A Brief Overview of the Definitions Utilised in the Monthly Progress Reports
Population Categories
High-risk Groups (HRGs):
i. Female Sex Workers (FSWs): An adult woman who engages in consensual sex for money or
payment in any kind as by principal means of livelihood. It includes women who live and
practice sex work in and outside the village and also those who come from outside to practice
sex in a particular village.
ii. Men having sex with men (MSM): All men who have sex with other men as a matter of
preference or practice, regardless of their sexual identity or orientation and irrespective of
whether they have sex with women or not. It includes men who live and engage in anal sex with
other in and outside the village and also those have anal sex with men in casual partnerships or
in commercial relationships. The definition also includes Transgender (hijras).
iii. Injecting Drug Users (IDUs): IDUs are not injectors at all times in their injecting life span. They
may inject, then fall back into non-injecting (e.g. oral) drug use or abstinence and then return to
injecting. Thus, IDUs are defined as those who used any drug through injecting routes in the
last three months. It includes those who live and inject drugs in and outside the village and also
those who come outside the village to inject drugs.
Bridge Population: The Bridge Population consists of all migrants (male and female) and truckers.
Vulnerable Population: This indicator includes spouses and partners of MSMs, IDUs and FSWs;
partners and spouses of migrants and truckers; out of school youth (male and female); and women in
women-headed households.
People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)
Recording Indicators
Whenever the indicators mention “for this month”, the data should only reflect the progress that has been made
on the indicators during the reporting month.
Whenever the indicators mention “cumulative”, the data should reflect the unique number of the relevant indicator
that is being asked for since the beginning of the programme. It is extremely important that double-counting of the
indicator be avoided. Please refer to the examples below for further clarification:
If the indicator is asking for the “Cumulative New Contacted” number of FSWs, for example, enter the
total number of HRGs that have been contacted at least once since the beginning of the programme. Do
not double-count FSWs that have been contacted multiple times. This cumulative indicator measures
headcount, and not the number of contacts
If the indicator is asking for the “Cumulative Trained (Basic Orientation)” in the training section, for
example, then the entered data should list the total number of unique individuals that have gone through
that training since the beginning of the programme. Once again, this is a headcount; it is, therefore,
extremely important that double-counting be avoided. If individuals have repeated this training, only count
them once.
“Cumulative test reports received by individuals” measures the unique number of individuals who have
received a test report after having been tested at the ICTC since the beginning of the programme (count
individuals who have been tested multiple times and received multiple reports once); similarly,
“cumulative tested positive” measures the unique number of individuals who have tested positive since
the beginning of the programme.
Note on reporting: Because of the specific nature of these indicators, if data is lacking for the reporting month for a indicator,
it is preferred that that indicator not be reported until the correct data is collected, rather than a proxy be used as an
For any clarifications, please contact Faraz Usmani (faraz.u@gmail.com) or Nidhi Dubey (nidhidubeyto@gmail.com).