Small Isles MPA search location

Data confidence assessment – Central Fladen
MPA search location name
16th May 2012
Date of assessment
Central Fladen
Features for which data confidence assessed
Biodiversity Priority MPA
search features
Burrowed mud (BM)
Offshore subtidal sands and gravels
Shelf deeps (SD)
Geodiversity Key geodiversity
areas and blocks
Key geodiversity areas present
Fladen Deeps Key
Geodiversity Area Quaternary of Scotland Block
(Tunnel Valleys) (GeMS).
Quaternary of Scotland Block
(moraines), Quaternary of
Scotland Block (Prograding
wedge), Seabed Fluid and
Gas Seep Block (pockmarks)
(Brooks, et al., 2011)
‘Other’ features
(MPA search
features & if known
at the outset, PMFs
and those
representative of
Scotland’s seas
more generally)
Feature exclusions (MPA search features recorded within the search location but excluded from the assessment with reasons)
Offshore subtidal sands and gravels – although a MPA search location the extent of this feature within the potential area is assessed as too small to be a viable
example of the habitat. However the full extent of the feature is retained in the search location as it may be associated with the tall sea pen recorded in the
potential area. There is insufficient evidence to undertake an assessment of the shelf deep as a large scale feature supporting wider ecological function in the
area, but the tunnel valley remains in the potential area as a feature of geodiversity interest.
Data used in assessment Version of GeMS database
Ver. 2
Other datasets used (specify) -
Data exclusions
No data excluded
Marine Scotland Science 2008 - 2010 Nephrops underwater Towed Video survey
database. UKSeaMap2010, UK admiralty charts.
Data coverage MPA search location scale
Numerous MPA search feature records
evenly distributed across search
Individual features
Numerous MPA search feature records
scattered across search location with
some clumping?
Few or isolated MPA search feature
records - possibly clumped?
Data coverage Multiple records of individual MPA
search features providing indication of
extent and distribution throughout
MPA search location?
Few or scattered records of specific
MPA search features making extent
and broad distribution assessment
Are acoustic remote sensing data available to facilitate the development of
a full coverage predictive seabed habitat map?
Few or isolated records of specific
MPA search features
Burrowed mud habitat feature data are distributed across the Central Fladen potential area, with some clumping of records. The known
distribution of feature is a result of the random sample station design used by Marine Scotland. The presence and extent of the underlying
burrowed mud and offshore subtidal sands and gravels habitat area as modelled by UKSeaMap2010 are verified by the presence of the
burrowed mud feature (sea pens and burrow features) data, and particle size analysis (PSA) data. The dataset used to identify the
geodiversity features (blue polygons in Maps A - C) is quite coarse in nature.
Source of data Targeted data collection for nature
conservation purposes
Statutory monitoring (marine licensing
Fisheries survey work
Data collection associated with
development proposals (EIA etc.)
Recreational / volunteer data collection
Other (specify) – UKSeaMap2010, UK
Admiralty chart.
The majority of the burrowed mud habitat feature records and PSA samples (Map C) within this location were collected during the Marine
Scotland Science Nephrops underwater Towed Video survey (Map B - collected between 2000 - 2010). The underlying habitat maps are
the result work undertaken by JNCC to combine physical data describing the marine environment with information from biological sampling,
generating a broadscale predictive map of seabed habitats (UKSeaMap2010).
Age of data Multiple or majority of records
collected within last 6 years
(Map A)
Majority of records collected 6-12 years
Most records >12 years old
Figure A: Age of MPA search feature data
Figure B: Source of MPA search feature data
Figure C: MPA search features in Central Fladen potential area
Sampling methods Feature
Acoustic / remote
Remote video / camera
Infaunal - grab /
Visual census
Conclusions - Data Confidence Confident in presence of identified
Apply stages 2-4 of the MPA Selection
Guidelines with no refinement to
search location boundary or features?
Data suitable to define extent of individual MPA search features within
MPA search location and support full application of the guidelines?
Refine MPA search location boundary
and or feature complement before
progressing detailed application of MPA
Selection Guidelines?
BM; geodiv
Defer further work on this MPA search
location or specified features until
additional data are available?
MPA search location boundary should be refined to identify features for which there may be scientifically justified alternative areas for sea
pens and burrowing megafauna
Proposed refinements MPA search location boundary refined to identify the sea pen and burrowing
megafauna component habitat within the potential area for which there may be
scientifically robust options on the basis of the evidence available
MPA search location boundary and the distribution of features delineating
features for which alternative options should be sought, and features for which
there are no options on the basis of evidence available. Both additional areas
identified should be subject to a detailed assessment against the MPA Selection
Survey (Map B)
Features covered
Brooks, A.J. Kenyon, N.H. Leslie, A. Long, D. & Godon, J.E. (2011). Characterising Scotland’s
marine environment to define search locations for new Marine Protected Areas. Part 2: the
identification of key geodiversity areas in Scottish waters (interim report July 2011) Scottish Natural
Heritage Commissioned Report No. 430
C Greathead, D Demain, H Dobby, L Allan and A Weetman (2011) Quantitative analysis of the
distribution and abundance of the burrowing megafauna and large epifauna community in the Fladen
fishing ground, northern north sea. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science or Marine Scotland
Science Report Vol 2 No 2
2004 sea pen and
burrowing megafauna
McBreen, F., Askew, N., Cameron, A., Connor, D., Ellwood, H. & Carter, A. 2011. UKSeaMap 2010:
Predictive mapping of seabed habitats in UK waters. JNCC Report, No. 446.
2010 broadscale habitat