Issue <n>, Issued: dd/mm/yyyy
Approved by: person’s name
<Address line 1>
<Compost producer organisation name>
<Address line 2>
<Address line 3>
For compost use solely in land restoration
<Fax: >
<Website: >
For each consignment of unbagged compost the compost producer must complete and send this product supply document to the customer (who may or may not be the end user), and file a copy. File copies for the land restoration market together, separately from those for any other markets.
Supply document number: LR-<insert number here, unique to each supply document>
Name or
I.D. code:
Order number: <insert order number or write ‘Not applicable’>
Delivery address:
Office address:
<optional if recorded elsewhere in connection with customer name / I.D. and order number>
<insert here if different from the delivery address>
Nature of business:
<insert description of business>
Market sector:
Land restoration, which definition includes land reclamation and land remediation.
Land restoration means, ‘The process of making a site fit-for purpose through, among the activities carried out, amelioration of the site’s soil or soil-forming materials.
Land reclamation means, ‘The recovery of land from a brownfield or underutilised state to make it suitable for reuse achieved through the stabilisation, contouring, maintenance, conditioning, reconstruction and revegetation of the and.
Land remediation means, ‘The process of making a site fit-for purpose through the destruction, removal or containment of contaminants.
Environmental damage is reversed or treated through the management, removal, sealing or treatment of dangerous substances or stabilisation in order to render the site safe for specific use, but not necessarily for all possible uses.
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Issue 3, Issued on 12/11/2012, Approved by KZ / EN
Issue <n>, Issued: dd/mm/yyyy
Approved by: person’s name
Product type:
For compost use solely in land restoration
<edit as appropriate e.g. soil conditioner, mulch>
Compost derived from:
Compost derived from any animal by-products (e.g. food scraps & former foodstuffs)
<edit as appropriate to waste input types, e.g. plant material>
[See section below about
ABP-derived composts]
Composting site: <insert composting site address>
Moisture content:
(if sold by weight)
<insert figure> % w/w (approx)
Compost grade:
<x> to <y> mm particles (approx)
Compost independently certified complaint with:
Compost conforms to the following additional criteria:
PAS 100:2011 and the Compost Quality Protocol
(2012 edition)
<insert name of or reference to standard(s)/specification(s) to which the compost conforms or write ‘None applicable’>
Compost certification code: <insert code supplied by certification body>
Certified in accordance with REAL ’s Compost Certification Scheme, which is an appropriate scheme aligned to the requirements of PAS 100:2011 and the Compost Quality Protocol
(2012 edition).
Supply this document to the compost recipient with a copy of the actual compost test results or typical values for each relevant parameter as per clause 14 of PAS 100:2011. Results can be those of tests on the actual batch(es) supplied or those typical of other batches of the same grade, the latter calculated from sufficient test results of graded batches produced according to the validated composting process.
Date of dispatch Ticket Number Batch code(s) Quantity
<record date>
<record date>
<record date>
<record ticket number>
<record ticket number>
<record ticket number>
<record batch code(s)>
<record batch code(s)>
<record batch code(s)>
<record in tonnes or cubic metres>
<record in tonnes or cubic metres>
<record in tonnes or cubic metres>
Note: Add or delete rows as appropriate
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Issue 3, Issued on 12/11/2012, Approved by KZ / EN
Issue <n>, Issued: dd/mm/yyyy
Approved by: person’s name
For compost use solely in land restoration
If you are unsatisfied with the quality of the product supplied, please contact us on <insert telephone number> or send an email to <insert email address>. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, please contact Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd. (+44(0)207 981 0850,
This compost is for use only in land restoration. It shall be used in accordance with good practice guidelines (examples are provided below in this document’s ‘guidelines for use’ section) or as advised by a specialist knowledgeable about in compost use in this market.
This compost should be stored and handled as recommended below in this document.
This compost shall not be supplied to or used in any other market, regardless of whether it is sold, supplied free of charge or under any other kind of agreement.
This compost is a product provided that is has a valid certificate of conformity with PAS
100:2011 and the Compost Quality Protocol (2012 edition), issued by an independent certification body appointed by Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd. Such compost is no longer considered to be a ‘waste’ and consequently, waste regulatory controls no longer apply to its supply, storage and use in market sectors named in the Compost Quality Protocol, e.g. land restoration.
Please note that IF the compost received under this supply document is NOT
CERTIFIED its status is ‘waste’.
Compost with ‘waste’ status shall be supplied, stored and used according to waste regulatory controls.
If you are uncertain about the certification status of the compost supplied to you, please ask your compost supplier for a copy of the compost’s certificate of compliance with PAS 100:2011 and the Compost Quality Protocol (2012 edition).
A list of composts under assessment (including those certified) can be downloaded from
Under no circumstances shall this compost be blended with any waste material. If at any stage after completion of the composting process this compost is mixed with waste, then the mixture becomes a waste and is regulated as such.
