CURRICULUM VITAE Name Father’s Name Date of Birth Domicile Nationality Marital Status Present Position Field of Research : : : : : : : : SAQIB ALI YAQOOB ALI ASGHER February 06, 1954 N.W.F.P. (Mardan) PAKISTANI Married Professor Chemistry of Main Group Elements and Coordination Chemistry. 20 Years University Teaching and Research More than 330 Research Publications in Journals of International Reputes Professional Experience : Scientific Publications : National Ranking within Discipline by PCST (2007) : 5th Present Address : E-mail : Department of Chemistry Quaid-i-Azam University 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan. Fax : 051-90642241 ACADEMIC RECORD Year Division Subjects Institution 1970 Exam Passed S.S.C. Ist Science 1972 F.Sc. 2nd 1975 B.Sc. 2nd 1977 M.Sc. B-Grade PreMedical Chemistry Statistics Zoology Inorg./Anal . Chemistry Govt. High School No. 1 Mardan. Govt. College Mardan. Govt. College Mardan. 1984 Ph.D. A-Grade Chemistry Department of Chemistry University of Peshawar. N. Copernicus University Torun, Poland. 1 POSITIONS HELD 18-10-1979 to 18-09-1980 07-02-1985 to 15-04-1986 16-04-1986 to 05-03-1988 06-03-1988 to 26-11-1999 27-11-1999 to 30-03-2001 31-03-2001 to 06-07-2007 07-07-2007 to-date Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar. Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar. Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Tenure Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. One year research experience during M.Sc., research project entitled, ”Gravimetric and Thermogravimetric Analysis of DMP Complexes of Arsenic (V), Phosphorous (V), and Zinc (II)”. 2. Four years research experience during Ph.D., research work entitled, ”Influence of Some Organic Cations on the Electronic and Infrared Spectra of [Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2]- Ion in Solid State”. 3. Six weeks Post-Doctoral research at Chemistry Department, University of Aberdeen, Scotland on ”Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Derivatives” (July-August, 1990). 4. Three months Post-Doctoral research at Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany on ”Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Derivatives and their Multinuclear NMR Studies at Variable Temperatures” (October-December, 1991). 5. One year Post-Doctoral research at Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany on research topic, ”Synthesis, Characterization and Multinuclear NMR Studies of Pharmacologically Active Organotin-Nitrogen Compounds” (April 1994-March 1995). 6. One year Post-Doctoral research at Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany on research topic, “Synthesis and Multinuclear NMR (1H, 11B 13 C, 15N, 29Si, 119Sn) Studies of Different Functionally Substituted 1-Alkyltin Compounds and their 1,1-Organoboration” (September 1998-August 1999). 7. One year Post-Doctoral research at Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany on research topic, "Synthesis of C(2,5)-functionally 2 substituted stannoles. Study of their formation and their reactivity in [4+2] cycloadditions" (August 2001-July 2002). ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Courses taught to M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D., classes. Coordination Chemistry; Modern Inorganic Chemistry; Elementary Group Theory and Applications of Group Theory; Bio-Inorganic Chemistry; Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry ( A detailed study of the current topics of research in Inorganic Chemistry). MEMBERSHIP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Life member, Chemical Society of Pakistan. Life member, Institute of Chemists, Pakistan. Member, Affiliation Committee of the Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad. (Dec.2004-Dec. 2006). Member, Advanced Studies and Research Board Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad. (Dec.2004-Dec. 2007). Member, Academic Council, Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad. Member, Technical Committee for Chemical Sciences, Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad. Member, Board of Faculty of Social Sciences, Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad (16th Feb.,2008-15th Feb., 2011). Member, Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Fund Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad (16th July 2008-15th July 2011). Member, Library Committee, Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad (24th July 2009-23rd July 2010). Member, House Allotment Committee, Quaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad. Fellow, The Chemical Society of Pakistan. Convener, Plagiarism Committee, Qauid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (18 March 2010-17 March 2013) 3 PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS 1. 1-6 September, 1979 Attended 19th Annual All Pakistan Science Conference at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2. 19-22 September, 1984 Attended and Presented a Paper in Conference of Polish Chemical Society at Kielce, Poland. 3 11-15 December, 1987 Presented a paper in 24th Annual National Science Conference at University of Karachi, Pakistan. 4. 8-10 October, 1989 Attended and presented papers in First National Conference on Chemistry at Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. 5. 23-26 October, 1989 Attended and presented papers in International Chemical conference on Silicon and Tin at Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaysia. 6. 11-13 February, 1990 Attended 2nd DAAD Follow-up Seminar at Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, on Modern Trends in Stereochemistry. 7. 6-8 March, 1990 Attended and presented paper in National Symposium on Modern Trends in Contemporary Chemistry, Organised by PAEC, Islamabad, Pakistan. 8. 16-20 July, 1990 Attended IXth International Symposium on Organosilicon at University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. 9. 