Curriculum-Vitae of Daniil Sergeev


Curriculum Vitae of Daniil Sergeev

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 1th September 1980

Contact: Department of Nonlinear Geophysical Processes, Division of Geophysical Research,

Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of science (IAP RAS), Russian Federation,

Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova st. 46, 603950. Phone: +8(831)4164758, fax:

+8(831)4365976, e-mail:

Education and Grades

1997-2003: MSc. in Theoretical Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU), Russia

2003-2006: PhD. In Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, IAP RAS. Russia

Thesis was defended on 09.10.2006. Theme: “Laboratory studying of surface and inner flows in the ocean with digital velocimetry methods”

Research/ Work expertise

2000-2003 - Laboratory assistant, IAP RAS

2003-2006: Junior research fellow, Department of Nonlinear Geophysical Processes, Division of

Geophysical Research, IAP RAS

2006-2008: Research fellow, Department of Nonlinear Geophysical Processes, Division of

Geophysical Research, IAP RAS

2008-till present time: Senior Researcher fellow, Department of Nonlinear Geophysical

Processes, Division of Geophysical Research, IAP RAS

2006- till present time: senior lecturer at Advanced School of General and Applied Physics

(ASGAP) Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU)

Research interests

Laboratory modeling of physical processes in the ocean and atmosphere, meteorology, air-sea boundary layer, wind-wave interaction, experimental fluid mechanics, modern laser-optic visualization methods


Laboratory and theoretical modeling of air-sea boundary layer, dynamics shear and jet turbulent flows in stratified environment

High skills in designing and applying technique of modern visualization method of

Particle Image velocimetry/Particle Tracing Velocimetry (PIV/PTV) in fluid dynamics experiments

Contact measurements technique: hot wire, hotfilms, ultrasound sensors, pitot gauges, pressure sensors in laboratory modeling in field experiments

programming skills on C, Fortran 77/90; MathLab

lecture course in Aero-hydrodynamics for students

work individually and/or as a member of the team


English – fluent, Russian – native

Advanced training in “High performance optical methods of flows investigation”, at

Moscow Energy University, 22-26 June 2005



Russian “Young Scientist Gold Medal 2009” for “Laboratory modeling of turbulent flows in the upper layer of the ocean and atmosphere surface layer”


“Best PhD Student Award” of the Russian Academy of Science 2005-2006

Two Awards of the Science Support Foundation of the President of Russia: 2009 and




“Certificate of Honor” awarded by the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod

Participation in National/International Projects

Grant from the Government of the Russian Federation under contract No. 11.G34.31.0048

(participant) "Physics of planetary boundary layers"

CRDF Grant Assistance Program Rup1 31020-NO-09 “Laboratory studies of waves and currents generated by perturbation in stratified medium” 2009-2012 (participant)

Investigation program of presidium Russian academy of science “Fundamental problems in nonlinear dynamics” 2008-till present time (participant)

Investigation program of presidium Russian academy of science “Fundamental problems of oceanology” 2008-till present time (participant)

Federal program “scientific and educational personnel of innovative Russia 2009-2013” Projects:

P 623 (2010-2012), P 139 (2010-2011), No 16.740.11.0673 (2011-2013)

President-of-Russia grant for young scientists MK-1982.2009.5 (head), MK-5575.2012.5 (head)

Research projects of Russian Fond for Basic Research (2002 -2012) in Earth science:

No 08-05-97013 (head), 12-05-01049 (head), 09-0597012 (participant), 09-05-00779 (head), 10-

05-0339 (participant).

Special grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for groups leaded by eminent young scientists No 12-05-33070 (head) Laboratory and numerical modeling of the meteorological nature marine hazards

International Joint projects Russian Fond for Basic Research – Chinese Government Found of

Natural Science “Laboratory, theoretical and numerical modeling of vortex and turbulent flows in stratified fluids”. No 10-05-91177 (participant)

ERC Advanced Grant “Planetary Boundary Layers: Physics, Modeling and Role in Earth

Systems (Finnish Meteorological Institute, 2009-2013, collaborator)

Peer-reviewed publications

Y. I. Troitskaya, D. A. Sergeev, A. A. Kandaurov, G. A. Baidakov, M. A. Vdovin, V. I. Kazakov

Laboratory and theoretical modeling of air-sea momentum transfer under severe wind conditions // J. Geophys. Res. 2012. VOL. 117. C00J21. doi:10.1029/2011JC007778. pp.


Yu. Troitskaya, D. Sergeev, O. Ermakova, G. Balandina Statistical parameters of the air turbulent boundary layer over steep water waves measured by the PIV-technique// Journal

Phys. Oceanogr. 2011. Vol. 41, pp. 1421-1454.

Sergeev D.A., A Measuring System for Studying Liquid Flows by the Particle Image

Velocimetry Method Based on a Diode-Pumped Solid-State Laser // Instruments and

Experimental Techniques. 2009. Vol. 52. No. 3, pp. 1–7

Yu. I. Troitskaya, D. A. Sergeev, O. S. Ermakova, and G. N. Balandina Fine Structure of the

Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Water Surface // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2010, Vol. 46. No. 1, pp. 109–120

Yu. I. Troitskaya, D. A. Sergeev, O. S. Ermakova and G. N. Balandina Statistical properties of the atmospheric turbulent boundary layer over steep surface waves // Doklady Earth

Science. 2010. Vol. 433. No 1, pp. 922-926

Yuliya Troitskaya, Daniil Sergeev, Alexander Kandaurov and Vasilii Kazakov. Air-sea interaction under hurricane wind conditions in "Recent Hurricane Research - Climate,

Dynamics, and Societal Impacts" ISBN 978-953-307-238-8 Book edited by: Prof. Anthony

Lupo 2011, pp. 247-268.

Troitskaya, Yu. I. , Sergeev, D. A., Ezhova, E. V., Soustova, I. A., and Kazakov, V. I. Self-

Induced Internal Waves Excited by Buoyant Plumes in a Stratified Tank// Doklady Earth

Sciences. 2008. Vol. 419A, pp. 506 -510.

V. G. BondurYu. V. GrebenyukE. V. EzhovaV. I. Kazakov D. A. SergeevI. A. Soustova and Yu.

I. Troitskaya Surface Manifestations of Internal Waves Investigated by a Subsurface


Buoyant Jet: 1. The Mechanism of Internal-Wave Generation // Izvestiya. Atmospheric and

Oceanic Physics. 2009. Vol. 45. No 6. pp. 779-790.

V.G. Bondur, Yu.V. Grebenyuk, E.V. Ezhova, V.I. Kazakov, D.A. Sergeev, I.A. Soustova and

Yu.I. Troitskaya Surface Manifestations of Internal Waves Investigated by a Subsurface

Buoyant Jet: 2. Internal Wave Field // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2010.

Vol. 46, No. 4. pp. 768 - 779.

V.G. Bondur, Yu.V. Grebenyuk, E.V. Ezhova, V.I. Kazakov, D.A. Sergeev, I.A. Soustova and

Yu.I. Troitskaya Surface Manifestations of Internal Waves Investigated by a Subsurface

Buoyant Jet: 3. Surface Manifestations of Internal Waves // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and

Oceanic Physics. 2010. Vol. 46. No. 4, pp. 482-491.


