GROUNDWATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION of California You are invited to the Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Meeting of the Groundwater Resource Association's Central Coast Branch Branch Office Elections Elections for the following branch offices of the GRA will be held at the September 1, 2010 meeting: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. These offices carry a term of one calendar year which will begin in January 2011. All branch officers must be dues paying members of the GRA for the calendar year in which they will hold office. If you would like to run for office, please submit your name and a one paragraph statement of interest to Ryan Drake, by August 27. These statements will be distributed to the branch membership prior to the September 1st meeting for their review and consideration. Keynote Speaker and Topic: Martin Miele, PGP, PG Senior Geophysicist United Water Conservation District Saline Water Intrusion Mapping on the South Oxnard Plain using Time Domain Geophysical Techniques Martin Miele, Senior Geophysicist at United Water Conservation District, will give a presentation on the Districts ongoing efforts to define the areal and vertical extent of saline water in the Upper and Lower Aquifer Systems on the southern Oxnard Plain near Port Hueneme and Point Mugu. The presence of saline waters in the aquifers along this portion of the Oxnard Plain has been recognized for several decades, however the last comprehensive evaluation was performed by the USGS in the early 1990s. This summer, United Water Conservation District initiated an extensive geophysical program to update the status of the intrusion of the saline waters. This information will be available for integration into the current and future groundwater management strategies developed by UWCD and other organizations (e.g., Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency) to deal with the region's water needs. The geophysical program includes a time domain survey, downhole conductivity logging at existing piezometers and wells, and the production profiles from existing wells near the inland extent of the saline waters as determined by the time domain survey. Mr. Miele will explain the basics of how the time domain geophysical technique is used to determine the presence of saline waters and present the findings of the field program to date. The time domain survey program was designed and performed with the goal of assessing the extent of the migration of the saline waters in each of the major aquifer systems in the Oxnard Plain groundwater basin. To date, approximately 110 soundings have been conducted. Our Speaker: Martin Miele recently joined the Groundwater Department at United Water Conservation District as the Senior Geophysicist. He brings over 30 years of geophysical and hydrogeological experience to the District. As the Senior Geophysicist, he direct geophysical programs designed to increase the understanding of the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions impacting groundwater resources within the District. He received his Masters degree in Geophysics from San Diego State University, Bachelors degree in Geology from San Francisco State University, and is a Professional Geologist and Professional Geophysicist in the State of California. Meeting Schedule: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Welcome, Announcements, Business Meeting, Election of 2011 Officers 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Keynote Speaker Meeting Location and Directions: The meeting will be held in the Board Room at United Water Conservation District located at 106 N. 8th Street, Santa Paula, California. From the 101 in Ventura take the 126 to the 10th Street Exit (exit 12 / Hwy 150), turn left at Hwy150/S 10th Street, go north on 10th Street to 3rd left (Main Street), turn left onto Main St, go to 8th Street. UWCD is on the northwest corner of 8th Street and Main Street. RESERVATIONS: Please contact Ofelia ( or Liz ( at UWCD (you can call us at 805-525-4431, also) to make your reservation before Tuesday, August 31 at 4:00pm so we can arrange for the food and drinks. This meeting will be a low cost event (pizza and drinks), so our expenses to the attendees can be minimized: $15 students, $20 members; $22 non-members. Please make your check payable to the GRA. On-going Activities and Events Meetings of the Central Coast GRA: Meetings of the Central Coast Branch of the GRA will be held approximately every second month on the first Wednesday of that month, except in July/August. Meeting locations will vary and will be announced well in advance of each meeting. GRA Website: Visit the GRA at The GRA website includes information on the following topics: the GRA of California (the state-wide organization); membership; the local branches and their activities; job announcements; updates on legislation affecting groundwater; and links to members and other related and notable web sites. Speakers and Presenters: If you would like to make a presentation at an up-coming meeting of the GRA, Central Coast Branch, please contact Ryan Drake at or (805) 882-1446. Future presentation topics and speakers are in the process of being confirmed. The Central Coast Branch has compiled a list of our members who are interested in speaking in their communities about issues that relate to groundwater. We call it the "Professionals in Groundwater Roster." We make this roster available to local business and civic organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Service Clubs. If you would like to be on our "Professionals in Groundwater Roster," please e-mail Sam Schaefer at with: your name, address, and telephone number, as well as a short description of the topics you would be interested in speaking about. Local organizations that receive our roster may contact you directly. Sponsors and Donations: If you would like to sponsor a GRA Meeting or other event, or volunteer your time or services to any one of the many GRA-sponsored activities, please contact Sam Schaefer at or (805) 882-1483. Presently, we are in need of sponsorship or donations for our upcoming monthly meetings. A cash donation of $100 or more will earn your company a mention in our meeting announcement as well as an opportunity to distribute information regarding services or products at our meeting. Additionally, the GRA branch welcomes any ideas for sponsorship that you may have. Contacting the Central Coast Branch Officers: If you have questions, comments, or would just like to contact one of the Central Coast Branch officers, you will find them at the following addresses: President - Brad Herrema Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP (805) 882-1493 Vice President - Louie Hengehold Hopkins Groundwater Consultants, Inc. (805) 653-5306 Secretary - vacant Treasurer - Sam Schaefer GEI Consultants, Bookman-Edmonston Division (805) 882-1483 Upcoming GRA Statewide Events: Principles of Groundwater Flow & Transport Modeling Course September 13-15, 2010 - Redwood City, CA Course web page - GRA 19th Annual Conference & Meeting: Think Outside the Pipe - Exploring and Protecting Local Water Supplies September 15-16, 2010 - Burlingame, CA Conference web page - GRA Course: Interpreting Non-Detect Data Correctly November 2, 2010 - Ontario, CA Course web page - The statements and opinions expressed in the Groundwater Resources Association (GRA) publications are those of the authors and/or contributors, and are not necessarily those of the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members. Further, GRA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the absolute accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this publication and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents. No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, or statutory, is given with respect to the contents of this publication or its references to other resources. Reference in this publication to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm,or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement recommendation, or favoring by the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members. GRA is dedicated to resource management that protects and improves groundwater through education and technical leadership. 915 L St, Ste 1000 * Sacramento, CA 95814 * Ph: 916-446-3626 * Fx: 916-442-0382 * To be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this message and write Remove as the subject.