28-31 December,1990 Presented papers in 2nd National Chemistry Conference at Department of Chemistry University Of Karachi, Pakistan. 10. 29-30 September, 1991 Attended 3rd DAAD Follow-up Seminar at Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, on Mass Spectrometry and Spectroscopy. 11. 20-23 December, 1991 Presented papers in 3rd National Chemistry Conference at Department of Chemistry, Gomal University, D.I. Khan, Pakistan. 4 12. 3-5 October, 1992 Organized series of seminars on ”Tin and Silicon; Applications of Multinuclear NMR” At Chemistry Department, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 13. 8-11 May, 1993 Attended 2nd International Symposium-Workshop on Silicon Technology Development and its role in Sun Belt Countries, Organized by NIST, Islamabad, Pakistan. 14. 28-31 August, 1993 Attended and presented paper in 2nd National Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar at Bara Gali Camp, Pakistan. 15. 20-24 September, 1993 Attended and presented poster in 3rd International Symposium on Advance Materials `93, organized By Dr. A.Q. Khan Labs., Kahuta, Islamabad, Pakistan. 16. 8-11 October, 1993 Presented paper in 2nd ANAIC International Conference on Materials Science and Environmental Chemistry of Main Group Elements at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 17. 25-28 October, 1993 Attended and presented papers in 5th National Chemistry Conference, Chemistry Department Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 18. 1-6 January, 1994 Attended Workshop on Computer Applications in Chemistry, organized by NAHE, UGC, Islamabad, Pakistan. 19. 10-15 July,1994 Presented poster in XVIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, organized by The Royal Society of Chemistry at University of Sussex, U.K. 20. 23rd September, 1994 Attended one day seminar, ” Docktorandenseminar Bayreuth-Neuchatel ” organized by University of Bayreuth Germany and University of Neuchatel, Swetzerland. 21. 26-28 December, 1994 Presented paper in 6th National Chemistry Conference at Department of Chemistry, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sind, Pakistan. 5 22. 4-6 April, 1995 Attended and presented poster in 2nd National Symposium on Modern Trends in Contemporary Chemistry, organized by PAEC, Islamabad, Pakistan. 23. 27-30 August, 1995 Attended and presented papers in 4th National Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at Bara Gali Summer Campus,Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. 24. 17-21 September, 1995 Attended 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials-95 organized by A.Q. Khan Labs. Kahuta, Pakistan. 25. 2-4 June, 1996 Attended and presented papers in 7th National Chemistry Conference, Chemistry Department, University of Baluchistan, Quetta, Pakistan. 26. 24-26 February, 1997 Attended and presented papers in 3rd National Symposium on Modern Trends in Contemporary Chemistry, ”ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION” Organized by PAEC Islamabad, Pakistan. 27. 2-4 September, 1997 Attended and presented papers in 8th National Chemistry Conference at PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore, Pakistan. 28. 21-25 September, 1997 Attended and presented papers in 5th International Symposium on Advanced Materials-95 organized by A.Q. Khan Labs. Kahuta, Pakistan. 29. 3-6 November, 1997 Attended and presented papers in 6th All Pakistan Science Conference at N.W.F.P. Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan. 30. 14&15 February, 1998 Attended and presented papers in 6th International Chemistry Conference organized by Pakistan Institute of Chemist at Institute of Chemistry, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 31. 28 February, 1998 Attended and Presented paper in National Workshop on Quality of Drinking Water organized by The Chemical Society of Pakistan and Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources at Islamabad, Pakistan. 6 32. 25-30 May, 1998 Presented paper in International Symposium on Agro-Environmental Issues and Future Strategies Towards 21st Century Organized by University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 33. 11-13 April, 1999 Attended International Symposium BPS'99- Bayreuth Polymer and Materials Research Symposium- organized by the University of Bayreuth, Germany. 34. 14-16 April, 1999 Attended First International Symposium on Atmospheric Reactive substances (ARS), Organized by Department of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, University of Bayreuth, Germany. 35. 27-28 Feb., 2001 Presented paper in Executive Management Seminar on “Clean Environment”, by PAEC and UNDP at Islamabad. 36. 10-14 April, 2001 Presented papers in 1st International & 11th National Chemistry Conference organized by The Chemical Society of Pakistan at Peshawar University, Peshawar. 37. 08-10 October, 2001 Attended 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Separations (ACES II) at University of Bayreuth, Germany. 38. 12-14 October, 2001 Attended German Boran Chemistry Meeting at Bredbeck, Organized by Department of Chemistry, University of Bremen, Germany. 39. 26-28 March, 2004 Attended 4th Executive Management Seminar, “Environmental Issues and WTO Challenge” organized by PAEC Islamabad. 40. 07-13 May, 2004 Attended Workshop on Combinatorial Chemistry, organized by Department of Chemistry, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad. 41. 24-27 Nov., 2004 Partially Organized and Attended 5th International and 15th National Chemistry Conference of The Chemical Society of Pakistan at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. 42. 11-13 April, 2007 Presented Paper in 5th Executive Management Seminar: Recent Advances in Environmental Science and Management Organized by PINSTECH, Islamabad 43. 11– 14 January, 2010 Presented Paper in 7th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Science and Technology organized by NESCOM, Islamabad 7 44. 