SJ 8-Do Gases Have Density demo

SJ #8 “Do Gases Have Density?”
Lesson 4
Warm-Up questions: Work with your teammate to answer
these questions in your SJ:
1. What is in an “empty” bottle?
2. Think about the air around you. How would you
describe it?
3. Is air the same everywhere? Explain.
4. What properties of air can you measure?
5. What instruments are used to measure air?
For each DEMO, write what’s in black and follow the
instructions given:
1) DEMO #1: handheld fan-- what do you observe?
This Demo proves air has _________________.
2) DEMO #2: balloon-- what do you observe?
Mass of EMPTY balloon _________
Mass of FULL balloon
This Demo proves air has ______________.
3) DEMO #3: air blaster-- what do you observe?
This Demo proves air has _______________.
4) DEMO #4: funnels—Read p. 30-31 Intro & Objectives
a) draw funnels A & B in your SJ (p. 31 Fig 4.1) and
label them.
b) as I demonstrate, draw what you are seeing and
write your observations for:
Funnel A
Funnel B
5) DEMO #5: syringe—look at the picture on p. 32
a) draw the syringe apparatus.
b) push one side in.
c) draw and explain what you are seeing.
Conclusion (at LEAST 5 sentences):
CLAIM: Air has density because it has mass AND volume.
Use all of the demos and your previous knowledge to
support the claim that gases (air) have both mass and
volume, and therefore, density. Support the claim with
specific observations and evidence.
*Now, self-assess your own conclusion (you can use a “1”
if you feel you somewhat answered the question).
1) Does your conclusion clearly
restate the claim?
2) Does your conclusion use
observations to support the claim?
3) Does your conclusion include
specific data to support the claim?
4) Does your conclusion use key
terms correctly to support the claim?
5) Does your conclusion have at
least 5 sentences?
YES=2 NO=0
YES=2 NO=0
YES=2 NO=0
YES=2 NO=0
YES=2 NO=0
Add up your total points and put it under your conclusion.
Also, write a one sentence statement explaining why you
gave the score you did.
(ex: I scored 6/10 because I did not use specific data to
support my claim and my conclusion was only 3