Handout 2.9 Issues in Southern Floodplains and the Delta Implications for Basin Planning in Southern Floodplains and Delta There are a number of issues in the Southern floodplains and delta. None of these issues have easy answers but a Basin plan must put in place ways in which the people of the Mekong Basin can find the answers. The southern floodplains and delta are a fishery (capture and aquaculture) for the whole of the Basin. Fish migrate from here to other parts of the Basin not only by swimming along the rivers but also by being sold to other parts of the Basin. Sustainably managing such a large fishery is complex. The population of the southern floodplain and delta is large and even though growth rates are low in the Vietnamese delta, the total population which needs to be supported is large. Are there ways to increase aquacultural production sustainably ? e.g. by promoting sustainable fish-rice rotations Are there ways to protect the valuable capture and aquaculture fishery against pollution either from fertlisers and chemicals associated with agriculture or from possible chemical spills from river transport ? Aquaculture is relatively undeveloped in Cambodia and many poor people in both Cambodia and Viet Nam rely on the capture fishery. Are there ways to sustainably manage the capture fishery – e.g. reduce over-fishing and protect important habitats ? Are there ways of improving the access of poor people to fishery resources through small scale aquaculture production ? Changes in land use on the floodplain (urbanisation and the move toward permanent crops rather than rice) will have implications for flooding by changing flood flows and exposing more people to flooding. Are there ways of planning the construction of embankments and levees to minimize their impact on flooding ?