15-18 February, 2010 Organized 20th National and 8th International Chemistry Conference of The Chemical Society of Pakistan at Quaid-iAzam University Islamabad. ACADEMIC AWARDS 1. Awarded Cultural Exchange Scholarship for higher studies in Poland through Government of Pakistan (1980-84). 2 Awarded British Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (1990) 3 Awarded DAAD (Germany) Fellowship (1991) 4. National Book Council’s Award for research articles published in 1990, by Ministry of Education Pakistan (1993). 5. Awarded one year Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship of CEC (April 1994-March 1995). 6. Awarded MIF Fellowship of Japan (1994) (But could not avail due to overlap of CEC Fellowship). 7. Awarded Corday-Morgan Memorial Fund for visit to Commonwealth countries (1994). 8. Awarded Georg Foerster Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (September 1998-August 1999). 9. Awarded DAAD (Germany) Felloship, four weeks to partialy supervise my Ph.D. student working there under DAAD sandwich program (July 2000). 10. Awarded revisit Georg Foerster Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (August 2001-July 2002). 11. Awarded DAAD (Germany) Felloship, three weeks to partialy supervise my Ph.D. student working there under DAAD sandwich program (July 2003). 12. “President’s Award of Pride of Performance” on the occasion of Independence Day, 14th August, 2008. 8 PUBLICATIONS a) BOOKS 1. Edited Chemistry Part in General Science Book for B.Ed., Course from Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan (1993). 2. Saqib Ali, Saira Shahzadi, Moazzam H. Bhatti, “Structura and Biological Chemistry of Organotin(IV) Complexes” in: Advances in Organometallic Chemistry Research, Ed., K. Yamamoto, pp.139-175, Chapter 6, Nova Science Publishers,Inc. N.Y.(U.S.A.)(2007) b) RESEARCH ARTICLES (IN NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS) 1. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-I. Properties of Salts of the Type HL[Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4] (Where HL is NH4+ or Aliphatic and Aromatic Diamine).A. Lodzinska and Saqib Ali, Pol. J. Chem., 57, 1365-1370 (1983). 2. Spectral Properties and Structure of Some Salts of Metal Thiocyanate. A. Lodzinska and Saqib Ali, Pol. J. Chem., 58, 659-667 (1984). 3. Investigation of C-N Band in Some Simple and Complex Salts of NCS by Resolution of Spectra With Second Differential Method. Saqib Ali and A. Lodzinska, Pol. J. Chem., 59, 353-357 (1985). 4. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-II. Properties of Salts of the Type HL[Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4] (Where HL is Aliphatic and Aromatic Amine). Saqib Ali and A Lodzinska, Pol. J. Chem., 59, 359-365 (1985). 5. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-III. Properties of Salts of the Type HL[Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4] (Where HL is Phenothiazine and Phenoazepine Derivatives). A. Lodzinska, Saqib Ali and B. Dembinski , Pol. J. Chem., 59, 739-745 (1985). 6. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-IV. Properties of Salts of the Type HL[Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4] (Where HL is Substituted Analine). Saqib Ali and M.N. Khokhar, Phys. Chem., 7,17-25 (1988). 7. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-V. Properties of Salts of the Type HL[Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4] (Where HL is N-Substituted Analine, Ethylamine and Diethanol amine). Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and M.Sajjad, J. Pure & Appl. Sci., 7, 27-31 (1988). 8 Derivative Infrared Spectra of Reineckates of N-Organic Bases. Saqib Ali, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 31, 248-250 (1988). 9 9. Derivative Infrared Spectra of Reineckates of Substituted Anilines. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and I. Khan, J. Pure & Appl. Sci., 9, 27-32 (1990). 10. Spectrophotometric Studies of Charge Transfer Complexes. Part-I. Complexes of Acetanalide and p-Acetotoluidide with Chloranil. S. Pervez, Saqib Ali and A.Y. Khan, Pol. J. Chem., 64, 489-494 (1990). 11. Spectrophotometric Determination of Cyanide by Silica Supported Ferric Acetylacetonstonate Reagent. M. Mazhar, G. Afshan, Saqib Ali, S. Ikram and A. Ahmad, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 12, 24-26 (1990). 12. Synthesis of Silicon Derivatives of (1,3-Dioxabutyl)benzene and 3`(1,3Dioxabutyl)pyridine. M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali and I.A. Zia, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 12, 216-218 (1990). 13. Thermal Decomposition of Isothiocyanate Transition Metal Complexes. S.U. Sheikh, M.A. Arif, Saqib Ali, T. Ahmed and Z. Ahmed, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 12, 71-75 (1990). 14. Comparative Thermal Stability of Homopolysiloxanes and Copolysiloxanes of Dimethyl/Diphenyl Silanes. M. Mazhar, M. Zulfiqar, A.Pracha, Saqib Ali and A. Ahmed, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 12, 225-229 (1990). 15. Dipole Moment of Pentacoordinated Silicon Derivatives. M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali and M.N. Khan, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 33, 14-15 (1990). 16. Influence of Organic Cations on Complex Anions of Transition Metals. Part-VI. IR Studies of HL[Co(NH3)2(NO2)4] Type (Where L are Aromatic Amines). M.N. Khokhar, S.S. Zaidi, Z.A. Khan and Saqib Ali, Phys.Chem., 9, 49-53 (1990). 17. Organotin Complexes of Donor Ligands. Part-I. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotin Complexes of 1-Nitroso-2-naphthol. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Kalsoom and A. Qadeer, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 34, 114-118 (1991). 18. Organotin Complexes of Donor Ligands. Part-II. Intramoleculer Coordination and Evaluation of Equilibrium Energy for 1-Nitroso-2-naphthoxytin Derivatives by Dynamic IR. M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali, A. Kalsoom, R. Ahmed and M.M. Bhatti, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 14, 249-252 (1992). 