EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW PAY AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS STRUCTURE FOR NON-CONSULTANT CAREER GRADE DOCTORS Define the aims of the policy Title of policy Strategic Outcome Name of Branch or Division Directorate or Agency Implementation of a new pay and terms and conditions structure for nonconsultant career grade doctors. To ensure that Scotland’s NHS doctors are providing high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive services to local people. Health Workforce and Performance Directorate: Pay and Terms and Conditions of Service Division Health What is the purpose of the proposed The purpose of the policy is to policy (or changes to be made to the modernise the pay structure and terms policy)? and conditions of service for Scotland’s non-consultant career grades and to implement a new contract. This will ensure that the terms and conditions of service for this group of staff are comparable with doctors in the rest of the UK. Who is affected by the policy or who is Patients, NHS employers and nonintended to benefit from the proposed consultant career grades will be policy and how? affected by the policy. The benefits will include better access and experience for patients due to increased overall capacity; doctors will have a contract that properly recognises and rewards them; and NHS employers will be better able to manage doctors’ time in ways that best meet local needs and priorities. How have you, or will you, put the policy The policy has been developed by into practice, and who is or will be BMAScotland, the Scottish Government responsible for delivering it? Health Directorates and NHS Employers in Scotland. It will be delivered by NHS Boards and Special Health Boards. How does the policy fit into our wider or It is related to the policy on ensuring related policy initiatives? that all staff in NHS Scotland are paid fairly for the work that they do and it brings the pay and terms and conditions BB0017MAY2012 1 of service for non-consultant career grades into line with other grades in NHSScotland who have had their pay and terms of conditions reviewed and modernised to meet the needs of today’s NHS. It also meets National Outcome 15 ie ensuring that our public services are of high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs. Do you have a set budget for this work? BB0017MAY2012 Yes. The cost of implementing the new contract was £10m in 2008-09. 2 What do you already know about the diverse needs and/or experiences of your target audience? Do you have information on Age Disability Gender (including pregnancy and maternity) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Race Religion and Belief Yes Yes Yes No No No Staff and Associate Specialists doctors (formerly known as non-consultant career grade doctors) are highly competent doctors who work at a senior level in hospital and community settings. They play a vital role in the delivery of services to patients and make up a significant proportion of the hospital medical workforce. There are currently around 1,100 SAS doctors in Scotland, the majority work part-time and around 55% of this group are women. Excluding trainees, these doctors account for 6% of all hospital medical specialties in Scotland. They make up around 39% of the medical workforce in Accident and Emergency department, 12% of anaesthetists, 15% of all surgical specialties and 25% of psychiatric specialities. Historically, SAS doctors have been under-recognised and poorly rewarded in terms of their commitment to the NHS and there was little or no structured career progression. The new contract improves morale, their working life and promotes the grade as a positive career choice. They are one of the last groups of NHS staff to be offered new terms and conditions as part of the Government’s pay modernisation programme. Age WTE age groups Under 20 – 29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ 3,100.3 3,727.6 2,872.3 1,945.7 350.9 Data only available for all medical and dental staff. Disability 832 (0.5%) of NHS staff are registered as having a disability. Gender (including pregnancy Specialty Doctors % and maternity) Male 45.2 Female 54.8 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & For Scotland as a whole it is estimated that 5-7% of Transgender the population is lesbian, gay or bisexual. However, there is no hard data because no national census has ever asked people to define their sexuality. BB0017MAY2012 3 Race NHS Staff by Race White/Scottish White Other Asian Black Mixed Other Not known/declined to say % 48.2 13.2 1.7 0.4 0.2 0.2 35.0 Data only available for all staff. Religion and Belief NHS Staff by Religion/Belief Church of Scotland % 20.1 Roman Catholic 8.5 Other Christian 5.5 Other 3.1 No religion 13.6 Not known/declined to say 49.1 Data only available for all staff. BB0017MAY2012 4 Do you have enough information to help you understand the diverse needs and/or experiences of your target audience? No more information is required. has been documented above. BB0017MAY2012 The needs and experiences of this group of staff 5 What does the information you have tell you about how this policy might impact positively or negatively on the different groups within the target audience? The new contract delivers significant benefits including: For NHS Employers Job planning, objective setting and performance appraisal which will improve the ability to manage doctors’ time in ways that best meet local needs and priorities; Greater clarity of objectives and more effective systems for engaging doctors in joint action to improve performance. For Doctors A contract that properly recognises and reward them; A new unified grade of specialty doctor; Brings this group of doctors into line with reward systems operating for other senior doctors which will improve morale and motivation; Improved flexibility through annual review of job plans; Improved incentives to attract staff for our of hours and weekend working; Improved service quality, productivity and patient safety through the introduction of mandatory continuing professional development (CPD). For Patients Improved patient access, patient experience and overall capacity in NHSScotland to deliver clinical care; Greater opportunities and incentives to arrange care in the evenings and at weekends leading to improvement in flexibility of treatment arrangements. BB0017MAY2012 6 Will you be making any changes to your policy? Are there any changes? Age Disability Gender (including pregnancy and maternity) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Race Religion and Belief No changes will be made to the policy. affected by it. BB0017MAY2012 No No No No No No It will have a positive impact on all groups 7 Does your policy provide the opportunity to promote equality of opportunity or good relations? Yes. All doctors in this group will have improved pay and terms and conditions of service. BB0017MAY2012 8 Does your policy provide the opportunity to promote equality of opportunity or good relations by altering the policy or working with others? Age Disability Gender (including pregnancy and maternity) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Race Religion and Belief BB0017MAY2012 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Based on the work you have done - rate the level of relevance of your policy Overall – this policy has a low rating. Age High - There is substantial evidence that people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected by the policy (positively or negatively) - There is substantial public concern about the policy, or concerns have been raised about the policy’s potential impact by relevant bodies - The policy is relevant to all or part of the respective general duty, in the case of race, disability and gender. Medium - There is some evidence that people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected (positively or negatively). - There is some public concern about the policy. - The policy is relevant to parts of the respective general duty, in the case of race, disability and gender. Low X - There is little or no evidence that some people from different groups or communities are (or could be) differently affected (positively or negatively). - There is little or no evidence of public concern about the policy. - The policy has little or no relevance to the respective general duty, in the case of race, disability and gender. Unknown - No evidence or data has been collected therefore an BB0017MAY2012 Disability X Gender LGBT Religion (includi and belief ng pregna ncy and materni ty) X X X Race X 10 assessment cannot be made BB0017MAY2012 11 Is a further impact assessment required? Age Disability Gender (including pregnancy and maternity) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Race Religion and Belief BB0017MAY2012 No No No No No No 12 Please explain how you will monitor and evaluate this policy/function or strategy to measure progress? Following the introduction of the new contract on 1 April 2008 regular meetings were held between BMA Scotland, NHS Employers in Scotland and the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate to monitor progress on the implementation of the contract. Boards were asked to submit returns on a bimonthly basis to indicate progress on implementation and on 28 October 2011 all the parties agreed that the contract had been fully implemented. BB0017MAY2012 13 Policy Title Strategic Outcome Name of Branch or Division Implementation of New Contract for NonConsultant Career Grade Doctors To ensure that our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs Pay and Conditions of Service Division Directorate or Agency Health Workforce and Performance Directorate We have completed the equality impact Name: Brenda Burnett assessment for this policy. Position: Senior Policy Officer Date: 24 February 2012 Authorisation by Deputy Director or Name: John Cowie equivalent Position: Deputy Director Date: 24 February 2012 BB0017MAY2012 14