Avena References

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Bocarsly, M. E., Barson, J. R., Hauca, J. M., Hoebel, B. G., Leibowitz, S. F., & Avena, N. M. (2012).
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Johnson, R. J., Gold, M. S., Johnson, D. R., Ishimoto, T., Lanaspa, M. A., Zahniser, N. R., & Avena, N.
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Leibowitz, S. F., Avena, N. M., Chang, G. Q., Karatayev, O., Chau, D. T., & Hoebel, B. G. (2003).
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Lewis, M. J., Rada, P., Johnson, D. F., Avena, N. M., Leibowitz, S. F., & Hoebel, B. G. (2005). Galanin
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Murray, S., Kroll, C., & Avena, N. M. (2014). Food and addiction among the ageing population. Ageing
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Rada, P., Avena, N. M., Barson, J. R., Hoebel, B. G., & Leibowitz, S. F. (2012). A high-fat meal, or
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Tulloch, A. J., Murray, S., Vaicekonyte, R., & Avena, N. M. (2015). Neural responses to
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Yarnell, S., Oscar-Berman, M., Avena, N., Blum, K., & Gold, M. (2013). Pharmacotherapies for
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