19. Binuclear Metal Complex of Imidazole Derivative. Saqib Ali and A. Lodzinska, Sci. Int. (Lahore), 4, 45-48 (1992). 20. Binuclear Metal Complex of Pyridine and Pyrazine Derivatives. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, M.S. Khalid, S.K. Hassanain and A. Bareen, Sci. Int. (Lahore), 4, 241-244 (1992). 10 21. Routes to Bis(amino)tin dichloride: Exchange Reactions Between Tin(IV) Chloride and Tin(II) and Tin(IV) Amides, and the Synthesis of a Cyclic bis(aminotin) dichloride from Tin(IV)chloride and N,N-di-tert-butyl-1,3-diaminoprpane via HCl-elimination. B. Wrackmeyer, G. Kehr, H. Zhou and Saqib Ali, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 197, 129-133 (1992). 22. Synthesis and Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies (13C,15N,29Si,119Sn) of Alkynyl(dialkylamino)tin Compounds. B. Wrackmeyer, G. Kehr, H. Zhou and Saqib Ali, Main Group Met.Chem., 15, 89-99 (1992). 23. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Triroganotin Derivatives of Mercaptoacetic acid. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Kalsoom and N. Aziz, Sci. Int.(Lahore) 4, 269-270 (1992). 24. Novel Route for Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of L2SnCl2 ; Where L = 8-hydroxyquinoline. A. Badshah, M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and N. Islam, Sci. Int. (Lahore), 5, 253-254 (1993). 25. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotin Derivatives of 3-(2Furanyl)-2-propenoic Acid and 3-(2-Thienyl)-2-propenoic Acid. Saqib Ali, M. Danish, A. Badshah, M. Mazhar, A. Rehman and N. Islam, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 15, 154-156 (1993). 26. Chemical Investigation of the Industrial Effluents of Selected Fertilizer Industries of Pakistan. M.R. Jan, I. Ahmed and Saqib Ali, J. Envl. & Anal. Chem., 2, 78-83 (1993). 27. Cyclic Bis(amino)organotin Cations, Stablized by - Coordination and New Spirocyclic Stannole Derivatives. B.Wrackmeyer, G. Kehr and Saqib Ali, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 216, 5155 (1994). 28. Conductometric Study of Sodium perchlorate and Sodium benzoate in Binary Mixtures of 1-Propanol + Water at 298.15K. M.S.K. Niazi, S. Taj, M.A. Rauf and Saqib Ali, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 39, 45-49 (1994). 29. Synthesis and Characterization of Di- and Triorganotin(IV) Compounds of 3-(2-Thienyl)2-propenoic Acid. A. Badshah, M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M.Mazhar, S. Mahmood and M.I. Chaudhary, Synth. React. Inorg. Met.-Org. Chem., 24, 1155-1166 (1994). 30. Preparation and NMR, Mass and Mossbauer Studies of Di- and Triorganotin(IV) Derivatives of 3-(2-Furanyl)-2-propenoic Acid. M. Danish, A. Badshah, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, N. Islam and M.I. Chaudhary, Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng. 13, 1-6 (1994). 31. 119m 32. Crystal and Molecular Structures of Two Polymeric Triorganotin 3-(2-thienyl)-2propenoate Derivatives. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Badshah, T. Masood and E.R.T. Tiekink, Main Group Met. Chem., 18, 27-34 (1995). Sn Mossbauer of Organotin Derivatives of Donor Ligands. Saqib Ali, A. Badshah, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, Chem. Environ. Res., 3, 135-137 (1994). 11 33. Organotin Esters of 3-(2-Furanyl)-2-propenoic Acid: Their Characterization and Biological Activity. M. Danish, H.G. Alt, A. Badshah, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and N. Islam, J. Organomet. Chem., 486, 51-56 (1995). 34. Mossbauer, Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometric Studies of Organotin Carboxylates of m-Methyl-trans-cinnamic Acid. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Badshah, M.I. Chaudhary, H.G. Alt, and G. Kehr, Polyhedron, 14, 3115-3123 (1995). 35. Chemical Investigation of the Emission of Selected Fertilizer Industries. M.R. Jan, I. Ahmed and Saqib Ali, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 17, 22-25 (1995). 36. Crystal Structure of 3-(2-furyl)acrylic Acid, C7H6O3. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Badshah and E.R.T. Tiekink, Z. Krist., 210, 703 (1995). 37. Toxicological Studies of Tin(IV) Derivatives of Mefenamic Acid and Tiophene-2-acrylic Acid. A. Badshah, S. Anwer, Saqib Ali, M. Danish, M. Mazhar and M. I. Choudhry, Pak. J. Phormacol., 13 (2) 49-52 (1996). 38. Crystal and Molecular Structures of Bis[(3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoate)di-N-butyltin]oxide and Triphenyltin 3-(2-furanyl)-2-propenoate. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, A. Badshah and E.R.T. Tiekink, Main Group Met. Chem., 18, 697-705 (1995). 39. Chemical Investigation of Industrial Waste Effluents of Chemical Industries (Part-I). I. Ahmed, Saqib Ali and M.R. Jan, J. Anal. & Envl. Chem., 3, 25-32 (1996). 40. Fluxional Behaviour in Dimeric Tetraorganodicarboxylatostannoxanes. M. Danish, Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar, Heteroatom Chem., 7, 233-237 (1996). 41. Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Bis{dialkyl[trans-3-(2-thiophenyl)-2-propenoate]tin}oxide: Crystal Structure of {[(CH3)2SnO2C-CH=CH-C4H3S]O}2. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and A. Badshah, Main Group Met. Chem., 19, 121-131 (1996). 42. Analytical and Electrical Studies of Poly(2-vinylpyridine) and its Metal Complexes. U. Rafique, M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali and F.A. Khwaja, Synth. Met., 78, 73-77 (1996). 43. Solvent Effect on the Si-O Stretching Bands of Benzilidene(ortho-dimethylhydrogenosiloxy)aniline by IR Spectroscopy. M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali, M. Javed, M. Ikram and M.I. Zia, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 18, 284-287 (1996). 44. Coupling Sign Determination and Isotope Induced Chemical Shifts 115/14N (29Si), 1 15/14 N(119Sn) and 129/28Si(15N): Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of NTrimethylsilyl-, stannyl- and plumbyl- Substituted 2-Aminopyridines, 2,6 Diaminopyridines and of Analogous 2-Picolines. B. Wrackmeyer, G. Kehr, H. Zhou and Saqib Ali, Magn. Reson. Chem., 34, 921-928 (1996). 