access to water. Extended zero-flow periods can result in drying of the channel, leading to loss of connectivity between pools and even complete loss of aquatic habitat. Under natural conditions, some kinds of aquatic biota are able to recolonise dried channels, once flow resumes. 4.2.2 Calculation method PZ is calculated as: PZ = 1 – 2 × [ max(PZr, PZc) – min( PZr, PZc) ] where PZc =Proportion of zero monthly flows over the period of record under current conditions PZr = Proportion of zero monthly flows over the period of record under Reference Condition 4.3 Low-Flow Metric (LF) The Low Flow Metric reflects changes in the magnitude of low flows under the two scenarios. 4.3.1 Ecological Significance Lowflow periods are a natural feature of many Australian rivers, but they reduce the availability of instream habitat and are stressful for some species of aquatic biota. 4.3.2 Calculation method The low flow metric is calculated in the same way is the high flow metric but using the lowest two months of the year. It is calculated as the mean of the lowest and second lowest monthly flows (bottom 12th and second bottom 12th flows, or 91.7th and 83.3rd percentiles), thus: LF = (LF91.7 + LF83.3) /2 14 where LF91.7 is the range-standardized low-flow index based on the 91.7% exceedance flow, from LF91.7 = 1–2 × | Pile(Q91.7r) – Pile(Q91.7c) | LF83.3 is the range-standardized low-flow index based on the 83.3% exceedance flow, from LF83.3 = 1–2 × | Pile(Q83.3r) – Pile(Q83.3c) | where Q91.7c = Current 91.7% exceedance flow (ML) Q91.7r = Reference 91.7% exceedance flow (ML) Pile(Q91.7c) = Proportion of years that the annual 91.7th percentile current flow is exceeded by the annual 91.7th percentile Reference flow Pile(Q91.7r) = Proportion of years that the 91.7th percentile Reference flow is exceeded by the annual 91.7th percentile Reference flow Q83.3c = Current 83.3% exceedance flow (ML) Q83.3r = Reference 83.3% exceedance flow (ML) Pile(Q83.3c) = Proportion of years that the annual 83.3th percentile current flow is exceeded by the annual 83.3th percentile Reference flow Pile(Q83.3r) = Proportion of years that the 83.3th percentile Reference flow is exceeded by the annual 83.3th As with the high flow metric, using Microsoft Excel to calculate this metric will not give you precisely the value intended but a close and highly correlated value. 4.4 Monthly Variation Metric (CV) The coefficient of variation compares flow variability between scenarios over all months of the year. 4.4.1 Ecological Significance Variations in flows and water levels affect the composition, structure and zonation of aquatic and riparian plant communities, and provide life-history cues for many plant and animal species. Reduced flow variation may indicate hydraulic changes, including reductions in longitudinal and lateral connectivity, hence habitat complexity. This index does not measure seasonal timing—a reversed seasonal regime could have the same score as a reference regime. 4.4.2 Calculation method The coefficient of variation compares the coefficients of variation (standard deviation divided by mean) of monthly flows under current and Reference Condition: CV = CVr / CVc Where: 15 CVc = Current monthly coefficient of variation CVr = Reference monthly coefficient of variation 4.5 Seasonal Period Metric (SP) The seasonal period measures the shift between the months of maximum flow and minimum flow between scenarios. 4.5.1 Ecological significance The seasonal timing of periods of low and high flow affects the responses of plant and animal communities. In the southern Murray-Darling Basin, the flora and fauna are adapted to high flows in winter/spring and low flows in summer/autumn, whereas the converse is true for northern regions of the Basin. Changes to seasonal patterns, such as those associated with irrigation, have caused significant changes in some riverine and floodplain communities. 4.5.2 Calculation method The seasonal period metric is derived from frequency distributions showing the percentage of years that maximum and minimum annual flows fall in a given month under current and Reference conditions. minimum proportions (from current or Reference data) in each month are summed, as follows: where SP_fd= Comparison of frequency distribution seasonal period index PHCi = Percentage of years when the ith month has highest flow under current conditions PHRi = Percentage of years when the ith month has highest flow under Reference Condition PLCi = Percentage of years when the ith month has lowest flow under current conditions PLRi = Percentage of years when the ith month has lowest flow under Reference Condition 4.6 Mean Annual Discharge Metric (MNAQ) The mean annual discharge metric used in the SRA (Davies 2008) is the ratio of the long-term mean annual discharge under current conditions to that under Reference Condition. This differs from the FSR Mean Annual Flow Index (SKM 2005), which estimates changes in the proportions of time that mean annual flows are exceeded. The mean annual flow index used in the SRA study was not range standardised, the FSR approach considered a range standardised interpretation of the mean annual discharge score (although did not recommend a mean annual discharge metric in the final scoreing system). 