FCM- Version : 1.1 Page 1 of 4 Effective: 2013/10/10 Department of Clinical Pathology Site Distribution: SB Copy Location: Integrated and Core Laboratories Flow Cytometry E-Authorized by: Medical Director Investigation of Hematologic Disorders Laboratory Hours of Operation Laboratory Hours of Specimen Receipt Statutory Holidays Monday to Friday 0830-1645 Monday to Thursday 0830-1645 Friday 0830 -1400 Closed Please consider the pre-analytical turnaround time (including transportation), laboratory hours of operation and laboratory hours of specimen reception when sending a sample for testing. Flow Cytometry Laboratory Contact Information Location Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 2075 Bayview Avenue North York, ON M4N 3M5 Flow Cytometry Laboratory B210 Phone Number 416-480-4958 Hematopathologist 416-480-4042 (Clinical Pathology Office) Specimen Requirements Peripheral Blood 1 EDTA (Lavender Top) and 1 Sodium Heparin* Tube (Green Top) * Note: Submission of Lithium Heparin Tube will be rejected EDTA (Lavender Top) – specimen stability 12 – 24 hours Sodium Heparin Tube – specimen stability 48 – 72 hours Bone Marrow Aspirate 1 Sodium Heparin* Tube (Green Top) * Note: Submission of Lithium Heparin Tube will be rejected Sodium Heparin Tube – specimen stability 48 – 72 hours Lymph Node/Tissue Submit in screw capped container suspended in sterile saline Lymph Node/Tissue – No clear guidelines exist for specimen stability for fresh tissue specimens. Testing should be performed ASAP. Fine Needle Aspirate Submit in screw capped container suspended in sterile saline FNA - No clear guidelines exist for specimen stability for fresh tissue specimens. Testing should be performed ASAP. Body Fluid Screwed capped container Body Fluid - No clear guidelines exist for specimen stability for body fluids specimens. Testing should be performed ASAP. This document is for internal use only. Any uncontrolled documents appearing in paper form should be checked against the on-line version prior to use. FCM- Version : 1.1 Page 2 of 4 Effective: 2013/10/10 Department of Clinical Pathology Integrated and Core Laboratories Site Distribution: SB Copy Location: Flow Cytometry E-Authorized by: Medical Director Investigation of Hematologic Disorders Specimen Requirements CSF Screwed capped container CSF - No clear guidelines exist for specimen stability for CSF specimens. Testing should be performed ASAP. Specimen Integrity In the investigation of hematolymphoid neoplasia the presence of tumours of high proliferation rate and specimens from patients receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment must be processed as soon as possible. Specimen age is a critical variable in flow cytometric analysis. Specimen results may be compromised with reduced viability. Test Urgency Specimens can be deemed a priority (Urgent, critical, or STAT) by the Hematopathologist upon clinical triage. Advance arrangement can be made to expedite medically necessary testing with the Hematopathologist prior to transportation of the specimen to the laboratory. Specimen Labelling All specimens must be received labelled. The minimum labelling requirements will include at least two unique identifiers. A hospital card imprint label is preferred. Each specimen received in the laboratory must be accompanied by a completed requisition, which will include all additional patient information. Specimen Rejection Specimens received in Lithium Heparin will be rejected. Specimen Storage Sunnybrook Internal Clients Internal clients are not encouraged to store specimens. Transport specimens to the laboratory as soon as possible. External Clients If a delay in transportation of the specimen is unavoidable store specimens according to the requirements below: Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Aspirate – ambient temperature Lymph Node/Tissue/Body Fluid/CSF - 4°C 2°C This document is for internal use only. Any uncontrolled documents appearing in paper form should be checked against the on-line version prior to use. FCM- Version : 1.1 Page 3 of 4 Effective: 2013/10/10 Department of Clinical Pathology Integrated and Core Laboratories Site Distribution: SB Copy Location: Flow Cytometry E-Authorized by: Medical Director Investigation of Hematologic Disorders Patient Information Requisition Completion It is imperative that all information requested on internal or referring laboratories requisition is provided in full. Date and Time of Collection Required information. Necessary to determine specimen integrity. Clinical Indication Relevant clinical information is necessary for medical staff in the review and interpretation of each case. Previous/Current Drug Therapy Therapy information is required to determine appropriate investigation and in the review and interpretation of each case. Transportation Transportation of Specimens (Sunnybrook Internal Clients) Transport all specimens in a sealed biohazard bag maintaining a barrier between the specimen and documentation. Transport all specimens at ambient temperature. Delivery mode – Specimen Handler direct to B210 Flow Cytometry Laboratory Delivery mode – Pneumatic Tube System Station 12 Blood and Tissue Bank. Specimens are redirected to Flow Cytometry Laboratory. Delivery mode – Pneumatic Tube System Station 8 Core Laboratory. Specimens are redirected to Flow Cytometry Laboratory Transportation of Specimens (External Clients) Transport all specimens in compliance with Transportation of Dangerous Goods. Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Aspirate Specimens - transport at ambient temperature. Lymph Node/Tissue/Body Fluid/CSF – transport on cold pack Delivery mode – Courier Service direct to B210 Flow Cytometry Laboratory This document is for internal use only. Any uncontrolled documents appearing in paper form should be checked against the on-line version prior to use. FCM- Version : 1.1 Page 4 of 4 Effective: 2013/10/10 Department of Clinical Pathology Integrated and Core Laboratories Site Distribution: SB Copy Location: Flow Cytometry E-Authorized by: Medical Director Investigation of Hematologic Disorders Specimen Processing Laboratory Processing of Specimens Every attempt should be made to provide the laboratory with a fresh sample for analysis. Ideally the sample should be processed immediately after collection. Special consideration must be given to tissue samples as viability is significantly affected by age The Flow Cytometry Laboratory will endeavour to process samples that meet the specimen requirements as quickly as possible to provide the highest quality of analysis results for medical review and interpretation. The Flow Cytometry Laboratory will not process samples that do not meet the specimen requirements or the sample acceptability guidelines. The Medical Director and or designate can authorize the processing of compromised specimens when medically necessary or if collection of a new specimen would be difficult or impossible. The Medical Director and or designate must assume responsibility for testing. A comment will be added to the final report if a compromised specimen is processed and interpreted. Reporting Reports Analysis findings are available upon final review by the Hematopathologist. Critical Value Internal Clients Acute Leukemia Reports are available on the Electronic Patient Record. External Clients Reports are transmitted either by fax or electronic interface. This document is for internal use only. Any uncontrolled documents appearing in paper form should be checked against the on-line version prior to use.