45. Mass Spectrometric Study of Some Hydroamides. M.N. Khokher, Saqib Ali, S.M.A. Shah and G.M. Khan, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 20, 129-135 (1996). 12 46. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Diorganotin Complexes of 1,3Diphenyl-1,3-propanedione and 1-Phenyl-1,3-butanedione. A. Kalsoom, M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali, M.I. Chaudhary and K.C. Molloy, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 18, 320-325 (1996). 47. 119 48. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Organotin Derivatives of 2Thionaphthaline, Including the Crystal Structure of Triphenyl-2-thionaphthyltin-(IV) and Dimethyl-bis(2-thionaphthyl)tin(IV). A. Kalsoom, M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali, M.F. Mahon, K.C. Molloy and M.I. Chaudhary, Appl. Organomet. Chem., 11, 47-55 (1997). 49. 2-[(2,3-Dimethylphenyl)amino]benzoatetrimethyltin(IV). M.N.Tahir, D. Ulku, Danish, Saqib Ali, A. Badshah and M. Mazhar, Acta Cryst., C53, 183-185 (1997). 50. Redistribution Reactions of Diorganotidicarboxylates and Diorganotindihalides: A Convenient Method for the preparation of Halo-diorganotincarboxylates. Saqib Ali, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, Heteroatom Chem., 8, 273-278 (1997). 51. 1 52. Determination of Titanium and Chromium in Pakistani, British, American and Japanese Cigarettes. M. Ikram, Saqib Ali and M. Iqbal, J. Trace and Microprobe Tech., 15, 295299 (1997). 53. 1 54. Diethyl bis[3-(2-thiophenyl)-2-propenoate-O,O’]tin(IV). M. Parvez, Saqib Ali, M.T. Masood, M. Mazhar and M. Danish, Acta Cryst. C53, 1211-1213 (1997). 55. (Ketoprofenato)trimethyltin(IV). M.N. Tahir, D. Ulku, Saqib Ali, M.T. Masood, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, Acta Cryst., C53, 1574-1576 (1997). 56. Reaction of 9-Borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane with N-Trimethylsilylamines-Cleavage of the NSi or N-H Bond. B. Wrackmeyer, G. Kehr and Saqib Ali, Z. Naturforsch. B, 393 (1998). 57. Thermal Analysis and Pyrolysis of Biologically Active -Oximino Acids. Saqib Ali, M.H. Bhatti, M. Mazhar, F. Shahnaz and S. Mahmood, J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 2(2) 97-100 (1998). Sn Mossbauer Study of Organotin Esters of 2-Thiophene, 2-Furylacrylic Acid. A. Badshah, S. Anwar, M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and N. Islam, Gomal Univ. J. Res. (B), 14 (1) 201-204 (1994) [printed in Dec. 1996]. M. H, 13C, 119Sn NMR, 119mSn Mossbauer, Infrared and Mass Spectrometric Studies of Organotin Carboxylates of 2-[(2,3-Dimethylphenyl)amino]benzoic Acid. Their Effect on Microorganism. M. Danish, Saqib Ali, A. Badshah, M. Mazhar, H. Masood, A. Malik and G.Kehr, Synth. React. Inorg. Met. –Org. Chem., 27, 863-885 (1997). H NMR, Infrared and Mass Spectrometry of Di- and Triorganotin Derivatives of 1Nitroso-2-naphthol. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, M.H. Bhatti, S. Mahmood and A. Kalsoom, Turk. J. Chem., 21, 210-214 (1997). 13 58. Kinetic Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of Di- and Triorganotin Derivatives of 1Nitroso-2-naphthol. Saqib Ali, M.H. Bhatti, S. Mahmood, M. Mazhar, M.S. Khalid and N. Hussain, Tur. J. Chem., 22, 393-97 (1998). 59. Organotin Compounds of Monomethyl Succinate. A. Badshah, K. Mahmood, S. Anwar, S. Khan, M. Iqbal, B. Muhammad, M. Danish and Saqib Ali, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 20, 226229 (1998). 60. Pollution Aspect of Tanning Chemical Basic Chromium Sulphate (Part I) Manufacturing “Reduction of Cr (VI) to Cr (III) in Effluent”. I. Ahmad and Saqib Ali, Sci. Int., 10 (2) 291-294 (1998). 61. Physico-Chemical Studies of Effluents and Emissions of Ghee/Edible Oil Industries in Pakistan. I. Ahmad, Saqib Ali and M. Rasool Jan, Pak. J. Ind. Sci. Res., 42 (3) 121-25 (1999). 62. Spirocyclic Stannole Derivatives by 1,1-Organoboration of 2,2-bis(1-alkynyl)-1,3-di-tertbutyl-1,3,2-diazastannacyclohexanes. B. 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Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and X-ray Analysis of (E)-2-(2-Fluorophenyl)-3(6-Nitrobenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl) Acrylic Acid. M. Hussain, M. Hanif, M. Altaf, Saqib Ali and H. Stoeckli-Evans, J. Chem. Crystallogr., 41, 30–33 (2011). 334. Identification, FT-IR, NMR (1H and 13C) and GC/MS studies of fatty acid methyl esters in biodiesel from rocket seed oil. M. Tariq, Saqib Ali, F. Ahmad, M. Ahmad, M. Zafar, N. Khalid, M. A. Khan, Fuel Proc. Technol., 92, 336-341(2011) 335. (Z )-3-[(2-Fluoroanilino)carbonyl]prop-2-enoic acid. F. A. Shah, Saqib Ali, S. Shahzadi, S. Ahmad and A. Fischer, Acta Cryst., E67, o393 (2011). 336. Di- and triorganotin(IV) complexes of 2-aminobenzoic acid with and without triphenylphosphine: synthesis, spectroscopy, semi-empirical study and antimicrobial activities. M. M. Amin, Saqib Ali, S. Shahzadi, S. K. Sharma and K. Qanungo, J. Coord. Chem., 64 (2) 337–350 (2011). 337. Substituted benzenediol Schiff bases as promising new antiglycation agents. M. I. Choudhary, G. Abbas, Saqib Ali, S. Shuja, N. Khalid, K. M. Khan, A. Rahman, and F. Z. Basha, J. Enz. Inhib. Med. Chem., 26 (1) 98–103 (2011). DOI: 10.3109/14756361003733621 338. Mercury(II) Cyanide Complexes of Thioureas and the Crystal Structure of [(NMethylthiourea)2Hg(CN)2]. A. A. Isab, M. Fettouhi, M. R. Malik, Saqib Ali, A. Fazal and S. Ahmad, Russ. J. Coord. Chem., 37, 180-185 (2011). 339. Synthesis, Characterization, and Semi-Empirical Study of Organotin(IV) Complexes with 4-(Hydroxymethyl)piperidine-1-carbodithioic Acid: X-Ray Structure of Chlorodimethyl-(4-hydroxymethyl piperidine-1-carbodithioatoS,S')tin(IV). S. Hussain, Saqib Ali, S. Shahzadi, S. K. Sharma, K. Qanungo, M. Altaf and H. S. Evans, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon, 186, 542–551 (2011). 340. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Sesame Oil Biodiesel. M. Ahmad, K. Ullah, M. A. Khan, Saqib Ali, M. Zafar and S. Sultana, Energy Sources, Part A, 33, 1239–1249 (2011). (DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2010.531510) 341. Self-assembled pentagonal bipyramidal and skew trapezoidal organotin(IV) complexes of substituted benzoic acids: Their antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, insecticidal and urease inhibition activities. Aziz-ur-Rehman, M. Hussain, Zia-urRehman, Saqib Ali, A. Rauf, F. Nasim and M. Helliwell, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 370 27–35 (2011). (doi:10.1016/j.ica.2011.01.007) 39 c) PAPERS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Studies on the Yield of Silylation Reactions of Mineral Silicates. M.Mazhar, B. Khan, Saqib Ali and I.A. Zia, Proceedings of the International Chemical Conference on Silicon and Tin, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-26 October 1989, Chemistry and Technology of Si and Sn, Oxford Sci. Pub., pp. 424-31 (1992). 2. Cobalt(II) and Copper(II) Complexes of Pyrazinamide and Isoniazide. Saqib Ali, S. Latif, M. Mazhar, S.K. Hassanain, F.R.Y. Fazli and A.Q.K. Mohamand, Proc. Natl. Chem. Conf., 1, 495-505 (1989). 3. Synthesis of Pyrazine and Benzonitrile Derivatives. Saqib Ali, M. Pervaz, M. Mazhar, ibid, 1, 618-629 (1989). 4. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Compounds and their Applications. Saqib Ali, M. Pervaz, M. Mazhar, S. Tajuddin and F.R.Y. Fazli, Proc. Nati. Symp. Modern Trends in Contemporary Chemistry, March 6-8 211-213 (1990). 5. Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activity of Sulphur Containing Organotin Derivatives. M. Mazhar, Saqib Ali, A. Kalsoom and A. Badshah, Proceedings of International Conference on Material Sciences and Environmental Chemistry of Main Group Elements, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 8-11 Nov., (1993). 6. Chemical Investigation of the Emission of Selected Fertilizer Industries. M.R. Jan, I. Ahmed and Saqib Ali, Proc. 5th Natl. Chem. Conf., 150-152 (1993). 7. Complexation Studies of 4-(4-Chlorophenyl)-2-phenyl-5-thiazoleacetic Acid with Copper and its Application to the Determination of Copper in Soil. N. Khalid, S.A. Chaudhry, J. Ahmed and Saqib Ali, ibid, 26-29 (1993). 8. Thermal Behavior of Organotin Complexes. S. Mahmood, Saqib Ali, M. Danish, A. Badshah, M. Mazhar, S. Khalid and M.A. Khan, ibid, 189-191 (1993). 9. Di-and Triorganotin Derivatives of Mefenamic Acid. A. Badshah, M. Danish, Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, N. Islam and A. Malik, ibid, 183-186 (1993). 10. Chemistry of Tin Compounds and Environment. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar, S. Mahmood, M.H. Bhatti and M.A. Chaudhary, Proc. NSMTCC ’97 Environmental Pollution Feb. 24-26, pp. 367-373 (1997). 11. Physico-Chemical Studies of Industrial Pollutants. I. Ahmed, Saqib Ali and M.R. Jan, Proc. NSMTCC ’97 Environmental Pollution Feb. 24-26, pp. 93-100 (1997). 40 12. Thermal Behavior of Organotin(IV) Complexes with 6-Methoxy--methyl-2naphthaleneacetic Acid (Naproxen). F. Ahmad, Saqib Ali, A. Munir, M. T. Masood, S. Ahmad and M. A. Choudhary, Proc. 10th Natl. Chem. Conf., 74-77 (1999). d) EXPERIMENTAL/EDUCATIONAL NOTES 1. Better Vacuum Filtration with Bicycle Tube. Saqib Ali, J. Chem. Educ., 66 (8) 693 (1989). 2. High-Efficiency Condenser for Low-Boiling Liquids and Gases. Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 66 (9) 786 (1989). 3. Cotton Swabs Help To Visualize the Structures. Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 67 (7) 558 (1990). 4. Filtration of Air Sensitive Compounds. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and I.A. Zia, J. Chem. Educ., 67 (10) 902 (1990). 5. Empty Jam bottle or Qualitative TLC Tank. Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 68 (7) 593 (1991). 6. Gas Cell for Infrared Spectroscopy. Saqib Ali and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 68 (8) 668 (1991). 7. Selection of Recrystalization Solvent. Saqib Ali and A. Kalsoom, J. Chem. Educ., 68 (10) 877 (1991). 8. Disposable Infusion Set and Damage Burettes. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and K. Mahmood, J. Chem. Educ., 69 (11) 944 (1992). 9. Easy Filling of a Burette for Number of Titrations. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and K. Mahmood, J. Chem. Educ., 70 (2) 169 (1993). 10. Density Meter for Solids. Saqib Ali, M. Mazhar and K. Mahmood, J. Chem. Educ., 71, 681 (1994). 11. Disposable KBr Disc for Infrared. Saqib Ali, and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 71, 799 (1994). 12. Laboratory Wash Bottle from an Empty Shampoo Bottle. Saqib Ali, and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 71, 805 (1994). 13. Dry Ice and Piece of Used Inner Tube. Saqib Ali, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 72, 56 (1995). 14. Better Crystals for Crystal Analysis. Saqib Ali, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 72, 61 (1995). 41 15. Lid for a Vacuum Line Cooling Trap. Saqib Ali, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 72, 549 (1995). 16. Suspension in NMR sample Tube. Saqib Ali, M. Danish and M. Mazhar, J. Chem. Educ., 72, 667 (1995). 17. Disposable Syringe Used as Grease Applicator. Saqib Ali and M. Danish, J. Chem. Educ., 73, 475 (1996). RESEARCH PROJECTS AS P.I.(Principal Investigator)/C.P.I.(Co-principal Investigator) 1. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 20,000/= 1986-87 2. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 12,000/= 1987-88 3. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 25,000/= 1988-89 4. NSRDB Project No. UN.ISB-4(as P.I.) 3,82,000/= 1989-92 5. PSF Project No. Res/C-QU/Chem(204)(as P.I.) 92,450/= 1991-92 6. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 10,000/= 1991-92 7. P.M.R.C.(as P.I.) 15,000/= 1993-94 8. M/O S&T Rroject No. 1(22)/92 ASA(TRG) (as C.P.I.) 7,55,000/= 1993-97 9. PSF Project No. Res/C-QU/Chem(256)(as P.I.) 2,18,450/= 1994-97 10. