MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 CHRISTIAN FOCUS: God calls us to be bold and make a stand for Him. At times this is as simple as being courageous enough to approach someone you do not know with a friendly self-introduction and the basic skills necessary to communicate. Being able to do this in Japanese expands our ability to serve God further. Students will learn about Gods purpose for communication, why the world is divided into many languages and where did this all happen in the bible. TERM ONE –2005 Topic - Hajimemashite DURATION 11 WEEKS Text: No set student text is used for this course DATE COMMENCED: DATE COMPLETED: Key Ideas: Multi themes consisting of greetings, self introductions, polite expressions, meeting people, classroom commands introduction into the culture of Japan, some katakana and all the hiragana alphabet Topic Summary: This topic will introduce students to the study of the Japanese language. Students will learn how to write the hiragana alphabet and be able to use these symbols in writing and recognising Japanese words. Students are taught their self-introductions in Japanese, common classroom requests and greetings in order for the students to communicate as you would in a traditional Japanese classroom. Outcomes: Knowledge and Skills 4.MBC.1 – Demonstrate awareness of cultural diversity Students learn about: The Geographical features of Japan Significant aspects of the Japanese culture Specific customs and traditions in social interaction, eg/ greetings and farewells and useful classroom expressions Saying their name in Japanese and asking someone for theirs Meeting people for the first time Common classroom requests 4.MBC.2 – Identify cultural practices in Japanese-speaking communities and relate these to personal experiences 4.MLC.1 – Recognise the diversity of language systems 4.MLC.2 – Identify ways in which meaning is conveyed by the sounds and symbols in Japanese 4.UL.1 – Recognise and respond to words, phrases and simple sentences in Japanese Students learn to: Identify geographical locations of Japan and to brainstorm as much as they can about Japan and the Japanese Greet the teacher and others at different times of the day Bow correctly according to the situation Listen actively to aid comprehension Participate in social exchanges with the teacher and peers, eg/sensei, ohayoo Reproduce kana symbols Assessment: Assessment Outcomes References Teacher Observations of Student Progress 4.UL.1 4.UL.2 4.UL.3 4.UL.4 M Taguchi., Ohisama Connect Core and Clouds Weekly Hiragana Quizzes 4.UL.4 M, Taguchi., Songs CD Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes 4.UL.2 4.UL.4 M, Lee., Tsumiki Personal name Katakana Quiz 4.UL.4 Jikoshookai Test 4.UL.1 4.UL.3 Topic Test 4.MBC.2 S, Burnham &M, Sedunary., Hai, 1 K, Hongo., Tanoshi Page 1 of 6 MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 4.UL.2 – Identify and respond to features of written Japanese 4.UL.3 – Use Japanese to interact in everyday activities 4.UL.4 – Develop writing skills by recognising and copying Japanese Write their names in Katakana Understand key Japanese words and phrases through songs Demonstrate identity of specific information in order to complete an activity Initiate an interaction by asking questions or making a comment Maintain social interactions and communicate appropriately in familiar Say their names in Japanese and use the correct Japanese features and traditions in doing so contexts Write and present their jikoshookai to the class Understand classroom request and act accordingly 4.UL.1, 2, 4 Hiragana M, Madden, Hiragana Games BLM H, Quackenbush., Hiragana in 48 mins Various Teacher Resources collected from teachers and texts over the years Various resources created by teacher Culture Content All about Japan Toys and Crafts Festivals - Setsubun, hinamatsuri Symbols – hands on craft activities Folklore Cooking Songs Resources Page 2 of 6 MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 HAJIMEMASHITE COURSE STRUCTURE VOCAB/GRAMMAR TEACHING STRATEGIES REG OUTCOMES RESOURCES Christian focus introduced – Communicating without languages is it possible? 