Minister Training

Extraordinary Ministers or Eucharistic Ministers or EM
It will be announced each quarter when it is time to prepare the schedule. You should fill out
a paper each quarter so the scheduler will have updated information.
It is a privilege to perform the EM role. Please take it seriously.
Please smile and make our guests feel welcome!
Remember, we are still human and we do make mistakes. We all learn from our mistakes.
As per Father Jim: Most importantly be Prayerful!
At Home/Before Mass
 Please check your schedule weekly. Do not rely on the bulletin.
 I cannot stress enough to make sure you get subs if you cannot attend when scheduled. If
you cannot find a sub, please contact the Leader of that Mass.
 If you are scheduled, please dress properly out of respect for the Lord. Please No shorts of
any length, short skirts, mid-drifts, halters or tank tops, jeans, t-shirts or gym shoes.
 Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to Mass. If you arrive late, you were most likely
already replaced. But please check.
 If you are the Leader, please arrive at least 25 to 30 minutes before Mass. This is to ensure
everything is prepared and ready for Mass and no one is walking back and forth while
others are praying in church. Leaders - See separate paper for Leader Duties
Arriving at Church and Preparing for Mass
 Prepare for Distributing: Read Eucharistic Prayer located in Cry Room
 Remember to sign in. Both sheets. They are located in the Cry Room
 Please be aware when signing in the position you will have at Mass. Make sure you know
where you stand up on the altar and where you will be Distributing.
 All EM’s, please pick up the slack for anyone coming in later than expected.
 If you are not scheduled, please check to make sure the leader is aware you are available if
 Please do not perform both Lector and EM roles in same Mass.
 W1 & W2 – If no Deacon both will be needed to dry Purified cups. If there is a Deacon, only
W1 will be needed.
During Mass
 All EM’s should proceed to altar at the beginning of the Exchange of Peace. (After you
exchange with your family, do not wait, be the first to proceed to the altar.)
 Since you have already genuflected when you entered church, you do not have to bow again
before going to the altar. It is up to you if you choose to bow again!
 Leader is H4 – stands closes to the pulpit
 Wine Distributors – please do not stand in front of the servers
 Wine (Precious Blood) Distributors – Father will give Precious Blood to W4 – W4 then gives
to Host (Body of Christ) Distributors. Father will then give cups to other Wine Distributors.
W1 will give wine to Servers.
 To Distribute the Body/Blood of Christ, please say “The Body/Blood of Christ” or “This is the
Body/Blood of Christ”.
 You can give a blessing to children by simply placing your hand on their head.
Updated: March 13, 2015
EM Training Doc
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If you drop a host, please consume.
Left over Hosts – 5 or less in your ciboria, please consume! Any more then 5, place ciboria
on the altar for Leader. Do not place ciboria with hosts on credence table.
Wine Distributors, please open the entire purificator cloth and use the entire cloth.
If anyone in the congregation “Dips” or “Intinction” the Body of Christ, please do not allow
by placing your hand over the cup. If they insist, please ask them to speak to Father after
Consume left over wine (precious blood) – if you do not want or cannot consume the wine,
set it on the table. Someone will take care of it.
EM’s/Leader will return emptied ciboria to credence table.
Place the cup and purificators on the credence table.
Father/Deacon will purify the cups and ciboria. W1 (and W2 if no Deacon) will dry purified
vessels with purificators. As you dry, place the vessels on the tray on the table behind the
credence table. (After further discussion, it was decided that we are going to continue with
this option!)
All EM’s should make sure the altar is clear. Server’s job is to clear the altar but they do
sometimes forget.
Leader will return unconsumed Body of Christ to the tabernacle after Communion.
(Depending on the Priest, he may want Leader to wait until purification is complete.)
All Eucharistic Ministers, (except those helping with purifying) as soon as you have placed
your ciboria on the altar and have helped consume any leftover hosts and/or have placed
your cup on the credence table, please proceed to the bottom of the steps facing the altar.
Do not stand around the altar or credence table.
Out of respect for the Lord, please watch as the Leader returns the Ciboria to the
Tabernacle. Once the doors are closed, all bow at the same time, then return to your seats.
You do not have to wait until the purification is complete.
After Mass
 The Leader is responsible to pick up the collection basket after Mass.
 Leader will be using the tray for the vessels. Since the Leader will be gathering the
collection basket, the EM’s are responsible to carry the tray with all of the vessels to the
 Do not pour water from dish in plant pots. This should be poured into one of the cups.
 Remember, all vessels have already been purified on the altar so nothing needs to be poured
in the dry sink. All cups should be washed with soap and water.
 Ciboria’s should be rinsed with water and immediately dried. They do not need to be
washed with soap.
 All items should be put away after each Mass.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank You for volunteering!
Updated: March 13, 2015
EM Training Doc
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