Exercises to understand concept of Behaviour Change 1. Plenary exercise ‘What is behaviour change?’ 2. Small group exercise ‘Sub behaviours’ 3. Plenary explanation ‘Internal and external determinants of behaviour’ 4. Presentation on ‘Determinants of behaviour’ 5. Small group exercise ‘Determinants of behaviour’ 1. Plenary exercise 'What is behaviour change?' Preparation Needed: pens and two pieces of paper for each participant, flipchart and marker Time: 30 minutes Objectives - Participants understand distinction between health, behaviour, environment and determinants - It is especially important for participants to see the difference between behaviour and determinants - Participants understand that behaviour change approach can be applied to both behaviour of the at risk group and behaviour of environmental actors/ agents of change Instruction to participants 1. Write down two things on two pieces of paper that come to mind when you hear ‘behaviour change’? 2. Collect the pieces of paper 3. Stick the pieces of paper one by one on the flipchart, ask for explanation if things need clarification or explanation 4. Cluster the papers for a. Health b. Behaviour of risk group c. Behaviour of environmental actors d. Determinants 5. In the end you have an overview of the different levels and elements in behaviour change. Example of the exercise: Video: http://youtu.be/v42n5GKMls8 2. Exercise ‘Sub behaviours’ Preparation Needed: flipchart and marker Time: 30 minutes for plenary brainstorm, 30 minutes for group work, 15 minutes for plenary discussion Background information Powerpoint presentation with explanation of sub-behaviours Please email mgroenhof@stopaidsnow.nl for the presentation Objectives - Participants understand that behaviour consists of sub behaviours - Participants understand that by identifying sub behaviours, it becomes clearer what the behaviour actually is, and it also helps in developing an intervention to make sure that all relevant sub behaviours are addressed in the education programme Instruction to participants This session consists of two parts: - Plenary brainstorm with all participants, facilitated by facilitator - Small group work to exercise and plenary session to report about the small group work and clarify questions Plenary brainstorm 1. Ask the question ‘What are the sub-behaviours of abstinence from sex?’, in other words: what do young people DO when they abstain? - Sub question: what is your definition of sex? Sexual intercourse? All sexual practices including kissing? - Sub question: what is your definition of abstinence? Up to when (older, married, certain age)? 2. Write down the sub behaviours on a flipchart, some examples of sub behaviours of abstinence are: - Young people avoid situations in which they could have sex - Young people escape situations in which they could have sex - Young people practice other activities than sex Small group work and plenary feedback 3. Give instructions to participants to work in small groups (3-4 persons per group) - Each group will brainstorm about sub behaviours and answer the question ‘What do they do when…’ 1. Young people are faithful 2. Young people seek health services 3. Teachers teach sexuality education to young people 4. Health service providers provide youth friendly services to young people 4. Participants write answers on a flip chart and each group presents in a plenary session - Make sure that the presentation is about behaviours and not about determinants - Ask the other participants to respond and give feedback Examples See written examples: - What do young people do when they are faithful? - What Teachers teach sexuality education to young people 3. Plenary explanation ‘Internal and external determinants of behaviour’ Preparation Needed: flipchart and marker Time: 30 minutes for plenary brainstorm Objectives - Participants understand that behaviour is shaped by various factors, including knowledge, attitudes, skills, and external factors - Participants recognise the difference between internal (in the young person him/herself) and external determinants (outside the young person) Instruction to participants 1. Ask the question ‘What are reasons for young people not to abstain from sexual intercourse?’ 2. List all the reasons on a flipchart 3. After that ask the participants to mark whether the factor is internal or external: a. Internal: factors that are within the young person, factors that are influenced in education to these young people b. External: factors that are outside the young person, factors that cannot be influenced in education to young people 4. Factors that often come up and need further exploration: a. Poverty: what is meant with poverty? It has two sides: i. External – economic poverty, forcing young people to have sex in exchange for food or other goods ii. Internal – in part of the cases, young people also have a choice: do they want to have sex in exchange for food, or are there other ways of getting food? b. Culture: what is meant with culture? Cultural norms (external), practices (external), values (can be both internal – if the young person has adopted these values, and external – if it is only in the outside world) c. Social influence also has two parts: i. The actual influence from others/ norms/ peer pressure (external) ii. And the perceived influence (how young people perceive norms and behaviour of others, which is internal) Example of the exercise Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X68VRLsZkCI Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC58sCNrd7Q 4. Presentation ‘Determinants of behaviour’ Preparation Needed: powerpoint presentation or printed version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour Time: 15 minutes for presentation Please email mgroenhof@stopaidsnow.nl for the presentation Objectives - Participants understand that behaviour is shaped by various factors, including intention towards behaviour, knowledge, risk perception, attitudes, social influence, self efficacy and skills, and external factors - Participants understand the difference between self efficacy and skills, whereby skills are the actual skills that a person has, and self efficacy the confidence a person has to practice the behaviour (for example, the confidence or belief that he or she can actually use a condom when having sexual intercourse) Instruction to participants 1. Explain all the different factors in the Theory of Planned behaviour 2. Explain that this is not the only model that can be used to explain behaviour and behaviour change, that there are others, but that this model is one of the most used models 5. Small group exercise ‘Determinants of behaviour’ Preparation Needed: flip chart and markers Time: 45 minutes for small group work and plenary session Objectives - Participants understand that behaviour is shaped by various factors, including intention towards behaviour, knowledge, risk perception, attitudes, social influence, self efficacy and skills, and external factors - Participants understand the difference between self efficacy and skills, whereby skills are the actual skills that a person has, and self efficacy the confidence a person has to practice the behaviour (for example, the confidence or belief that he or she can actually use a condom when having sexual intercourse) - Participants apply the model to an example Instruction to participants 1. Give instructions to participants to work in small groups (3-4 persons per group) - Each group will brainstorm about sub behaviours and answer the question ‘What are the determinants of…’ i. What are determinants of young people not using condoms? ii. What are determinants of young people not seeking health services when they need this? iii. What are determinants of teachers not providing sexuality education in a comprehensive way? iv. What are determinants of health service providers why they do not provide youth friendly services to young people? 2. Participants write answers on a flip chart and each group presents in a plenary session - Ask the other participants to respond and give feedback - Make sure that the factors are clustered for each determinant (all knowledge topics together, attitude elements together etcetera)