16 4.6.1 Ecological significance It is difficult to link the mean annual discharge metric to any specific ecosystem impact but, in general, virtually all aquatic, riparian and floodplain communities would be affected by significant changes in mean annual flow. 4.6.2 Calculation Method The method of calculation used in the SRA is simply the ratio of the mean annual flow values between scenarios. The method tested by SKm in the development of the FSR is based on a range standardised approach of the proportion of time the ‘natural’ mean annual flow is exceeded. where: Am = Range-standardised mean annual flow index Qc = Average current annual flow (ML/year) Qu = Average unimpacted annual flow (ML/year) Prop (Qc) = Proportion of time that the average current annual flow is exceeded under unimpacted conditions Prop(Qu) = Proportion of time that the average unimpacted annual flow is exceeded under unimpacted conditions In order to make the index more ecologically significant, the above equation was applied to five flow values, ranging from 80% to 120% of the mean. The mean annual flow index is calculated as the average of the range-standardised indices for the five flow intervals: Where A = Range-standardised mean annual flow index An = Range-standardised mean annual flow index for a given flow interval N = Number of flow intervals For the example analysis only the SRA (ratio approach) was calculated for the mean index. 4.7 Median Annual Discharge Metric (MDAQ) The median annual discharge metric used in the SRA (Davies et al 2008) is the ratio of the long-term median annual discharge of current conditions to Reference Condition. A median indicates the discharge that prevails 50% of the time. Medians indicate the distribution of annual flows in terms of rank values rather than actual values, as does the mean. 17 5 Additional Metrics The following issues summarise concerns and possible alternative or additional metrics with the application of the existing range of indices across the whole country. These alternative metrics were developed by speaking to experts who had experience in applying similar multi metric indices in jurisdictions across Australia. Each of the suggested scores are included in the subsequent example applications for the consideration and recommendation. 5.1 The high flow metric is not high enough 5.1.1 Ecological significance The high flow metric is a comparison of the average of the highest two months of flow each year and how often they exceed the predevelopment monthly flows of the same percentile. In this way the measures are a number of times of exceedance (represented as a proportional change between scenarios) but with no measure of by how much the exceedance occurs. Hence this is really a measure of change in frequency of sub-annual events. However for many large wetlands of the Murray Darling Basin it is a 3-5 year event (natural regime) which is required as an effective wetting event (See CSIRO Murray Darling sustainable yields reports 2008). If flow regulation severely reduces the 3-5 return interval flood (as demonstrated for many catchments in the Murray Darling sustainable Yields reports) but still maintains relatively high inchannel flow (such as through regulated flow), then the high flow metric may be insufficient to describe the flow alteration. The high flow metric is principally measuring sub-annual within channel flow. But there is a need to also consider a ‘flood plain’ or ‘wetland connection’ metric to ensure that the existing high flow metric is adequately covering this component of the flow regime. 5.1.2 Calculation method We propose a similar percentile exceedance type measure (called high flood flow (HFF)) as with the existing high flow metric which relates to around the one in four year monthly flow. This is determined by using the 25th percentile of the annual values of maximum total monthly flow for the predevelopment case. This value is the total monthly flow that is exceeded in 25 out of 100 years. For both the current and predevelopment scenarios, the proportion of years where this flow is equal or exceed is then compared to give a range standardised score similar to the SRA and FSR high flow score. HFF = 1 – 2 × |Prop(Q25n) – Prop(Q25c) | Where: Prop(Q25c) = Proportion of years that the 25th percentile monthly flow for the reference regime is exceeded in the current regime Prop(Q25n) = Proportion of years that the 25th percentile monthly flow for the reference regime is exceeded in the reference regime (this will be 0.25) 18 5.2 Time between wetland or floodplain inundation is critical 5.2.1 Ecological significance The above described SRA metrics treat each year as an independent data set, akin to a sample of temporaly unrelated data. However from an ecological perspective, the sequencing of years is very important. For wetland vegetation, the average period between watering may be less important than the single longest period between watering events. Similarly for in-channel organisms such as fish, the duration of low flow may be very important, especially if this persists for a period longer than the reproductive life span, whereby a multiyear drought may produce a local extinction. We propose a sub-indice to quantify the time between flood plain / wetland connection and another to quantify the duration of drought in the next section. 