Filename: Polygons PARALLELOGRAMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Construct Segment AB. Construct Point C above segment AB. Construct a line through Point C and parallel to Segment AB using the CONSTRUCT/PARALLEL LINE feature. Construct Segment AC and construct a line parallel to Segment AC through Point B. Find the intersection of the 2 lines at Point D. Hide the Lines CD and BD. With the remaining points, construct Segments CD and BD. Create a Custom Tool called Parallelogram. RECTANGLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create 2 perpendicular lines to Segment JK – one through Point J and another through Point K. Place a point on the perpendicular line through J called Point F. Create a line parallel to Segment JK through Point F. Label the point of intersection B. Hide all Lines. Construct Segments JF, FB, and BK. Create a Custom Tool called Rectangle. SQUARES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Construct Circle P with Point Q. Construct Segment PQ. Construct 2 perpendicular lines to Segment PQ through Points P and Q. Label the intersection of the perpendicular line and circle called Point U. Construct Line UW either by parallel to Segment PQ or perpendicular to Line UP. Label the new point of intersection W. Hide all Lines and construct Segments WQ, UW, and UP. Then hide Circle P. Create a Custom Tool called Square. TRAPEZOIDS (no custom tool for this one) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construct Segment AB and Point C above segment AB. Construct a Parallel Line to Segment AB through Point C. Put Point D on the Parallel Line to the right of Point C. Hide the Parallel Line CD. Construct Segments AC, CD, and BD. Move the points around to see that it remains a trapezoid. Can you make a parallelogram? Can you make a Rectangle? How about a Square? ISOSCELES TRIANGLES (Do research) 1. 2. Construct an Isosceles triangle so that it ALWAYS remains an Isosceles triangle. Create a Custom Tool called Isos Triangle. EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES (Do research) 1. 2. Construct an Equilateral triangle so that it ALWAYS remains an Equilateral triangle. Create a Custom Tool called Equil Triangle. THE END 1. 2. 3. Use your Parallelogram, Rectangle, and Square Tools along with Animation (EDIT/ACTION BUTTONS/ANIMATION) to create your ending page. Delete the Point Labels by selecting the TEXT TOOL, double clicking on the point, then UNCHECK the SHOW LABEL option in the LABEL tab. Do not forget to COLOR your shapes by creating INTERIORS. ALL WORDS IN BOLD FONT ARE TITLES FOR SEPARATE PAGES.