Lesson: Burnt Offering Altar (No. CB108_2)

Christian Churches of God
No. CB108_2
Burnt Offering Altar
(Edition 1.0 20070912-20070912)
This lesson reviews the basic concepts found in the paper Burnt Offering Altar (No.
CB108) and provides various ways of reinforcing the subject matter.
Christian Churches of God
PO Box 369,
ACT 2606,
E-mail: secretary@ccg.org
(Copyright  2007 Diane Flanagan, ed. Wade Cox)
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Lesson: Burnt Offering Altar
Burnt Offering Altar
To review the basic concepts related to the altar of burnt offerings and the symbolism that
is involved in the text.
1. Children will be able to understand the meaning of what was sacrificed on the altar of
burnt offerings.
2. Children will be able to identify the two times a day when sacrifices were offered.
3. Children will be able to know the altar of burnt offerings increased in size from the
Tabernacle in the Wilderness to the Temple Solomon built.
4. Children will understand why there is not an altar of burnt offering in the City of God.
5. Children will understand what the altar of burnt offering symbolizes.
The Temple Solomon Built (No. CB107)
Burnt Offering Altar (No. CB108)
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (No. CB42)
Symbolism of Numbers (No. 7)
Who is Jesus? (No. CB2)
Trumpets (No. 136)
The City of God (No. 180)
Psalms from the Temple Worship (No. 87)
FAQs on Ezekiel Chapters 36-48 and the Sanctification of the Temple (No. 292)
Relevant Scriptures:
Exodus 27:1-8; 38:1-7; 2Chronicles 4:1; Psalm 118:27; Hebrews 9:1; 1John 1:7.
Open with prayer.
Ask the children what they think the altar of burnt offerings represents.
Conduct the lesson on the altar of burnt offering.
Conduct the activity associated with the altar of burnt offering.
Close with prayer.
1. Read through the paper The Burnt Altar (No. CB108) unless it is read as a
2. Questions and Answers.
When going into the Temple courtyard what is the first piece of furniture you
would see?
Lesson: Burnt Offering Altar
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Altar of burnt offerings.
Was the first altar of burnt offerings in the Tabernacle in the Wilderness
smaller or larger than the second altar in the Temple Solomon built?
What type of metal was used when covering the altar?
Bronze or copper.
What was on the four corners of the altar of burnt offering?
Four horns to bind the sacrifice.
Name the animals that were used as a sacrifice offering?
Bull, lamb, goat, ram, dove.
Why did the priests offer up these sacrifices to God?
To reunite the people or sinner to God.
What are the times during the day when the sacrifices took place?
By 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m.
Why don’t we have to offer up an animal sacrifice to God today?
Christ became our burnt offering and fulfilled the requirements of the animal
Who had the responsibility for taking down and setting up the Tabernacle?
The priests.
Q10. Christ’s sacrifice cleanses us from sin and brings us back to the Father, if we
do what?
Confess our sins.
Q11. Will there be an altar of burnt offering in the Millennial Temple?
Yes, but only for the morning sacrifice.
Q12. Will there be an altar of burnt offering in the City of God?
No, because there will be no more sin.
Q13. Why is there no longer a Temple needed in the New Jerusalem?
Because God and Christ will be the Light and the Temple.
Q14. Where did Christ sit after He was resurrected and went to the Father?
The right hand of God.
Q15. Where is God the Father’s Throne?
In the third heaven, in the north of the heavens to the earth.
1. Children make clean animals that represent the sacrifices on the burnt altar
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Lesson: Burnt Offering Altar
(construction type activity)
o Supplies needed: clay or sculpey, possibly paint or markers to colour the
o Have the children draw one of the following names to see which children
are making which animals: bull, lamb, dove, ram, goat.
o Bake the sculpey if necessary.
o Once hardened, paint the animals if needed.
o Children can also make pails, shovels etc. for the burnt altar and altar of
2. Animal kingdom (movement type activity)
o Play outdoors or large indoor area where you do not need to be concerned
with noise.
o Divide the children into 5 teams: bull, lamb, dove, ram, goat; the children
must pick/select a keeper of the animals for each team.
o Hide beans in the play area before the children arrive.
o Once the children are divided into teams and the keepers of the animals are
selected, the rules are explained to the children. The object of the game is to
find as many pieces of food as possible (i.e. beans). The animals may not
pick up the food/beans; only the keeper of the animals may do that. When a
child finds a bean he/she may need to make a sound like their team animal
would make, and the keeper runs to collect the bean/food.
o When the time is completed the team with the most food is the winner.
o Discuss why the above animals were used, i.e. all clean animals for the
sacrifices. Briefly talk about when the sacrifices occurred and which
animals were offered daily on Sabbath, and reference Numbers 28 for the
3. Animal Kingdom question and answer (cognitive type activity)
o Continue to keep the children in the same teams and just review the Q and
A, starting with one group of children/animals and going to the next group
until they get the question correct.
o Another version could be played by reading the question and the team that
wants to respond has to make their animal sound to answer the question.
o A third version would be for each child to have a piece of paper on which
he/she draws a picture of his/her animal. Once the question is read they
must hold up their paper with their sacrificial animal on it to answer.