5.2.2 Calculation method For quantifying the period between floodplain/wetland connection, we suggest a High Flow Period Between (HFPB) metric which is a measure of the relative change in the longest period high flow events. This is based on the same definition of a high flow as used in the suggested High Flow Frequency (HFF) metric above whereby a high flow threshold is determined as the 25th percentile of the annual values of maximum total monthly flow for the predevelopment case. The HFPB is then the ratio of the change in the single longest period between the current and predevelopment scenarios. A sub-index score of 0.7 would mean that the longest period of no connection between the floodplain/wetland and the stream had increased by 30%. The draw back with this approach is that it is not range standardised and both scenarios must be concurrent as is the case for the sustainable yields projects. HFPB = Pern/Perc Where: Pern = single longest continuous period where the natural monthly flow totals are below the 25th percentile of annual maximum monthly flow totals for the natural regime. Perc = single longest continuous period where the current monthly flow totals are below the 25th percentile of annual maximum monthly flow totals for the natural regime. 5.3 The duration of low flow events is critical for instream biota For instream biota the same issues apply as for a wetland, with the persistent of low flow conditions presenting a threat to reproduction. The same approach is suggested for the HFPB, but called a Low Flow Duration (LFD) metric whereby the 75th percentile of the annual values of maximum total monthly flow for the predevelopment scenario is used to set a low flow threshold. The number of consecutive years where the maximum of the total monthly flows for the year do not exceed this threshold is a measure of instream stress through low flow persistence. Conversely if flow 19 regulation seeks to artificially reduce the low flow period, this will adversely effect those species naturally adapted to the location and may result in invasion and habitat competition by nonendemic species. 5.3.1 Calculation method The LFD would then be the ratio of the change in the single longest period (years) of below 25th percentile predevelopment flow between the current and predevelopment scenarios. A sub-index score of 0.7 would mean that the longest low flow period in the current scenario record was 30% longer (or possible shorter) than the predevelopment scenario. The draw back with this approach is that it is not range standardised and both scenarios must be concurrent as is the case for the sustainable yields projects. LFD= Pern/Perc Where: Pern = single longest continuous period where the natural monthly flow totals are below the 75th percentile of annual maximum monthly flow totals for the natural regime. Perc = single longest continuous period where the current monthly flow totals are below the 75th percentile of annual maximum monthly flow totals for the natural regime. 5.4 Seasonality of flow is a strong predictor of fish in the Tropics 5.4.1 Ecological significance Analysis by Pusey and Kennard (2004) has shown that the strength of seasonality of flow, or actually the size of the wet relative to the dry season flow is a strong predictor of fish species richness. For those streams with a strong seasonality of flow, the species richness was lower than those with a more constant or are more perennial in flow. The rationale for finding is that greater habitat specialisation may be fostered in rivers with predictable flow regimes, whereby generalist species are more likely to be successful in rivers with highly seasonal regimes. The metric used by Pusey and Kennard is the ratio of the total flow during the driest six consecutive months to the total annual flow. We propose the same metric, but with a range standardised version to allow comparison between streams. 5.4.2 Calculation method This metric is determined by firstly identifying the six consecutive months which have the lowest total discharge for the natural scenario. This is done by creating a moving 6 month total for the entire record, and then creating a total for each of twelve possible six month moving totals. The lowest of these twelve is used to identify the six month period with the lowest total flow. For each year of record, a ratio of the total flow for these driest six months and the total annual flow is calculated and the average of this low/total ratio for the natural regime is then determined. The natural and current regimes are then compared on a year by year basis to determine the number of years that natural Mean(low/total) ratio is exceeded, which allows a count of the proportion of years that the average low flow is exceeded. The proportion of times the natural low flow is exceeded is 20 then compared between the scenarios to give a range standardised comparison to reflect the change in the dry flow period between the scenarios. SDP= 1 – 2 × |P(dryn) – P(dryc) | Where: P(dryn) = Proportion of years that the mean natural dry period ratio (MNDPR) is exceed under the natural regime. Pile(Q25n) = Proportion of years that the mean natural dry period ratio is exceed under the natural regime. Where: MNDPR = average of the annual ratio of the driest six months to the total annual flow. Where: The driest six months is the six month period with the lowest total discharge over the entire record. For this metric sensitivity analysis has been conducted on the dry period – 3-9 months was considered. 