research experiences


Yi-Wen Chiu

Office Rm. 309, 1390 Eckles Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55108




 PhD, Water Resources Science

University of Minnesota

M.S. in Water Resource Science

University of Minnesota

Received tuition fellowship

 B.S. in Agriculture

Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University (NTU)

Top university in Taiwan

Expected graduate date May, 2010

Minneapolis, MN


Minneapolis, MN


Taipei, Taiwan


Research Assistant

Dept. of Biosystem and Bioproducts Engineering, University of Minnesota

01/2006 – present

Sustainability Initiative, University of Minnesota

Water Resource Center, University of Minnesota

 Participated in proposal initiation and provided overall frameworks, methodology descriptions and

 budget plans.

Prepared manuscripts and published in peer-reviewed journals.

Studied ditch buffer zone effects on water quality, ecological improvement, and erosion reduction.

Determined water balance by using geographical information system (ArcGIS


) in the compartments of atmosphere, land surface, and aquifers.

Simulated the balance between water stocks and flows in a given geographical boundary by using system dynamic models (STELLA


, Vensim



Conduct stochastic analysis of various parameters associated with water cycle, social, and climate characteristics using Monte Carlo simulation (Crystal Ball



Projected water sustainability and potential stress.

Conducted research forums for multidisciplinary interaction and information exchange.

Created and managed websites for the lab and conducted focus groups.

05/2005 – 08/2006 Field Assistant

Department of Forestry, University of Minnesota

 Measured soil respiration and moisture in various forest sites.

 Processed statistic data of soil and foliage samples.

 Assisted in establishing a new long-term monitoring station overseas.

Assistant Researcher 01/2000 – 06/2004

Water Environment Research Center, National Taipei University of Technology

 Initiated research projects in ecological engineering, watershed management, and public participation for funding up to $700,000 per year.

 Conducted research projects for improving watershed management regulations and enforcement, which forms the new framework of Taiwan’s current Regulation of Watershed Protection and


 Conducted research projects that helped establish the national policies and implication strategies of


 ecological engineering in Taiwan.

Conducted research projects in comprehensive watershed management strategies and regulations improvement in Taiwan.

Provided consultation in ecological engineering planning, designing, and implementing for the government agencies and infrastructure firms.


Project & Executive Coordinator 01/2000– 06/2004

Water Environment Research Center, National Taipei University of Technology

 Coordinated and assisted in establishing the research center which was one of 5 institutes studying

 water resources funded directly by the Taiwan government.

Established management and administrative structure of the newly established research center.

Coordinated multidisciplinary research forces for over 12 research projects from several departments and institutes across Taiwan and the US.

Supervised graduate and undergraduate students who were conducting ecological engineering studies.

Planned, organized, and hosted up to 3 national or international conferences and workshops per year.

Research and Administrative Assistant 06/1996 – 06/1997

Laboratory of Fire-resistant Wood Building Material. Department of Forestry, NTU

 Assisted in accounting management.

 Operated testing experiments to certify fire-resistant wood products used as construction materials.

Illustrator 01/1996 – 12/1996

Safety Guidebook of Outdoor Activities . Publisher: Taiwan Forest Bureau. Taipei, Taiwan.



 Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , Introduction to Ecological Engineering Methods. Ming-Wen Books, Taipei,

Taiwan (2003) .

Journal Publications

Chiu, Y.W.

, B. Walseth, and S. Suh, Water embodied in bioethanol in the US. Environmental Science and

Technology , 43 (8), 2688-2692 (2009).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, Planning and Application of Ecological Engineering Methods. Construction

News Record, 240: 48-57 (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, Special Report: International Forum on Water & Ecology.

Environmental Protection Monthly,

Vol. 19: 139-148 (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, Special Report: American Ecological Engineering Society Annual Meeting..


Protection Monthly, Vol. 18: 162-171 (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The outreach strategies of Ecological Engineering Methods. Construction News

Record, 238: 32-43 (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The Confusion of Ecological Engineering Methods . Construction News Record,

236:32-41 (2002).


Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , Ecological Technology and Constructional Infrastructure.


Architecture Quarterly, 44-45: 43-58 (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, Green Construction and Green Building: the definition . Environmental Protection Monthly,

Vol. 10: 194-195 (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, Ecological Engineering: the definition . Environmental Protection Monthly, Vol. 6: 240-242


Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , The Development and Outreach of Ecological Engineering Methods in Taiwan.

Journal of Civil Technology, Vol. 38: 53-64 (2001).

Conference Presentations

Chiu, Y.W.

, L. Schmitt, and S. Suh. Sustaining Energy and Water Resources Of Minnesota – The

Systematic Analysis Framework , St. Paul, MN (2009).

Chiu, Y.W.

and A. Koehler, Water Use Impacts from Corn-based Bioethanol Production. Life Cycle

Analysis Conference IX, Boston, MA (2009).

