Situated Cognition and learning Environments: Roles, Structures, and Implications for design By Jeong-Im & Michael Hannafin Situated cognition provides: -meaning learning -transfer of knowledge to real life situations Purpose of the article: -to examine the theoretical aspects of situated cognition -to derive implications for the design of situated learning environments Formal education Vs Situated Cognition and learning environments: Formal education: skills and education differ from real life situation emphasis on decontextualized contexts and learning outcomes Implications for the design of situated learning environments: Four aspects are addressed: the role of the content the role of the context the role of facilitation the role of assessment Principles of each framework Framework Principles Everyday cognition: people reason intuitively based upon experiences within specific contexts; use a variety of methodes to solve problems The role of context Authenticity: coherent, meaningful and purposeful activities that represent the ordinary practises Transfer: situated learning environments are more likely to transfer to real-life problem solving Knowledge as tool: students acquire knowledge as well as a sense of when and how to use it The role of content Content diversity and transfer: concepts need to be represented via various conent; necessity to apply knowledge in various setting to discriminate similarities and differences among settings Cognitive apprenticeships: to provide the opportunities for the learners to internalize learning and develop self-monitoring and self-correcting skills. Anchored instruction: to create authentic, problem-rich environments that encourage exploration and diversity of perspectives The role of facilitation Facilitation methods: situated learning environments attempt to help students to improve their cognitive abilities, self monitoring and self-correcting skills; encourage active learning and provide opportunities to internalize information; facilitation is less directive, more continuous, and highly interactive Modelling Scaffolding Coaching, guiding, and advising Collaborating Fading Using cognitive tools and resources Modelling Scaffolding Coaching, guiding, and advising Collaborating Fading Using cognitive tools and resources The role of assessment Problems and issues: in order to be useful in promoting higher thinking skills, testing needs to shift from domain referenced evaluation to assessments; emphasis need to be on the ability to diagnose manage cognitive growth rather then achievement Implications and conclusions Situated cognition has several implications for learning system design as well as teaching and learning process: emphasis high order thinking skills provides complex ill-defined and authentic tasks attempts to cultivate awareness (needed skills in the metacognitive monitoring of process toward a solution and the reasoning experts experience in real world problem solving) induces inferential reasoning, monitoring and regulation of problem solving and utilization of metacognition skills focus on growth primarily in student cognition has a primary goal: to allow students (and teachers) to experience the effects of new knowledge on their perception and understanding of the environment Implications of situated learning: it support learning (from the demand side rather than the supply side the designer moves from the organization of content and sequence to the creation of environment that induce, then facilitate, understanding requires different roles for teachers : from a knowledge transmitter to a coach or facilitator of students' understanding requires a fundamental change in test traditions: focus on the individual's cognitive progress and transfer of knowledge (testing the cognitive progress)