Questionnaire to be filled during sampling

.Questionnaire to be filled during sampling
Fields in “bold” are compulsory. Thank you!
Animal code
Farm ID _____RO-0008_____ (2 characters for the country - 4 digits numeric ID. e.g : IT-0045 )
q1.1.A1 Species:_CH_________ CH = Capra Hircus - OA = Ovis Aries - OT = Other
q1.1.A2 Specify the name:____________________ (compulsory if answer to q1.1A is OT)
q1.1.B Country code:RO (see the list of countries’ abbreviations in the ECONOGENE Web site)
q1.1.C Breed's acronym: CAR (3 digits - alpha)
q1.1.D Number of the sample:____18 (2 digits - num - serial number)
q1.2 Animal ID:
(Ear marks - if available)
Animal and sampling information
q1.3 Sex of animal:
female X
male 
q1.4 Year of birth of the animal: 1997
q1.5 Place (locality) of birth of the animal: POARTA SALAJULUI
q1.6 Date of collection: 26.04.2003
q1.7 Breed's full name: CARPATHIAN
q1.8 Contractor's name: MICHAEL BRUFORD
q1.9 Subcontractor's name: AUGUSTIN VLAIC
q1.10.A Collector's name: AUGUSTIN OROS
q1.10.B Collector's name:
Address of the farm and telephone number
q1.11.A Province/county of the farm: CLUJ
q1.11.B Region of the farm: TRANSYLVANIA
q1.11.C Country of the farm: ROMANIA
q1.11.D Closest town to the farm: GHERLA
q1.11.E International phone code: 0040
q1.11.F Area phone code: 0264
q1.11.G Phone number: 227814
Type of biological material sampled – See specific protocol for collection and storage
downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.12.Type of biological material:
blood X
tissue 
hair 
Pictures - please write the name you gave to the picture you selected to show the animal
and to show the farm. This ID has to correspond to the picture recorded on the CD, and
this ID has to be written on the paper photo too - See specific protocol on
photodocumentation downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.15.Name or ID of animal's picture: CHROCAR 18
q1.16.Name or ID of farm's picture: RO – 0007
RO - 0007
.Questionnaire to be filled during sampling
Fields in “bold” are compulsory. Thank you!
Animal code
Farm ID _____RO-0007_____ (2 characters for the country - 4 digits numeric ID. e.g : IT-0045 )
q1.1.A1 Species:_CH_________ CH = Capra Hircus - OA = Ovis Aries - OT = Other
q1.1.A2 Specify the name:____________________ (compulsory if answer to q1.1A is OT)
q1.1.B Country code:RO (see the list of countries’ abbreviations in the ECONOGENE Web site)
q1.1.C Breed's acronym: CAR (3 digits - alpha)
q1.1.D Number of the sample:____19 (2 digits - num - serial number)
q1.2 Animal ID:
(Ear marks - if available)
Animal and sampling information
q1.3 Sex of animal:
female X
male 
q1.4 Year of birth of the animal: 1999
q1.5 Place (locality) of birth of the animal: PANTICEU
q1.6 Date of collection: 26.04.2003
q1.7 Breed's full name: CARPATHIAN
q1.8 Contractor's name: MICHAEL BRUFORD
q1.9 Subcontractor's name: AUGUSTIN VLAIC
q1.10.A Collector's name: AUGUSTIN OROS
q1.10.B Collector's name:
Address of the farm and telephone number
q1.11.A Province/county of the farm: CLUJ
q1.11.B Region of the farm: TRANSYLVANIA
q1.11.C Country of the farm: ROMANIA
q1.11.D Closest town to the farm: GHERLA
q1.11.E International phone code: 0040
q1.11.F Area phone code: 0264
q1.11.G Phone number: 227814
Type of biological material sampled – See specific protocol for collection and storage
downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.12.Type of biological material:
blood X
tissue 
hair 
Pictures - please write the name you gave to the picture you selected to show the animal
and to show the farm. This ID has to correspond to the picture recorded on the CD, and
this ID has to be written on the paper photo too - See specific protocol on
photodocumentation downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.15.Name or ID of animal's picture: CHROCAR 19
q1.16.Name or ID of farm's picture: RO – 0007
RO - 0007
.Questionnaire to be filled during sampling
Fields in “bold” are compulsory. Thank you!