6 Integration and Aggregation techniques 6.1 SRA Approach 6.1.1 At a site integration For the SRA, sub-indices or flow metrics are first aggregated to the five indicator scores. Where there is more than one sub-index (low flow, gross flow volume) the relative value of the sub-indices is considered in terms of the alternative combinations and a resulting expert derived weighting index is provided for the higher level indicator (Table 2). For example if the change in the mean flow is high and change in the median is low this results in an overall higher gross volume indicator score than if the median is high and the mean is low. The five indicator scores (High flow, low flow, variability, seasonality, gross volume) are then again aggregated using an expert derived weighting to give a total 0-100 score. The expert derived weighting (Table 2) allows the consideration of the relative importance of each of the indicators. Whilst not explicitly stated, it appears form table 2 that the experts used to derive the overall scoring system placed the highest emphasis on the high flow indicators. It is not clear from the SRA 2008 report how a distinction was made between high and low condition. The expert derived ranking system in Table 2 provides an excellent way to combine hard to interpret information, although it is difficult to interpret the resulting score without going back to either this table to see why a score was achieved or to go back to the original indicator scores. 21 Table 2: Generating hydrological condition scores from five indicators (HFE – High Flow Indicator) High Flow H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Low flow H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L Variability H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H L L L L Seasonality H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L Gross volume H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L Score 100 93 87 80 80 73 67 60 73 67 60 53 53 47 40 33 67 60 53 47 47 40 33 27 40 33 27 20 20 13 7 0 6.1.2 SRA Regional Aggregation Many reaches were assessed in each reporting catchment for the SRA, as you may expect the upper catchment scores where often high and the lower catchment scores where poor due to the intervening hydrological alteration. The SRA did not aggregate the hydrological scores into a single valley wide value but rather reported the spatial distribution of bands of scores (Figure 1). The reporting for this project will be at a national scale and will require some high level catchment score as well as within catchment reporting similar to the SRA. 22 Figure 1: Example hydrological reporting from the SRA. 6.2 FSR at a site Integration The 2005 FSR report considers a range of methods to aggregate the indicator score to give an overall site based hydrology score. The simple arithmetic mean is presented as a simple and easy to interpret summary, and this approach logically suggests that any site with multiple indicators of the 23 hydrology under stress will have an overall lower score. However if one single element of the flow regime is dramatically altered such as a seasonal flow reversal then the averaging approach will not reflect this and the overall score could be high for that site even though the regime is dramatically altered in one critical element (Figure 2). Figure 2: averaging the indicator scores gives the Goulburn downstream of Eildon a higher score than the Wimmera (from SKM 2005 FSR report p 53). 6.2.1 Statistical integration There are a range of statistical approaches for metric integration and aggregation such as where measures of group dissimilarity can be used as an index of hydrologic alteration. Such approaches are useful for providing a single metric but as with all integration, the underlying metrics need to made available for sensible interpretation 6.3 Recommended at a site integration The purpose of this project is highlight areas under potential hydrological stress, not to give an overall score of performance. With this in mind it is important that hydrological alteration like that in the Goulburn River below Eildon (Figure 2) should be identified by the integration system used in this project. A significant problem with any integration is that the indicators are assumed to be of equal value and are linearly related to ecological risk. This problem has been solved via the SRA expert lookup table which effectively provides a variable ranking depending on combinations of scores. The question is how relevant such a score would be if applied outside the Murray Darling basin. Some alternatives are considered below. As a general principal, the range standardised approach adopted in the development of the FSR is a sound basis allow relative comparison of results, because the reported metrics are effectively scaled to the expected range, which will allow 24 comparison of the metric scores between sites. Where the metric is not range standardised, a metric score 6.3.1 Option 1: report Lowest indicator score: One simple approach to report all potential areas of high ecological risk through hydrological alteration by reporting the single lowest metric score for a site. This alleviates the problem of dampening the effect of a single highly altered part of the flow regime due to averaging across the metrics. However a problem then arises when all or many metrics are moderately impacted but none is dramatically impacted, in this case simply reporting the worst single metric doesn’t account for a cumulative impact of many areas of the flow regime being altered. For example a site where all metrics are 70% is likely to be at higher risk than one where a single metric is at 65%. 