If it appears that the compost is being stored indefinitely with little prospect of use, it will revert to being a waste and waste management controls will apply.
This section identifies the key suitable uses for composts, and products that contain them, in land restoration.
Soil conditioning
Compost can be used to improve the soil when establishing grass/turf and planting beds and when planting trees and shrubs. It can also be combined with soil to improve backfill material in planting pits.
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Issue 3, Issued on 12/11/2012, Approved by KZ / EN
Issue <n>, Issued: dd/mm/yyyy
Approved by: person’s name
For compost use solely in land restoration
Compost can be applied to the soil surface to conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds and help minimise erosion.
Turf top dressing and divot repair
Compost can be applied to turf, on its own or as a component of a mix, to improve conditions in the turf root zone. A blend of compost and grass seed can also be used to repair divots.
Manufacturing topsoil on site (in-situ and ex-situ)
Compost can be used a s an ingredient in topsoil ‘manufactured’ to suit a site, the topsoil either being made at the site (in-situ) or brought to the site (ex-situ). Detailed guidelines on using compost in this type of application are provided in the ‘Compost Specification for the
Landscape Industry’, published by The Landscape Institution in association with BALI, WRAP and NBS. ISBN 1-84405-064-5.
Growing media
Compost can be used in a range of blends with other substrates according to the application, e.g. cells in trays or pots. The formulation should be based on compost test results, such as nutrient content, and any other substrates used in the growing medium. Advice should be sought from a specialist in compost use.
WRAP guidance on the use of BSI PAS100 compost in soil improvement:
WRAP guidance on the use of BSI PAS100 compost in topsoil manufacturing:
SNIFFER Code of Practice for the use of sludge, compost and other organic materials for land reclamation:
The person responsible for land where ABP-derived compost is applied must not allow any farmed animal or livestock (in this context ‘livestock’ includes any species of pet except dogs, cats, hamsters and guinea pigs) to access or graze that land for at least 21 days, or be fed herbage from that land if it was cut before the 21 day interval was completed.
Please note that in the case pigs, whether kept as farmed animals or livestock, they must not be allowed access to land where ABP-derived compost has been applied for at least 60 days after the date the compost is applied. Similarly, herbage must not be cut from that land until at least 60 days after ABP-derived compost was applied if the herbage is fed, or intended to be fed, to pigs.
‘Farmed animal’ is defined in EU ABP Regulation 1069/2009 as: a) any animal that is kept, fattened or bred by humans and used for the production of food, wool, fur, feathers, hides and skins or any other product obtained from animals or for other farming purposes; b) equi dae’ [equine animals].
The person responsible for land where ABP-derived compost has been applied and to which farmed animals have access or from which herbage is cut for feeding to farmed animals, must keep records for at least two years of:
© Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd Page 4 of 5
Issue 3, Issued on 12/11/2012, Approved by KZ / EN
Issue <n>, Issued: dd/mm/yyyy
Approved by: person’s name
For compost use solely in land restoration
the date and places of application (e.g. each area to which ABP-derived compost is applied and the date of application at that place);
the quantity of ABP-derived compost applied to each area (e.g. in kilogrammes per square metre of land that received the compost);
the date, following the application of ABP-derived compost, on which farmed animals / livestock have been allowed to graze on the land or on which the land has been cut for herbage to be used for feeding.
N.B.: If these rules are not followed, an offence will have been committed.
This compost keeps best when stored in a cool, dry place. If covered to prevent risk of contamination by wind-blown weed seeds and minimise gradual change in biological and chemical characteristics, it will keep best under a gas-permeable cover.
The producer of this compost has aimed to supply compost that does not contain germs, sharp fragments, toxins, toxic substances, viable seeds or regenerative plant parts. However, the compost producer cannot guarantee they will never be present. This compost contains naturally-occurring micro-organisms, some of which may be harmful to human health if basic safety precautions are not taken. Wear gloves when handling this compost, and wash hands immediately after use. Avoid eating any of the compost, or inhaling any airborne dust, water vapour or microscopic particles that may arise when handling it. These precautions also apply to operators of machines for handling compost, such as those for sieving/screening, blending with other materials or spreading.
If this product/compost is not stored, handled and used as instructed in this supply document, the compost producer shall not be liable for any costs, claims, liabilities, damages, consequential losses, or other expenses including, but not limited to any action taken by any regulatory or other competent authority pursuant to any European Union or national laws
(including common laws), statutes, directives, regulations, orders, decrees, decisions, directions, guidance or best practices relating to waste and the handling, storage, treatment, recovery and disposal of waste, arising out of such misuse.
© Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd Page 5 of 5
Issue 3, Issued on 12/11/2012, Approved by KZ / EN