Animal code
Farm ID _____RO-0007_____ (2 characters for the country - 4 digits numeric ID. e.g : IT-0045 )
q1.1.A1 Species:_CH_________ CH = Capra Hircus - OA = Ovis Aries - OT = Other
q1.1.A2 Specify the name:____________________ (compulsory if answer to q1.1A is OT)
q1.1.B Country code:RO (see the list of countries’ abbreviations in the ECONOGENE Web site)
q1.1.C Breed's acronym: CAR (3 digits - alpha)
q1.1.D Number of the sample:____20 (2 digits - num - serial number)
q1.2 Animal ID:
(Ear marks - if available)
Animal and sampling information
q1.3 Sex of animal:
female X
male 
q1.4 Year of birth of the animal: 1997
q1.5 Place (locality) of birth of the animal: PANTICEU
q1.6 Date of collection: 26.04.2003
q1.7 Breed's full name: CARPATHIAN
q1.8 Contractor's name: MICHAEL BRUFORD
q1.9 Subcontractor's name: AUGUSTIN VLAIC
q1.10.A Collector's name: AUGUSTIN OROS
q1.10.B Collector's name:
Address of the farm and telephone number
q1.11.A Province/county of the farm: CLUJ
q1.11.B Region of the farm: TRANSYLVANIA
q1.11.C Country of the farm: ROMANIA
q1.11.D Closest town to the farm: GHERLA
q1.11.E International phone code: 0040
q1.11.F Area phone code: 0264
q1.11.G Phone number: 227814
Type of biological material sampled – See specific protocol for collection and storage
downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.12.Type of biological material:
blood X
tissue 
hair 
Pictures - please write the name you gave to the picture you selected to show the animal
and to show the farm. This ID has to correspond to the picture recorded on the CD, and
this ID has to be written on the paper photo too - See specific protocol on
photodocumentation downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.15.Name or ID of animal's picture: CHROCAR 20
q1.16.Name or ID of farm's picture: RO – 0007
RO - 0007
.Questionnaire to be filled during sampling
Fields in “bold” are compulsory. Thank you!
Animal code
Farm ID _____RO-0007_____ (2 characters for the country - 4 digits numeric ID. e.g : IT-0045 )
q1.1.A1 Species:_CH_________ CH = Capra Hircus - OA = Ovis Aries - OT = Other
q1.1.A2 Specify the name:____________________ (compulsory if answer to q1.1A is OT)
q1.1.B Country code:RO (see the list of countries’ abbreviations in the ECONOGENE Web site)
q1.1.C Breed's acronym: CAR (3 digits - alpha)
q1.1.D Number of the sample:____21 (2 digits - num - serial number)
q1.2 Animal ID:
(Ear marks - if available)
Animal and sampling information
q1.3 Sex of animal:
female 
male X
q1.4 Year of birth of the animal: 2000
q1.5 Place (locality) of birth of the animal: POARTA SALAJULUI
q1.6 Date of collection: 26.04.2003
q1.7 Breed's full name: CARPATHIAN
q1.8 Contractor's name: MICHAEL BRUFORD
q1.9 Subcontractor's name: AUGUSTIN VLAIC
q1.10.A Collector's name: AUGUSTIN OROS
q1.10.B Collector's name:
Address of the farm and telephone number
q1.11.A Province/county of the farm: CLUJ
q1.11.B Region of the farm: TRANSYLVANIA
q1.11.C Country of the farm: ROMANIA
q1.11.D Closest town to the farm: GHERLA
q1.11.E International phone code: 0040
q1.11.F Area phone code: 0264
q1.11.G Phone number: 227814
Type of biological material sampled – See specific protocol for collection and storage
downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.12.Type of biological material:
blood X
tissue 
hair 
Pictures - please write the name you gave to the picture you selected to show the animal
and to show the farm. This ID has to correspond to the picture recorded on the CD, and
this ID has to be written on the paper photo too - See specific protocol on
photodocumentation downloadable from the ECONOGENE Web site
q1.15.Name or ID of animal's picture: CHROCAR 21
q1.16.Name or ID of farm's picture: RO – 0007
RO - 0007