6.3.2 Option2: Rank cumulative score In order to not diminish the value of cumulative impacts of multiple elements of the hydrological regime being altered some form of weighted cumulative score could be considered. Preferably this would both identify sites of large change in a single metric as well as taking account of the cumulative impact reflected in multiple metric changes. As a first approach, the five underlying indice scores are determined by taking the minimum of the sub- metric scores. For the five indices, the maximum deviation is multiplied by 5, the next by 4 and so on to give a total deviation score which in turn is divided by the sum of the multipliers. This is effectively a weighted averaging whereby the weighting is based on deviation from the reference, where small deviation is given a lower weighting. 6.3.3 Biological Rank score A further option is to develop a weighting scheme based on the relative contribution of each metric in predicting some biological pattern. For example, these metrics could be used to construct broad scale models to predict fish species richness. The relative weighting of the metrics (effectively their relative coefficient values) could be used as a basis for weighting. The difficulty here is that different ecosystem components (fish, vegetation, birds) would respond differently, and hence the relative weighting may tend to be a reflection of the available species data than a truly broad indication of the most important aspects of the flow regime. This approach is not recommended other than for specific local application. 7 Example applications The following example applications have been run to inform the discussion of how appropriate it may be to apply the SRA in regions where is has not been considered (i.e. Northern Australia) and to test the additional metrics presented above. Each of the pages provides a brief summary of the hydrologic change between a modelled predevelopment or natural scenario and a modelled current development scenario over an extended period (mostly greater than 50 years). For each example consider the sub-scores and the sub-score aggregation technique. 25 7.1 Condamine downstream from St George(Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 11 20 82% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 4 7 75% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 1308673 917639 -30% 3596437 2962250 -18% 1620336 1135702 -30% 938199 529742 -44% 476134 190127 -60% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.58 0.80 0.86 0.55 0.95 0.98 0.57 integrated 0.55 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.81 0.68 0.98 0.70 0.56 0.81 0.68 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.57 new new 0.56 0.55 0.64 0.59 26 7.2 Lower Murrumbidgee NSW (Maude Weir - Lowbidgee area) (Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 11 19 73% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 4 10 150% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 2961100 1414415 -52% 5272908 3773600 -28% 3932901 1850189 -53% 2854850 970947 -66% 1791943 452207 -75% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.19 0.39 0.71 0.58 0.70 1.00 0.40 integrated 0.19 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.55 0.63 1.00 0.48 0.34 0.55 0.63 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.40 new new 0.34 0.19 0.42 0.35 27 7.3 Lower Goulburn River (VIC) (Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 13 38 192% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 3 11 267% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 3231029 1583918 -51% 6188903 4107174 -34% 4394935 2095432 -52% 2875598 1159219 -60% 1941005 556502 -71% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.30 0.38 0.64 0.34 0.28 1.00 0.27 integrated 0.30 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.67 0.60 0.80 0.49 0.40 0.67 0.60 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.27 new new 0.40 0.27 0.45 0.38 28 7.4 Gwydir River @ yarraman (NSW) (Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 15 29 93% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 4 6 50% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 388782 312142 -20% 1076379 772598 -28% 503723 340750 -32% 254130 220317 -13% 162929 159637 -2% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.77 0.84 0.73 0.52 0.22 1.00 0.67 integrated 0.52 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 1.03 0.77 0.82 0.80 0.87 1.03 0.77 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.22 new new 0.80 0.22 0.67 0.54 29 7.5 Murray River @ SA border – Chowilla area (NSW) (Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 11 24 118% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 4 11 175% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 12669422 6846916 -46% 22308661 15611380 -30% 15075948 8975951 -40% 11326717 5141216 -55% 8495494 3197133 -62% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.28 0.20 0.66 0.46 0.71 1.00 0.36 integrated 0.20 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.69 0.63 0.86 0.54 0.45 0.69 0.63 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.36 new new 0.45 0.20 0.47 0.38 30 7.6 Warrego River @ charleville (Qld) (Murray Darling) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 11 11 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile LFD 4 4 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 173978 169871 -2% 587892 579448 -1% 183216 180198 -2% 88415 85262 -4% 39305 36700 -7% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.94 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 integrated 0.94 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.98 0.99 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.99 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.96 new new 0.96 0.94 0.96 0.96 31 7.7 Daly river at Beeboom (Northern