1. Where in the bible did God decide that everyone communicating in the same language was a path to destruction 2. Where did God give the ‘gift of languages’ to His people and why? Introduction to the study of languages GAME: (Group of volunteers out the front) Line up from L to R in order of what month you were born without saying a word or writing anything down Class decision - was this easy to do? Hiragana Minasan ohayoo gozaimasu/ konnichiwa sensei ohayoo gozaiamasu/ konnichiwa Teacher introduction – Yearly introduction to Japanese classes - Lets learn our names – game 4.MBC.1 4.MBC.2 Hiragana first half of every lesson till alphabet is learnt, introduce the comcept of the hiragana booklet - Board - Rhymes - Grids - Flashcards - Hiragana renshuu - Speed 4.UL.4 Ul.2 GAME – choice of games include - Hiragana bingo - Human Kana - Battleships - Snap - Memory - Go fish Hiragana in 48 mins set Various Teacher resource (collected) Teacher created games Page 3 of 6 MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 - - - - Geography of Japan Greetings/ Expressions Hajimemashite Doozo yoroshiku Konnichiwa Ohayoo gozaimasu Konbanwa Oyasumi nasai Ja mata Mata ashita Doozo Arigatoo Kudasai Wakarimasu Sayonara O genki desu ka Hai genki desu Iie chotto Maamaa desu Class speed – 2 teams lined up teacher says a symbol, people at the front of the line race to the board to write it in correct stroke order etc, first person wins point for team Hiragana grab Hiragana dominos Karuta – hiragana and roomaji for symbols, mix up students have to lay them in order and then match the romaji that goes over the top Hiragana chinese whispers – 2-3 teams, line up, last person at closest to the whiteboard, teacher shows no. 1 student a hiragana symbol, it is then drawn with fingers on the next persons back, and they pass it on till it gets to the last person who draws the symbol on the board, the 1st to write the correct hiragana wins Bingo Calligraphy with hiragana After mastering the hiragana chart, students are given an award for their success and a hiragana licence to write hiragana in pen, students will also receive points to go towards the school point system. A note home to parents will further outline the students’ success. * Introduction to Japanese culture Essential greetings Board/sheet Practice with a friend Game - tango grab - Class speed with tango - Activity – 14 Tsumiki (Unit 1) - Ball practice with tango - Tango quiz next lesson Song – Clouds Book 2 Song – OHAYOO Hiragana games BLM Calligraphy set 4.MBC.1 4.MBC.2 4.MLC.2 4.UL.14.UL.2 4.UL.3 4.UL.4 4.UL.1 4.UL.2 4.UL.3 4.UL.4 Culture books – Exploring Japan, Welcome to Japan, The Time Traveller Series, Culture in Japan, Japan Islands of the Floating World, A ticket to Japan Tsumiki text unit 1 Ohisama Clouds BK 2 Page 4 of 6 MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 Name Self Introductions Classroom Commands Onamae wa nan desu ka Watashi/boku wa … desu Hajimemashite Doozo yoroshiku Watashi wa … desu Doo itashimashite doozo haite kudasai Doa o shimete Tatte Suwatte Kite Shizuka ni shite Kokuban o mite Nooto ni kaite Oboete Hanashite Mado o akete Narande Matte uttate Nihongo de Name – Board - Write students names in katakana - Students design their own name tag to be displayed - Ask your partner his/her name and respond - Ask students their names and have them respond, students then get chance to ask the class their name Origami - Make a finger puppet for each child, decorate and practice using them to revise the new words we have learnt Meishi notes - Make Meishi (check names in pencil)-due next lesson Jikoshookai notes Pronunciation practice – write jikoshookai - Prize for best ojigi - Pairs practice - Round room practice - Write a role play for meeting someone for the first time - Jiko test next lesson Round room class Jikooshokai Activity sheet on greetings,name, jiko and meishi info 4.MBC.2 4.MBC.2 4.MBC.1 4.MBC.2 4.MLC.1 4.MLC.2 4.UL.1 4.UL.2 4.UL.3 4.UL.4 4.MBC.2 4.MLC.1 4.UL.1 4.UL.2 4.UL.3 4.UL.4 Classroom Commands - Board - Ball practice - Activity Sheets - Sensei says - Group Simon says -Children in a group take turns in telling each other a command and then responding - Listening task - Game – Group stand up sit down, instruction replay Repeat as above with commands such as akete, shimete, haitte, narande, hanashite, matte, uttate Japanese culture – interest topic 4.MBC.1 4.MBC.2 Ohisama Connect (beginning pages) Belmont Christian College notes Teacher created Teacher created Page 5 of 6 MEDOWIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL JAPANESE PROGRAM STAGE 1 2005 This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Medowie Christian School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages Program. 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