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 60,000/= 1996-97 11. U.R.F.(as P.I.) 90,000/= 1997-98 12. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 80,000/= 1999-2000 13. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 75,000/= 2000-2001 14. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 22,000/= 2002-2003 15. H.E.C. (as P.I.) 12,00,000/= 2003-2006 16. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 28,000/= 2003-2004 17. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 60,000/= 2004-2005 18. P.S.F. Grant No. PSF/P&D/A.Sc(10.4)-04 584000/= 2005 19. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 50,000/= 2005-2006 42 20. U.R.F. (as P.I.) 21. PSF Project No. PSF/R&D/C-QU/Chem(270) (as P.I.) 60,000/= 2006-2007 10,00,000/= 2007-2009 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (a) POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH SUPERVISION 1. Dr. M. Danish, Nov., 1995- May 1996: Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Various Biologically Active Ligands. 2. Dr. Saeed Ahmad, Feb., 2003 to Feb., 2004: Synthesis and Kinetic Studies of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Anti-inflammatory Drugs. 3. Dr. Niaz Muhammad, March 2011-Feb., 2012: Synthesis of New Tin-Based Anticanser Compounds. Ph.D. THESIS SUPERVISED/CO-SUPERVISED 1. Organotin(VI) Derivatives of Donor Ligands; Amin Badshah (1994). [Supervisor] 2. Synthesis, Multinuclear NMR, Mass, Mossbauer, Crystallographic and Biological Studies of Organotin Carboxylates; M. Danish (1995). [Supervisor] 3. Synthesis, Spectroscopy, Crystallography and Biological Activity of Organotin Complexes of Oxygen and Sulphur Containing Ligands; Abida Kalsoom (1995). [Co-Supervisor] 4. Pollution Studies of Industrial Wastes and Investigations of Remedial Measures for its Effective Control; Irshad Ahmed (1995). [Supervisor] 5. Organic Group Separation and Characterization of Petroleum Source Rock Extracts and Crude Oils by Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Methods; M. Pervez (1996). [Supervisor] 6. Synthesis, Spectroscopy and X-Ray Crystallography of Organotin(IV) Derivatives; M. Tariq Masood (1998). [Supervisor] 7. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Organotin and Transition Metal Derivatives of Cyclic Compounds; M. Nawaz Khokhar (1998). [Supervisor] 8. Synthesis of Di- and Triorganotin Derivatives of Anti-inflammatory Drugs, their Characterization and Applications; Bibi Hajra (1998). [Supervisor] 43 9. Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Active Compounds of Group-14 Elements; M. Aziz Choudary (2000). [Supervisor] 10. Synthesis, Spectral Studies and Structural Characterization of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Analgesic and Antipyretic Drugs; Fiaz Ahmad. (2000). [Supervisor] 11. Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Active Organotin Complexes; Sohail Mahmood (2001). [Supervisor] 12. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Organotin and Organosilicon Compounds; M. H. Bhatti. (2002) [Supervisor] 13. Synthesis, Multinuclear NMR, Mass and X- Ray Studies of Biologically Active Organotin(IV) Complexes; Sajjad Ahmed. (2002). [Supervisor] 14. Synthesis, Characterization and Study of Transition Metal Complexes of Some Hypoglecemic Sulphonylurea Drugs; Khalid Rashid (2002). [Co-supervisor] 15. Selective Removal of Toxic Metals From Electrolytic Aqueous/Industrial Wastewater by Adsorption onto Bentonite Clay; Naseem Rauf (2003). [Cosupervisor] 16. Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Active Organotin Compounds Containing Silicon and Germanium; Umme Salma (2003). [Co-supervisor] 17. Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Biological Studies of Organotin Carboxylates Containing Germanium; Imtaiz-ud-Din (2004). [Co-supervisor] 18. Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and X-Ray Crystal Analysis of Organotin(IV) Compounds of Biological Importance; Sadiq-ur-Rehman (2004). [Supervisor] 19. Synthesis, Structural Annotation and Biological Applications of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Oxygen and Sulfur Donor Ligands; Saira Shahzadi (2006). [Supervisor] 20. Synthesis, Multinuclear (1H, 13C, 15N, 29Si, 11B and 119Sn) NMR, Studies of Organotin and Organosilicon Derivatives; Khadija Shahid (2006). [Supervisor] 21. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Applications of Acid Derivatives of Piperonal and their Organotin Complexes; Muhammad Hanif (2007). [Supervisor] 22. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin (IV) Esters of Various Carboxylic Acids and Pyrazine Bridged Silver Carbene Complexes; Mukhtiar Hussain (2008). [Supervisor] 44 23. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation and Application of Metal Complexes with Oxygen and Sulfur Donor Ligands; Aziz-ur-Rehman (2009). [Supervisor] 24 Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, X-ray Structure and Preliminary Evaluation of DNA Binding Parameters of Organotin(IV) Dithiocaboxylates; Ziaur-Rehman (2009). [Supervisor] 25. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, Biocidal and Preliminary DNA Interaction Studies of Organotin(IV) Complexes with [O,O] and [O,N,O] Donor Ligands; Shaukat Shujah (2010). [Supervisor] 26. Organotin(IV) Complexes with O’O Donor Atoms from Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: Niaz Muhammad (2010). [Supervisor] 27. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation, Biological Applications and Thermal Behaviour Metal Derivatives with Oxygen Donor Ligands; Sadaf Yaqoob (2011) [Supervisor] 28. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Group 12 Metal Complexes with Thiones; (2011). [Supervisor] M.Phil. THESIS SUPERVISED 1. Synthesis of Organotin Complexes with Donor Ligands; M. Pervez (1989). [Supervisor] 2. Studies of Organotin Derivatives of Oxygen Donor Ligands; Atiq Qadeer (1990). [Supervisor] 3. Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Active Organotin Compounds; Abida kalsoom (1990). [Supervisor] 4. Combined TG, DTA and DSC Study of Biologically Important Compounds; Farzana Shahnaz (1991). [Supervisor] 5. Synthesis and Characterization of Tin(IV) Complexes; Sohail Mahmood (1993). [Supervisor] 6. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Carboxylates; Asima Bashir (1996). [Supervisor] 7. Environmental Studies of Different Anions in Water; Muhammod Tariq (1997). [Supervisor] 45 8. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin Compounds of Amino acid Derivatives; Khadija Shahid (1998). [Supervisor] 9. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Some Biologically Active Compounds; Farhat Huma (2001) [Supervisor] 10. Synthesis and Characterization of Unsymmetric Organotin(IV) Derivatives; Sadiqur-Rehman (2001) [Supervisor] 11. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of n-Tributyltin Derivatives of Pharmaceutically Active Carboxylates; Saira Shahzadi (2002). [Supervisor] 12. Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of n-Butyltin(IV) Derivatives of Antiinflammatory Drugs; Azra Jalal (2003) [Supervised]. 13. Synthesis and Kinetic Studies of Organotin(IV) Complexes of Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs); M. Altaf (2004) [Supervised]. 14. Sorption Studies of Heavy Metals Using Styrenedivenylbenzene Copolymer. Arif Iqbal (2004) [Supervised]. 15. Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological Applications of Various Organotin(IV) Complexes of Donor Ligands; Hafiz Zia-ur-Rahman (2004) [Superviser]. 16. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation and Biological Studies of Organotin(IV) Dithiocarbamates; Syed Usman Ahmad (2004) [Supervisor]. 17. Oxovanadium Complexes of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs); Niaz Muhammad (2005) [Supervisor]. 18. Preparation, Characterization and Biological Activities of Transition Metal Complexes of Lauric Acid; Siddiqa Begum (2005) [Supervisor]. 19. Synthesis, Structural Elucidation and Biological Applications of Vanadium (III) Complexes with Oxygen Donor Ligands; Irum Asif (2005) [Supervisor]. 20. Vanadium (IV) Complexes of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Their Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological Activities, Rizwana Ashraf (2005) [Supervisor]. 21. Synthesis, Characterization and Kinetic Studies of Tin(IV) Complexes with Thiones, Hameed Ullah Wazir (2006) [Supervisor]. 22. Oxygen Donor Ligands as Precursors for Various Organotin(IV) Complexes, Characterization and Applications, Muhammad Zaman (2006) [Supervisor]. 46 23. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Organotin(IV) Derivatives, Tahira Zahur (2006) [Supervisor]. 24. Synthesis and Characterization of Tin(IV) and Organotin(IV) Derivatives of N, O Donor Ligands, Tauseef Ara (2007) [Supervisor]. 25. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin and tin Schiff`s base complexes, Saeeda Nazneen (2007) [Supervisor]. 26. Synthesis and Spectral Characterization of new Carboxylic Acids and their Organotin Derivatives, Adnan Siddique (2007) [Supervisor]. 27. Synthesis and Characterization of Organotin(IV) complexes with S-donor Ligand, Hamid Nawaz Khan (2007) [Supervisor]. 28. Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological Applications of Sulfur Donor Ligands and their Behaviour Toward Transition Metals, Shahan Zeb Khan (2007) [Supervisor]. 29. Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Complexes with Multidentate Schiff Bases, Rehana Jabeen (2008) [Supervisor]. 30. Physico-Chemical Characterization of Newly Synthesized ONO Donor Ligands and their Metal Complexes, Naheed Akhter (2008) [Supervisor]. 31. Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Sulfur Donor Ligand. Farzana Shaheen (2009) [Supervisor]. 32. Synthesis and Characterization of Various Donor Ligands and Their Oxovanadium Complexes. Khurram Shahzad Munawar (2009) [Supervisor]. 33. Synthesis of Precursors for Bimetallic Complexes and Their Spectrscopic Characterizations. Syed Mustansar Abbas (2009) [Supervisor]. 34. Stannic(IV) Complexes of S-Donor Ligand; Their Structural Elucidation in Solid and Solution State. Shabir Hussain (2009) [Co-Supervisor]. {From G.C. Univ. Faisalabad}. 35. Studies of Coordination Behaviour of [S,S] Donor Ligands Towards Various Diand Triorganotin(IV) Compounds. Summaira Fayyaz (2009). [Supervisor]. 47 36. Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Bio-Diesel from Vegetable Oils. Muhammad Tariq (2009). [Supervisor]. 37. Coordination Behavior Based on Spectroscopic Studies of Carboxylate Group in Organotin (IV) Derivatines of 2-Aminobenzoic Acid. M. Mohsin Amin(2009) [CoSupervisor]. {From G.C. Univ. Faisalabad}. 38. Synthesis ,Structural Characterization and Fluuorescence Studies of Organotin(IV) Compounds; Muhammad Iqbal (2010) [Supervisor]. 39. Catalytic Conversion of Jojoba Oil into Biodiesel and Physico-Chemical Characterization; Mazloom Shah (2010) [Supervisor]. 40. Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of Di- and Triorganotin Derivatives of [O,O] Donar Ligand; Sumaira Mazhar (2010) [Supervisor]. 41. Synthesis and Characterization of Some Novel Schiff Bases and their Fe(II) and Sn(IV) Complexes; Khizra Tahira (2011) [Co-Supervisor]. {From G.C. Univ. Faisalabad}. 42. Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Bioactive Organotin(IV) Azomethines; M. Siraj ud-Din (2011) [Supervisor]. 43. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Screening of Organotin(IV) Derivatives of Oxygen Donor Ligands; Rakhshanda Mushtaq (2011) [Supervisor]. 48 REFEREES 1. PROF. DR. BERND WRACKMEYER Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry II University of Bayreuth D-95440 Bayreuth GERMANY E.mail: Telefax: 0921/552157 2. PROF. H.G. ALT Labs. of Inorganic Chemistry II University of Bayreuth D-95440 Bayreuth GERMANY E.mail: Telefax: 0921/552157 3. DR. JANUSZ RYCZKOWSKI Department of Chemical Technology Faculty of Chemistry University of Maria Curi-Sklodowska 3, M. Curi-Sklodowska Square PL-20031 Lublin POLAND E.mail: Telefax: 81/375102 49