Australia) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 15 18 20% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 3 3 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 5193027 5151884 -1% 12145709 12032828 -1% 6369451 6320080 -1% 4519958 4451786 -2% 1920249 1877816 -2% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.96 1.00 0.98 0.83 0.67 1.00 1.00 integrated 0.83 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.99 0.98 0.93 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.93 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.67 new new 0.98 0.67 0.88 0.83 32 7.8 Daly at Dorisvale (Northern Australia) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 15 15 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 4 4 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 3438496 3406087 -1% 8566456 8495616 -1% 4520012 4483739 -1% 2837760 2800021 -1% 1146883 1115572 -3% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.46 1.00 1.00 integrated 0.97 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.99 0.95 0.83 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.83 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.46 new new 0.99 0.46 0.85 0.77 33 7.9 Katherine River @Galloping Jacks (Northern Australia) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 14 17 21% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 3 3 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 854140 830606 -3% 2416335 2380210 -1% 1153162 1128370 -2% 721356 692016 -4% 245471 224026 -9% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.82 0.47 1.00 1.00 integrated 0.82 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.98 0.91 0.67 0.97 0.96 0.98 0.67 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.47 new new 0.96 0.47 0.78 0.69 34 7.10 Katherine River @ Knotts Crossing (Northern Australia) Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 17 19 12% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 3 3 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 684598 677629 -1% 1955232 1939263 -1% 910035 901028 -1% 585444 584620 0% 199289 190738 -4% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.99 1.00 0.98 0.89 0.59 1.00 1.00 integrated 0.89 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 1.00 0.96 0.89 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.89 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.59 new new 0.99 0.59 0.87 0.81 35 7.11 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 533 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 15 15 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 5 5 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 62482 61460 -2% 148463 147038 -1% 82241 80984 -2% 50377 49427 -2% 28521 27534 -3% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.77 0.97 1.00 integrated 0.99 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.99 0.90 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.90 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.77 new new 0.98 0.77 0.93 0.89 36 7.12 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 547 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 15 15 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 4 4 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 1875994 1874777 0% 3964433 3963126 0% 2393347 2392089 0% 1665081 1663909 0% 1133326 1132042 0% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 integrated 1.00 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.99 new new 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 37 7.13 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 530 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 11 11 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 3 3 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 284170 232928 -18% 599089 518690 -13% 361808 302374 -16% 261428 214336 -18% 183531 122449 -33% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.71 0.88 0.90 1.00 0.46 0.68 1.00 integrated 0.71 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.87 0.62 0.93 0.82 0.82 0.87 0.62 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.46 new new 0.82 0.46 0.70 0.63 38 7.14 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 73 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 21 21 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 7 7 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 1640148 1449884 -12% 3652717 3426226 -6% 2049534 1867168 -9% 1377776 1202374 -13% 878338 698653 -20% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.81 0.93 1.00 1.00 0.48 0.93 1.00 integrated 0.81 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.91 0.73 0.95 0.88 0.87 0.91 0.73 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.48 new new 0.87 0.48 0.76 0.69 39 7.15 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 80 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 21 21 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 3 3 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 331582 294981 -11% 801123 752085 -6% 421082 383280 -9% 296269 256745 -13% 167294 134795 -19% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.87 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.94 1.00 integrated 0.87 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.91 0.79 0.88 0.89 0.87 0.91 0.79 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.49 new new 0.87 0.49 0.78 0.72 40 7.16 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 82 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 24 24 0% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 4 4 0% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 538480 538359 0% 1193995 1193874 0% 675040 674919 0% 449750 449629 0% 286691 286571 0% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 integrated 1.00 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 1.00 new new 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 41 7.17 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 83 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 24 27 13% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 4 10 150% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 2450052 1656392 -32% 5532595 4091139 -26% 3084948 2070741 -33% 2028292 1175836 -42% 1299230 717413 -45% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.37 0.55 0.79 0.89 0.30 1.00 0.40 integrated 0.37 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.90 0.76 0.86 0.68 0.58 0.90 0.76 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.30 new new 0.58 0.30 0.46 0.28 42 7.18 Tasmania _ sub catchment (TBD) 84 Summary Mean Annual Flow (ML/y) 5th percentile annual flow (ML/y) 25th percentile annual flow (ML/y) Median annual flow (ML/y) 75th Percentile annual flow (ML/y) MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 75AF Max period between floods 25th percentile annual flow (Years) FPB 24 27 13% Max duration of below 75th percentile (years of drought) LFD 4 7 75% Index High flow High Flow Ranking* High flow flood* High flow flood period between* Low flow Zero flow Low flow duration* Predev Current Change 3626318 2832538 -22% 8051584 6633657 -18% 4504590 3530708 -22% 3011664 2105259 -30% 1905358 1366887 -28% HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD index 0.60 0.75 0.83 0.89 0.23 1.00 0.57 integrated 0.60 Monthly variation Seasonal Period Seasonal Dry Period* Mean Annual Discharge Median Annual Discharge CV SP SDP MNAQ MDAQ 0.95 0.89 0.93 0.78 0.70 0.95 0.89 Summary score for reporting Minimum Mean Weighted revised new new 0.23 new new 0.70 0.23 0.58 0.41 43 8 Results and discussion The summary plots (Figures 3-10) provide a summary of the individual site analysis presented above. The figures are arranged by region with sample sites from the Murray Darling, Daly River (northern Australia) and example data from Tasmania. Figure 3 summarises the volumetric alteration for each site and the Murray darling examples show the most dramatic alteration in flow metrics which is a reflection of the up to around 50% reduction in mean annual flow. The comparison of integration techniques (Figure 4) shows that the ‘mean’ of subscores does have a dampening effect compared to the ‘minimum’. Only one of the sites (site 84 in Tasmania) has a lower ‘ranked’ score than the ‘minimum’ score, but otherwise the ranked score closely mirrors the averaging approach and because it is more complicated to implement and interpret there is no advantage in using the ranked weighting approach for integrating the site based metric scores. There are some sites where based on the ‘mean’ the rank condition of a site would be higher than if based on the minimum, presumably this is because of the dampening effect of averaging. Hence based on the data analysed, the ‘minimum’ approach appears to be a useful integration technique where a single summary metric is required Figure 5 shows that while for several sites there are simular alterations across several metrics, there are some sites where only one or two flow metrics have been significantly altered, for example, the Daly River at Dorisvale has a low ‘Low Flow’ metric but all other metrics are relatively high. This is further support for using the single lowest value as a simple and informative integration metric. 8.1 High flow Where the high flow component of the flow regime has not been dramatically altered, there is little difference between the high flow metrics considered (Figure 6). However for the Murray Darling sites there is a dramatic and inconsistent difference between these metrics. The first metric (HFR)is the SRA/FSR based metric, the second is a based on a higher flow threshold which generally has a higher score, implying that the flow alteration in these sites has a more dramatic affect on the within year high flows than the larger 4 year return interval flood. The period between these larger floods (HFPB) is correlated with the other high flow metrics (Table 3) but different enough to warrant consideration as an impendent metric, particularly in combination with the SRA HF metric. 8.2 Low Flow The proportion of zero flows targets an ecologically important component of the flow regime, however for the data sets tested, this does not alter greater between the scenarios and hence the metric does not indicate much change between scenarios (Figure 7). The newly suggested low flow duration metric (LFD) is only weekly correlated with the SRA Low flow metric (LF) but is highly correlated with the high flow metrics(Table 3), implying that the LFD metric is not required if high flow metrics are to be used. 44 8.3 Coefficient of Variation The coefficient of variation is most closely correlated with the high flow metrics but is dissimilar enough to warrant inclusion of the CV as a separate metric. 8.4 Seasonality The two seasonality metrics are not correlated with each other and the proposed seasonal dry period (SDP) metric is not well correlated with any other metric (Figure 7, Table 3). The SDP appears to be most sensitive to low flow modification in the wet tropics and on this basis it is recommended for inclusion. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on the seasonal record length to test how important the definition of the dry period length is to the metric result. The seasonal dry period was applied for a period of 3-10 months and the resulting metric was surprisingly sensitive to the dry period length, Table 4 shows the consistently low correlation between the alternative dry period lengths. This is thought to reflect the less strong seasonal pattern of the Murray Darling sites. When only the northern Australia sites are considered (Table 5), there is a very strong correlation between the alternative scores for season lengths up to 7 months, and then this correlation declines. Figure 10 also shows a stepped change in the score values from a period of greater than 7 months. It is recommended to use a seasonal period of 6 months. We recommend to include the seasonal dry period metric as it is more sensitive than the current seasonal period metric for tropical streams but to also retain the existing seasonal period metric as it is more sensitive for southern streams. 8.5 Mean and Median The mean and median metrics are closely correlated with each other (Figure 11, Table 3) and the high flow metrics. These metrics provide little additional information to the above metrics and need not be included in the analysis. Table 3: Correlation matrix between all considered metric HF HFR HFF HFPB LF PZ LFD CV SP SDP MNAQ HF 1.000 HFR 0.957 1.000 HFF 0.904 0.920 1.000 HFPB 0.717 0.758 0.878 1.000 LF 0.301 0.247 0.393 0.214 1.000 PZ -0.046 -0.151 -0.150 -0.307 0.081 1.000 LFD 0.943 0.928 0.944 0.811 0.324 -0.288 1.000 CV 0.877 0.860 0.728 0.668 0.037 0.030 0.745 1.000 SP 0.821 0.750 0.744 0.646 0.348 0.345 0.683 0.808 1.000 SDP 0.071 0.153 0.262 0.317 0.649 -0.147 0.161 -0.032 0.138 1.000 MNAQ 0.986 0.952 0.928 0.796 0.297 -0.048 0.939 0.903 0.863 0.111 1.000 MDAQ 0.985 0.937 0.881 0.757 0.230 -0.084 0.936 0.915 0.825 0.060 0.988 MDAQ 1.000 45 Table 4: correlation of low flow duration score for different dry period lengths across all sites (correlation of the score with Seasonal Period score is also shown) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SP 3 1.000 0.841 0.653 0.607 0.469 0.394 0.317 0.186 0.354 4 5 1.000 0.814 0.849 0.788 0.564 0.521 0.335 0.380 6 1.000 0.784 0.739 0.655 0.487 0.515 0.419 7 1.000 0.843 0.514 0.622 0.415 0.137 8 1.000 0.741 0.712 0.570 0.171 9 1.000 0.829 0.883 0.563 1.000 0.858 0.422 10 SP 1.000 0.517 1.000 Table 5: correlation of low flow duration score for different dry period lengths for northern Australia sites only (correlation of the score with Seasonal Period score is also shown) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SP 3 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.952 0.975 0.634 0.891 0.842 0.968 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SP 1.000 0.983 0.958 0.993 0.661 0.929 0.905 0.977 1.000 0.994 0.992 0.773 0.957 0.907 0.998 1.000 0.979 0.839 0.973 0.915 0.997 1.000 0.742 0.966 0.941 0.992 1.000 0.873 0.808 0.802 1.000 0.980 0.972 1.000 0.926 1.000 46 9 Summary plots for comparison 300% Flow summary metrics: change from natural 250% 200% 150% MAF 5AF 25AF MedAF 100% 75AF FPB LFD 50% 0% Figure 3: percentage hydrologic change (relative to the natural scenario) for sites used in example metric comparison (MAF – Mean annual flow, 5AF – 5th percentile of annual flow total, 25 AF – 25th percentile of annual flow totals, Med AF – median of annual flow totals, 75AF – 75th percentile of annual flow totals, FPB – maximum period between floods (defined as 75th percentile years), LFD – maximum duration of low flow (defined as 25th percentile years). 47 1.2 Alternative integrated scores 1 0.8 0.6 min mean 0.4 weighted 0.2 0 48 Figure 4: Hydrological alteration summary scores using three different methods 1.2 All metrics 1 0.8 HF HFR HFF 0.6 HFPB LF PZ LFD 0.4 CV SP SDP MNAQ 0.2 MDAQ 0 49 Figure 5: All sub metrics for all sites 1.2 High Flow 1 0.8 0.6 HFR HFF 0.4 HFPB 0.2 0 50 Figure 6: High flow metrics for consideration 1.2 Low Flow 1 0.8 0.6 LF PZ 0.4 LFD 0.2 0 51 Figure 7: Low flow metrics considered CV 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 CV 0.4 0.2 0 52 Figure 8: Coefficient of variation scores. 1.2 Seasonal Period 1 0.8 0.6 SP SDP 0.4 0.2 0 53 Figure 9: Measures of seasonality (SP- seasonal period as defined in SRA/FSR and SDP – seasonal dry period as defined in this report) 1.1 Seasonal Dry Period score northern australia 1.05 Seasonal Dry Period Score 1 0.95 0.9 Daly @Beeboom 0.85 Daly@Dorisvale 0.8 Katherine@GallopingJacks 0.75 Katherine@Knotts Crossing 0.7 0.65 0.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Months considered in score Figure 10: seasonal dry period score for northern Australia for alternative ‘dry period’ durations. 54 1.2 Mean & Median 1 0.8 0.6 MNAQ MDAQ 0.4 0.2 0 Figure 11: mean and median scores for selected sites. 55 56 10References CSIRO (2008) Water Availability in the Murray-Darling Basin. 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September 2001. NRM South (2009) Tasmanian River Condition Index Reference Manual. NRM South, Hobart. Pusey, B., Arthington, A. And Kennard, M 92004) Hydrologic regime and its influence on broad scale patterns of fish biodiversity in north-eastern Australian rivers. Pp75-81 in Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on ecohydraulics. aquatic habitats, analysis and restoration, Madrid Sept 2004. SKM (2005) Development and Application of a flow stressed ranking procedure. SKM, Armidale, Vic. 57