Chiu, Y.W.

and S. Suh, Implications of Ethanol and Climate Change on Future Water Environment .

International Society of Industrial Ecology, Lisbon, Portugal (2009).

Chiu, Y.W.

, B. Walseth, and S. Suh, Water Footprint of Corn-based Ethanol Biofuel in the US . Life Cycle

Analysis Conference, Seattle, WA (2008).

Laura Schmitt, S. Suh, and Y.W. Chiu.

, The Water and Energy Future of Minnesota . Water Resources

Conference (Poster Session), St. Paul, MN (2008).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and S. Suh, GIS-based Water Stocks and Flows Model for Minnesota.

2008 AWRA Spring

Specialty Conference: GIS and Water Resources V, San Mateo, CA (2008);

Chiu, Y.W.

, and S. Suh, A Multi-Media Stocks and Flows Model for Regional Water Budget Analysis .

International Society of Industrial Ecology. ISIE 2007 (Poster session), Toronto, Canada.

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The Development of Ecological Engineering Methods in Taiwan: The Case of

The Formosan Salmon Habitat Enhancement.

American Ecological Engineering Society 2002 Meeting.

Burlington, Vermont. USA (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin,, The Application of Ecological Working Methods in Taiwan River


The 3 rd International Conference on Watershed Management. Taipei, Taiwan (2001).

Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , Ecological engineering and ecological working methods . Conference on ecological engineering and new Taiwan urban planning, Taipei, Taiwan (2001).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, Strategy of Carrying Out Ecological Working Methods In Watershed

Restoration . Conference on Naturalization and Ecological Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan (2001).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The Application and Development of Ecological Working Methods for Taiwan

River Reconstruction . Workshop in Community, Water Resource, Environment and Development.

Thousand-Island Lake, China (2001).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, Clarification of Ecological Engineering Working Methods . Conference on

Bottleneck of Ecological Engineering Measure .

Taipei, Taiwan (2001).

Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , Manuel of Ecological Working Methods.

Conference on Research of River

Environmental Engineering. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan (2001).

Lin, J.Y., and Y.W. Chiu , A Decision Support System for Reservoir Watershed Management in Taiwan .

The 7th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology.

Taipei, Taiwan (2000).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, Introduction and Guidance: the Need of Ecological Engineering . Conference of

Ecological Engineering: Theories and Practices. Taipei, Taiwan (2000).


Invited Lecturer

Chiu, Y.W.

, Graduate Seminar: Environmental Planning – Revolution by Ecological Sound Practices.

Dept. of Geography, National Changhua University of Education (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, How can community participate in ecological sound development? Ecological Engineering

Community Workshop. Nanzone, Touyuan (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, [invited actress and instructor in] Create a pervious world!

Special Episode of Children’s

Environmental Education, Taiwan Public Television Service (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, International Experiences in Ecological Engineering Methods . Ecological

Conservation Training Workshop for Hydrological Engineers. Nantou, Taiwan (2003).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The Trend of Ecological Engineering Methods . Ecological Conservation

Training Workshop for Hydrological Engineers. Nantou, Taiwan (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, The role of ecological engineering methods in public construction and development. The Workshop in Public Construction, Local Culture and Landscape . Construction and

Planning Administration, Ministry of Interior (2002).

Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, Adopting Ecological Engineering Methods for Erosion Control. County

Workshop in Promoting Soil Protection and Erosion Control . Hsin-Chu County Government, Taiwan


Chiu, Y.W.

, and J.Y. Lin, International Experiences in Conducting Ecological Engineering . Ecological

Conservation Training Workshop for Hydrological Engineers. Nantou, Taiwan (2001).


 Co-instructor 09/2002 – 06/2004

Department of Civil Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology

 Prepared teaching materials for the course of “Environmental Engineering and Ecological


 Lectured 50% of total course hours each semester.

 Invited instructor 06/2002 – 06/2003

Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan

 Lectured in “Ecological Conservation Training Workshop for Hydrological Engineers Taipei

International Workshop on Ecotechnology” which was funded by the Taiwan government and took place annually to provide training to government agents in implementing ecological engineering and watershed protection. More than 100 agents and staff members nationwide participated in this workshop each year.


 Computer : GIS software (ArcGIS), statistic program (R), system dynamic models (Vensim and STELLA),

Monte Carlo simulation (Crystal Ball), webpage design (Dreamweaver), graphic programs (Photoshop,

Illustrator, CorlDraw), publication (Pagemaker), computer building.

 Languages : Chinese, Taiwanese



Conference Scholarship , International Society of Industrial Ecology

Collaboration Research Support , ETH Zurich



International Research Support Grants , Water Resources Science, University of Minnesota 2009

International Conference Supporting Grants , Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Chicago 2008

Travel Grants , Water Resources Science, University of Minnesota

International Conference Supporting Grants , Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Chicago

Travel Grants , Water Resources Science, University of Minnesota




Tuition fellowship , Water Resources Science, University of Minnesota 2004-2005

