Plate Tectonics, Layers, and Continental Drift Mini

Earth’s Layers, Continental Drift, and Plate Tectonics Test
A. Matching- Match the word to the best definition or description.
1. geologist
2. asthenosphere
3. lithosphere
4. outer core
5. seafloor spreading
6. continental drift
7. plate tectonics
8. convection
a. rigid, hard layer of the Earth
b. the process of hot material heating, rising, cooling, and sinking
c. studies the process that shape planet Earth
d. theory suggesting that the plates of the Earth are in constant motion
e. plastic-like layer in Earth’s mantle
f. theory that land has moved from a super continent to individual continents
g. made of molten iron and nickel
h. process of adding new oceanic crust
B. True/False- Write out the True or False for the following statements. If the statement is False, correct the
underlined word to make it true. No partial credit.
9. The asthenosphere is broken into sections called plates.
10. Geologist learn about the Earth’s interior by using sound waves.
11. Oceanic crust near the mid-ocean ridge is younger than oceanic crust farther away from the ridge.
12. Earth’s plates slip past each other at a transform boundary.
13. Continental crust is made of rock called granite.
C. Fill-in-the blank: Fill in the blank with the correct term.
14. When we played “Simon Says” with the plate boundaries….
what boundary could be represented by hands or arrows like this
14.A ____________
14 B_____________
15. Label the earth’s layers A-F with the correct names.
The letters point to layers from the inside out.
Describe what happens at the following convergent boundaries :
16. two plates carrying oceanic crust collide ___________________________________________
17. two plates carrying continental crust collide________________________________________
18. oceanic crust and continental crust collide_________________________________________
D. Multiple Choice- Choose the best answer that completes the statement or answers the question.
19. The plate boundary where two plates collide is called a. divergent
b. convergent
c. transform
20. If a diverging boundary took place on land what would form over time?
a. mountain
b. seafloor spreading
c. volcano
d. rift valley
21. What was the name of the single large landmass Wegener thought once existed?
a. North America
b. Pangaea
c. Gondwana
d. Euroasia
22. The continents are thought to move 1-10 __________ per year?
a. meters
b. centimeters
c. kilometers
23. Which is not supportive evidence of continental drift
a. rock structure
b. fossils
c. human remains
d. millimeters
d. shape of the continents
24. The process by which more dense crust sinks beneath less dense crust
a. subduction
b. convection
c. conduction
d. radiation
25. As you go deeper into Earth’s interior what happens to the pressure and temperature?
a. pressure increases and temperature decreases
b. both increase
c. temperature increases and pressure decreases
d. both decrease
E. Short AnswerFill in the blanks with the correct answers about the layers of the Earth.
Layers of the Earth
Less Dense, Dense, More
Dense, Most Dense
Solid, Soft, Liquid
26. ___________
Iron, Magnesium, Silicon
28. ___________
Iron, Magnesium, Silicon
More dense
29. ___________
27. ___________
30. ___________
Iron and Nickel
Outer Core
Inner Core
32. In words or with pictures, compare and contrast divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.
33. Describe how convection currents might be the cause of plate tectonics.
34. Since new crust is constantly being added, why does Earth’s surface not keep expanding?