Grass Roots Training Day
LIST OF SOURCES: Highland Museum of Childhood Case Study
Anderson, David: A Common Wealth: Museums in the Learning Age, HMSO,
London, 1999.
Department for Education and Employment & Department for Culture, Media & Sport:
The Learning Power of Museums – A Vision for Museum Education, DCMS,
London, 2000.
Durbin, Gail, Morris, Susan & Wilkinson, Sue: A teacher’s guide to learning from
objects. English Heritage, London, 1990.
Education Extra: Alive with learning: Study support in museums and galleries,
London, 1999.
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean, (ed.): The Educational Role of the Museum, Routledge,
London, 1994, especially the following articles:
 Bull, Phil: A beginner’s guide to evaluation.
 Binks, G & Uzell, D: Monitoring and evaluation: the techniques.
 Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean: Museum Education.
 Plourde, Lynn: Teaching with collections.
 Durbin, Gail: Improving worksheets.
 Hein, George E: Evaluation of museum programmes and exhibits.
 Ingle, Marilyn: Pupils’ perceptions of museum education sessions.
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean: Museum and Gallery Education, Leicester, 1991.
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (ed): Writing a museum education policy, Museums &
Galleries Commission, London, 1996.
James, Alison: Evaluating artefacts, Museum Education, Leicestershire Museums.
James, Alison & Coles, Alison (ed): Positive Thinking: Creative approaches to
providing museum and gallery education, Museums & Galleries Commission,
London, 1996.
Mitchell, Sue: Museums Education Initiative Case Studies, Scottish Museums
Council, Edinburgh, 1994-1996.
Mitchell, Sue (ed): Object Lessons: The role of museums in education, Scottish
Museums Council, Edinburgh/HMSO, 1996.
Museums & Galleries Commission: Managing Museum and Gallery Education,
London, 1996. (Or latest MLA version)
Museums & Galleries Commission Website: Developing a Policy for an Education
Service: Fact Sheet, Sue Wilkinson, MGC Education & Audience Development
Adviser. (Now MLA)
Museums & Galleries Commission Website: Evaluation: Fact Sheet, Sue Wilkinson,
Education and Audience Development Adviser. (Now MLA)
Museums Journal, July 2000: Sharon Heal: An object lesson: Response to “The
learning Power of Museums.”
Rayner, Ann: Access in mind: Towards the inclusive museum, INTACT (The
Intellectual Access Trust), NMS Edinburgh, 1998.
Scottish Museums Council: Museums Basics: Developing a Museum Education
Service, SMC:Edinburgh.
Scottish Office Education Department: National Curriculum Guidelines 5-14,
Edinburgh, SOED, 1991-1993.
Research for the role-playing element
Clough, Monica and Richards, Eric: Cromartie Highland Life 1650-1914, Aberdeen
University Press, 1989.
Cumming, Valerie: Exploring Costume History 1500-1900, London, 1981.
Kydd, Robbie & Nora (eds): Growing up in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1998.
Macdonald, Colin (1882-1957): Life in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland,
Aberdeen University Press, new ed. 1991.
Highland Museum of Childhood
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